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United Arab Emirates|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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+971 585976775


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 3
Previous Detection : 2024-07-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The United StatesNFA regulation (license number: 0552305) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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GivTrade · WikiFX Survey

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GivTrade · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name GivTrade
Registered Country/Area United Arab Emirates
Founded Year 1-2 years
Regulation Unregulated
Tradable Assets Forex currency pairs, commodities, indices, cryptocurrencies
Account Types Unspecified
Customer Support Email and phone
Deposit & Withdrawal Unspecified
Educational Resources Unspecified

Overview of GivTrade

GivTrade is a brokerage company based in the United Arab Emirates. Founded within the past 1-2 years, GivTrade operates as an unregulated broker, meaning it does not have the necessary licenses or approvals from recognized financial regulatory authorities. The company offers a variety of tradable assets, including forex currency pairs, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies. However, specific details regarding account types, deposit and withdrawal options, and educational resources are unspecified. Customer support is available through email and phone. Traders considering GivTrade should exercise caution due to its unregulated status and the limited information provided about its offerings and services. It is advisable for traders to conduct thorough research and consider the availability of reliable customer support, transparent deposit and withdrawal processes, and educational resources when choosing a brokerage.


Is GivTrade legit or a scam?

The regulatory status attributed to GivTrade reveals that the company operates without proper authorization or regulation from recognized financial regulatory bodies.

This lack of official licenses or approvals indicates that GivTrade may not adhere to the stringent standards and safeguards established by reputable financial authorities. Consequently, traders are strongly advised to exercise extreme caution when engaging with unregulated brokers like GivTrade. Such entities may pose elevated risks, including potential fraudulent activities, limited transparency in operations, and restricted avenues for recourse in the event of disputes.

To mitigate these risks and ensure a secure trading environment, it is highly recommended that traders opt for brokers that are duly regulated and licensed by reputable financial authorities, thereby benefiting from enhanced oversight and investor protection measures.


Pros and Cons

GivTrade offers a range of tradable assets, including forex currency pairs, commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies. This provides traders with opportunities to diversify their portfolios and potentially capitalize on various market trends. Additionally, being based in the United Arab Emirates can provide a sense of security and stability for some traders, as the country is known for its robust financial infrastructure. Furthermore, GivTrade provides customer support through email and phone, which can be valuable for addressing inquiries or concerns that traders may have during their trading journey.

One significant drawback of GivTrade is its unregulated status, which means it lacks oversight from recognized financial regulatory authorities. Trading with an unregulated broker carries inherent risks, such as potential fraud, lack of transparency, and limited legal recourse in case of disputes. Additionally, the information provided does not specify the available account types, making it difficult for traders to assess which account would best suit their trading needs. Furthermore, details regarding deposit and withdrawal options are unspecified, which can be a concern for traders who value transparency and efficiency in managing their funds. Moreover, there is limited information on the educational resources offered by GivTrade, leaving traders with uncertainty about the extent of educational materials and tools available to support their trading knowledge and skills.

Pros Cons
Offers a range of tradable assets Unregulated and lacks oversight
Based in the United Arab Emirates Limited information on account types
Availability of customer support Unspecified deposit & withdrawal
Limited educational resources

Market Instruments

GivTrade offers a variety of financial products for traders to engage in. These products are designed to cater to different investment strategies and risk appetites. Some of the key products provided by GivTrade include:

1. Forex Currency Pairs: GivTrade allows traders to participate in the foreign exchange market, offering a wide range of currency pairs. Traders can speculate on the price movements of major, minor, and exotic currency pairs.

2. Commodities: GivTrade provides access to various commodity markets, allowing traders to trade on popular commodities such as gold, silver, oil, and agricultural products. This enables diversification and the opportunity to capitalize on price fluctuations in the commodities market.

3. Indices: Traders can also trade on global stock market indices through GivTrade. This includes major indices such as the S&P 500, Dow Jones, FTSE 100, and more. Trading on indices provides exposure to the overall performance of specific markets or sectors.

4. Cryptocurrencies: GivTrade offers the opportunity to trade cryptocurrencies, including popular digital assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. Traders can speculate on the price movements of cryptocurrencies and potentially benefit from their volatility.

It is important to note that while GivTrade may provide a range of products, considering the broker's regulatory status and reputation is crucial before engaging in any trading activities.

How to Open an Account?

Here are the steps to guide on how to open an account with them.

1. Visit GivTrade's official website: Go to using a web browser on your computer or mobile device.

2. Locate the “Sign Up Now” button: Look for a prominent button or link on the website's homepage that indicates the account opening process.


3. Click on the button to initiate the account registration process.

4. Fill in the registration form: Provide the required information in the registration form. This typically includes personal details such as your name, email address, phone number, country of residence, and desired account type.


5. Review and accept the terms and conditions: Read through the terms and conditions presented by GivTrade.

6. Complete any additional steps: Depending on GivTrade's requirements, you may need to complete additional steps, such as verifying your email address or providing identification documents for account verification purposes.

7. Fund your account: Once your account is successfully registered and verified, you will need to deposit funds into your trading account.

