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Belize|5-10 years|
MT4 Full License|Regional Brokers|Belize Common Financial Service License Revoked|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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BondexGlobal-Demo(STP) MT4
Server Location The Virgin Islands



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Bondex Global Limited

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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 4
Previous Detection : 2024-07-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • BelizeFSC (license number: IFSC/60/486/BCA/19) The regulatory status is abnormal, the official regulatory status is Revoked. Please be aware of the risk!
  • This broker exceeds the business scope regulated by Belize FSC(license number: IFSC/60/486/BCA/19)International Financial Services Commission-UNFX Non-Forex License. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The Belize FSC regulation with license number: IFSC/60/486/BCA/19 is an offshore regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

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Pyramid scheme complaint

BONDEX · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name revoked Status
Registered Country/Area United Kingdom
Founded Year 2022
Regulation Revoked
Minimum Deposit £1000
Products Forex,Crypto currencies,index,commodities(metal)
Spreads&Commissions Spreads:from 0.2 pip to 1.3 pips;Commissions:from 1.5% to 6%
Trading Platforms Meta Trader 4,Meta Trader 5
Demo Account Available
Customer Support
Deposit & Withdrawal Bank transfer,credit/debit card,third party payment

Overview of BONDEX

BONDEX, established in 2022 and based in the United Kingdom, is an revoked financial services company offering a range of trading products including Forex, cryptocurrencies, indices, and commodities like metals.

Satisfying traders with a minimum deposit requirement of £1000, BONDEX provides competitive trading conditions with spreads ranging from 0.2 to 1.3 pips and commissions between 1.5% to 6%.

The platform supports popular trading platforms Meta Trader 4 and Meta Trader 5 and offers a demo account for practice and strategy testing.

Clients can reach customer support via email at For transactions, BONDEX accepts bank transfers, credit/debit cards, and third-party payments, facilitating convenient deposit and withdrawal options.

Overview of BONDEX

Is BONDEX Legit or a Scam?

BONDEX's regulatory status appears to have been revoked, and it previously held a Common Financial Service License regulated by the Financial Services Commission(FSC) in Belize with license number IFSC/60/486/BCA/19.

However, it's important to note that a revoked license indicates that the company is no longer authorized to provide financial services, and its regulatory oversight has been terminated.

Is BONDEX Legit or a Scam?

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Various Trading Products Revoked Status
Competitive Trading Conditions New Market Player
Advanced Trading Platforms Minimum Deposit Requirement
Demo Account Availability Limited Regulatory Safeguards
Multiple Payment Options Potential Trust Issues

Pros of BONDEX

  1. Various Trading Products: Offers a wide range of trading options, including Forex, cryptocurrencies, indices, and commodities, meeting various trading interests and strategies.

  2. Competitive Trading Conditions: Features attractive spreads starting from 0.2 pips and reasonable commission rates ranging from 1.5% to 6%, appealing to cost-conscious traders.

  3. Advanced Trading Platforms: Supports widely-used and reputable platforms like Meta Trader 4 and Meta Trader 5, providing traders with sophisticated tools and analysis capabilities.

  4. Demo Account Availability: The provision of a demo account allows new and experienced traders to practice and refine their trading strategies without risking real capital.

  5. Multiple Payment Options: Offers a range of deposit and withdrawal methods, including bank transfer, credit/debit card, and third-party payments, ensuring convenience and flexibility in transactions.

Cons of BONDEX

  1. Revoked Status: The lack of regulation raises concerns about investor protection, operational transparency, and the potential for higher financial risks.

  2. New Market Player: Being founded in 2022, BONDEX is relatively new in the market, which may pose questions about its track record and stability in the long term.

  3. Minimum Deposit Requirement: The £1000 minimum deposit will be a barrier for entry-level or small-scale traders.

  4. Limited Regulatory Safeguards: Without regulatory oversight, there will be limited recourse for clients in the event of disputes or financial irregularities.

  5. Potential Trust Issues: The revoked nature will affect its credibility and trustworthiness among investors who typically prefer trading with regulated entities.

Pros and Cons


BONDEX offers a range of trading products, including:

  1. Forex (Foreign Exchange): Forex trading involves the exchange of one currency for another in the global currency market. BONDEX provides access to a wide range of currency pairs, including major pairs like EUR/USD and GBP/USD, as well as minor and exotic pairs such as USD/TRY and EUR/SGD.

  2. Cryptocurrencies: BONDEX allows traders to participate in the rapidly growing cryptocurrency market. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), and Bitcoin Cash (BCH) are available for trading.

  3. Indices: Stock market indices represent a basket of selected stocks from a particular region or sector and are used to gauge the overall performance of the stock market. BONDEX offers access to popular indices such as the S&P 500, NASDAQ 100, FTSE 100, DAX 30, and Nikkei 225.

  4. Commodities (Metals): BONDEX provides traders with exposure to precious metals, including Gold (XAU/USD), Silver (XAG/USD), Platinum (XPT/USD), and Palladium (XPD/USD). These metals are commonly traded as safe-haven assets or for their industrial applications.


How to Open an Account?

