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Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-05-02 11:15


Maliciously liquidate customer's positions, this platform is a garbage platform.

On March 27, 2024, more than 500 US dollars were inserted, reaching 1644, and the customer's account was maliciously liquidated.


Ec MarketsEc Markets

[Amount] $8,000(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-05-02 09:45


All my positions were closed in the middle of the night. Outrageous.

Gold position is opened at 2170. At 4 a.m. on the 27th, the closing price was 2771, which was 600 pips all of a sudden. I have never seen such big fluctuations. The USD JPY position was opened at 151, which was also closed at 4 a.m. The closing price was 181. Now I still owe the platform $3900. It's just a money grab. Black Heart Platform.


Ec MarketsEc Markets

[Amount] $8,000(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-27 14:45


The slippage of Exness is very serious, and complaining will not solve the problem.

The difference between the pending order price and the deal price is 16 pips, which is very serious, and the stop loss is wrong.



[Amount] $261(USD)

Vietnam Vietnam 2024-04-26 11:15


Withdrawals are not possible on Exness (clone) I initially deposited 160,000,000 VND, but I can't withdraw the money because the system says I've withdrawn too much 2 times. This system requires an additional deposit of $5888 to unlock the withdrawal feature. I have done. When I wanted to withdraw money, I used the excuse of protecting my account because it was the wrong account (my account was the same as the original money transfer account so it was not wrong).



[Amount] $15,929(USD)

Vietnam Vietnam 2024-04-26 11:15


Serious price slippage, cheating, money fraud

Exness cheated my money. I placed a kl 0.06 lot of bitcoin sl at 65700.00 with an estimated risk of about 12 USD if it was cut off. But the floor intervened to extend the candle so that my loss was more than 17 USD, causing the Account burned, and there are many other scams and fraud issues. I need relevant parties to handle this scamming platform.



[Amount] $327(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-25 17:56


unable to withdraw

using USDT to withdraw, send to account team , system ask me to upload QR code and wallet address , then first time they tell me need to verify, OK, i wait until I got the mail told me all verified. I go wesite withdraw again, still same problem, i can not click submit button, system pop up a notification to ask me upload a QR code, but once I upload QR code, the system then POP up notification, ask me old one already exists, please upload a new one. So this is strange, which i use this "old one" to verify, and they said is ok, I also got a new mail tell me that I do not need to upload QR code! And then the department ask me to try again, and screenshot the problem, which I sent them from the very original one. IS there anyone same problem with me ?


IC MarketsIC Markets

[Amount] $1(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-24 16:45


Malicious suspension, unable to close the position, resulting in reduced profit from the order

On March 21, at 6:17 Beijing time, the highest point of gold reached 2213 US dollars. I was going to close the position at 2211. The Exnessmt4 platform has been unable to close the position and showed that the quotation was closed, resulting in a loss of 30 US dollars in profit. The customer service has been unable to communicate!



[Amount] $30(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-24 16:15


Funds are frozen

It involves deposits from 2022 to the present, totaling 5,000 yuan. Frozen by the Public Security Bureau. Because the person who collected money when depositing money is currently involved in an online gambling case, the Public Security Bureau needs to provide evidence of fund transactions. Currently contacting the platform, there is no evidence to prove one’s innocence. Let’s talk about time. It only provides the transaction records of its account, with no corresponding RMB amount, no accurate time correspondence, and no information on the payee. When something like this happens, there is no safety guarantee other than shirking responsibility.



[Amount] $800(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-22 09:44


ZFX quoted incorrectly and refused to compensate.

On January 11, at 9:30 pm, CPI data. I used four brokers to trade at the same time, including INFINOX, CWG, STARTRADER, and ZFX, but only ZFX's Gold quotation reached an outrageous 2049, and the slippage reached 2050. The highest gold quotation on the other three platforms is only around 2040, and ZFX is $9 higher. ZFX still refuses to admit that its quotation is wrong, which is extremely shameless. Attached are screenshots of Gold quotations on the four platforms as well as screenshots of MT4 that I have. My MT4 trading account: 981860



[Amount] $1,295(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-20 14:15


The lagging and slippage are serious during the day, and the position is not allowed to be locked at night.

During the day, there is serious lagging and slippage, order placement is delayed for at least two seconds, the experience is poor. The balance is sufficient, why can’t lock the position? I originally planned to lock the position and look for opportunities to unwind it. I would like to ask that customers are only allowed to make losses, right?



[Amount] $800(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-20 14:15


Malicious slippage caused the customer's losses to expand, and they were not dealt with, and even said that the customer was threatening them.

Delayed withdrawal, it took more than a week for the $2,000 to arrive! Saying that customers threaten them, everything is the customer's problem. Keep putting off dealing with the problem.



[Amount] $1,500(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-20 14:15


On 2024.2.28, my MT5 account in exness was liquidated with 48,545 US dollars in the case of hedging!

The account was locked years ago, and there has been no problem, and the account margin is sufficient. On the evening of February 28, 2024, I failed to recharge 260, and the available balance in my account was close to 600 US dollars. At around 1 a.m., I saw that all the $48,545 in my account was liquidated!



