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Rate Cut Hopes on the Line: NFP Set to Steal the Spotlight!

Rate Cut Hopes on the Line: NFP Set to Steal the Spotlight!

The US ISM Manufacturing PMI came in at 48.7 for May, below the forecast of 49.8 and the previous reading of 49.2. The main reasons for this stagnant reading are ongoing weak demand, which affects supplier orders, inventories, capital investments, and employment. In May, ADP Nonfarm Employment Change have increased 152,000 jobs, which was below the forecast of 173,000 and down from the previous month's 188,000. The US ISM Non-Manufacturing PMI for May exceeded expectations, registering 53.8...

News 2024-06-28 13:58
All Eye on Today’s U.S. PCE

All Eye on Today’s U.S. PCE

Investors are eagerly anticipating today’s U.S. Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE) data for further insights into the dollar’s trajectory.

News 2024-06-28 11:38
Today's analysis: U.S. Jobless Claims High, Gold Faces Resistance at $2350 Amid Economic Data Focus

Today's analysis: U.S. Jobless Claims High, Gold Faces Resistance at $2350 Amid Economic Data Focus

XAU/USD is expected to decrease as U.S. Continuing Jobless Claims hit their highest since late 2021, with 1.84 million people still receiving benefits. Despite a drop in new claims to 233k, focus shifts to core PCE data, predicted to fall to 2.6%. The RSI indicates strong selling pressure. Gold's support is at $2300, with potential drops to $2277. A rise to $2350 targets resistance at $2387 and $2400.

News 2024-06-28 11:07
Financial News Today

Financial News Today

Market Review | June 28, 2024

Review 2024-06-28 09:53
Insights for Today’s Market

Insights for Today’s Market

Market Review | June 28, 2024

Review 2024-06-28 09:48
【MACRO Aler】Energy and food issues both face challenges,How to address potential supply crises and price fluctuations?

【MACRO Aler】Energy and food issues both face challenges,How to address potential supply crises and price fluctuations?

Brent crude futures prices fell slightly during the Asian trading session, affected by an increase in U.S. crude oil inventories; the rise in U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) stocks does not affect commercial statistics. At the same time, fighting near the Khartoum refinery in Sudan has affected crude oil exports, and a fire at the Dangote refinery in Nigeria has been controlled and a new unit has been launched. The global tanker fleet faces a risk of supply shortage. The agricultural comp

News 2024-06-27 17:25
Japanese Yen Trades to New Low in Decades

Japanese Yen Trades to New Low in Decades

The Japanese Yen plummeted to its weakest level since 1986 at 160.87 against the greenback, the currency pair has lost more than 12% this year

News 2024-06-27 13:54
Stock Trading Explained: Understanding Long and Short Positions

Stock Trading Explained: Understanding Long and Short Positions

Investing in the stock market can be a rewarding venture, but it comes with its own set of complexities and learning curves. For beginners, the terms "long" and "short" might seem confusing at first. However, understanding these concepts is crucial for anyone looking to buy and sell stock effectively. This guide will walk you through the essentials of long and short stock positions, providing clarity and confidence in your trading journey.

News 2024-06-27 13:37
Today's analysis: USDJPY Forecast Bearish Outlook as Overbought Conditions Signal Potential Decline

Today's analysis: USDJPY Forecast Bearish Outlook as Overbought Conditions Signal Potential Decline

USD/JPY has reached unprecedented highs amid strong retail sales data in Japan but faces technical challenges with overbought conditions and potential resistance at recent highs. Fundamental concerns over yen depreciation and its economic impacts may influence future movements, prompting market participants to monitor closely for potential corrections.

News 2024-06-27 11:29
Today’s Economic Outlook

Today’s Economic Outlook

Market Review | June 27, 2024

Review 2024-06-27 11:10
Market Insights Today

Market Insights Today

Market Review | June 27, 2024

Review 2024-06-27 10:51
【MACRO Insight】Recent Bloomberg survey warns of high leverage and exchange rate volatility in the Japanese stock market—caution urged for potential central bank market adjustments!

【MACRO Insight】Recent Bloomberg survey warns of high leverage and exchange rate volatility in the Japanese stock market—caution urged for potential central bank market adjustments!

Overall, most economists predict that the Bank of Japan may raise interest rates in July and announce a quantitative tightening plan, while remaining cautious about the risks of high leverage in the stock market and fluctuations in the yen exchange rate. Despite a 12% decline in the yen this year, Japanese officials have only issued verbal warnings, with expectations that they will decide on forex market intervention based on Friday's US PCE price index. Economists and analysts urge investors to

Review 2024-06-26 18:29
CWG Markets Invites You to Attend the 2024 Paris Olympics!

CWG Markets Invites You to Attend the 2024 Paris Olympics!

CWG Markets invites users to attend the 2024 Paris Olympics with a luxurious viewing package, including tickets to the opening ceremony, closing ceremony, and multiple top-tier events. This is an excellent opportunity to experience a top sports extravaganza by winning through trading!

Activity 2024-06-26 15:17
Dollar Strengthen on Upbeat Economic Data

Dollar Strengthen on Upbeat Economic Data

On the back of the upbeat CB Consumer Confidence reading of 100.4, several Fed governors issued hawkish comments on upcoming monetary policy, which ultimately bolstered the dollar's strength. Despite the Fed's hawkish outlook, the U.S. equity market rallied, driven by Nvidia, the AI bellwether company, which rose approximately 7%, fueling gains in the Nasdaq and S&P 500

News 2024-06-26 13:43
Market Updates Today

Market Updates Today

Market Review | June 26, 2024

Review 2024-06-26 12:17
Today's analysis: XAU/USD Drops as U.S. Bond Yields Rise and Hawkish Fed Comments Emerge

Today's analysis: XAU/USD Drops as U.S. Bond Yields Rise and Hawkish Fed Comments Emerge

U.S. bond yields rose, and the dollar recovered after hawkish Fed comments, causing gold prices to fall from $2,334. The Fed expects high inflation to persist, delaying rate cuts. Traders await the PCE Price Index. Gold's next support is $2,300, with potential declines to $2,277 and $2,222. Recovery to $2,350 targets resistance at $2,387 and $2,400, but the bearish trend holds below $2,340.10, aiming for $2,272.06.

News 2024-06-26 11:05
Market Watch for Today

Market Watch for Today

Market Review | June 26, 2024

Review 2024-06-26 10:10
Trademax Australia Limited Announces Revocation of Interim Stop Orders

Trademax Australia Limited Announces Revocation of Interim Stop Orders

Trademax Australia Limited Announces Revocation of Interim Stop Orders

News 2024-06-26 09:35
【MACRO Aler】NVIDIA and computing power assets fluctuate, employment and housing are said to be weak! Yet Yellen remains optimistic about the US economy?

【MACRO Aler】NVIDIA and computing power assets fluctuate, employment and housing are said to be weak! Yet Yellen remains optimistic about the US economy?

NVIDIA,computing power assets,employment ,housing

News 2024-06-25 17:02
The market is concerned about political risks in multiple countries, and the US dollar fell after being hindered from rebounding on Monday  Gold rebounded after a sharp drop, with market attention turning to US inflation data

The market is concerned about political risks in multiple countries, and the US dollar fell after being hindered from rebounding on Monday Gold rebounded after a sharp drop, with market attention turning to US inflation data

​On Monday (June 24th), the US dollar index slightly fell, but remained near a new eight week high, ultimately closing down 0.32% at 105.41

Review 2024-06-25 16:04
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