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Mega Rich

Hong Kong|5-10 years|
MT4 Full License|The server is only located in China.|United States Common Financial Service License Unauthorized|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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Mega Rich Group Limited


Mega Rich

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Previous Detection : 2024-07-09
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • United StatesNFA (license number: 0509521) The regulatory status is abnormal, the official regulatory status is Unauthorized. Please be aware of the risk!
  • This broker exceeds the business scope regulated by United States NFA(license number: 0509521)National Futures Association-UNFX Non-Forex License. Please be aware of the risk!

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Mega Rich · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area Hong Kong
Company Name Mega Rich Global Financial Limited
Regulation Unregulated; Unauthorized by NFA (USA)
Minimum Deposit $10 for real trading
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:100
Spreads London gold: $0.5/oz, London silver: $0.03/oz
Trading Platforms MT4
Tradable Assets Precious metals (London gold and silver)
Account Types Real and Demo accounts available
Demo Account Available for practice trading
Islamic Account Not specified
Customer Support 24/7 hotline, email, phone support
Payment Methods Deposit in RMB, conversion to USD
Educational Tools Wealth Creation Academy (Articles)


Mega Rich Global Financial Limited, based in Hong Kong, offers leveraged precious metal trading primarily focused on London gold and silver. The company provides both real and demo accounts with a minimum deposit of $10 and a maximum leverage of up to 1:100. Trading spreads for London gold and silver are competitive, with London gold at $0.5/oz and London silver at $0.03/oz. Traders can access these markets through the popular MT4 trading platform. While Mega Rich offers 24/7 customer support via hotline, email, and phone, it's essential to note that the company is unregulated and lacks authorization from the NFA in the USA. Additionally, limited information about the company's founding year and the availability of Islamic accounts is provided, and educational resources primarily consist of the Wealth Creation Academy's articles. Traders should exercise caution and conduct due diligence when considering this broker due to its unregulated status.



Unregulated. Mega Rich Global Financial Limited currently holds an “Unauthorized” status from the National Futures Association (NFA), a regulatory agency in the United States, indicating that it lacks the necessary authorization to provide financial services in the country. While the license type is listed as a “Common Financial Service License,” the absence of critical information such as an effective date, email address, website, expiry date, address, and phone number makes it challenging to provide a more detailed assessment of the institution's regulatory status. It is essential for individuals to exercise caution and conduct thorough due diligence when considering any financial dealings with an institution that does not hold the required regulatory approvals to protect their financial interests.


Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
  • Offers leveraged precious metal trading, including London gold and silver.
  • Unregulated status; lacks NFA authorization.
  • Provides both real and demo accounts for traders of all experience levels.
  • Limited information available about the company.
  • High leverage of up to 1:100 available for potential profit amplification.
  • Unclear details about the company's history and background.
  • Competitive spreads for London gold and silver trading.
  • Lack of transparency regarding essential company information.
  • Accessible customer support with 24/7 hotline and various contact options.
  • Limited educational resources for traders.
  • No fees for deposits and generally flexible withdrawal options.
  • Lack of regulation may pose higher risks for traders.
  • User-friendly MT4 trading platform with integrated market tools.

Mega Rich offers leveraged precious metal trading with a focus on London gold and silver. While it provides both real and demo accounts and offers high leverage for potential profit, it has significant drawbacks. The company is unregulated and lacks NFA authorization, raising concerns about its credibility. Additionally, limited information about the company's history and background contributes to a lack of transparency. Traders should exercise caution and conduct thorough due diligence when considering this broker.

Market Instruments

Mega Rich specializes in providing convenient and fast two-way leveraged precious metal spot trading, with a primary focus on London gold and London silver as the market instruments. These instruments empower traders and investors to engage in leveraged trading, enabling them to take both long (buy) and short (sell) positions on London gold and London silver. This approach allows market participants to potentially profit from price movements in these precious metals without the need for physical ownership. Leveraged trading involves borrowing funds to amplify potential gains or losses from price fluctuations, providing a streamlined and efficient way to execute trades related to these valuable assets.


Account Types

Mega Rich offers two main types of accounts: real accounts and demo accounts.

  1. Real Account:

    1. A real account is designed for traders and investors who want to engage in actual, live trading with real money.

    2. When you open a real account, you are required to deposit real funds, which you can use to trade various financial instruments, including precious metals like London gold and London silver.

    3. Real accounts involve real financial risk, as gains and losses are incurred with actual money invested.

    4. These accounts are suitable for experienced traders and investors who are comfortable with real-market dynamics and want to make actual investments and profits.

  2. Demo Account:

    1. A demo account, also known as a practice or virtual account, is intended for users who want to practice and familiarize themselves with the trading platform and strategies without risking real money.

    2. Demo accounts are typically funded with virtual or simulated money, allowing users to execute trades in a risk-free environment.

    3. They provide a valuable learning tool for beginners to gain experience and test trading strategies, as well as for experienced traders to try out new approaches.

    4. Transactions made in a demo account do not affect real financial balances, making it a safe way to explore the platform's features and hone trading skills.

    5. account-types


      This broker offers the maximum trading leverage of up to 1:100. In leveraged trading, this ratio signifies the extent to which traders can control positions relative to their initial investment. With a 100:1 leverage ratio, for each unit of capital invested, traders can control a trading position worth up to 100 times that amount. While higher leverage ratios can magnify potential profits, it is crucial for traders to exercise caution and employ risk management strategies, as they also increase the potential for substantial losses. It's essential to fully understand the implications of using high leverage and to trade responsibly to safeguard one's investments.



