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DC · Company Summary

PT Deu Calion Futures (DCFX) Basic Information
Company Name PT Deu Calion Futures (DCFX)
Founded 2004
Headquarters Indonesia
Regulations Not regulated
Tradable Assets Forex, metals, stock indices, share CFDs.
Account Types Standard account, zero account, demo account
Minimum Deposit $200 = Rp3,000,000
Maximum Leverage 1:100
Spreads From 0.0 to 1.2 Pips
Commission Variable
Payment Methods BCA, Bank Panin, and other local banks
Trading Platforms DCFX Mobile and MetaTrader(MT4)
Customer Support Email (
Education Resources Webinars, daily analysis, and forex news
Bonus Offerings IDR 300,000 and 20% discount (New Registrant Bonus)

Overview of PT Deu Calion Futures (DCFX)

PT Deu Calion Futures (DCFX), founded in 2004 and based in Indonesia, provides an online trading platform catering to traders' needs with diverse financial instruments. Offering standard, zero, and demo account options, traders can access forex, metals, stock indices, share CFDs through the user-friendly DCFX Mobile and MetaTrader (MT4) platforms. Despite its flexibility and accessibility, it's essential to exercise caution when trading on DCFX, as it operates without regulatory oversight, potentially exposing traders to risks associated with unregulated trading environments.

Overview of PT Deu Calion Futures (DCFX)

Is PT Deu Calion Futures (DCFX) Legit?

PT Deu Calion Futures (DCFX) is not regulated. It's crucial to highlight that DCFX operates without valid regulation, indicating a lack of oversight from established financial regulatory bodies. Traders must proceed with caution and understand the inherent risks when contemplating trading with an unregulated broker. These risks may include limited options for resolving disputes, potential safety and security issues regarding fund protection, and a lack of transparency in the broker's operations.

Is PT Deu Calion Futures (DCFX) Legit?

Pros and Cons

DCFX presents traders with a diverse range of trading instruments, spanning forex, metals, stock indices, share CFDs, providing ample opportunities for varied trading strategies. Leveraging the widely acclaimed MetaTrader 4/5 platform enhances user experience and accessibility, ensuring a seamless trading environment. Moreover, with spreads starting from 0 pips, DCFX offers competitive pricing for traders. However, it's crucial to exercise caution when trading on DCFX due to its lack of regulatory oversight, potentially exposing traders to risks associated with unregulated trading environments. Additionally, the limited customer support options, primarily through email, may pose challenges for traders requiring immediate assistance. Furthermore, the lack of transparency regarding company policies and procedures raises concerns regarding accountability and reliability. It's advisable for traders to carefully weigh the pros and cons before engaging with DCFX, ensuring they mitigate potential risks and adopt a cautious approach to trading.

Pros Cons
  • Diverse range of trading instruments
  • Operates without regulatory oversight, potentially exposing traders to risks
  • Utilizes the popular MetaTrader 4/5 platform
  • Limited customer support options, primarily through email
  • Spreads start from 0 pips
  • Lack of transparency regarding company policies and procedures
  • Unable to access the website

Trading Instruments

DCFX offers a diverse array of trading instruments across four categories:

  1. Forex: Traders can access approximately 25 foreign currency pairs, providing ample opportunities for forex trading.

  2. Precious Metals: DCFX offers trading in gold and silver, allowing traders to engage in precious metals trading alongside forex.

  3. Share CFDs: The platform includes American share CFDs, enabling traders to speculate on the performance of various American stocks without owning the underlying assets.

  4. Stock Indices: DCFX provides access to American stock indices, allowing traders to invest in the broader performance of the American stock market.

Trading Instruments

Account Types

DCFX offers three distinct account types to accommodate various trading preferences and strategies:

  1. Standard Account: The Standard Account is designed for traders who prefer stability in spreads, even during busy forex market conditions. Traders can set their desired spread, ensuring consistency in trading costs. The minimum deposit requirement for the Standard Account is $200. This account type allows traders to engage in trading forex, metals, stock indices, and share CFDs.

  2. Zero Account: The Zero Account is tailored for traders seeking low-cost trading options. With a minimum deposit requirement of $5000, this account type offers competitive pricing and minimal trading costs. Traders can access forex, metals, stock indices, and share CFDs through the Zero Account.

  3. Demo Account: DCFX also provides a Demo Account, allowing traders to practice and familiarize themselves with the platform and its features without risking real capital.

