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Alpha Trading Hub

United Kingdom|2-5 years|
White label MT5|Regional Brokers|High potential risk|


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White Label

Server Name
AlphaInternational-MT5 MT5
Server Location United Kingdom


+44 845 215 6425
2nd Floor Beaumont House, 1b Lambton Road, London, England, SW20 0LW.
The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

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+44 845 215 6425


+91 227 127 7028


+46 859 362 902


+1784 485 6124

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Alpha International LLC

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Alpha Trading Hub

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United Kingdom

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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-07-06
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 10 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!

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Pyramid scheme complaint

    Alpha Trading Hub · Company Summary

    Risk Warning

    Online trading is dangerous, and you could potentially lose all of your investment funds. Not all investors and traders are suitable for it. Please understand that the information on this website is designed to serve as general guidance, and that you should be aware of the risks.

    General Information

    Alpha Trading Hub Review Summary
    Founded 2015
    Registered Country/Region United Kingdom
    Regulation Unregulated
    Market Instruments Commodities, Forex, Indices, Metals, Shares, and Crypto
    Demo Account Available
    Leverage Max 1:500
    EUR/USD Spread from 1.4 pips
    Trading Platforms MT5, Web Trader
    Minimum Deposit $100
    Customer Support 24/7 SupportEmail: support@alphatradinghub.comLondon: +44 845 215 6425Mumbai: +91 227 127 7028Stockholm: +46 859 362 902Mwali: +1 784 485 6124Vietnam: 19002210Address: 2nd Floor Beaumont House,1b Lambton Road, London,England, SW20 0LW

    What is Alpha Trading Hub?

    Alpha Trading Hub is a UK-based brokerage firm that offers a range of trading instruments across various asset classes, including Commodities, Forex, Indices, Metals, Shares, and Crypto through the MetaTrader5 and Web Trader trading platforms. However, it currently has no valid regulation.

    Alpha Trading Hub's home page

    We will examine this broker's attributes from a variety of angles in the following post, giving you clear and organized information. Please continue reading if you're curious. To help you quickly comprehend the broker's qualities, we will also provide a concise conclusion at the end of the piece.

    Pros & Cons

    Pros Cons
    • Diverse trading instruments • Reports of severe losses and failed withdrawals
    • 24/7 support • No regulation
    • MT5 trading platform • Regional restrictions

    Alpha Trading Hub Alternative Brokers

    There are many alternative brokers to Alpha Trading Hub depending on the specific needs and preferences of the trader. Some popular options include:

    • eToro - A social trading platform that allows users to copy the trades of other successful traders. It also offers a wide range of assets to trade, including stocks, commodities, currencies, and cryptocurrencies. eToro's fees are relatively low, and it offers a user-friendly platform that is suitable for both beginners and experienced traders.

    • TD Ameritrade - A well-established broker that offers a wide range of trading products and services. It is known for its excellent research tools and customer support.

    • Plus500 - A CFD trading platform that allows users to trade a wide range of assets, including stocks, commodities, currencies, and cryptocurrencies.

    Ultimately, the best broker for an individual trader will depend on their specific trading style, preferences, and needs.

    Is Alpha Trading Hub Safe or Scam?

    Alpha Trading Hub is a forex broker that is not regulated by any major financial regulator. This means that there is no governing body that oversees its activities or protects its customers. As a result, there is a high risk that Alpha Trading Hub could be a scam.

    Additionally, there have been a number of complaints from customers who claim that they have been unable to withdraw their funds from Alpha Trading Hub.

    If you are considering doing business with Alpha Trading Hub, I would strongly advise against it. There are many other regulated forex brokers that offer a safe and secure trading environment.

    Market Instruments

    Alpha Trading Hub offers a wide range of market instruments, including commodities, forex, indices, metals, shares, and crypto.

    • Commodities are raw materials that are used in the production of goods and services. They include agricultural products such as wheat, corn, and soybeans; energy products such as oil, gas, and coal; and metals such as gold, silver, and copper.

    • Forex (foreign exchange) is the market for exchanging one currency for another.

    • Indices are baskets of stocks that track a particular market or sector.

    • Metals are elements that are solid at room temperature and have a high melting point. They are spot or futures trading.

    • Shares They can be bought and sold on stock exchanges, and they provide investors with a share of the company's profits.

    • Crypto (cryptocurrency) is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security.

    Alpha Trading Hub offers a variety of trading platforms that allow investors to trade these market instruments.

    Market Instruments


    There are three trading accounts offered by Alpha Trading Hub, namely Standard, VIP 1,and VIP 2.

    The Standard Account is the most basic account type offered by Alpha Trading Hub. It is a good option for beginners and traders who are looking for a low-cost account.

    The VIP 1 Account is a more advanced account type that offers a number of benefits, including lower spreads, no commissions on CFDs, and higher leverage.

    The VIP 2 Account is the most advanced account type offered by Alpha Trading Hub. It offers the lowest spreads, no commissions on CFDs, and the highest leverage.

    The minimum deposit requirement is $500 for the Standard account, $5,000 for the VIP 1 account and $20,000 for the VIP 2 account.

    Account Types


    Alpha Trading Hub offers maximum leverage of up to 1:500, which means that you can control a position worth 500 times your initial deposit. For example, if you deposit $100, you could control a position worth $50,000.

    Leverage can magnify your profits, but it can also magnify your losses. If the market moves against you, you could lose more money than you deposited.

    Spreads & Commissions

    Spreads are totally affected by what type of accounts you are holding. The minimum spread for forex in the Standard account is floating around 1.4 pips.The VIP 1 account offers floating spreads start from 0.1 pips and there are $10/lot commissions on CFDs.The VIP 2 account offers floating spreads start from 0.1 pips and there are $6/lot commissions on CFDs.

