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Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-05-16 13:56


My account is 29105771.

I asked a friend to help me deposit money, and then I opened a long order, and more than 7,000 US dollars was deducted from my profit. The reason is that it is associated with other default accounts. I don't know who I'm connected to. I asked them to contact me by phone, but they haven’t contacted me yet. It is too much!



[Amount] $7,052(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-05-14 15:29


Unable to withdraw. Give my principal.

I deposited US$3,000. The first withdrawal is 1,000, but the second withdrawal was not be given.


Ec MarketsEc Markets

[Amount] $3,000(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-05-12 10:15


I was scammed on exness, and the platform didn't offer any help.

US$4,100 was transferred away by someone who stole the verification code. Exness does not recover it.



[Amount] $4,100(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-05-10 09:26


ATFX has high spreads, slippage, and the inability to withdraw money, so customers’ funds can be frozen at will!

ATFX has high spreads, slippage, and the inability to withdraw money, so customers’ funds can be frozen at will! I have been using the ATFX platform personally for 2 years. I believe everyone is familiar with this platform. I will also briefly share my true evaluation of the platform over the past two years! 1. High spread: The regular market has always been floating between 45-55, and the spread of the big market is higher, which is equivalent to 1 lot operation. If you make a profit of 1 point, the profit of 100 US dollars minus the 55 spread, you will get only 45 US dollars. 2. Chuck slippage: Many platforms have similar situations in big market trends. 3. Unable to withdraw money: Freeze customer funds at will. The platform does not take customers seriously and wipes out customers’ hard-earned profits at will!! I have often seen this platform before. There were reports of "high spreads and kickbacks", but I never paid attention to whether it was true or not, and still used the platform account. Until July this year, this kind of thing happened to me, and the platform directly froze it. My account's withdrawal permission is restricted, and I have applied multiple times to no avail. I have been unable to sleep every day for two months. Everyone must take this as a warning. Don't wait until the same situation happens to you before regretting it. Stay away from black platforms!



[Amount] $3,287(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-05-09 11:45


Unable to withdraw money from Eto

I applied for a withdrawal on April 3, 2024, but it has not been received yet. Customer service didn't solve it either.


ETO MarketsETO Markets

[Amount] $856(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-05-08 14:15


My orders in locked position are forced to close.

My order is in the locked position, and the long and short lots are the same, but I don’t know why they were forced to close.


Anzo CapitalAnzo Capital

[Amount] $5,000(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-05-08 14:15


The account suffered a lot of losses and the platform refused to withdraw funds.

​ platform is a sub-platform of DECODE GLOBAL. I am an IB of this platform and have recommended several clients to trade on this platform. Due to failed operations, all accounts suffered losses to varying degrees. The customer refused to continue trading on this platform and applied for the remaining amount. However, the platform’s risk control refused to withdraw money due to account review. The matter has been delayed and it has been a week now. Every time I ask customer service, he always gives me the answer because he doesn't have the authority to give me the correct answer. My IB number is 50003089, and I have 6 clients under my name, all of whom have experienced varying degrees of losses and are currently being refused withdrawals. The total amount is about US$12,000.


Decode GlobalDecode Global

[Amount] $12,000(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-05-08 14:15


Funds on Exness are not safe and can be easily stolen. Deposit money via UnionPay, but you can withdraw money through other methods. Once the customer area is logged in, it disappears.

I have a signal source in the copy-trade community. The scammer targeted the loopholes in the Exness platform and carried out targeted fraud. First, he will ask you for the intraday order report received by your email address, so that he will know your email address. Then he registered an account claiming to be a US resident, but he couldn't receive the verification code on his mobile phone. He asked him to bind your mobile phone number, and you gave him his mobile phone number. The verification code he received at this time was not the registration verification code. He forgot it using your email address. The verification code required for the password. The purpose of this verification code on the exness platform is not clear. After the scammer changed the password, he changed the second verification to application verification. At this time, if you cannot log in to the background, the scammer will steal the money. I The deposit is through UnionPay, but the withdrawal can be through USDT, and the funds can be stolen through internal and external transfers. I found out in time that I quickly contacted customer service. No one answered the customer service call, and the online customer service was online. I quickly applied for a withdrawal freeze, resulting in a loss of more than 1,000 US dollars. Not all funds were wiped away. This incident also made me grow up. Don’t give anyone a verification code if they ask you for it. Overestimating the security of the platform, the scammer will ask you if the withdrawal can only be withdrawn to your own bank card, inducing you to relax your vigilance. I hope you won’t be fooled.



[Amount] $1,500(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-05-08 14:15


Unable to close positions in time; widening spreads lead to liquidation

On 5:45 March 21 Beijing time, the highest AUDNZD quotation was 1.08545, the maximum liquidation was 1.08790, the spread was as high as 245, the spread was extremely widened, the account was liquidated, the loss was 269.15, 6:15, the gold quotation was 2198, I found that the situation was wrong, and prepared to close the short position Order, continuous closing of positions was invalid, and then the gold price pulled above 2210, all positions in the account were liquidated, with a total loss of 746.79.