      For this broker's offerings:

      The standard spread for London gold is US$0.5 per ounce.

      The standard spread for London silver is US$0.03 per ounce.

      To illustrate the cost of spreads with an example:

      If you were to open a position with 100 ounces of London gold, the spread fee would be $0.5/oz * 100 oz = $50. For a position involving 5,000 ounces of London silver, the spread fee would amount to $0.03/oz * 5,000 oz = $150.

      These spreads are charged unilaterally when you initiate a trade and are an important factor to consider when calculating the overall cost of your trading activities. Traders should factor in the spread costs when determining their potential profits and losses in leveraged precious metals trading with this broker.


      Deposit & Withdrawal

      Mega Rich has the following deposit and withdrawal methods:

      Minimum Investment: To start trading, a minimum deposit of $10 is required, as one lot demands a $1,000 margin, and the minimum real transaction size is 0.01 lots.

      Accepted Currencies: Deposits can be made in RMB, and the platform will convert it to the required currency at the current exchange rate.

      Withdrawals: Customers can freely withdraw money 24/7, and the funds usually arrive within 2 hours, provided they have linked their trading and withdrawal accounts.

      Withdrawal Fees: There are generally no fees for deposits and withdrawals. However, a $3 fee applies if a single withdrawal is less than $50, and a 6% fee is charged if certain trading conditions are not met.

      Withdrawal Currency: Withdrawals are made in USD, with non-USD currency accounts converted using the company's market exchange rate, ensuring fairness and transparency.

      Trading Hours: Trading hours for London gold and silver contracts are 24/7 from Monday 6:31 am to 3:30 am (summer saving) and Monday 7 am to 4 am (winter saving). The market is closed on weekends and holidays.


      Trading Platform

      Mega Rich's MT4 trading platform is a versatile and efficient tool for online trading. It integrates market charts, technical analysis, and trading functions into one user-friendly software. It runs smoothly, even on lower-powered devices, and offers access to historical data and charts. This platform is trusted and favored by international investment companies and individual investors alike for its reliability and comprehensive features.


      Customer Support

      Mega Rich offers comprehensive customer support options for its users:

      Customer Service Hotline: Users can reach Mega Rich's customer service 24 hours a day through the hotline at 4001-201-886.

      Company Phone: For inquiries during business hours (Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, excluding holidays), users can contact the company at +852 39599099.

      Customer Service Email: For written inquiries and support, users can email the customer service team at

      Company Address: Mega Rich is physically located on the 10th and 16th floors of SF Building, 9-11 Ashley Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

      This multi-faceted customer support system ensures that users can reach out for assistance through their preferred communication channel, whether it's via phone, email, or visiting their office in Hong Kong. The 24-hour hotline also provides around-the-clock accessibility to address any urgent concerns or inquiries.


      Educational Resources

      Mega Rich's “Wealth Creation Academy” at offers a valuable educational resource for precious metal trading. It provides a collection of articles covering market analysis, trading strategies, and precious metal market insights. These resources benefit traders of all levels, equipping them with knowledge and tools to enhance their trading skills and decision-making in the precious metals market. This academy, accessible via the provided link, reflects Mega Rich's commitment to supporting traders in their pursuit of success in precious metal trading.



      Mega Rich offers leveraged precious metal spot trading, primarily focusing on London gold and London silver as market instruments. They provide two types of accounts: real and demo accounts, allowing traders to engage with actual funds or practice in a risk-free environment. The platform offers a maximum trading leverage of 1:100, which can amplify potential gains or losses. The spreads for London gold and silver trading are competitively priced. Deposits can be made in RMB, and withdrawals are flexible with generally no fees. The company's MT4 trading platform integrates market charts, technical analysis, and trading functions efficiently. Customer support is accessible through a 24/7 hotline and other channels. Educational resources, found in the “Wealth Creation Academy,” offer valuable insights for traders. However, it's important to note that Mega Rich is unregulated by the National Futures Association (NFA) in the United States, so traders should exercise caution.


      Q: Is Mega Rich regulated?

      A: No, Mega Rich is currently unregulated and holds an “Unauthorized” status from the National Futures Association (NFA) in the United States.

      Q: What is the minimum deposit required to start trading with Mega Rich?

      A: The minimum deposit for real trading is $10, with one lot requiring a $1,000 margin.

      Q: Can I practice trading without risking real money?

      A: Yes, Mega Rich offers demo accounts where you can practice trading with virtual funds to hone your skills.

      Q: What is the maximum leverage offered by Mega Rich?

      A: Mega Rich provides a maximum trading leverage of up to 1:100, allowing you to control larger positions relative to your initial investment.

      Q: How can I contact Mega Rich's customer support?

      A: You can reach Mega Rich's customer support through a 24/7 hotline at 4001-201-886, via email at, or during business hours at +852 39599099.

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more than one year
It's a little strange, wikifx shows that this company is supervised by NFA (unauthorized), and the company's own website says that it is supervised by St. Vincent and the Grenadines... I think the latter is not as good as the former! The company registered on that small island is really as unreliable as possible.
2022-12-14 11:12


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