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Orient Markets

United Kingdom|5-10 years|
MT5 Full License|Regional Brokers|Australia Appointed Representative(AR) Revoked|High potential risk|


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MT4/5 Identification

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Full License

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OrientMarketsLimited-Live MT5
Server Location Japan


+60 322466175
69 Aberdeen Avenue Cambridge, Cambridge, England CB2 8DL


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+60 322466175

Broker Information


Company Name

Orient Markets Limited

Company Abbreviation

Orient Markets

Platform registered country and region

United Kingdom

Company website

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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-07-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • AustraliaASIC (license number: 001300150) The regulatory status is abnormal, the official regulatory status is Revoked. Please be aware of the risk!

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Orient Markets · Company Summary

Risk Warning

Online trading is dangerous, and you could potentially lose all of your investment funds. Not all investors and traders are suitable for it. Please understand that the information on this website is designed to serve as general guidance, and that you should be aware of the risks.

General Information

Orient Markets Review Summary
Founded 2022
Registered Country/Region United Kingdom
Regulation ASIC (Appointed Representative Lincese)
Market Instruments Forex, index CFD, Metals, and Digital Currencies
Demo Account No
Leverage N/A
EUR/USD Spread N/A
Trading Platforms Tradingweb for desktop, Webtrader, iPhone app and Android app
Minimum Deposit $0
Customer Support Email:, Phone: +60322466175, Address: 07-06, Menara The Stride, No. 2, Jalan Hang Tuah, Bukit Bintang City Centre, 55100 Kuala Lumpur

What is Orient Markets?

Orient Markets is a regulated brokerage firm is registered in United Kingdom. The company offers a range of trading instruments across various asset classes, including Forex, CFD, Metals, and Digital Currencies through the Tradingweb for desktop, Webtrader, iPhone app, and Android app.

Orient Markets' home page

We will examine this broker's attributes from a variety of angles in the following post, giving you clear and organized information. Please continue reading if you're curious. To help you quickly comprehend the broker's qualities, we will also provide a concise conclusion at the end of the piece.

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
• Regulated by ASIC • Lack of info on trading conditions
• Diverse trading instruments • No info on payment methods
• MT5 trading platform
• Low minimum deposit

Is Orient Markets Safe or Scam?

Orient Markets is a forex and CFD trading broker that is registered with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC, No. 001300150), holding a license of Appointed Representative ( AR) license. ASIC is a reputable financial regulator, so this is a good sign that Orient Markets is a legitimate company. However, it is important to note that ASIC regulation does not guarantee that a broker is safe. There have been cases of ASIC-regulated brokers engaging in fraudulent activities.

regulated by ASIC

One of the key features of Orient Markets is that it offers separate custody of customer funds. This means that your funds are held in a separate account from the broker's operating funds, which helps to protect your money if the broker becomes insolvent.

Orient Markets appears to be a legitimate broker with a good regulatory track record. However, it is important to do your own research before opening an account with any broker, and to only trade with funds that you can afford to lose.

Market Instruments

Orient Markets offers a wide range of market instruments, including Forex, index CFD, Metals, and Digital Currencies.

• Forex (foreign exchange) is the market for exchanging one currency for another.

• CFD, or contracts for difference, are a type of derivative that allows traders to speculate on the future price movements of an underlying asset without actually owning the asset. CFDs are traded on a margin, which means that traders only need to deposit a small amount of capital to control a large position. This can make CFDs a very attractive product for traders with limited capital.

• Metals are elements that are solid at room temperature and have a high melting point. They are spot or futures trading.

Digital currencies are a type of currency that exists only in electronic form. They are not backed by any physical asset, such as gold or silver, and they are not issued by any government or central bank. Instead, they are created and managed by a network of computers. There are two main types of digital currencies: cryptocurrencies and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). Cryptocurrencies are decentralized, meaning that they are not subject to government or financial institution control. CBDCs, on the other hand, are centralized, meaning that they are issued and managed by a central bank.

Market Instruments


Orient Markets does not provide much information about its account types on its website. This makes it difficult for potential clients to compare the different accounts and choose the one that is right for them.

How to Opening an Orient Markets' Account?

