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Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-07-07 13:56


On September 26, 2023, at 8:00 pm, the platform automatically changed the market.

On September 26, 2023, at 8:00 pm, the platform automatically changed the market, resulting in a loss of more than $1200 on that day. on September 27, the platform erased the market that appeared. I have contacted the platform several times and received no response.


DBG MarketsDBG Markets

[Amount] $750(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-07-07 13:56


DBG Markets has been unable to log in, resulting in the inability to replenish the margin, and a liquidation problem occurred.

Cause of the incident: The login was abnormal starting at around 3 p.m. on June 15th. I also asked customer service 6008 for consultation and processing. After half an hour, I could log in but it was very slow. I tried to log in again around 6 pm but was unable to log in. Between eight and nine o'clock, the account margin was insufficient, and I kept trying to log in to replenish the margin. As a result, I have been unable to log in, which caused the account to be liquidated and affected my normal transactions. This part of the loss needs to be borne by the platform.


DBG MarketsDBG Markets

[Amount] $1,112(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-07-07 09:15


Maliciously failing to give cash, obviously killing the disk. The actual fact is that the actual actual actuality is actually a lot more than the actual actuality.

AUS GLOBAL (AUS GLOBAL) is the AUS Forex (AUS Forex) before. Traders, and agents, please rub your eyes, if you are on this platform has been maliciously do not let you withdraw, maliciously lower leverage, or deliberately pull spread that led to your liquidation, please contact me. I've been short USD/JPY. It's not that I'm a good trader, it's just that I keep carrying losses and getting lucky. Because I lost more than $180,000 in EXness, all short USD/JPY and GBP/JPY losses. Figure 1 has an EXness loss background screenshot, Figure 2 is the order screenshot. Figure 3 is the date of AUS GLOBAL's deposit, after the profit, the account was closed, and they sent me an email saying that I had violated the trading rules. All the trading time as well as the number of lots traded are in the chart below, and even the principal was deducted, which can be defined as Romance Scam.



[Amount] $62,584(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-07-07 09:15


The deposit failed to arrive, resulting in the account being liquidated.

I made a deposit according to the information prompted by the platform, but my account was not received. They even said they were investigating, and I seriously suspected that it was deliberately delayed to force liquidation! There’s not even any news about deposits! Customer service just told me to wait! The deposit rate is 7.4! Withdraw 7.0! It’s much higher than normal, and you will lose money once you make a deposit! Very pitiful!



[Amount] $503(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-06-30 09:26


MultiBank does not withdraw

The withdrawal in September 2021 has been until now, and the deposit is 10,000 US dollars, but the deposit is not given! My two accounts are 33514959 and 33514961 respectively. I hope MultiBank will pay the money as soon as possible, otherwise I will complain to the regulatory authorities!


MultiBank GroupMultiBank Group

[Amount] $10,000(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-06-30 09:26


It’s been two years since I’ve been unable to withdraw money.

No reply to website online contact, no reply to email. It’s been two years since I’ve been unable to withdraw money.


MultiBank GroupMultiBank Group

[Amount] $17,352(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-06-29 09:38


Is it normal for transaction slippage of 652pips?!

Yesterday I placed a long order for spot gold. The order point was 2054.63. The stop loss was set to 2050 and the take profit was set to 2090. Then I was busy with other things and did not look at the computer. It turned out that the order was stopped. The transaction point is 2043.48, which is 652 pips away from my stop-loss. I placed an order for 2 lots, which cost me an extra US$1,304. You need to give an explanation!


Doo PrimeDoo Prime

[Amount] $1,304(USD)

Indonesia Indonesia 2024-06-28 16:45


Please return my balance in Dana🙏🙏🙏🙏

My funds account was hijacked and the balance was sent to the perpetrator's bank



[Amount] $15(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-06-26 13:56


The slippage is serious. At th

The slippage is serious. At the beginning, the slippage is acceptable at 20 to 30 pips. But the slippage becomes more serious, at 50 to 70 pips. The slippage of gold can exceed 7 US dollars, and after the slippage, the market is stuck for three minutes. There is a video to prove it. I placed orders normally. In communication, the platform was arrogant. I showed them the video but they found various reasons not to deal with it.


KCM TradeKCM Trade

[Amount] $1,000(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-06-20 15:55


Severe slippage

My trading account is 2082299. On April 20, 2024, I performed two normal short orders of gold. As a result, the order transaction price deviated from the actual market price by more than ten pips. The transaction order number was 14307770/14307793. Then I transferred the funds to the account with the same name and continued trading, thinking that there might be a delay issue with the previous account. But when I trade on an account with the same name, I still have the same problem. The transaction time was April 4, 2024, at 20:36:16 intraday time, and a gold multi-order transaction was conducted, which still deviated from the actual market price by more than 10 pips. On the same day, a short order of 0.1 Nasdaq index was traded at 20:47:43 intraday time. The purchase price was 18280.1. The purchase price deviated from the actual market price by more than 30 pips. Then I triggered the stop loss, the stop loss price was 18319.7, and the final closing price was 18342.2. The stop loss deviated from the actual price by more than 30 pips, and the total deviation was more than 60 pips! On the same day, another short gold transaction was conducted, which still deviated from the actual market price by more than 10 pips. I contacted customer service, but they still couldn't solve the problem. I sent an email to the platform but got no response. My demand is that the platform must compensate my account for the losses incurred when trading! I hope the platform can contact me in time! Solve the problem! A platform with such a high rating would have such problems! I'm really disappointed!


