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Mauritius|5-10 years|
Common Business Registration|MT4 Full License|Regional Brokers|Suspicious Overrun|Medium potential risk|


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MT4/5 Identification

MT4/5 Identification

Full License

Server Name
CGFX-Server MT4
Server Location United States


+1 (650) 491-9997
Suite 305, Griffith Corporate Centre, Pobox 1510, Beachmont, Kingstown, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines


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+1 (650) 491-9997


+44 204 571 6608

Broker Information


Company Name

Commercial Group FX Pty Ltd

Company Abbreviation


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Previous Detection : 2024-07-03
  • This broker exceeds the business scope regulated by Australia ASIC(license number: 150 714 882)Administration of Industry and Commerce-Register Non-Forex License. Please be aware of the risk!

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CGFX · Company Summary

CGFX Review Summary
Founded 2011
Registered Country/Region Mauritius
Regulation ASIC (Exceeded)
Market Instruments Forex, metals, shares, indices, commodities
Demo Account Available
Max. Leverage 1:400
Spread From 1.0 pips (CG Plus account)
From 0.6 pips (CG Pro account)
From 0.0 pips (CG Prime)
Trading Platform MT5
Social Trading Yes
Minimum Deposit $50
Education CGFX Academy (overview, learn to trade, upcoming webinars, learn to use MT5) is coming soon
Customer Support 24/6 multilingual live chat, contact form
Phone: +1 (650) 491 – 9997, +44 20 3318 3570
WhatsApp: +1 (650) 491 - 99976

What is CGFX?

CGFX, also known as Commercial Group FX, is an online trading broker that provides access to the popular MT5 platform. It offers a variety of trading instruments across different asset classes.

The company was originally established as Commercial Group for Trading in International Markets (CGTIM) in 1998 and was the first of its kind to be registered in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. In 2011, CGTIM underwent rebranding and expansion efforts, leading to its current name, Commercial Group FX (CGFX).

CGFXs homepage

If you are interested, we invite you to continue reading the upcoming article where we will thoroughly assess the broker from various angles and present you with well-organized and succinct information. By the end of the article, we will provide a concise summary to give you a comprehensive overview of the broker's key characteristics.

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
  • Competitive spreads
  • ASIC (Exceeded)
  • Demo accounts available
  • Regional restrictions
  • MT5 supported
  • Acceptable minimum deposit
  • Multi-channel support to contact

Pros of CGFX:

- Competitive spreads: CGFX offers competitive spreads from 0.0 pips, which can benefit traders by reducing transaction costs.

- Demo accounts available: CGFX provides demo accounts, allowing traders to practice and test their strategies without risking real money.

- MT5 supported: CGFX supports the popular MetaTrader 5 platform, which is widely used by traders worldwide for its advanced charting and trading features.

- Acceptable minimum deposit: CGFX sets an acceptable minimum deposit requirement of $50, making it accessible for traders with varying investment sizes.

- Multi-channel support: CGFX offers multiple channels for contacting customer support, live chat, contact form, phone, WhatsApp, etc., providing assistance to traders whenever needed.

Cons of CGFX:

- ASIC regulation exceeded: CGFX operates outside of the scope authorized by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). This regulatory non-compliance poses a risk to traders.

- Regional restrictions: CGFX does not provide its services to citizens of the United States of America, Iran, Syria, and North Korea.

Is CGFX Safe or Scam?

CGFX states that they have implemented safeguards such as Segregation of accounts, Banking relations, and secure technologies and services to protect their clients.

protection measures

However, it should be noted that this broker operates outside the scope authorized by the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) (license number: 150 714 882). Therefore, investing with CGFX carries a certain level of risk. Before making any investment decisions with CGFX, it is essential to conduct thorough research and assess the potential risks and rewards. It is generally advised to invest with fully-regulated brokers to maximize the protection of your assets.

exceeded ASIC license

Market Instruments

CGFX offers a range of trading instruments across different asset classes, which includes:

Currencies - CGFX provides access to the foreign exchange market, allowing traders to buy and sell major, minor, and exotic currency pairs. Examples of currency pairs available for trading include EUR/USD, USD/JPY, GBP/USD, and more.

Commodities - CGFX offers trading in a range of commodities such as precious metals, energy, and agricultural products. Examples of commodities available for trading include gold, silver, crude oil, natural gas, and wheat.

Indices - CGFX allows traders to buy and sell leading global stock indices such as the S&P 500, NASDAQ, FTSE 100, NIKKEI 225, and more.

Shares - CGFX enables traders to invest in shares of some of the world's leading companies, such as Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, and more.

Market Instruments

Account Types

CGFX offers three live account types that cater to the varying needs of traders:

Account Type Minimum Deposit
CG Plus $50
CG Pro $250
CG Prime $1,000

- CG Plus Account:

This is the entry-level account with a minimum deposit requirement of $50. It offers competitive spreads, access to the trading platform, and a range of trading instruments, including forex, indices, commodities, and shares.

- CG Pro Account:

This is the intermediate-level account, requiring a minimum deposit of $250. It offers lower spreads, access to advanced trading tools, and priority access to customer support. The CG-Pro account is suitable for traders who require additional features such as higher leverage, Priority Technical Analysis, and access to educational resources.

