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LD Trading

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White label MT4|Global Business|High potential risk|


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LD Trading · Company Summary

LD Trading Basic Information
Company Name LD Trading
Founded 2022
Headquarters China
Regulations Not Regulated
Tradable Assets Forex, Bullions, Indices, Commodities, Cryptocurrencies
Account Types Swap-Free, Retail, Crypto, Institutional
Minimum Deposit $100 (Swap-Free), $200 (Retail), $1,000 (Crypto), $30,000 (Institutional)
Maximum Leverage 1:500
Spreads 2 Pips (Swap-Free), 0.6-0.7 Pips (Retail), Tightest Spread (Crypto), 0.1 Pip (Institutional)
Commission $6 (Swap-Free, Retail), Not specified (Crypto), $4 (Institutional)
Deposit Methods Tether (USDT), Perfect Money
Trading Platforms MetaTrader 4 (MT4), Prodigy
Customer Support Live Chat, Email
Education Resources Not specified
Bonus Offerings Introducing Broker (IB) Program

General Information

LD Trading, is a Forex broker in China which is a multi-asset trading platform that provides traders with access to leveraged trading services on a broad range of tradable instruments with the aim of providing clients with access to top-tier liquidity and a wide range of trading tools, while maintaining security, liquidity, enabling a safe and decent trading environment, moreover, the broker was registered in China, however, it has not provided the specific office location to the public so far.

While LD Trading offers a competitive advantage with its range of trading instruments and account types, it's important to note that the broker lacks regulatory oversight, which can be a significant drawback for traders seeking a higher level of security and transparency in their trading activities. Additionally, the broker's educational resources are limited, and non-trading fees are not clearly specified on their website, potentially leaving traders in the dark about additional costs. Traders should carefully consider these factors when evaluating LD Trading as a potential brokerage for their trading needs.



LD Trading is not regulated. It is important to note that this broker does not have any valid regulation, which means it operates without oversight from recognized financial regulatory authorities. Traders should exercise caution and be aware of the associated risks when considering trading with an unregulated broker like LD Trading, as there may be limited avenues for dispute resolution, potential safety and security concerns regarding funds, and a lack of transparency in the broker's business practices. It is advisable for traders to thoroughly research and consider the regulatory status of a broker before engaging in trading activities to ensure a safer and more secure trading experience.


Market Instruments

LD Trading offers a complete assortment of classes across the global financial markets including Forex, Metals, Indices, Commodities, and Cryptocurrencies.

1. Foreign Exchange (FX): LD Trading offers a wide array of currency pairs for forex trading. Traders can participate in the foreign exchange market, which is known for its high liquidity and dynamic price movements.

2. Bullions: For those interested in precious metals, LD Trading provides access to bullion trading. This typically includes gold and silver, allowing investors to take positions in these valuable commodities.

3. Indices: LD Trading offers trading opportunities in stock indices. These indices represent the performance of a group of stocks and are often used to gauge the overall health and trends of specific markets.

4. Commodities: The platform also supports commodity trading, which can include a range of goods such as oil, natural gas, agricultural products, and more. Commodities can be appealing for diversifying a trading portfolio.

5. Cryptocurrencies: LD Trading recognizes the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies and provides access to digital asset trading. Traders can speculate on the price movements of various cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others.

With a diverse selection of trading instruments, LD Trading aims to cater to the preferences and strategies of different traders, whether they are interested in traditional assets like currencies and commodities or emerging options like cryptocurrencies. This variety allows traders to build diversified portfolios and potentially capitalize on various market opportunities.


Here is a comparison table of trading instruments offered by different brokers:

Broker Forex Metals Crypto CFD Indices Stock ETF Options
LD Trading Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No
RoboForex Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
IC Markets Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No
Exness Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No


1. Swap-Free Account: Designed for traders adhering to Islamic finance principles, it requires a $100 minimum deposit, features a fixed 2-pip spread, and provides swap-free trading. Traders can enjoy leverage up to 1:100, a $6 CFD commission, and a 10% stop-out level. Bonuses, bridge/API/WL access, and risk management tools are available.

2. Retail Account: Ideal for individual traders, it demands a $200 minimum deposit and offers competitive spreads ranging from 0.6 to 0.7 pips. This account includes swap return, a $6 CFD commission, leverage options from 1:100 to 1:300, and a 10% stop-out level. Traders can access bonuses, bridge/API/WL, and risk management tools.

3. Crypto Account: Tailored for cryptocurrency traders, it requires a $1,000 minimum deposit, offers tight spreads, and features swap return. It doesn't specify a CFD commission. Leverage goes up to 1:2, and the stop-out level is 20%. Traders can explore potential bonuses, bridge/API/WL access, and risk management tools.

