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Global Trade

Cyprus|10-15 years|
Straight Through Processing(STP)|Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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+357 22 000 787
Kennedy Avenue 8, Offices 201&202, Athienitis Building, 1087, Nicosia ​


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Global Trade · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Global Trade
Registered Country/Area Cyprus
Founded Year 10-15 years
Regulation Regulated by CySEC
Minimum Deposit €200
Trading Platforms XCITE
Tradable Assets CFDs, Commodities, ETFs, Forex, Indices, Shares, Synthetic Derivatives
Account Types Tiered account system with levels 1-9
Demo Account N/A
Customer Support Email:, Phone: +357 22 000 787
Deposit & Withdrawal credit/debit cards, e-wallets, and wire transfers.
Educational Resources Economic Calendar, News, Trading Insider, Autochartist

Overview of Global Trade

Global Trade, headquartered in Cyprus, has been serving traders for approximately 10-15 years, offering a regulated trading environment overseen by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). With a minimum deposit requirement of €200, Global Trade provides access to a diverse range of financial instruments, including CFDs, commodities, ETFs, forex, indices, shares, and synthetic derivatives.

The trading platform, XCITE, satisfies traders' needs with a tiered account system offering levels 1-9, each with varying benefits and privileges. Traders can benefit from customer support via email and phone. Deposits and withdrawals are facilitated through credit/debit cards, e-wallets, and wire transfers.

Overview of Global Trade

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Regulated by CySEC Lack of a demo account option
Low minimum deposit Customer support options limited
Offers a diverse range of tradable assets Withdrawals take up to five business days
Provides a tiered account system
Access to educational resources


  1. Regulated by CySEC: Being regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) ensures that Global Trade adheres to strict financial regulations and standards, providing traders with a level of trust and confidence in the platform's operations.

  2. Low minimum deposit: With a minimum deposit requirement of €200, Global Trade offers accessibility to a wide range of traders, including those with smaller capital amounts, allowing them to start trading with a relatively low initial investment.

  3. Offers a diverse range of tradable assets: Global Trade provides access to a diverse range of financial instruments, including Contracts for Difference (CFDs), commodities, Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs), forex, indices, shares, and synthetic derivatives, allowing traders to diversify their investment portfolios and explore various trading opportunities.

  4. Provides a tiered account system: Global Trade offers a tiered account system with levels 1-9, each with its own set of benefits and privileges based on account equity, satisfying the diverse needs and preferences of traders at different levels.

  5. Access to educational resources: The platform offers access to educational resources such as the Economic Calendar, News, Trading Insider, and Autochartist, enabling traders to stay informed about market developments, trends, and analysis, ultimately assisting them in making more informed trading decisions.


  1. Lack of a demo account option: Global Trade does not offer a demo account option for traders to practice trading strategies and familiarize themselves with the platform's features before trading with real funds, potentially limiting the ability of novice traders to gain practical experience.

  2. Customer support options limited: While Global Trade provides customer support via email and phone, the lack of live chat support results in slower response times and limited accessibility for traders seeking immediate assistance or resolution to their queries.

  3. Withdrawals take up to five business days: Withdrawals processed via wire transfers take up to five business days to be completed, which could result in delays for traders needing access to their funds, particularly in urgent situations or when seeking to capitalize on trading opportunities.

Regulatory Status

Global Trade is regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC). It operates under a Straight Through Processing (STP) license. The license number issued by CySEC is 190/13. This regulatory oversight ensures that Global Trade complies with the financial regulations and standards set by Cyprus.

As a regulated entity, Global Trade adheres to strict guidelines regarding transparency, client protection, and operational integrity, providing clients with a level of assurance and trust in their trading activities.

Regulatory Status

Market Instruments

Global Trade, accessible through, offers a range of financial products to meet the various investment preferences and strategies.

Clients can engage in Contracts for Difference (CFDs), providing opportunities to speculate on price movements without owning the underlying assets directly.

Commodities trading allows investors to participate in the dynamic commodities market, including precious metals, energy products, and agricultural commodities.

Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) offer exposure to a basket of securities, providing diversification benefits within a single investment vehicle.

Forex trading enables clients to trade currency pairs in the largest and most liquid financial market globally, capitalizing on fluctuations in exchange rates. Indices trading allows investors to track and speculate on the performance of stock market indices, representing a basket of underlying stocks.

Moreover, Global Trade facilitates shares trading, enabling investors to buy and sell individual company stocks from various global markets.

Additionally, the platform offers Synthetic Derivatives, providing alternative investment instruments designed to replicate the performance of underlying assets.

Market Instruments

Account Types

Global Trade offers a tiered account system based on clients' account equity, providing various levels of benefits and privileges.

Level 1 accounts, accessible with equity ranging from $200 to $1,999, include features such as a free e-book and training, dedicated customer support, trading insights, one-click trading, pop-up alerts, and Autochartist tools. Clients also receive price and rollover discounts across multiple BITA levels.

Moving up to Level 2 requires an equity of $2,000 to $4,999, granting clients all Level 1 features with an increased 5% discount. Level 3 accounts, for equity between $5,000 and $9,999, offer a 10% discount on top of Level 1 features.

For those with equity from $10,000 to $14,999, Level 4 accounts provide a 15% discount in addition to Level 1 features. Level 5 accounts, for equity between $15,000 and $29,999, offer a 20% discount alongside Level 1 features. Level 6 accounts, attainable with equity from $30,000 to $49,999, provide a 25% discount in addition to Level 1 features. Level 7 accounts, for equity between $50,000 and $74,999, offer a 30% discount.

