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Severe Slippage

Kwakol Markets

Kwakol Markets

Increased VOLUME to increase Loss
Severe Slippage Increased VOLUME to increase Loss

On 21st May XAUUSD with volume 0.01 bought at 2423.24 and 2430.80. On 17 th June the losses were about 218 dollars.But Mr David Miller of Kwakol market increased VOLUME 10 times to 0.10 .LOSS JUMPED TO MORE THAN 2000 DOLLARS.Harassed to freeze my account if $2000 is not deposited. Refusing to change Volume even after showing screen shot .

2024-07-03 20:03 India India
2024-07-03 20:03 India India

Severe Slippage



Severe Slippage Slippage

I bought 100 shares of NVIDIA on June 26 with a spread of 1pip. On the night of June 27, Amto floor automatically expanded by 4,000 pips due to the large number of investors buying. After that, I emailed the exchange and received notification that on June 28, all transactions would return to normal. but not. School is closed on Saturday and Sunday. Monday morning, July 1, 2024, the floor adjusted itself from 4000pip to 8000pip and made me burn $2k. Investors participating in amto trading should be careful to avoid risks like me.

2024-07-04 22:26 Vietnam Vietnam
2024-07-04 22:26 Vietnam Vietnam

Severe Slippage



The floor automatically expands the spread from 1 pip to 4000 pips
Severe Slippage The floor automatically expands the spread from 1 pip to 4000 pips

I bought NVIDIA shares on June 26, 2024 with a spread of 1 pip. On the night of June 27, the floor arbitrarily expanded to 4000pip. On July 1, 2024, the floor arbitrarily adjusted the second time to 8000pip, causing my account to lose $2k. Everyone should be careful when investing to avoid losing money like me.

2024-07-04 20:17 Vietnam Vietnam
2024-07-04 20:17 Vietnam Vietnam

Severe Slippage

Emperor Capital

Emperor Capital

Severe Slippage Slippage

On May 28, at 20:30, there was a US data. I set the loss price at 2338. After the data was released, the highest point was only 2337.24, but the position was automatically closed.

2024-06-28 21:03 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China
2024-06-28 21:03 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Severe Slippage

Deleno IFC

Deleno IFC

Severe Slippage Fraud

It won't let me withdraw my money. It says I have to deposit more when my fund is more than 5 thousand dollars. And I deposited but it won't let me withdraw my money. My balance doesn't change. I need help.

2024-06-26 14:58 United States United States
2024-06-26 14:58 United States United States

Severe Slippage

Moss Global

Moss Global

Unable to withdraw funds
Severe Slippage Unable to withdraw funds

Always unable to withdraw funds. The withdrawal process is troublesome and must be improved.

2024-06-12 11:06 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China
2024-06-12 11:06 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Severe Slippage



The slippage was 3000 pips. The customer service told me that it was a spread. After confirmation, the customer service always told me that it was a spread.
Severe Slippage The slippage was 3000 pips. The customer service told me that it was a spread. After confirmation, the customer service always told me that it was a spread.

On June 4, 2024, I sold at 1.76035 in EURNZD. Because I use H1/H4 to make orders with my own unprofessional analysis. The next day, June 5, the order was about to make a profit. So I made an order in another account, with 200 US dollars in the account. I placed an order for 0.10 sell, at around 1.76035. On the third day (June 6), when I got up and checked my phone, my account was liquidated. I set S/L at 1.76700. But when I looked at my order, S/L was 1.79135, as shown in the figure below. I was completely confused. I asked the customer service about this matter, and the customer service email came more than a dozen times. The same content: it was at the opening time, so "the spread was wide". I think the daily spread within 15 is proper, and only on the night of June 6 did a spread of 3000 pips appear. Here is my proof. I need to use H4/D1 pictures to see the buy and sell pips. It's outrageous, so I want to expose it. I hope someone can tell me how to deal with this matter, or I can only accept it.

2024-06-10 12:01 Malaysia Malaysia
2024-06-10 12:01 Malaysia Malaysia

Severe Slippage



fraudulent trading activities
Severe Slippage fraudulent trading activities

i had a trade that was running in 630 usd profit. i tried to close the trade but couldn't. i was eventually able to close the trade but instead of receiving my total profit, the broker only gave me 235 usd. i have complain and they told me they would fix it, its getting to a week now and support isn't replying me anymore. i also have a trade that was on 70 usd profit, broker refuse me to close the trade. i tried everything i could to close the trade but it didn't work. i complained to support and we both tried everything he suggested to close the trade but it didn't work. i couldn't close my trade. support said i shouldn't worry, that he has transferred me to financial team that would reply in 6 hours time and if anything happens to the trade, they would take responsibility for it. financial team fixed the problem 7 hours later when the trade is against me. i have been waiting for response to get my profit paid to me. no response. i had a videos recorded of everything that happened and all evidence needed which i forwarded to the support email. they told me they can’t pay me my money. this broker is fraudulent

2024-06-08 04:39 Nigeria Nigeria
2024-06-08 04:39 Nigeria Nigeria

Severe Slippage




I made two deposits, the last one bravely, they practically kidnapped my card , the advisor purchased ETH/USD the next day, it goes in a Bearish trend, keeping the operation in the red, advisor, do not worry that your operation has a protection that If it comes out in Red the company assumes the loss which was not the case, it was closed when it was positive again but the resources were insufficient to deduct FINANCIAL EXCHANGE AND COMMISSIONS leaving my account with only 38 dollars. WHERE IS THE SERIOUSNESS OF THIS ORGANIZATION THEY ARE A HAND OF SCAMMERS....