To open an account with BONDEX, follow these four steps:

  1. Visit BONDEX Website:

    1. Start by visiting the official BONDEX website (

  2. Complete the Registration Form:

    1. Look for the “Open Account” or “Sign Up” option on the website and click on it.

    2. You will be directed to a registration form. Fill in your personal information, including your name, email address, phone number, and any other required details.

  3. Submit Verification Documents:

    1. After completing the registration form, BONDEX may require you to submit verification documents. These typically include proof of identity (e.g., passport or driver's license) and proof of address (e.g., utility bill or bank statement).

    2. Ensure that all submitted documents are clear, valid, and match the information provided during registration.

  4. Fund Your Account:

    1. Once your account is verified and approved, you can proceed to fund your trading account. BONDEX offers various deposit options, including bank transfer, credit/debit card, and third-party payment methods.

    2. Choose your preferred deposit method, follow the instructions, and transfer the initial deposit, ensuring it meets the minimum deposit requirement (£1000).

Spreads & Commissions

BONDEX offers competitive spreads and commissions for traders. Here are the details:

  • Spreads: BONDEX provides spreads ranging from as low as 0.2 pips to a maximum of 1.3 pips. Spreads represent the difference between the buying (ask) price and the selling (bid) price of a financial instrument. Lower spreads can be advantageous for traders, as they reduce the cost of entering and exiting positions.

  • Commissions: BONDEX charges commissions on trades, with rates varying from 1.5% to 6%. Commissions are typically calculated as a percentage of the trade's total value. The specific commission rate depends on the trading product, account type, and trading volume.

Spreads & Commissions

Trading Platform

BONDEX offers access to the following trading platforms:

  1. Meta Trader 4 (MT4): Meta Trader 4 is a widely recognized and popular trading platform known for its user-friendly interface and advanced charting tools. MT4 provides traders with real-time market data, customizable indicators, and automated trading capabilities through Expert Advisors (EAs). It is a versatile platform suitable for traders of all levels, from beginners to experienced professionals.

  2. Meta Trader 5 (MT5): Meta Trader 5 is the successor to MT4 and offers an expanded range of features. MT5 includes additional timeframes, more technical indicators, an economic calendar, and an integrated economic news feed. It is particularly suitable for traders looking for advanced charting and analytical tools to make informed trading decisions.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

BONDEX offers a variety of payment methods to facilitate deposits and withdrawals for traders. These payment methods include:

Payment Methods:

  1. Bank Transfer: Traders can deposit funds into their BONDEX trading account by initiating a bank transfer from their bank to BONDEX.

  2. Credit/Debit Card: BONDEX accepts deposits made using major credit and debit cards, including Visa and MasterCard.

  3. Third-Party Payment Methods: Depending on availability and region, traders may have the option to use third-party payment methods like PayPal, Skrill, Neteller, and other online payment services.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Customer Support

BONDEX provides customer support through its dedicated email address, This email contact allows traders to reach out to the BONDEX support team for assistance, inquiries, or support-related matters.

For more personalized assistance and information, traders can use this email contact to engage with the customer support team at BONDEX.


BONDEX, a recently established trading company based in the United Kingdom, offers a various range of trading products, including Forex, cryptocurrencies, indices, and commodities.

While the company attracts traders with a minimum deposit requirement of £1000 and provides competitive spreads starting from 0.2 pips, it operates in an revoked status. This raises considerations about investor protection and risk management.

BONDEX supports the popular Meta Trader 4 and Meta Trader 5 trading platforms, offering traders advanced charting and analytical tools.


Q: What trading products are available on BONDEX?

A: BONDEX offers a range of trading products, including Forex, cryptocurrencies, indices, and commodities such as metals.

Q: Is BONDEX regulated by any financial authority?

A: No, BONDEX operates as an revoked trading company in the United Kingdom.

Q: What is the minimum deposit requirement to open an account with BONDEX?

A: The minimum deposit requirement for BONDEX accounts is £1000.

Q: What are the available trading platforms on BONDEX?

A: BONDEX supports Meta Trader 4 (MT4) and Meta Trader 5 (MT5) as trading platforms.

Q: What are the spreads and commissions on BONDEX?

A: BONDEX offers spreads ranging from 0.2 pips to 1.3 pips and commissions from 1.5% to 6%, depending on the trading product and account type.

Q: How can I contact BONDEX customer support?

A: You can contact BONDEX customer support by emailing

Q: Are there any restrictions on withdrawal methods?

A: Withdrawals from BONDEX accounts can typically be processed through bank transfer, credit/debit card, or third-party payment methods, subject to their policies and restrictions.

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more than one year
Bondex's staff deceived me into depositing funds without any contracts. Initially, they had me record an ID video, assuring me that there was no possibility of losing money. They convinced me to deposit $2000, and later claimed it was too little, pressuring me to add another $3000. Every day, the operations they executed resulted in losses, with promises of recovery by the end of the month turning out to be false. Bondex seems to be a scam; they swiftly deplete deposited funds, and now, there is no way to contact anyone.
2024-01-03 18:50
Nghĩ Nguyễn
more than one year
What kind of broker is this? I wouldn't trust my money with this kind of broker. I was patient enough I waited almost three years for them to get my issues fixed, but nothing came out.
2023-02-28 17:59


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