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AUS GLOBAL partners with the United Nations to promote Global Sustainable Development

AUS GLOBAL partners with the United Nations to promote Global Sustainable Development

We are honored to share that AUS GLOBAL, as an invited guest of the United Nations forum on Science, Technology and Innovation (UNSTI), successfully completed the important mission of this event on June 20, 2024 at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.The forum brought together dignitaries and renowned business people from around the world to discuss important topics such as global fintech development and environmental protection.

Activity 2024-06-24 12:20
Today's analysis: USDJPY Poised for Decline Despite Recent Upsurge; Mixed BOJ Signals

Today's analysis: USDJPY Poised for Decline Despite Recent Upsurge; Mixed BOJ Signals

Bank of Japan board members are divided on rate hikes due to high living costs and price risks. Some urge caution, while others push for early action. The BoJ will closely monitor data ahead of potential interest rate adjustments. USD/JPY rallied past 158.40 to 159.00, maintaining a bullish trend towards the next target of 160.20.

News 2024-06-24 11:29
【MACRO Alert】Federal Reserve officials are at odds over inflation and interest rates, with markets now betting on a Fed rate cut!?

【MACRO Alert】Federal Reserve officials are at odds over inflation and interest rates, with markets now betting on a Fed rate cut!?

After considering various perspectives from Federal Reserve officials, the latest trends in US economic data, and global central banks' monetary policy trends, the conclusion can be drawn: the future direction of US inflation and interest rate policies is fraught with uncertainty. Market expectations suggest that against a backdrop of slowing economic growth, the Fed may cut interest rates this year. Simultaneously, heightened geopolitical tensions have increased demand for safe-haven assets, le

News 2024-06-21 17:26
The Swiss central bank cuts interest rates again, causing the US dollar to rise on Thursday  Recent data has boosted the Federal Reserve's interest rate cut bet, with gold prices soaring over $30 to a two-week high

The Swiss central bank cuts interest rates again, causing the US dollar to rise on Thursday Recent data has boosted the Federal Reserve's interest rate cut bet, with gold prices soaring over $30 to a two-week high

​Due to another interest rate cut by the Swiss central bank, the market focused on interest rate differentials between different countries.

Review 2024-06-21 16:40
Market Remains Hopeful On Rate Cut? All Eyes On PCE!

Market Remains Hopeful On Rate Cut? All Eyes On PCE!

According to the U.S. Conference Board, consumer sentiment in the U.S. improved in May, with the CB Consumer Confidence Index rising to 102 from 97.5 in April. The U.S GDP grew by 1.3% in Q1 2024, a notable drop from the 3.4% growth rate in Q4 2023. This decline was primarily due to downward revisions in consumer spending, private inventory investment, and federal government spending. The UK's GDP for Q1 2024 showed a quarter-on-quarter (QoQ) increase of 0.6%, surpassing the forecast of 0.4%.

News 2024-06-21 14:31
Japanese Yen Hammers by Soft CPI

Japanese Yen Hammers by Soft CPI

the Japanese Yen has traded to its weakest level since April. The disappointing Japan National Core Inflation rate has further weakened the Yen

News 2024-06-21 13:55
Today's analysis: USDJPY Set for Potential Increase Amid Intervention Risks and Bullish Trends

Today's analysis: USDJPY Set for Potential Increase Amid Intervention Risks and Bullish Trends

USD/JPY is near intervention levels with Japanese officials warning of potential forex actions. Despite a bullish trend, caution is advised due to possible government interference. The pair has risen past 158.25, aiming for 160.20, within a broader uptrend from 150.25. A break below 150.87 could signal a larger correction towards 146.47.

News 2024-06-21 11:00
Current Market Trends

Current Market Trends

Market Review | June 21, 2024

Review 2024-06-21 10:27
How to Make Your First Million Dollars: Advanced Strategies for the Most Experienced FX Traders

How to Make Your First Million Dollars: Advanced Strategies for the Most Experienced FX Traders

If you're a seasoned Forex trader aiming to hit the million-dollar mark, you need to move beyond the bare basics. You have to learn and adopt advanced strategies that can provide the precision and edge needed to achieve your goals.

News 2024-06-20 19:06
【MACRO Insight】The UK Conservative Party is facing a political crisis due to the upcoming election, with market expectations holding the benchmark interest rate steady at 5.25%.