Account Type Trading Platforms Minimum Deposit Maximum Leverage Commission Spreads Trading Instruments
Standard Account WebTrader, DCFX Mobile and MetaTrader 4 $200 1:100 Forex, Metals, Stock Indices:From $1/ LotShare CFDs: From 0.40% / Lot Starting 1.2 pips on Forex Forex, Metals, Stock Indices, Share CFDs.
Zero Account WebTrader, DCFX Mobile and MetaTrader 4 $5000 1:100 Forex, Metals: Starting at $7/ LotStock Indices: Starting from $1/ LotShare CFDs: Starting from 0.40% /Lot From 0 pips on all asset types Forex, Metals, Stock Indices, Share CFDs.


Both the Standard Account and the Zero Account at DCFX offer traders a leverage of up to 1:100.


Spreads and Commissions

In the Standard Account, traders encounter spreads starting from $1 per Lot for Forex, Metals, and Stock Indices, with Forex spreads beginning at 1.2 pips. For Share CFDs, commissions start from 0.40% per Lot. Conversely, the Zero Account presents traders with spreads starting from 0 pips on all asset types. However, Forex and Metals trades in this account incur commissions starting at $7 per Lot, while Stock Indices trades involve commissions starting from $1 per Lot. Share CFDs under the Zero Account also come with commissions starting from 0.40% per Lot.

Trading Platforms

DCFX provides traders with two trading platforms: DCFX Mobile and MetaTrader 4 (MT4).

DCFX Mobile is a user-friendly and intuitive mobile trading platform that enables traders to access the financial markets anytime and anywhere.

Designed for trading and analyzing financial markets, MT4 is particularly tailored for Forex and CFD trading.

Trading Platforms

Deposit & Withdrawal

Customers can utilize local banks, including BCA, Bank Panin, and others, to conduct transactions swiftly and securely. These payment methods are available 24/7, providing flexibility and accessibility to traders around the clock.

Educational Resources

DCFX provides a diverse array of educational resources tailored to empower traders with the knowledge and insights necessary to refine their trading skills and strategies. These resources include webinars, daily analysis reports, and forex news.

Customer Support

The primary contact method for DCFX is through email at Additionally, DCFX's customer service team operates from Monday to Friday, ensuring that traders have access to assistance during regular business hours.


In conclusion, DCFX provides traders with a diverse range of trading instruments, including forex, metals, stock indices and share CFDs, enabling various trading strategies. The utilization of the MetaTrader 4/5 platform enhances accessibility and user experience. Competitive pricing with spreads starting from 0 pips further benefits traders. However, the absence of regulatory oversight poses potential risks, urging traders to exercise caution. Limited customer support options, primarily through email, may hinder immediate assistance. Moreover, the lack of transparency regarding company policies raises concerns. Traders should carefully consider these factors before engaging with DCFX to ensure a safer trading experience.


Q: Is DCFX regulated?

A: No, DCFX operates without regulation, which means it lacks oversight from recognized financial regulatory authorities.

Q: What trading instruments are available on DCFX?

A: DCFX offers a range of trading instruments, including forex, metals, stock indices, share CFDs.

Q: What account types does DCFX offer?

A: DCFX provides various account types, including standard account, zero account, and demo account, catering to different trading preferences and experience levels.

Q: How can I contact DCFX's customer support?

A: You can reach DCFX's customer support primarily through email at

Risk Warning

Trading online carries inherent risks, and there's a possibility of losing your entire investment. It's essential to recognize that online trading may not be suitable for all traders or investors. Before proceeding, it's crucial to thoroughly understand the risks involved. Additionally, please be aware that the information provided in this review might change as the company updates its services and policies regularly. Considering the dynamic nature of the market, the date of this review's publication is also significant, as information may have evolved since then. Therefore, it's advisable to verify any updated information directly with the company before making any decisions or taking action. Ultimately, the responsibility for using the information provided in this review lies with the reader.

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Alexandre Martin
more than one year
Forex spreads are alright, not amazing but definitely manageable. The real issue, though is the spreads on products like futures and commodities - those can get pricey. But, at least the mt4 trading platform is slick and orders zip right through, which is a big plus. That's kinda what keeps me coming back, even with the pricier spreads on some things.
2024-06-28 17:59
kristo in trading
more than one year
Even if everything else about this broker seems ideal, getting your money out is a whole other story. Withdrawing funds becomes a frustrating nightmare. Despite repeated follow-ups, customer service is unresponsive and robotic, offering little to no help. The attitude of account managers takes a sharp turn for the worse when withdrawal requests are involved.👎👎👎
2024-04-16 16:08
more than one year
Their trading system is complete a piece of ****. I cannot even change my personal email. They lost another investor (that’s me) to the hell with their system. Besides, I won’t recommend anyone using this broker.
2023-03-13 10:34


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