- CG Prime Account:

This is the premium account, with a minimum deposit requirement of $1,000. It offers the lowest spreads, personalized support, one-on-one trading mentoring, a personal account manager, and access to exclusive trading tools and resources.

All accounts include MT5 Mac & PC & iOS & Android, 20% stop-out level, market execution, 0.01 minimum lot size, and 100% margin call.

Account comparison
All accounts include

CGFX demo accounts offer a risk-free environment that allows traders to practice trading with virtual funds and test the platform's features and functionalities. It is a good option for traders who want to gain knowledge and skills without risking their own capital.


CGFX offers a maximum leverage of 1:400. Leverage is a tool that allows traders to amplify their trading positions by borrowing additional funds from the broker. With a leverage ratio of 1:400, traders can control positions that are 400 times the amount of their initial investment. This means that with a small amount of capital, traders have the opportunity to enter larger trading positions and potentially generate higher profits.

However, it is important to note that while high leverage can increase potential returns, it also comes with significant risks. The amplified exposure can lead to larger losses if the market moves against the trader. It is crucial for traders to fully understand the risks associated with leverage and to use it responsibly.

Spreads & Commissions

CGFX offers a range of account types that come with different spreads and commissions. The details of spreads and commissions as followed:

Account Type Spread (Starting from) Commission
CG Plus 1.0 pips No commission
CG Pro 0.6 pips USD 5 / Lot
CG Prime 0.0 pips USD 3 / Lot

Trading Platform

CGFX is a leading online trading broker that offers its clients access to the widely-known MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platform. MT5 is a user-friendly platform that gives traders access to several financial markets, including Forex (FX), commodities, contract-for-difference (CFDs), and indices. This means that traders can trade a wide range of financial instruments and make important trading decisions based on accurate real-time prices.

The CGFX MT5 platform is available and optimized for multiple devices, including PC, Mac, iOS, and Android, which means users can trade at any time and anywhere they choose. In addition, the company provides Virtual Private Server (VPS) trading services, which is a crucial component for traders who wish to run automated trading systems or expert advisors. The VPS service ensures traders can trade uninterrupted, 24 hours a day, 5 days a week, without requiring their personal computers to stay online.

MT5 for PC
MT5 for Mobile

Deposits & Withdrawals

CGFX provides a remarkably diverse range of deposit and withdrawal options, ensuring that traders worldwide can manage their funds with ease. Whether you prefer using cryptocurrencies for their speed and anonymity, or more traditional methods like bank transfers, CGFX has you covered. Additionally, services like Perfect Money, SticPay, and local bank transactions cater to specific user preferences, enhancing convenience. The unique CGFX card further simplifies access to funds directly from your trading account.

You can find all methods in the screenshot below:

Deposit & Withdrawal methods 1

Deposit & Withdrawal methods 2

Deposit & Withdrawal methods 3

Customer Service

Customers can visit their office or get in touch 24/6 multilingual with customer service line using the information provided below:

Live chat

Contact form

Telephone: +1 (650) 491 - 9997, +44 20 3318 3570

WhatsApp: +1 (650) 491 - 99976


Address: Premier Business Center, 10th Floor, Sterling Tower, 14 Poudriere St., Port Louis, Republic of Mauritius

Moreover, clients could get in touch with this broker through the social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter.

Contact info

Also, CGFX offers a FAQ section, including some topics: general questions, trading, deposit & withdrawal, trading conditions, and demo account.

FAQ page 1
FAQ page 2


In conclusion, CGFX offers access to the MT5 platform, a range of trading instruments, and multilingual customer support. In terms of regulation, CGFX has obtained licenses in the countries it operates in. However, it is important to note that CGFX exceeds the business scope regulated by ASIC.

Potential clients should be aware of the regulatory limitations and conduct their due diligence to ensure the suitability and safety of engaging with CGFX.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is CGFX regulated?

No. Its ASIC license has been exceeded.

Does CGFX offer demo accounts?


Does CGFX offer the industry leading MT4 & MT5?

Yes. It offers MT5.

What is the minimum deposit for CGFX?

The minimum initial deposit to open an account is $50.

At CGFX, are there any regional restrictions for traders?

Yes. CGFX does not provide its services to citizens of the United States of America, Iran, Syria, and North Korea.

Risk Warning

Online trading carries substantial risk, and it's possible to lose all of your invested capital. It can not be appropriate for all traders or investors, so it's crucial to fully comprehend the risks involved. Additionally, the information presented in this review can change as the company updates its policies and services, and the date when this review was created is also important to consider. As a result, it's recommended that readers always check the latest information directly with the company before making any decisions. The reader is responsible for using the information provided in this review.

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more than one year
Very good presentation as always and informative. Good, friendly and helpful bunch of people. Very professional and appreciate the help they have always given me. Keep up the good work.
2024-06-21 11:46
more than one year
Superior customer service, and one-on-one training that helped me a lot getting my trades set up properly on MT4. CGFX also offers same day withdrawals and deposits in Turkey.
2023-01-05 01:33
more than one year
I have been trading with CGFX for over 3 years now. They are my go to broker as I appreciate their on-point customer service and their super fast withdrawals and deposits.
2023-01-03 23:20


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