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17 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Exante stole all my money!

Exante stole all my money! I have been their client since 2019. In April 2024 there was an accident in my family my father has an Oncological disease and I tried to Withdraw my money for his treatment, At first I was informed that they do not withdraw money in my bank. I tried to transfer my srocks to another broker. l gave an order to transfer my stocks to another broker but after a long delay in the transfer procedure by Exante, they told me, that I can't allowed to do this, according their internal restricts. I asked them to show this internal restricts, but they couldn't do it. I wrote a letter to ceo Exante Aleksei Kirienko, complaint team, support team and personal manager and explained, that I need money for father's treatment and sent them all documents with diagnosis. They offered me to transfer my money to their account in Honk Kong. I opend the account in Honk Kong and they transfered money to this residence. Afrer it I tried to Withdraw my mone to my bank account, but money returned to my account in Exante Honk Kong. I asked them to show me swift document, but they amswered, that their bank can't provide Swift document, but it is the absurdity!!! I wrote the complience to complience department and CEO Dmitry Kirienko once again after it my money went missing from my account. My personal manager Sergei Krasikov told me, that they tried to transfer money to my bank account once again. After 3 weeks I don't have money in my bank account and I don't have money in my Exante account I wrote email to personal manager about actual status of my money, but there were no answer from him. Exante lies me every day!!! Three months I can't withdraw my money! They spoke with me only through the prrsonal manager, but he is not telling me the truth! I càn't receive any official answer from Exante team! Now I'm writing a claim to regulator!

France France 2024-07-15
France France 2024-07-15
Unable to Withdraw

EXANTE is a super fraud broker. Return my hard-earned money

Can not open their platform since October 2020. It has been half a year.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-03-30
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2021-03-30
Unable to Withdraw

EXANTE is a super fraud platform. Please return my hard-earned money

Is it a fraud platform? It has been six months and I can’t open its website

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-12-30
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-12-30
Unable to Withdraw

EXANTE, super fraud platform. Pls return my money

EXANTE is out of contact now. I can't open it. My withdrawals have been delayed for three months. And I can't log in now. There is no one helping me

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-12-20
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-12-20
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

The custoomer service asked me to withdraw funds on September 1. But I can't contact the staff or log in.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-11-30
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-11-30
Unable to Withdraw

EXANTE, a fraud platform. Don't trust it. Return my money

I hope you can help me solve this problem.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-11-11
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-11-11
Unable to Withdraw

The platform contact has been out of contact for two months. Can't witdhraw

The platform contact has been out of contact for two months. Can't witdhraw

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-11-08
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-11-08
Unable to Withdraw

I checked the bank card number twice before I withdraw while the customer service said my card number was wrong and I have to pay 20% as the unfreezing fund!

I checked the bank card number twice before I withdraw while the customer service said my card number was wrong and I have to pay 20% as the unfreezing fund!

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-10-28
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-10-28
Unable to Withdraw

EXANTE is a super fraud platform which doesn’t allow you to withdraw. A series of tricks to induce you to deposit. Pay my hard-earned money back

In fact, I can’t withdraw. A series of tricks. During the operation, I deposited twice. And then the customer service said my password was wrong and I have to pay 20% of the margin. After that, the tax cost me 20%. But I didn’t have enough money, the operator said he can help me but he didn’t have enough money so I should borrow some. He said all the money can be withdrawn. When I paid all the money, I still can’t withdraw on September 1. When I think about it, these traps were tightly interlocked. I wanna die. Aren’t you these fraud afraid of the nemesis? Good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil; if the reward is not forthcoming, it is because the time has not yet come

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-10-18
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-10-18
Unable to Withdraw

Fraud platform. Return my money

EXANTE is a fraud platform. Pay my hard-earned money back! You frauds, said my funds can be withdrawan on September 1. While the website can't be opened. Return my principal ¥194,470. Aren't you afraid of retribution?

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-10-17
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-10-17

A big fraud platform. Return my hard-earned money

EXANTE is a fraud platform. Py my hard-earned money back, you frauds. It's said that I can withdraw on September 1 but now the website can't be opened. Give my principal ¥19,4470 back. You'll pay for it

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-10-15
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-10-15
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

I scanned the QR code which I saw in the WeChat Moments this June. And I deposited twice. When I wanna withdraw, the customer service said my password was wrong and I have to pay20% margin. After I had paid the money, the customer service told me I can withdraw all my balance once on September 1. However, I can’t log in. Even the salesman and the operator blacklisted me. I was cheated of ¥194,470. I called the police and I hope you can help me.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-10-13
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-10-13

EXANTE scams investors

I download this app and invest by scanning a QR code fron the WeChat moments. However, I can't withdraw now. I was swindled out of ¥225,000

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-10-11
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-10-11
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

When I wanna withdraw, the customer service said my bank card number was wrong and I have to pay 20% to unfreeze my fund. But I can’t withdraw after I paid the money.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-10-09
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-10-09
Unable to Withdraw

The bank card number was wrong and the customer service said I have to pay 80,000 to open manual payment channel

What a rip-off. Cheat investors. My ID information which was given to the customer service is right. Why can’t I withdraw?

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-09-28
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2020-09-28

Unavailable to withdraw

Unavailable to withdraw

Indonesia Indonesia 2020-09-22
Indonesia Indonesia 2020-09-22

Withdraw corection

exposure to withdrawl process,, please accepte to confirm my email & re sort by phone... cause something wrong about the process please follow graud blich and sort to disclaim about it... thaks

Indonesia Indonesia 2020-09-14
Indonesia Indonesia 2020-09-14
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