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United Kingdom|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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+44 1519479677


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Previous Detection : 2024-07-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
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MASL · WikiFX Survey

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MASL · Company Summary

Company name MASL
Registered in United Kingdom
Regulated Unregulated
Years of establishment 2022
Trading instruments Forex, CFDs on stocks, indices, commodities, cryptocurrencies
Account types Demo account, Bonus account
Minimum initial deposit $100
Maximum leverage 1:500
Minimum spread 0 pips
Trading platform MetaTrader 4
Deposit and withdrawal methods Credit and debit cards, wire transfers, e-wallets
Customer service Email and phone support

Overview of MASL

MASL is an unregulated broker that was founded in 2022. It offers a wide range of trading instruments, including forex, CFDs on stocks, indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. The company offers two types of trading accounts: a demo account and a bonus account. The minimum initial deposit is $100, and the maximum leverage is 1:500. MASL uses MetaTrader 4 as its trading platform, and it accepts a variety of payment methods, including credit and debit cards, wire transfers, and e-wallets. Customer support is available via email and phone.

It is important to note that MASL is not regulated by any financial regulatory authority. This means that there is no guarantee that your funds will be safe if you trade with this broker. It is also important to do your own research before opening an account with any broker, as there are risks associated with trading CFDs.


Is MASL legit or a scam?

MASL is an unregulated broker, which means it is not supervised by any financial regulatory authority. This could be a red flag for traders, as unregulated brokers may be more likely to engage in fraudulent activity and may not offer the same level of customer protection as regulated brokers. If you are considering trading with MASL, I recommend that you do your research and carefully weigh the risks before making a decision.

Pros and Cons

MASL presents several advantages and drawbacks for traders to consider. On the positive side, MASL offers a diverse selection of trading instruments, including forex, stocks, indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies, providing traders with ample market exposure and flexibility. Additionally, the integration of the MetaTrader 4 platform enhances the trading experience by granting access to advanced tools for analysis and execution.

Furthermore, the broker's commitment to low spreads and transparent commission structures supports cost-effective trading and informed decision-making, potentially boosting profitability. However, it's crucial to acknowledge the downside of MASL's unregulated status, which could raise concerns about the safety of funds and the lack of regulatory oversight. Moreover, some users have reported that customer support response times can be slow, which might impact timely issue resolution.

Pros Cons
Wide Range of Trading Instruments Unregulated Broker
MetaTrader 4 Platform Customer Support can be slow
Low Spreads and Transparent Commissions

Market Instruments

MASL offers a wide range of market instruments, including:

  • Forex: MASL offers over 50 currency pairs to trade, including major, minor, and exotic pairs.

  • CFDs on stocks: MASL offers CFDs on over 100 stocks from around the world.

  • CFDs on indices: MASL offers CFDs on over 20 indices from around the world.

  • CFDs on commodities: MASL offers CFDs on over 10 commodities, including oil, gold, and silver.

  • CFDs on cryptocurrencies: MASL offers CFDs on over 10 cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.

Account Types

MASL offers two distinct types of trading accounts: the “Demo Account” and the “Bonus Account.”

The “Demo Account” serves as a simulated trading environment, allowing users to practice trading strategies and familiarize themselves with the platform's features without risking real capital. It provides a risk-free opportunity to gain practical experience and test different approaches in a controlled setting.

On the other hand, the “Bonus Account” is designed to offer traders additional value. This type of account often comes with promotional incentives, such as trading bonuses, to enhance trading capabilities. It's important to note that terms and conditions apply to bonus accounts, and traders should carefully review the specifics before participating.

 Account Types

How to Open an Account?

To open an account with MASL (Masl Group Limited), follow these 5 steps:

  1. Visit the Website: Go to the official MASL website at

  2. Account Registration: Look for the “Open Account” or “Sign Up” button on the website's homepage and click on it. You will be directed to a registration form.

Open an Account
  1. Fill in Your Information: Provide the required information, including your name, email address, phone number, and any other details as requested. Make sure to choose the account type that suits your trading preferences.

Open an Account
  1. Verify Your Identity: Follow the instructions to verify your identity. This may involve providing identification documents such as a passport or driver's license, as well as proof of address documents.