Ec MarketsEc Markets

[Amount] $78(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-06-19 16:02


Slippage caused the EA to issue a closing instruction. It was impossible to close the position at this time, and all positions were closed after a few minutes of loss.

Slippage caused the EA to issue a closing instruction. It was impossible to close the position at this time, and all positions were closed after a few minutes of loss.


IC MarketsIC Markets

[Amount] $35(USD)

Indonesia Indonesia 2024-06-15 10:15


I can't withdraw funds

My investment in Exness failed to be withdrawn... Jockey ran away irresponsibly...



[Amount] $2,000(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-06-14 17:25


Funds were deducted from my account without any reason.

On the evening of April 10th, Beijing time, the IC Markets platform sent me an email saying that there was improper trading behavior in my account. I immediately replied to the email asking what was going on, but I did not receive any explanation. All transactions in my account are normal and there is no inappropriate behavior. Then on the afternoon of April 11, $941.45 was deducted from my account balance. This is simply an act of robbery. I am applying for financial compensation.


IC MarketsIC Markets

[Amount] $941(USD)

Vietnam Vietnam 2024-06-12 10:26


I can't login to mt5.

At 7:40 yesterday, I was disconnected from my mt5 account. I had 41 USD and about 120 USD floating profit. I couldn't go in to close the order, I lost my account.



[Amount] $230(USD)

Vietnam Vietnam 2024-06-12 10:15


Collaborating with IB to defraud and misappropriate Customer's assets

I would like to present to Lion's SP as follows. After copying Master 635814 for a few days on Lion exchange. On April 22, I informed the master that I wanted to withdraw and turn off copying because there was an unexpected need to use capital. The Master responded and agreed (I'll upload the photo below). Next, late that night, the Master deliberately stuffed my account's orders. I emphasize intentionally because the SP can see the time of placing an order (1 minute to place 5 lots). I contacted the master late that night and received no response until the next morning, April 23. The master responded with one question saying it was because I withdrew capital and the master did not agree and then blocked me. This is an act of fraud and property appropriation. If this reputable Lion floor does not want to be implicated, please review the incident you reported above with photo evidence and offer a solution to customers.



[Amount] $1,000(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-06-11 15:13


GFS's spreads and handling fees are unbelievable

Agents of GFS induce and defraud investors by holding training classes through competitions and other methods. They call for orders multiple times in the group to get us to buy and sell heavy positions. For example, with a principal of 10,000 US dollars, we are asked to buy ten lots at a time. The purpose is to charge a high handling fee when we liquidate the position. A handling fee of fifty US dollars per lot, a spread of 0.07 basis points (basis point = 1.2600/1.26070), a total of 12 basis points, and even a high exchange rate, such as the exchange rate of 7.21 for today's withdrawal, but the 7.07 settlement instead. Most investors suffered heavy losses. I lost a total of more than 60,000 US dollars in spreads and handling fees. I reported the matter to the GFS headquarters and hoped that it would be dealt with, but he replied to me that they complied with the regulatory requirements of the Australian Securities Regulatory Commission. The handling fee of 50 US dollars and the slippage of 0.07 are both legal. They cover up their agents and work with the agents to harm the interests of investors. They also disregard the company's reputation and disrupt the entire foreign exchange trading market. Currently, many friends in the group have suffered heavy losses and are still being deceived. They are exposing this company, claiming it is not a formal company at all. It is a company that purely deceives investors in the foreign exchange market and does not adhere to integrity and moral bottom lines. Investors around the world must see clearly the true face of this company and keep from being deceived by this company and its agents. Because every investor who opens an account with this company will eventually be liquidated or suffer serious losses, all due to handling fees.



[Amount] $74,400(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-06-07 13:56



Traders liquidated my account 4 times. I refused to let him trade, but he continued to trade, which resulted in a serious liquidation.


CPT MarketsCPT Markets

[Amount] $14,600(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-06-06 21:00


Fraud customers, unable to withdraw money

My name is Wu Shuping. I opened an account on the VATEE platform and deposited 23,000 yuan a month ago for gold trading. After doing it for about 20 days, and it was convenient to deposit and withdraw money, so I opened three more accounts one after another. At about 9:00 a.m. on August 16, all accounts were suddenly frozen. I contacted the account manager and he said that I traded abnormally and manipulated the market. I have only four households, with a total of about 100,000 US dollars, how can I manipulate the market. So far, the platform has not communicated with me by email, WeChat or phone call. The account manager lost contact, the platform mailbox did not reply, and the phone could not be reached. Please investigate and help me get back my principal. I will give you a screenshot of the email address for opening the account, and screenshots of the fund status of the four accounts.



[Amount] $176,723(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-06-01 08:58


The deposit has not been received in the past 24 hours.

I will not deposit anymore. I guess the ratings are all fake. I don’t dare to invest anymore.



[Amount] $1,000(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-05-30 17:45


FXTM gold slippage 2186 pips

The stop loss order on March 21 was set at 2200.11. Because FXTM's liquidity provider failed to provide it in time. Resulting in closing the position at 2221.97, see p1 for details. FXTM says this is normal, see p2 for details. Just a single lot of 0.04 XSUUSDFXTM cannot provide liquidity, which shows how bad FXTM's liquidity management is. FXTM is required to compensate for the losses caused by the inability to close the position in time due to liquidity problems. 100pips or 500pips is acceptable, but 2186pips is unacceptable.



[Amount] $87(USD)


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