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【MACRO Alert】Japan's economy faces multiple challenges, with data revisions, monetary policy, and the issuance of new banknotes following one after another!

【MACRO Alert】Japan's economy faces multiple challenges, with data revisions, monetary policy, and the issuance of new banknotes following one after another!

The Japanese economy is currently facing the challenge of slowing growth, with the first quarter GDP data being downwardly revised to an annualized contraction of 2.9%, while the yen's exchange rate has hit a new low. Although the central bank adjusted the policy interest rate in March and plans to reduce the purchase of government bonds, the economic outlook remains uncertain. Furthermore, officials from the Bank of Japan and the Ministry of Finance have emphasized the importance of cash and in

News 2024-07-03 16:40
Japanese Yen Outlook: USD/JPY, EUR/JPY & GBP/JPY

Japanese Yen Outlook: USD/JPY, EUR/JPY & GBP/JPY

The Japanese yen recently hit a 38-year low against the US dollar, driven by economic and geopolitical factors. Despite Japan's authorities remaining inactive, the yen weakens due to monetary policy divergence. Bearish sentiment prevails with key support levels at USD/JPY 158.30, EUR/JPY 170.79, and GBP/JPY 201.10. Analysts set USD/JPY targets around 163.75. Economic data, manufacturing sentiment, and geopolitical factors influence potential yen movement.

News 2024-07-03 16:34
Global Market Summary: Economic and Geopolitical Impacts Part 2

Global Market Summary: Economic and Geopolitical Impacts Part 2

Geopolitical tensions rise as Chinese and Russian firms develop attack drones, potentially aiding Russia. Trump’s fundraising outpaces Biden, increasing political uncertainty. New Japanese banknotes may boost investment and spending. Changes in China’s financial sector align with "common prosperity" policies. Asian stocks rise with easing U.S. inflation concerns, while oil prices surge on reduced U.S. inventories. Slow services growth in China and strong retail sales in Australia affect respecti

News 2024-07-03 16:11
Global Market Summary: Economic and Geopolitical Impacts Part 1

Global Market Summary: Economic and Geopolitical Impacts Part 1

Geopolitical tensions rise as Chinese and Russian firms develop attack drones, potentially aiding Russia. Trump’s fundraising outpaces Biden, increasing political uncertainty. New Japanese banknotes may boost investment and spending. Changes in China’s financial sector align with "common prosperity" policies. Asian stocks rise with easing U.S. inflation concerns, while oil prices surge on reduced U.S. inventories. Slow services growth in China and strong retail sales in Australia affect respecti

News 2024-07-03 16:08
Vonway Wins "Best Online Global Broker" Award at Money Exhibition Asia 2024

Vonway Wins "Best Online Global Broker" Award at Money Exhibition Asia 2024

Vonway, a leading figure in the financial services industry for South East Asia Region, has clinched the coveted "Best Online Global Broker" award at the Money Exhibition Asia 2024. This prestigious recognition highlights Vonway's exceptional performance, innovative services, and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction in the fiercely competitive online brokerage sector.

News 2024-07-03 15:46
Powell’s Dovish Tone Hammers Dollar

Powell’s Dovish Tone Hammers Dollar

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell indicated that recent U.S. economic data suggest inflation is returning to a downward trajectory. However, he emphasised the need for more evidence before the Fed considers shifting its current monetary policy. Consequently, the dollar eased from its recent highs, while U.S. equity markets, buoyed by the dovish tone, saw the Nasdaq and S&P 500 reaching all-time highs.

News 2024-07-03 14:13
Giraffe Markets - Goes Global

Giraffe Markets - Goes Global

Giraffe Markets - Goes Global ​Have you heard the exciting news? Giraffe Markets, the leading broking company with robust trading platform, is expanding rapidly into the South East Asian market! We are thrilled to announce that we are now hiring talented individuals from Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines to join our growing team. With operations already underway in Vietnam, Malaysia, and Thailand, we are making waves in the region and are poised for even further growth.