Step 1: The official website home page click “free open account”, jump to the account opening link

Step 2: Fill in the relevant information and submit

Step 3: Waiting for the system background audit, the audit is successful, the system registration is successful, enter the login page to log in

open account process


Orient Markets lacks information on leverage, it could mean that they do not have enough information about the risks and rewards of using borrowed funds to invest.

Leverage can magnify your profits, but it can also magnify your losses. If the market moves against you, you could lose more money than you deposited.

For example, if the company offers maximum leverage of up to 1:500, which means that you can control a position worth 500 times your initial deposit. And, if you deposit $100, you could control a position worth $50,000.

Spreads & Commissions

As for spreads and commissions, there is nothing detailed information available on Orient Markets official site.

Below is a comparison table about spreads and commissions charged by different brokers:

Broker EUR/USD Spread (pips) Commissions (per lot)
Orient Markets N/A N/A
Pepperstone 0.6 No commissions
FBS From 0.5 (Std) No commissions (Std)
Admiral Markets From 0.6 No commissions

Trading Platform

Orient Markets offers several trading platforms for its clients, including Tradingweb for desktop, Webtrader, iPhone app, and Android app.

• Tradingweb is a web-based trading platform that allows you to trade from any device with an internet connection.


Webtrader is impler platform that is ideal for traders who want a quick and easy way to trade.


iPhone and Android apps areMobile-friendly platforms that allow traders to trade on the go.

iPhone App
Android App

All of these platforms are available to Orient Markets clients. The best platform for you will depend on your individual trading needs and preferences.

See the trading platform comparison table below:

Broker Trading Platforms
Orient Markets Tradingweb for desktop, Webtrader, iPhone app, and Android app
Pepperstone TradingView, MT4/5, cTrader
FBS MT4/5, Web trader
Admiral Markets MT4/5, Web trader

Deposits & Withdrawals

There is no information on the specific deposit and withdrawal methods that are accepted by Orient Markets, or on any fees that may be charged for deposits or withdrawals. This lack of information can make it difficult for potential customers to compare Orient Markets to other forex brokers, and to make an informed decision about whether to open an account with them.

The deposit balance requirement is said to be $0, this means that you can open an account with them and start trading even if you do not have any funds in your account.

Orient Markets minimum deposit vs other brokers

Orient Markets Most other
Minimum Deposit $0 $100
deposit process

Customer Service

Orient Markets offers a comprehensive customer support service, including email, and phone. Traders can also access a customized VIP customer service program, which includes dedicated account managers and priority support.

Customers can get in touch with their customer service line using the information provided below:


Phone: +60322466175

Address: 07-06, Menara The Stride, No. 2, Jalan Hang Tuah, Bukit Bintang City Centre, 55100 Kuala Lumpur

contact details


In conclusion, Orient Markets is a regulated brokerage firm that provides access to a wide range of trading instruments and offers Tradingweb for desktop, Webtrader, iPhone app, and Android app to cater to different trading preferences. There have been NO reports of exposure section, but it isn't mean safe for trader. Traders should exercise caution and conduct thorough research when considering Orient Markets or any other brokerage firm, taking into account factors such as reputation, client feedback, and regulatory compliance. Making an informed decision requires a comprehensive evaluation of all relevant factors beyond the information provided here.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1: What types of trading instruments are available at Orient Markets?
A1: Orient Markets offers a variety of trading instruments, including Forex, CFD, Metals, and Digital Currencies.
Q2: Is Orient Markets a regulated brokerage firm?
A2: Yes. It is regulated by ASIC.
Q3: What trading platforms does Orient Markets provide?
A3: Orient Markets offers Tradingweb for desktop, Webtrader, iPhone app, and Android app.

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more than one year
Hey everyone! I've been dabbling with Orient Markets lately. I've got to say, their variety of trading instruments keeps things interesting. The user interface on their apps is pretty intuitive, making trading on the go a breeze. But they've got me scratching my head a bit since they are vague on key details like accounts, payment methods, and... I reached out to their customer service a couple of times, the response was prompt and they seem helpful. My final take? They've got potential, but there's room for improvement.
2024-03-01 11:38


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