[Amount] $48,545(USD)

Indonesia Indonesia 2024-04-20 10:45


severe slippage

account number : 146038964 order number : 1.09300 (stop sell being pushed down 211 pips to 1.09089), and foul trade is detected. please do check my OP, why it happened in my trading and i have loss of $1.550 and this is very detrimental to me.



[Amount] $1,550(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-19 09:45


The account funds were defrauded and the platform also froze the victim’s account.

After the funds were defrauded that night, I immediately contacted customer service. Two days after being defrauded, I deposited another US$179 and started trading. When I wanted to withdraw some money for dinner on Saturday, I found that the account could not be withdrawn. I contacted customer service and received different answers from two customer service. One said due to technical reasons, the impact is small regardless of the account. I was asked to withdraw money again on Monday. Another customer service said that there was a problem with the withdrawal wallet address and asked me to provide account proof, but that address belonged to a scammer. Why could the scammer easily transfer the funds to a strange wallet address, while my account was used to withdraw funds? They all the same wallet address. Please check. I have used this account for several years and am a loyal customer. I have always traded on the ex platform. This is the first time I encounter this situation. I hope it will be solved quickly and I will wait for it to be released. I was hungry, so I asked the platform to give me $200 first. Then they can continue to investigate and verify, and I won't be so anxious.



[Amount] $1,000(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-19 09:26


The market board was stuck for 5 minutes

At 9 o'clock in the evening on March 12, there was no response for 5 minutes. The market rebounded and jumped directly downwards, unable to close the position, resulting in losses. I am asking for compensation for the losses during the period.


IC MarketsIC Markets

[Amount] $50(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-18 13:39


The withdrawal did not arrive in the account

I applied for a 3,000u withdrawal on March 20 and was told that the withdrawal would be possible within five working days at the latest. However, the withdrawal did not occur within five working days. Then on March 27, I was asked to fill out a questionnaire and then asked to contact the payment provider to check the transfer voucher for me. It takes 1-3 working days to check, but now another week has passed and there has been no reply! This platform may allow withdrawals of small amounts of several hundred U, but will not allow withdrawals once the profit amount is slightly larger, so please be careful!!


IC MarketsIC Markets

[Amount] $3,000(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-18 11:26


Malicious platform slippage caused multiple accounts to lose more than 50%

In the two transactions of FPMarkets at 7:45 GMT+08:00 on March 7, due to malicious slippage, 19 accounts under my agency and under my name suffered serious losses exceeding 50% of their net worth. I have sorted out all the accounts with serious slippage here. According to the transaction log, during the opening period at that time, the highest quoted price of the trading variety XAUUSD.r in FP was 2151.45, and the lowest quoted price was 2146.15. However, the price the platform gave me for the transaction was above 2152 or even an outrageous price of 2154.73, and the lowest closing price was 2144.80. This directly led to the loss of more than 50% of the net value of the accounts for these 19 accounts that were supposed to be profitable. This was a direct result of liquidation and slippage. In this regard, I strongly request the platform to compensate for all losses caused by malicious slippage! I also compiled screenshots of how new and old users are treated differently. FP broker treats newly registered accounts at the same trading points in the same time period, and even slippage is within the acceptable range. However, for old users who have made profits before However, the account experienced exaggerated slippage, with positions opening and closing slipping at the same time. This makes me seriously suspect that the FP broker is eating the positions of my old account with slippage. Otherwise, why would there be such a big difference in transaction prices at the same time point, the same transaction, and the same account type? Regarding the malicious slippage of old members who are loyal to FP, this is something I absolutely cannot accept. I have also sorted out the transaction logs of the same operations at the same time on other trading platforms. At ICMarkets, TMGM, Dooprime, EC Markets and other brokers, The quotations for opening and closing positions of the same documentary account under my agency are all normal, and the profit margin is also very considerable. Only the accounts of old members at FP brokerage suffered serious slippage. Could it be that the platform would not allow any customers to make money? As long as the accounts used by members who have made money have serious slippage. I can clearly provide every proof for every transaction mentioned in the above points.


FP MarketsFP Markets

[Amount] $37,000(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-17 10:15


FxPro Extraordinary Slippage Loss

Set a stop loss at 2166 today. Due to the violent market fluctuations, slippage is understandable. The average slippage is within 200, which is normal. It slipped 450 pips that day, reaching 2161.53. This is too serious and completely unacceptable.



[Amount] $70(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-17 10:15


Slippage, trading is not allowed in big market conditions, and you cannot see the order after placing it. After the market recovers, the order has already lost money, indicating liquidation.

The company illegally used agency rebates to attract customers in the country and used high leverage 2000-unlimited leverage to lure investors. During the operation, there were frequent slippages, disconnections, and an inability to deposit funds, which led to the liquidation of positions.



[Amount] $22,000(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-04-16 05:37


I was induced to recommend relatives and friends to open an account and get a bonus. After meeting the conditions, they kept pushing back and refused to fulfill their promises.

The ic platform has a promotional event. If you recommend a relative or friend to open an account on the platform, deposit $200, and have 5 valid transactions within a month, both the recommender and the new customer will receive a $50 bonus. I recommended my relatives and friends to open an account and made a deposit, and the trading lot requirement was met, but the platform kept pushing back and refused to give the bonus. I asked them why, and they were always vague. They just emphasized that the final interpretation and decision-making rights belong to the platform!


IC MarketsIC Markets

[Amount] $0(USD)


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