Clients with equity ranging from $75,000 to $99,999 qualify for Level 8 accounts, which provide a 35% discount. Finally, Level 9 accounts, accessible with an equity of $100,000 or more, offer the highest benefits, including a 40% discount on top of all Level 1 features.

Level Account Equity Range Features Price & Rollover Discount
1 $200 - $1,999 Free e-book and training, dedicated customer support officer, trading insider insights, one-click trading functionality, pop-up alerts, Autochartist tools, price and rollover discounts across multiple BITA levels None
2 $2,000 - $4,999 All Level 1 features + 5% discount 5%
3 $5,000 - $9,999 All Level 1 features + 10% discount 10%
4 $10,000 - $14,999 All Level 1 features + 15% discount 15%
5 $15,000 - $29,999 All Level 1 features + 20% discount 20%
6 $30,000 - $49,999 All Level 1 features + 25% discount 25%
7 $50,000 - $74,999 All Level 1 features + 30% discount 30%
8 $75,000 - $99,999 All Level 1 features + 35% discount 35%
9 $100,000 or more All Level 1 features + 40% discount 40%
Account Types

How to Open an Account?

Here's how to open an account with Global Trade, following the provided points:

  1. Register your details: Fill out a registration form with your personal information. Your account will then be reviewed for approval.

  2. Make your initial deposit: Fund your new account with a starting amount.

  3. Explore trading tools: Once approved, you'll have access to a variety of advanced tools to aid your trading decisions.

  4. Start trading: You're now ready to buy and sell assets with hundreds of options available.

How to Open an Account?

Trading Platform

Global Trade's trading platform, XCITE, offers traders access to global markets with a range of handy features tailored to enhance the trading experience. XCITE provides access to marketing news and a unique feature called “Trading Insider,” offering insights into the trading activities of other traders on specific symbols.

Additionally, the platform includes Autochartist, a favorite among clients, which intelligently and intuitively analyzes market data to provide digestible information, reducing the hassle for traders. With the XCITE app, traders can follow their trading journey.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

Global Trade offers a variety of payment methods for both deposits and withdrawals, ensuring convenience and accessibility for clients.

For deposits, clients can choose from options such as international credit/debit cards, e-wallets, and wire transfers, with a minimum deposit requirement of €200 or equivalent. Deposits via credit/debit cards require proof of the card's ownership, while wire transfers take up to five business days for processing.

Withdrawals are processed promptly, with funds returned to the same method used for deposit, ensuring ease of transaction. Withdrawal requests are typically processed within one business day of approval, with the time frame for fund transfer varying depending on the chosen payment method.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Customer Support

Global Trade provides customer support through email and telephone to ensure efficient assistance to its clients. Customers can reach out via telephone by dialing +357 22 000 787, where knowledgeable representatives are available to address inquiries and provide guidance. Additionally, clients can communicate with the support team via email at, enabling convenient correspondence for queries or assistance with account-related matters.

Customer Support

Educational Resources

Finansero provides a comprehensive suite of educational resources. The platform's intuitive features offer easily digestible information, guiding traders towards their best trades.

The Economic Calendar serves as a detailed treasure map, aiding in next-level trading decisions by providing insights into key economic events and their potential impact on the markets.

Stay informed with up-to-date news through the News feature, enhancing situational awareness and enabling traders to adapt to changing market conditions effectively.

Gain valuable insights from fellow traders with the Trading Insider feature, allowing users to monitor the activities of other Finansero traders and potentially uncover valuable trading opportunities.

Additionally, Autochartist simplifies technical and volatility analysis, serving as a reliable tool to support traders in their decision-making process.

Educational Resources


In conclusion, Global Trade, a CySEC-regulated broker with 10-15 years of experience, offers a diverse range of tradable assets through the XCITE platform. The tiered account system satisfies different investment levels, while educational resources and customer support are available.

However, the lack of a demo account and withdrawal processing times up to five business days can be drawbacks. Carefully consider your needs and risk tolerance before choosing Global Trade.


Question: Is Global Trade a safe and legitimate broker?

Answer: Global Trade is regulated by CySEC, a reputable financial authority in Cyprus.

Question: What investment options does Global Trade offer?

Answer: Global Trade provides a wide range of instruments to trade, including Contracts for Difference (CFDs), commodities, ETFs, forex, indices, shares, and even synthetic derivatives.

Question: Do I need a lot of money to start trading with Global Trade?

Answer: No, the minimum deposit required to open an account is €200, making it accessible to a wider range of investors.

Question: Can I try out the platform before committing real money?

Answer: Unfortunately, there is no mention of a demo account available on Global Trade's website.

Question: Does Global Trade offer any educational resources?

Answer: Yes, Global Trade provides a variety of educational tools, including an economic calendar, market news, trading insights, and Autochartist for technical analysis.

Question: How can I get help if I have questions or need assistance?

Answer: Global Trade offers customer support via email and phone. You can reach them by phone at +357 22 000 787 or email them at

Broker Information

Company Name

Global Trade CIF Ltd

Company Abbreviation

Global Trade

Regulatory Status


Platform registered country and region


Phone of the company
  • +357 22 000 787









Company address
  • Kennedy Avenue 8, Offices 201&202, Athienitis Building, 1087, Nicosia ​









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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