【MACRO Insight】The UK Conservative Party is facing a political crisis due to the upcoming election, with market expectations holding the benchmark interest rate steady at 5.25%.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, the first Prime Minister of Indian descent in history, is currently facing the awkward prospect of becoming the first sitting Prime Minister to lose his seat in a general election. According to analyses by Savanta and Electoral Calculus for The Daily Telegraph, the Conservative Party may only secure 53 seats in next month's election, marking its worst performance in history. YouGov's predictions suggest that the Labour Party could win 425 seats in the election

Review 2024-06-20 18:10
Market closed for June holiday in the United States  Market trading is light, with limited gold volatility

Market closed for June holiday in the United States Market trading is light, with limited gold volatility

On Wednesday (June 19th), the US dollar index fluctuated narrowly and is still above the 105 level, ultimately closing down 0.11% at 105.15.

Review 2024-06-20 15:25
Focus on Today’s BoE Interest Rate Decision

Focus on Today’s BoE Interest Rate Decision

Attention now turns to the Pound Sterling as the Bank of England’s (BoE) interest rate decision is due later today.

News 2024-06-20 14:00
AUS GLOBAL and Real Betis prepare for summer international friendly matches

AUS GLOBAL and Real Betis prepare for summer international friendly matches

AUS GLOBAL, as sponsor of Real Betis, is pleased to announce that Real Betis will play two exciting international friendly matches this summer. On July 27, Real Betis will face Liverpool, a Premier League powerhouse, at the Acrisure Stadium in Pittsburgh, USA. Then, on August 1, the team will compete against another Premier League giant, Manchester United, at the Snapdragon Stadium.

Activity 2024-06-20 12:29
Today's analysis: XAUUSD Likely to Decline Amid Fed Rate Cut Speculation

Today's analysis: XAUUSD Likely to Decline Amid Fed Rate Cut Speculation

XAU/USD is forecasted to decline within a familiar range amid expectations of Federal Reserve rate cuts in September and December, influenced by weak U.S. retail sales and lower Treasury yields. Resistance is at $2,344-$2,345 (50-day SMA), with potential targets at $2,360-$2,400. Support levels include $2,300, $2,285, and possibly $2,254-$2,253 if downtrend persists. Traders await further Fed signals cautiously.

News 2024-06-20 10:47
Today's Market Analysis

Today's Market Analysis

Market Review | June 20, 2024

Review 2024-06-20 09:48
【MACRO Alert】Japanese CLO giant faces financial crisis! Government seeks short-term bond issuance as new trend!

【MACRO Alert】Japanese CLO giant faces financial crisis! Government seeks short-term bond issuance as new trend!

This suggests that the key to the success of Japan's government bond management policy lies in creating an environment where the banking sector is confident in holding Japanese government bonds. Overall, the Japanese government is considering adjusting its bond issuance strategy to adapt to the new environment of reduced bond purchases by the central bank. They seek to mitigate market risks by issuing more short-term bonds while expanding the investor base for government bonds.

News 2024-06-19 18:11
Acing the Forex Trading Game: Are You Doing It Right to Go to the Next Level?

Acing the Forex Trading Game: Are You Doing It Right to Go to the Next Level?

Knowing Forex trading inside out is a journey that demands patience, persistence, and continuous learning. If you have already started making strides in the FX market, it's about time you should master your skills to become an expert FX trader. At Giraffe Markets, we have compiled 10 essential tips to help you ace the trading game. Here’s how you can unlock the next level in the FX trading market.

News 2024-06-19 12:36
Today's analysis: AUDUSD Gains Momentum Amid Hawkish RBA and Technical Resistance.

Today's analysis: AUDUSD Gains Momentum Amid Hawkish RBA and Technical Resistance.

The AUD/USD is expected to rise due to a softer US Dollar, improved risk sentiment, and the hawkish stance of the RBA, which kept rates at 4.35% and indicated potential near-term hikes. Technically, breaking above 0.6640 could push the pair to 0.6770, despite resistance from the 50, 100, and 200 SMAs on the 4-hour chart and challenges from China's sluggish economy. Key support is at 0.6521.

News 2024-06-19 11:10
Financial News Today

Financial News Today

Market Review | June 19, 2024

Review 2024-06-19 10:25
【MACRO Insight】The road to European energy independence is fraught with difficulties as Russia reclaims its position as the largest natural gas supplier

【MACRO Insight】The road to European energy independence is fraught with difficulties as Russia reclaims its position as the largest natural gas supplier

During the Russia-Ukraine conflict, despite Europe's efforts to reduce reliance on Russian natural gas, Russia's gas exports unexpectedly surpassed those of the United States in May, highlighting Europe's challenge in achieving energy independence. European natural gas prices surged 40% in three months due to increased demand in Asia and supply uncertainties. Despite high inventories, supply risks persist. The EU is seeking to diversify its sources and increase storage capacity to cope with mark

Review 2024-06-18 17:45
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