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9 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw and change name

Originally this platform started with the name of Intelligence Prime Capital, which was a FOREX broker that offered quite attractive returns through its bots and worked through MetaTrader4, in fact I had it audited with Myfxbook with the following link https://www.myfxbook .com/portfolio/benjas/9464704 , was accessed through the page, currently it is no longer possible to access it since such a page no longer exists, at first it worked quite well and could be removed without problem. As time passed in April, they told us that there was a hack on the platform that made user information vulnerable and that the bot would no longer work for a while and they would migrate us to a new bot that would work only with cryptocurrencies, by the end of that same month of April they tell us that we had to download an app in which it is a wallet and all the money from MetaTrader 4 was moved from there and migrated to a StableCoin called IUSD which to date cannot be withdrawn or moved anywhere , nor exchanged for any reason (the button is not enabled on the platform), also the alleged CMO of the company commented on twitter that those who had a problem with withdrawals should contact him and it is also the date that they have not contacted , as time passed, the MT4 account no longer allowed us to enter with the credentials and now it said that the name of the platform is billionext and no longer IPC, so I tell you about this experience to preview send to all the people who do not enter any of the 2 platforms since they withhold people's money

Mexico Mexico 2022-08-20
Mexico Mexico 2022-08-20
Unable to Withdraw

Does not allow withdrawals and change their name

They have not allowed us to withdraw money for 3 months and they changed their platform by migrating to an app that does not allow withdrawals either

Mexico Mexico 2022-07-26
Mexico Mexico 2022-07-26
Unable to Withdraw

unprofessional and malicious platform

They keep pushing you to put more money but you can't withdraw money, you get a bonus when you deposit money. Besides having fintrack/ org file a class action that will see you get your money it is actually impossible to withdraw from the system if you accept the bonus from Billionext Global Limited.

United States United States 2022-05-21
United States United States 2022-05-21
Unable to Withdraw

Does not allow withdrawals

This platform does not allow withdrawals since March 2022. They change the currency from usd to iusd without the consent. I change the server and name of the platform, at first it was called, now it has an application called ipcloud, and Billionext server.

Mexico Mexico 2022-05-17
Mexico Mexico 2022-05-17
Unable to Withdraw

Won't let me withdraw my invested funds

This is my account and that is what i invested in this company it won't let me withdraw my money

Colombia Colombia 2022-05-17
Colombia Colombia 2022-05-17
Unable to Withdraw

Capital Loss

Intelligence primer capital does not allow the withdrawal of the sums of money invested. In January 2022 enter with a capital of 2000 dollars. I couldn't make withdrawals. change of broker to billionext without authorization. It does not allow withdrawals for any type of Crypto and I transform the money from our accounts from usdt to iusdt, a currency that the same company created. I need help to recover my capital. invested. . none of their customer service channels respond. [d83e][dd37]. I made an investment with Criptousdt. This is my wallet link.

Colombia Colombia 2022-05-16
Colombia Colombia 2022-05-16
Unable to Withdraw

Inability to withdraw. Broker changes without permission

I invested 2000 dollars of capital in January 2022 to the IPCAPITAL broker. I was never able to withdraw my money and later the company suspended payments. transactions were rejected. in april 2022 switch all users to billontex without authorization. The broker disappeared and does not return my capital.

Colombia Colombia 2022-05-16
Colombia Colombia 2022-05-16
Unable to Withdraw

Inability to retire and change the name of s

Hi, this platform won't let me withdraw my capital. I suddenly change the name. They disable my withdrawal option. I change its name to IPC Capital. My capital disappears from Meta Trade4.

Chile Chile 2022-04-30
Chile Chile 2022-04-30
Unable to Withdraw

Scam website

Cannot withdraw, need pay 30% commission and cannot deduct from account. Commission told only when want to withdraw.

Malaysia Malaysia 2021-10-03
Malaysia Malaysia 2021-10-03
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