4. Institutional Account: Geared towards institutional traders, it has a substantial $30,000 minimum deposit requirement, provides an extremely tight 0.1-pip spread with a commission fee of $4. Leverage reaches 1:100, and the stop-out level is 20%. Institutional traders can benefit from bonuses, bridge/API/WL access, and risk management tools.


How to Open an Account?

To open an account with LD Trading, follow these steps.

  1. Visit the LD Trading website. Look for the “Open Live” button on the homepage and click on it.

  1. Sign up on websites registration page and select your preferred leverage option from 1:100 to 1:500

  1. Receive your personal account login from an automated email

  2. Log in

  3. Proceed to deposit funds to your account

  4. Download the platform and start trading


LD Trading provides a range of leverage options tailored to different account types, with leverage ratios extending up to 1:500. Here's a breakdown of the leverage available for each account type:

- Swap-Free Account: Up to 1:100 leverage.

- Retail Account: Leverage ranges from 1:100 to 1:300.

- Crypto Account: Up to 1:2 leverage.

- Institutional Account: Up to 1:100 leverage.

These leverage levels represent the amount of capital you can control with a given amount of your own capital. While leverage can magnify profits, it also increases the potential for significant losses. Traders should carefully consider their risk tolerance and choose an account type with an appropriate leverage level that aligns with their trading strategy and financial goals.

Here is a comparison table of maximum leverage offered by different brokers:

Broker LD Trading Libertex IC Markets RoboForex
Maximum Leverage 1:500 1:30 1:500 1:2000

Spreads & Commissions

Each account offers a different spread, for example, the Micro Account is from 0.8 pips, the Retail Account is from 0.6 pips to 0.7 pips, the Institutional Account, the spread is from 0.4 pips to 0.5 pips, and the spread of 0.1 pips id for ECN Account. Concerning the commission, the commissions are various in light of the account types, for instance, the commission of a Micro Account is 8 USD per trade, for the ECN Account, the commission is 4 USD per trade.

Non-Trading Fees

LD Trading's website mentions a “swap-free account” option, but it does not provide specific details about other non-trading fees. Non-trading fees typically encompass various charges that are not directly related to the execution of trades. These fees can include deposit and withdrawal fees, account inactivity fees, currency conversion fees, and more. Since LD Trading's website does not elaborate on these non-trading fees, potential clients and traders are advised to contact LD Trading directly or refer to their official terms and conditions for a comprehensive understanding of any additional charges that may apply to their trading accounts. It's essential to have a clear understanding of both trading and non-trading fees when evaluating a brokerage's overall cost structure.

Trading Platform

LD Trading in MetaTrader 4(MT4) White Label provider, which is an industry-recognized platform available for free download to PC desktops (Windows/macOS) and mobile devices (Android/iOS), besides, clients are allowed to apply on a web-based trading platform named Prodigy that possesses a plethora of experts, and advanced tools and features.



ImProForex offers a bonus program known as the Introducing Broker (IB) program, which allows individuals and corporate entities to earn profits by promoting LD TRADING within their community. IBs can earn commissions or rebates for every transaction conducted by customers they refer to LD TRADING. This program provides an opportunity to generate income through customer referrals.



LD Trading offers traders a variety of account types and trading instruments, making it suitable for a range of trading preferences. However, its lack of regulation raises concerns about transparency and security. Traders should carefully consider the associated risks and conduct thorough research before choosing LD Trading as their broker.


Q: Is LD Trading a regulated broker?

A: No, LD Trading operates without regulation, which means it lacks oversight from recognized financial regulatory authorities.

Q: What types of tradable assets are available on LD Trading?

A: LD Trading offers a range of tradable assets, including Forex, Bullions, Indices, Commodities, and Cryptocurrencies

Q: What are the minimum deposit requirements for LD Trading's account types?

A: The minimum deposit requirements vary by account type: $100 for Swap-Free, $200 for Retail, $1,000 for Crypto, and $30,000 for Institutional.

Q: What trading platforms does LD Trading offer?

A: LD Trading provides access to MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and the Prodigy platform.

Q: What deposit methods are accepted by LD Trading?

A: LD Trading facilitates deposits via Tether (USDT) and Perfect Money.

Risk Warning

Trading in leveraged financial instruments carries a high level of risk, including the risk of losing your entire invested capital, and may not be suitable for all investors. The high leverage and volatility of such instruments can work against you as well as for you. Before you decide to trade, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. Wherever in doubt, you should consult and receive advice from independent experts, including legal, tax, and financial advisers.

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more than one year
My account has suffered several margin calls, but the customer service team did not provide any explanation for it. Instead, they kept asking me to add more margin. In addition, my trades often failed to execute correctly, leading to losses. Overall, my trading experience with LD Trading has been disappointing and frustrating.
2023-03-22 12:18
more than one year
LD Trading is the best broker I have been in. I have been investing and making my daily profits from the company for a long time now, they are the best! Thank you for your honesty and loyalty.
2023-03-06 14:11


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