  2. Agree to Terms and Conditions: Review and accept MASL's terms and conditions, privacy policy, and any other relevant agreements. This step is essential before proceeding to the next stage.


MASL provides traders with the opportunity to utilize leverage with a maximum ratio of 1:500. This implies that for every dollar of your initial deposit, you can control a trading position worth up to 500 dollars. It's essential to approach leverage with caution, as while it can amplify potential profits, it can equally magnify potential losses. Traders should thoroughly comprehend the risks associated with high leverage and implement risk management strategies to safeguard their investments. Responsible use of leverage can offer strategic advantages, but it requires a prudent and well-informed approach to trading.

Spreads & Commissions

MASL (Masl Group Limited) provides investors with the opportunity to engage in FX trading under advantageous conditions. The company offers low spreads, including the option for 0 pips spreads, which can contribute to potentially more profitable trading. In terms of commissions, MASL maintains a transparent approach, ensuring that traders have clear information about the costs associated with their trades. This enables traders to make informed decisions based on a comprehensive understanding of the expenses involved.

 Spreads & Commissions

Trading Platform

MASL relies on MetaTrader 4 (MT4) as its chosen trading platform. MT4 is globally renowned and widely used by millions of traders for its user-friendly interface and robust features. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools for charting, technical analysis, and even automated trading through Expert Advisors (EAs).

This platform empowers traders with real-time market insights, advanced charting options, and various order execution methods. Its popularity is attributed to its adaptability and capacity to cater to both novice and experienced traders alike, making it a reliable cornerstone for MASL's trading operations.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Depositing and withdrawing funds with MASL is a seamless process. The platform accepts a variety of payment methods, encompassing credit and debit cards, wire transfers, and e-wallets, ensuring flexibility and accessibility for traders globally.

The minimum deposit requirement is set at $100, making it attainable for a wide range of traders to initiate their trading journey. Withdrawals are processed within 24 hours, reflecting MASL's commitment to efficient service. This swift processing timeframe allows traders to swiftly access their funds, contributing to a responsive and user-centric trading experience.

Customer Support

Customers can reach out for assistance via email at, where a team of knowledgeable professionals is readily available to address inquiries, concerns, and provide solutions. Additionally, MASL's customer support can be contacted through phone at +441519479677, offering direct and immediate assistance for more urgent matters.

Customer Support

Educational Resources

MASL offers a range of educational resources aimed at enhancing traders' knowledge and understanding of the financial markets. The platform features a “Fundamental Analysis” section where analysts provide insights into significant events along with forecasts for their future developments. Additionally, the “Market News from MASL” section delivers timely updates on financial market events multiple times a day.

For traders interested in major asset trading, the “Economic calendar” offers the ability to track economic statistics releases from key global economies such as the USA, Japan, Great Britain, and the Eurozone countries. These educational tools provide traders with valuable information to make informed trading decisions based on real-time market developments and fundamental analysis.

Educational Resources


In summary, MASL offers a diverse range of trading instruments, encompassing forex, stocks, indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. It provides two distinct account options: a “Demo Account” for practice and a “Bonus Account” with promotional incentives. Leverage up to 1:500 can amplify gains but requires caution due to heightened risk.

Variable spreads and transparent commissions contribute to cost-effective trading. MetaTrader 4 is the chosen platform, ensuring powerful analysis and execution tools. Efficient deposit and withdrawal methods, a $100 minimum deposit, and quick withdrawal processing enhance accessibility. Notably, MASL is unregulated, necessitating thorough risk assessment. Educational resources, diverse customer support, and real-time market insights enhance the platform's appeal. As with any trading, prudent risk assessment remains crucial.


Q: What trading instruments does MASL offer?

A: Forex, stocks, indices, commodities, cryptocurrencies.

Q: What's the maximum leverage offered by MASL?

A: Up to 1:500 leverage.

Q: What's the minimum initial deposit required by MASL?

A: $100 minimum deposit.

Q: Which trading platform does MASL use?

A: MetaTrader 4 (MT4).

Q: Is MASL a regulated broker?

A: MASL is unregulated, not overseen by financial authorities.

Broker Information

Company Name


Company Abbreviation


Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United Kingdom

Company website
Phone of the company
  • +44 1519479677









Company address










Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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