2024-06-04 07:15 Colombia Colombia
2024-06-04 07:15 Colombia Colombia

Severe Slippage

Warren Bowie & Smith

Warren Bowie & Smith

In January I had contact with
Severe Slippage In January I had contact with

In January I had contact with this company, at first in numbers the amount increased, I started with 250 dollars, then they convinced me to invest more capital for shares, the amount increased but they did not allow me to withdraw while they continued to charge a nightly commission, this is how time passed I did more deposits to raise the margin level and I could withdraw but they didn't even approve me. I deposited 39,400 dls and in the app I am close to losing it since I have pressed to be able to make a withdrawal. They ask me to deposit to obtain profits and wait 45 days for the withdrawal to be accessed, but I have sent them account statements, payroll receipts, loan contracts for those amounts and they make excuses to say that they do not cover my deposits and I am not proving Where do the funds come from? The fact is that I am without money and with debt and I don't know what to do... Help

2024-05-24 09:06 Mexico Mexico
2024-05-24 09:06 Mexico Mexico

Severe Slippage



As shown in the picture, I ope
Severe Slippage As shown in the picture, I ope

As shown in the picture, I opened a position at nine o'clock and reached the highest of 2369.83 at nine-thirty. I set the stop loss at 70, which is a difference of 17 pips. I can accept it if the difference is 5 or 10 pips, but it’s stopped on a difference of 17 pips. I lost money, this is intentional to make people lose money.

2024-05-24 03:28 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China
2024-05-24 03:28 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China




It has no regulation. The exch
Resolved It has no regulation. The exch

It has no regulation. The exchange rates for deposits and withdrawals are very different and the market is often stuck. This platform is bad and takes money from customers.

2024-05-11 16:03 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China
2024-05-11 16:03 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Severe Slippage

Fake Exness

Fake Exness

All problems are passed on to
Severe Slippage All problems are passed on to

All problems are passed on to the market. The stop loss position is not triggered as set before. Severe slippage leads to account liquidation. I could have made hundreds of dollars in profit by triggering the set stop loss. However, it is said that the gap is caused by market fluctuations.

2024-05-09 22:17 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China
2024-05-09 22:17 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Severe Slippage

First Option FX

First Option FX

Send a caller to ask for suppo
Severe Slippage Send a caller to ask for suppo

Send a caller to ask for support to withdraw money during the day, request to place an order to buy 2 lots with code Cotton and Sell 2 lots to burn the account then withdraw the bonus

2024-05-03 23:37 Vietnam Vietnam
2024-05-03 23:37 Vietnam Vietnam

Severe Slippage



Highest price 0.65146 but rece
Severe Slippage Highest price 0.65146 but rece

Highest price 0.65146 but received order 0.65285

2024-04-29 18:33 Thailand Thailand
2024-04-29 18:33 Thailand Thailand

Severe Slippage




TAKE PROFIT, IT DOES NOT GIVE ME PROFITS. I already realize that this broker is a fraud, he could not respect my profit, that day I made about 4 sales with a period of 4 hours (start at 8 p.m. and close at 1 a.m. next) and the profit was the same. but there was 1500 pips difference when he closed the trade. but in the image it is not expressed, but in graphics it can be appreciated. Fortunately it was in demo. This broker already generated distrust in me, I do not plan to invest real money in this broker. For the following reasons. 1. altered take profit. 2. Many people say that you cannot withdraw your winnings

2024-04-26 23:17 Peru Peru
2024-04-26 23:17 Peru Peru

Severe Slippage

Eight Plus

Eight Plus

They operate under the name EasyMarkets.
Severe Slippage They operate under the name EasyMarkets.

A fraudulent and imitative company. First of all, they manipulate our psychology very well and persuade us. However, when they start trading and making money, they first widen the spreads excessively. Even if you open a trade, you cannot earn much. Your earnings go to transactions. When you request a withdrawal, they deduct a commission of $100 or $200 for each transaction closed from the money in your account. Unfortunately, there is no money left to withdraw. The amount you deposit does not appear on the withdrawal platform.

2024-04-22 17:08 Turkey Turkey
2024-04-22 17:08 Turkey Turkey


ETO Markets

ETO Markets

Unscrupulous platform
Resolved Unscrupulous platform

An unscrupulous platform tries to induce consumers to continue depositing money.

2024-04-16 19:59 Malaysia Malaysia
2024-04-16 19:59 Malaysia Malaysia

Severe Slippage



Serious spreads
Severe Slippage Serious spreads

The spread was serious, and I lost more than 10,000 yuan. It is recommended not to choose this platform, and the service is also poor.

2024-04-14 12:27 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China
2024-04-14 12:27 Hong Kong China Hong Kong China

Severe Slippage

Slippage is serious, the market is stuck, and trading spreads are dozens of pips higher.
Severe Slippage Slippage is serious, the market is stuck, and trading spreads are dozens of pips higher.

The slippage is serious. In T'M5, the trading line drifts and the market is stuck. The APP is difficult to use and the website cannot be opened. For example, the gold spread is dozens of pips higher.

2024-04-12 16:04 United States United States
2024-04-12 16:04 United States United States


Unable to Withdraw

Severe Slippage



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Unable to Withdraw

Unable to Withdraw

Severe Slippage

Severe Slippage





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