Decode GlobalDecode Global

[Amount] $1,015(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-05-08 14:15


Severe Slippage

Exness fake trend, background manipulation, fraud, as shown in the figure



[Amount] $0(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-05-08 14:15


If you trade more than 10 lots, you will lose $1,200 in slippage.

Order number 3682451 Slippage 20 pips Basically, 10 lots of transactions will result in significant slippage. This is not the first time I have met 1 lot can be closed at 151.618 10 lots slid directly to 151.820 Report to customer service is useless



[Amount] $1,300(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-05-08 14:15


Increase spreads before data, customers are played for suckers, and do not compensate for losses!

The usual spread is 28, but before NFP the spread was expanded to 65, more than doubled. Anyone who maliciously increases the spread is a black platform. Last week, there was an own incident involving a price increase of about US$1,000 in position B. Making excuses saying the server was hacked. Although they offered compensation, I think they did it on purpose. Combined with the issue of increasing spreads and taking money from customers, this platform is not safe! Quit!


Ec MarketsEc Markets

[Amount] $728(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-05-08 14:15


Slippage loss

MT4 account: 5233167 Order number: 32803456 The order was originally placed at 1981.90, but the slippage slipped to 1982.59. The stop loss was set at 1980.90. But the stop loss slipped to 1978.56. As a result, I lost an additional $3,042.



[Amount] $3,042(USD)

Indonesia Indonesia 2024-05-08 10:26


Requesting Compensation Due to Broker Mistakes

On March 19, I complained to Exness about my problem of opening a position that I couldn't install SL because the application was frozen, resulting in a loss of around $635, but until now it has been 2 weeks and there has been no result from Exness returning my funds. There's already a reporting number 09956697 but Exness said they were told to keep waiting, until now it's been postponed and then how long will it take??? Please follow up, because I also need the funds. Waiting for Exness' good faith to return my funds🙏🏻



[Amount] $635(USD)

Vietnam Vietnam 2024-05-08 10:26


Simplify and suspect fraud

Too much discount, I suspect fraud



[Amount] $10(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-05-08 09:15


My account was locked and all funds confiscated ($13,451)

On April 1, 2024, my account was locked and forced to be liquidated by AUS GLOBAL, and the account funds were confiscated. AUS GLOBAL closed my account and confiscated my funds on the grounds of illegal arbitrage transactions. My trading in AUS GLOBAL is mainly long gold and US stocks. The main varieties and transactions involved this time are mainly from the end of November to the present. I am long XAUEUR. The XAUEUR variety charges overnight interest in AUS GLOBAL, but the overnight interest charged is very low. At that time, I felt that the holding cost of this product was very low and could be used to take long-term positions. Moreover, I was very optimistic about the interest rate cut expectations in 2024, so I had been long XAUEUR in AUS GLOBAL and used it as a medium- and long-term position. In the first quarter of the market, XAUEUR made a profit of more than 20,000 US dollars. Due to the large profits, I was targeted by AUS GLOBAL, and my funds were confiscated. I had heard about AUS GLOBAL making profits without withdrawing money before, but I didn’t take it seriously. This time I encountered it myself. The reasons given by AUS GLOBAL are not sufficient. They accused me of illegal arbitrage transactions. However, XAUEUR charges overnight interest, which makes no sense. I posted it in hopes of getting my funds back.



[Amount] $13,451(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-05-06 21:28


My account was blocked for no reason and I cannot log in to the Anzo Capital black platform.

First, my account on Anzo Capital was blocked for no reason, and I suddenly couldn’t log in. Second, customer service always uses backend upgrades as an excuse. Third, the funds on the Anzo Capital account are not withdrawn for no reason. Completely black platform.


Anzo CapitalAnzo Capital

[Amount] $500(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-05-02 11:15


Slippage exceeded 20,000 pips

At 5 a.m., the EC slippage exceeded 20,000 pips, causing my position to be liquidated.


Ec MarketsEc Markets

[Amount] $18,000(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-05-02 11:15


Unable to withdraw money, profits were maliciously deducted.

Real name exposed! My name: Huang Lu, MT4 account 29106222, exposed black platform XM, profits will be directly deducted. Let customers take responsibility for loss! Situation: I simply conducted normal transactions on this platform and made a profit of US$3,750, which was directly deducted and not refunded! The reason given is: the account is involved in "arbitrage activities" violations! Isn't it possible that profits will not be given even if you make money! The essence of forex margin is to use high leverage to make big gains with small amounts! Isn't this an excuse for nonsense?



[Amount] $3,750(USD)

Hong Kong China Hong Kong China 2024-05-02 11:15


I only opened a 0.01 lot, and the account balance became negative 263USD the next day.

I only opened a 0.01 lot, and the account balance became negative 263USD the next day. I can't contact customer service now, I've been blocked on their app and can't contact anyone.


Ec MarketsEc Markets

[Amount] $0(USD)


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