News 2024-07-03 12:22
Today's Market Pulse

Today's Market Pulse

Market Review | July 3, 2024

Review 2024-07-03 11:35
Market Watch Today

Market Watch Today

Market Review | July 3, 2024

Review 2024-07-03 11:08
【MACRO Insight】Is the U.S. stock market facing a 'summer storm'? Financial giants are assessing the potential impact of the election on the bond market!

【MACRO Insight】Is the U.S. stock market facing a 'summer storm'? Financial giants are assessing the potential impact of the election on the bond market!

Although the U.S. stock market is typically stable in the summer, this year it may face volatility, maintaining an optimistic outlook for the S&P 500 index's year-end target of 5,600 points. At the same time, financial giants are assessing the potential impact of a Trump election victory on the bond market, advising clients to prepare for inflation and rising bond yields. Despite uncertainties, earnings growth is seen as key to supporting the rise in the stock market. Investors need to pay atten

Review 2024-07-03 10:59
Hot Economic Data Day

Hot Economic Data Day

Market Review | July 3, 2024

Review 2024-07-03 10:39
Current Market Trends

Current Market Trends

Market Review | July 3, 2024

Review 2024-07-03 10:37
Weekly Gold Analysis: Steady Prices Amid Key Economic Data

Weekly Gold Analysis: Steady Prices Amid Key Economic Data

Gold prices remain steady as investors anticipate Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell’s upcoming speech and the U.S. Non-Farm Payrolls data. Geopolitical tensions and economic uncertainties continue to support safe-haven demand for gold, while higher U.S. yields exert downward pressure. Key economic events this week include JOLTs Job Openings, ADP Employment Change, and the Non-Farm Payrolls report.

News 2024-07-02 16:23
Global Economic and Political Events Shaping Markets - Part 2

Global Economic and Political Events Shaping Markets - Part 2

This article continues to explore significant global political and economic developments impacting markets. Key events such as the Democratic National Committee's nomination plans, Japan's political instability, and trade tensions in China influence major currencies and stock indices globally.

News 2024-07-02 15:39
Global Economic and Political Events Shaping Markets

Global Economic and Political Events Shaping Markets

This article explores significant global political and economic developments impacting markets. From the US Supreme Court ruling on Trump's immunity to China's production excess and geopolitical tensions in the Middle East, these events influence major currencies and stock indices worldwide.

News 2024-07-02 15:25
Weekly Economic Calendar: Key Events Impacting USD, JPY, GBP, EUR, and Gold (XAU)

Weekly Economic Calendar: Key Events Impacting USD, JPY, GBP, EUR, and Gold (XAU)

This week's economic calendar is packed with key events affecting USD, JPY, GBP, EUR, and Gold (XAU). In the USA, watch for Core PCE Price Index, ISM Manufacturing PMI, Initial Jobless Claims, and JOLTs Job Openings. Japan releases the Tankan Large Manufacturers Index and Services PMI. The UK focuses on Manufacturing and Construction PMI, while the Eurozone releases CPI and Services PMI data. Each event's potential impacts on currencies and gold are analyzed for market insights.

News 2024-07-02 15:12
US treasury bond yields rose, and the US dollar rose slightly on Monday Federal Reserve Chairman Powell's speech is coming, how is the trend of gold prices?

US treasury bond yields rose, and the US dollar rose slightly on Monday Federal Reserve Chairman Powell's speech is coming, how is the trend of gold prices?

On Monday (July 1st), dragged down by the rise of the euro at the beginning of trading,

Review 2024-07-02 14:43
Yen Continues to Slides on Soft Economy Performance

Yen Continues to Slides on Soft Economy Performance

the Japanese yen continued to slide against its peers, market strategists predict that the yen could climb above the 170 mark against the dollar

News 2024-07-02 13:42
CWG MARKETS - Holiday Trading Schedule

CWG MARKETS - Holiday Trading Schedule

CWG MARKETS - Holiday Trading Schedule

News 2024-07-02 11:32
CWG Commodity Futures Delivery Time

CWG Commodity Futures Delivery Time

CWG Commodity Futures Delivery Time

News 2024-07-02 11:28
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