GivTrade Withdrawals

One common indication that clients are dealing with a scam broker is when they attempt to withdraw their funds and encounter obstacles. Scam brokers often employ the following tactics:

1. Aggressive persuasion: The broker may aggressively urge clients to make additional trades instead of allowing them to withdraw funds. Clients may feel compelled to comply due to the broker's assertiveness and the fact that the broker has control over their funds.

2. High withdrawal fees: Some scam brokers impose high fees for withdrawals. In response, clients may choose to continue trading in an attempt to generate more profits and cover these excessive fees, rather than initiating a withdrawal.

3. Communication cessation: Scam brokers may become evasive or completely stop communicating with clients when it comes to fund withdrawals. This lack of communication can leave clients feeling frustrated and uncertain about the status of their funds.

If GivTrade engages in any of these practices to withhold your funds, we encourage you to contact us immediately. We are here to assist you and provide support in such situations.

Customer Support

GivTrade provides customer support through various channels to assist traders with their inquiries and concerns. Traders can reach out to GivTrade's customer support team via email at Additionally, they can contact GivTrade by phone at +971 58 597 6775. These contact details allow traders to communicate with GivTrade's support team directly and seek assistance regarding account-related queries, technical issues, or any other trading-related matters. It's important for traders to note that the availability and responsiveness of customer support may vary, and they should consider this aspect when evaluating their overall trading experience with GivTrade.


Educational Resources

GivTrade does not provide educational resources to assist traders in enhancing their knowledge and skills. This absence of educational materials, tutorials, or training programs can be a significant disadvantage for traders, particularly for those who are new to the financial markets or seeking to improve their trading strategies.

Without access to comprehensive educational resources, traders may need to rely on external sources or alternative platforms to gain the necessary knowledge and insights to make informed trading decisions.


GivTrade is an unregulated broker that should be avoided. Unregulated brokers, especially those that operate anonymously, often have a short lifespan before their services cease. They frequently target inexperienced traders and investors, making false promises of lucrative investment opportunities. It is strongly advised to steer clear of unregulated entities and only trade with regulated platforms.

One significant drawback of unregulated brokers is the lack of insolvency protections. In the event of their financial collapse, clients do not have access to any safeguards or compensation. This puts their investments and funds at risk.

Unregulated platforms are those that are not registered with or regulated by any financial regulatory organization. Since they are not bound by any laws or restrictions imposed by such organizations, they have the freedom to conduct their operations as they see fit. However, choosing an unlicensed platform carries numerous disadvantages and risks.

If you have been a victim of a scam or wish to seek guidance from professionals, we encourage you to leave a comment or submit a complaint by clicking the button below to arrange a free consultation.


Q: Are there any educational resources available for traders on GivTrade?

A: GivTrade does not provide any educational materials or resources to assist traders in expanding their knowledge and skills.

Q: Can I access tutorials or training programs to improve my trading strategies on GivTrade?

A: Unfortunately, GivTrade does not offer any tutorials or training programs to help traders enhance their trading strategies or gain insights into the financial markets.

Q: Are there any learning materials or guides available for beginners on GivTrade?

A: Regrettably, GivTrade does not provide any learning materials or guides specifically designed for beginners who are new to trading.

Q: How can I enhance my trading knowledge on GivTrade?

A: Since GivTrade does not offer educational resources, traders may need to explore other external sources or platforms to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills for successful trading.

Q: Are there any webinars or educational events organized by GivTrade?

A: GivTrade does not host any webinars or educational events to provide traders with insights and knowledge about trading and the financial markets.

Q: What alternatives are available for educational resources if I trade with GivTrade?

A: If you choose to trade with GivTrade and require educational resources, you may need to seek external sources such as online courses, books, or educational platforms to supplement your trading knowledge.

Broker Information

Company Name


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Regulatory Status

Suspicious Clone

Platform registered country and region

United Arab Emirates

Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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more than one year
Nice App you make profits but also has losses. I have profited and loosed so much money. But in features this app is good from all other apps.
2024-06-27 12:05
more than one year
GivTrade was a terrible experience for me. My friend recommended it, and they even gave me a $30 trading bonus. I made a profit of $35, but when it came time to withdraw, they refused to pay me. Absolutely dreadful experience.
2024-03-10 22:44
Aho He
more than one year
This lack of transparency makes it difficult to make informed decisions. Moreover, the absence of detailed educational resources leaves much to be desired. I value a broker that prioritizes client education and provides clear information about its services. I'd caution other traders to thoroughly research and consider more regulated options to avoid potential pitfalls associated with unregulated brokers like GivTrade.
2023-12-08 10:16
more than one year
The fact that they are based in the United Arab Emirates also gives me a sense of security, considering the country's robust financial infrastructure. The customer support, available through email and phone, has been responsive and helpful whenever I had inquiries. Overall, my experience has been positive, and I appreciate the trading opportunities they provide.
2023-12-07 19:02
more than one year
GivTrade is as dry as a desert when it comes to regulation. They operate without proper authorization, leaving me high and dry. The lack of transparency on account types and deposit/withdrawal options leaves me feeling lost in the sand. And don't get me started on their educational resources – they're as scarce as an oasis. Trading with GivTrade is like wandering aimlessly without a compass. I'd steer clear and find a broker with more substance.
2023-07-03 18:01
more than one year
Very good.
2022-10-26 18:36


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