    Below is a comparison table about spreads and commissions charged by different brokers:

    Broker EUR/USD Spread (pips) Commissions (per lot)
    Alpha Trading Hub 1.4 No commissions
    eToro 1 No commission (Spread-only)
    TD Ameritrade 0.3 No commission (Spread-only)
    Plus500 Average of 0.6 No commissions

    Trading Platform

    Alpha Trading Hub offers several trading platforms for its clients, including MT5 Trading Platform, and Web Trader.

    • MT5 Trading Platform is a powerful and versatile platform that offers a wide range of features for traders of all levels. It includes a variety of charting tools, technical analysis indicators, and automated trading capabilities.

    • Web Trader is a web-based trading platform that allows you to trade from any device with an internet connection. It is a simplified version of the MT5 platform, but it still offers a number of useful features.

    Both of these platforms are available to Alpha Trading Hub clients. The best platform for you will depend on your individual trading needs and preferences. If you are a serious trader who wants access to a wide range of features, then MT5 Trading Platform is a good choice. If you are looking for a more simplified platform that you can access from anywhere, then Web Trader is a good option.


    See the trading platform comparison table below:

    Broker Trading Platforms
    Alpha Trading Hub MT5 Trading Platform,Web Trader
    eToro eToro Platform
    TD Ameritrade Thinkorswim, Web Platform, Mobile Apps
    Plus500 Plus500 WebTrader, Plus500 Mobile App

    Deposits & Withdrawals

    Alpha Trading Hub offers a variety of deposit and withdrawal methods, including Bank Wire, Visa, MasterCard, Paysafe, ecommpay, QIWI, stripe, UnionPay, WeChat Pay, Payment Asia,, and Tether.

    The minimum deposit requirement is $100, and the minimum withdrawal amount is $50.

    Alpha Trading Hub minimum deposit vs other brokers

    Alpha Trading Hub Most other
    Minimum Deposit $100 $100

    There are no fees for most deposits and withdrawals, but Tether withdrawals charge $10.

    Most deposits can be processed instantly, and most withdrawals take up to 1 working day.

    Note: A few methods may not be available in certain countries. Withdrawal is free if trading account has at least 10 trades. Otherwise a fee of 5% will be charged.


    User Exposure on WikiFX

    Some of you may see reports of severe losses or failed to withdrawal on our website. The business received several reports of this nature, however some of them appear to have been resolved. We urge traders to carefully examine the dangers of trading on unregulated platforms and review the information that is readily available. Before trading, you can study the facts about our platform. Please let us know in the “Exposure” area if you come across any such dishonest brokers or if you have yourself been a victim. We would appreciate that, and our team of professionals will make every effort to help you fix the issue.

    User Exposure on WikiFX

    Customer Service

    Alpha Trading Hub offers a comprehensive customer support service, available 24/7 via online chat, email, and phone. Traders can also access a customized VIP customer service program, which includes dedicated account managers and priority support. In addition, Alpha Trading Hub provides daily market analysis and online live trend analysis, to help traders make informed trading decisions.Customers can get in touch with their customer service line using the information provided below:


    London: +44 845 215 6425

    Mumbai: +91 227 127 7028

    Stockholm: +46 859 362 902

    Mwali: +1 784 485 6124

    Vietnam: 19002210

    Address: 2nd Floor Beaumont House,1b Lambton Road, London, England, SW20 0LW.

    contact details
    Pros Cons
    • 24 /7 Availability • N/A
    • Many branches around the world
    • Live chat and phone support
    • Social media presence


    In conclusion, Alpha Trading Hub is a brokerage firm that provides access to a wide range of trading instruments and offers MT5 Trading Platform, Web Trader platform to cater to different trading preferences. However, the company has no regulation and there have been reports of severe losses and failed withdrawals, although some of these issues appear to have been resolved. Traders should exercise caution and conduct thorough research when considering Alpha Trading Hub or any other brokerage firm, taking into account factors such as reputation, client feedback, and regulatory compliance. Making an informed decision requires a comprehensive evaluation of all relevant factors beyond the information provided here.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    Q1: What types of trading instruments are available at Alpha Trading Hub?
    A1: Alpha Trading Hub offers a variety of trading instruments, including Commodities, Forex, Indices, Metals, Shares, and Crypto.
    Q2: Is Alpha Trading Hub a regulated brokerage firm?
    A2: No regulation.
    Q3: What trading platforms does Alpha Trading Hub provide?
    A3: Alpha Trading Hub offers MT5 Trading Platform, Web Trader Platforms.
    Q4: At Alpha Trading Hub, are there any regional restrictions for traders?
    A4: Yes. Alpha Trading Hub does not target EU/EEA client. It doesnt work on the territory of the USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, Cuba, Afghanistan, Malaysia, North Korea, South Sudan, Thailand and other restricted countries.

    User Reviews

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    more than one year
    This is a robbery company. Prices never rise, only fall. But why are my trades being stopped out above when there's no news affecting the NZD/JPY pair, with stop losses exceeding 20 pips?
    2024-03-25 02:17
    more than one year
    Alpha Trading Hub has been a bit frustrating due to the lengthy account verification process. It took ages to get everything sorted out. Hoping they can streamline this in the future.
    2024-02-23 12:19
    more than one year
    I love this broker, especially welcome bonus it provided. Live trading is same as the demo trading, and that what I fee after switching to a live account. Both webtrader and mt5 are easy to use. I would definitely recommend this broker to your guys.
    2023-03-17 18:04


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