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24 pieces of exposure in total


Added to Hong Kong Securities Futures Commission SFC Alert

On March 12, 2021, Hong Kong's Securities and Futures Commission SFC added Dakras Market to its alerts, stating that its Hong Kong address was invalid and was an unlicensed entity.

Japan Japan 2022-06-01
Japan Japan 2022-06-01
Unable to Withdraw

Progressive tax is levied on withdrawals. Minimum remittance to Dakras is $1,000

Progressive tax is levied on withdrawals. Minimum remittance to Dakras is $1,000. 5% will be collected if the account balance is 1.95 million yen or less. I applied for a $ 2,500 withdrawal and collected $ 125. 1,000-125 = 875 The remaining $ 875 will be transferred to your account. Withdrawal application completed on May 25, 2022. Normally, the transfer is completed in 3 business days, but I waited for a message from Dakras saying that the transfer is scheduled to be made by May 31, but the payment is not received. I made an inquiry, but only answered that it was "in process". Withdrawal record of account data only. In fact, I haven't received the money.

Japan Japan 2022-06-01
Japan Japan 2022-06-01
Unable to Withdraw

I can't withdraw the money.

I have not been able to withdraw my money for over six months. They say that money can be withdrawn if you put in a deposit, but I put in a deposit several times, but the money was never withdrawn. The posting of the truthful disclosure to DAKRAS has been moved to another brokerage firm and is posing as a healthy company. Can someone please help me to withdraw my money?

Japan Japan 2021-11-08
Japan Japan 2021-11-08
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

I paid the tax of withdrawal but they still rejected it.

Japan Japan 2021-09-17
Japan Japan 2021-09-17
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

I deposited on dakars but was unable to deal with transaction or withdraw.

Japan Japan 2021-08-01
Japan Japan 2021-08-01

Unable to withdraw.

It blocked my account when I wanted to withdraw.

Japan Japan 2021-07-31
Japan Japan 2021-07-31
Unable to Withdraw


Unable to withdraw for various reasons. Do not be cheated by it anymore. Beware.

Japan Japan 2021-07-26
Japan Japan 2021-07-26
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

On July 1st, I started to apply for a withdrawal of 7,015, and was told I was not a Japanese and need to pay 50% of the tax. After paying 35,07 US dollars, I still cannot withdraw. I was told that I was a foreigner and need to pay 2000 US dollars to the Japanese National Taxation Department. The deposit was paid again, but I still can’t withdraw. On July 7, the introducer lost contact. On July 23, I contacted the account executive and account manager line to request cash withdrawal. I was notified that my account violated the regulations and paid 1,050 USD. I didn’t give money for various reasons for three times. It was very difficult to defend my rights. I asked for help.

Japan Japan 2021-07-26
Japan Japan 2021-07-26
Unable to Withdraw

Easy to deposit, hard to withdraw

The introducer disappeared after paying the tax and the commission. No reply to emails. Help!

Japan Japan 2021-07-21
Japan Japan 2021-07-21

While saying money laundering.

On suspicion of money laundering, the UK Foreign Currency Administration told me to pay the deposit twice, and now I said that if I pay the deposit of 2.6 million yen, I can withdraw the full amount. Even if I ask what was money laundering, there is no answer. Just tell them to put in a deposit. I also learned from this conversation that my person in charge is not Japanese. Dakras is a fraudulent organization.

Japan Japan 2021-07-08
Japan Japan 2021-07-08
Unable to Withdraw

Withdrawal requires high taxes and margin

I met a woman online in Japan. I was tricked into making a deposit. When I withdrew, I was asked to pay a tax of 3,500 dollars and a deposit of 2,000 dollars. Now the money has not arrived, and no one have contacted me.

Japan Japan 2021-07-08
Japan Japan 2021-07-08
Unable to Withdraw

Why is this so??

If you want to withdraw money from your account, please pay a deposit. If you don’t want to withdraw money, you don’t have to pay and don’t contact me. I don't even have to serve you

Japan Japan 2021-06-29
Japan Japan 2021-06-29
Unable to Withdraw

Money laundering

I have not heard from the British authorities. The money laundering material is a scam.

Japan Japan 2021-06-24
Japan Japan 2021-06-24
Unable to Withdraw

Withdrawal Application

2 hours and 45 minutes after application for withdrawal. There is no deposit in my account, and I have not given any reason why I cannot deposit. I don't know what happened.

Japan Japan 2021-06-24
Japan Japan 2021-06-24
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Even if I log in, enter the personal information to be registered, and then press the save button, the information will not be registered and disappear. In other words, you cannot withdraw money

Japan Japan 2021-04-18
Japan Japan 2021-04-18
Unable to Withdraw

I haven't been allowed to withdraw funds

I was suspected of money laundering by the British Foreign Currency Authority and told me to pay 50% of the amount in my account, so I sent the money. Then, due to the trouble of the transfer destination, I was unable to deposit this deposit, so I was told to pay the deposit and pay. I said at the time that this deposit will be refunded to my account in 7 to 10 working days, but the second deposit will be deposited into my account. This time, the Foreign Currency Administration did not withdraw money from the account when I paid the first deposit, but made another deposit, so I told him to pay a fine. I had to pay a deposit twice and cheated my money. I will look for the British Foreign Currency Authority to find out the truth. Dakras Market is a fraudulent securities company.

Japan Japan 2021-04-06
Japan Japan 2021-04-06
Unable to Withdraw

Been told repeatedly money to be not withdrawn

We are sorry for the inconvenience. Now you have collected all the funds and imported them all into your trading account. When the deposit was paid, the withdrawal was unsuccessful even after the due date, which resulted in a fine imposed by the Administration of Foreign Exchange. In addition, the Foreign Currency Administration will monitor your bank card internationally. Remittances related to foreign currencies appear many times. Both the securities company and you believe this is an illegal operation, and therefore impose a fine of 10 million yen on the securities company. In addition, the securities company itself can only bear the burden. The total fine for you is 500,000 yen and a deposit of 2.5 million yen. (This deposit will be refunded after 1 month. During this period, no regulations may be violated.) The broker fine and your fine must be paid before April 9. A deposit of 2.5 million yen must be paid before April 16. After all processing is completed, the account authorization must be restored and the full amount must be withdrawn within 3 days.

Japan Japan 2021-04-05
Japan Japan 2021-04-05
Severe Slippage

This is a scam!!

I was cheated of $900,000! Take care everyone!!

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-02-24
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-02-24
Unable to Withdraw

Score was increased

If u deposit here, you are unable to withdraw funds! I was told that I can't withdraw funds unless I added more $100,000. Do not open an account here

Japan Japan 2021-02-23
Japan Japan 2021-02-23

Out of contact

You can't withdraw funds here. Do not invest here

Japan Japan 2020-12-15
Japan Japan 2020-12-15
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