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Vinder Rigdom

United Kingdom|2-5 years|
White label MT4|Regional Brokers|United States Common Financial Service License Unauthorized|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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41 Devonshire Street Ground Floor Office 1, London, W1G 7AJ, United Kingdom


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Vinder Rigdom Limited

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Vinder Rigdom

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United Kingdom

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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 3
Previous Detection : 2024-07-01
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • United StatesNFA (license number: 0548406) The regulatory status is abnormal, the official regulatory status is Unauthorized. Please be aware of the risk!
  • This broker exceeds the business scope regulated by United States NFA(license number: 0548406)National Futures Association-UNFX Non-Forex License. Please be aware of the risk!

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Vinder Rigdom · Company Summary

Registered Country/Area United Kingdom
Founded year 2023
Company Name Vinder Rigdom
Regulation Suspicious Regulatory License
Minimum Deposit $1,000
Maximum Leverage 500:1
Spreads From 0.0 pips ( allegedly)
Trading Platforms MetaTrader 4 tradiing platform
Tradable assets Forex Pairs, Commodities, Indices
Account Types Standard Account, VIP Account
Demo Account No
Islamic Account No
Customer Support Email:
Payment Methods Credit Cards, Skrill, Neteller
Educational Tools Limited or none

Overview of Vinder Rigdom

Vinder Rigdom is a financial brokerage registered in the United Kingdom and was founded in 2023. However, it is important to note that Vinder Rigdom holds a suspicious regulatory license, which may raise concerns among potential traders.

Tradable assets available through Vinder Rigdom include forex pairs, commodities, and indices. Vinder Rigdom offers two types of trading accounts: the Standard Account and the VIP Account. The minimum deposit required by Vinder Rigdom is $1,000, which is relatively high compared to other brokers in the industry. Additionally, the maximum leverage offered is 500:1, which can provide traders with the opportunity for higher returns but also carries a higher risk.

The spreads offered by Vinder Rigdom are claimed to start from 0.0 pips, although the accuracy of this information is uncertain. Traders should exercise caution and verify this claim before proceeding.

Vinder Rigdom uses the MetaTrader 4 trading platform, a widely recognized and commonly used platform in the industry. This platform offers various tools and features to assist traders in executing their strategies.

Unfortunately, Vinder Rigdom does not provide a demo account, which can be a disadvantage for traders who wish to practice and familiarize themselves with the platform before committing real funds. Accepted payment methods by Vinder Rigdom include credit cards, Skrill, and Neteller, providing traders with options for funding their accounts.


Is Vinder Rigdom legit or a scam?

The regulation of Vinder Rigdom claims to be under the National Futures Association (NFA) with regulatory license number 0548406. However, upon closer scrutiny, it becomes evident that this broker is not actually a member of the NFA.

It is highly advisable for traders to choose brokers that are transparent and hold valid and recognized regulatory licenses. Working with regulated brokers instills a sense of confidence and assurance, as they are subjected to strict compliance guidelines and regular audits. This, in turn, promotes a more secure and trustworthy trading environment for traders.


Market Instruments

Vinder Rigdom offers a limited range of trading instruments to its clients. These include forex pairs, commodities, and indices. While this selection may be suitable for some traders, it is important to note that the diversity and variety of instruments may fall short of what other established brokers in the industry provide.

Forex pairs are a staple in the trading world, offering traders the opportunity to speculate on the fluctuations between two different currencies.


Commodities, on the other hand, represent physical goods such as precious metals, energies, and agricultural products. Trading commodities can be appealing for traders seeking to diversify their portfolios or capitalize on specific market conditions.


Indices, which represent a basket of stocks from specific markets, can provide traders with exposure to a specific sector or region's performance. This allows traders to speculate on the overall movement of the market rather than individual stocks. While Vinder Rigdom does offer indices as a tradable instrument, the extent of the available indices may be restricted compared to brokers with a more comprehensive offering.


Account Types

Vinder Rigdom reluctantly offers two types of trading accounts, which include the Standard Account with a minimum deposit of $1000 and the VIP account with a minimum deposit of $5000. These account types, however, fail to impress with their limited features and benefits.

With the Standard Account, traders are subjected to mere basic trading experience. It offers no frills or additional perks, merely granting access to the available range of trading instruments. The VIP Account, despite its hefty minimum deposit requirement, offers little justification for such a substantial investment, with promised benefits, such as personalized customer support or specialized research resources, not mentioned at all.



Vinder Rigdom extends the provision of leverage to its clients, with a maximum offering of 1:400. The leverage ratio of 1:400 provided by Vinder Rigdom signifies a substantial magnification of the trading position, as compared to the trader's own capital. Such a level of leverage empowers traders to control a larger position in the market, allowing them to potentially generate higher profits based on price movements. It is worth noting that leverage acts as a double-edged sword, as it can multiply both profits and losses.


Spreads & Commissions (Trading Fees)

Vinder Rigdom boasts of offering spreads from 0.0 pips to its clients, a claim that may pique the interest of traders seeking competitive pricing in the market. Unfortunately, Vinder Rigdom does not provide a demo account, depriving prospective clients of the opportunity to test the advertised spreads firsthand.

Non-Trading Fees

Vinder Rigdom, like any financial institution, imposes non-trading fees on its clients, which must be taken into account when assessing the overall cost structure. One notable non-trading fee that traders should be aware of is the potential for deposit and withdrawal fees. Vinder Rigdom may levy charges for depositing funds into trading accounts or withdrawing profits and funds. In addition to deposit and withdrawal fees, Vinder Rigdom may impose inactivity fees on dormant trading accounts. This practice, while not uncommon within the industry, serves as a means for the broker to offset the operational costs associated with maintaining dormant accounts. Another non-trading fee that traders may encounter with Vinder Rigdom is the potential for currency conversion fees. These fees arise when clients deposit or withdraw funds in a currency other than the base currency of their trading account.

Trading Platform

Vinder Rigdom provides its clients with the widely recognized and popular MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platform. The MT5 platform is particularly renowned for its advanced charting capabilities. Traders can access an extensive selection of technical indicators, chart types, and drawing tools, allowing for sophisticated market analysis. This comprehensive suite of charting tools enables traders to identify trends, patterns, and potential trading opportunities.


In addition to its charting capabilities, the MT5 platform also supports automated trading through the integration of Expert Advisors (EAs). This functionality enables traders to automate their trading strategies and execute trades based on pre-determined criteria, without the need for manual intervention.

Deposit & Withdrawal

The minimum deposit requirement set by Vinder Rigdom at $100 may appear accessible. Vinder Rigdom provides a limited range of payment methods for deposits and withdrawals, showcasing their lack of flexibility and options for clients. Traders are confined to only bank wire transfers and credit cards.

Furthermore, Vinder Rigdom fails to provide detailed information regarding associated fees and processing times for deposits and withdrawals.

Customer Support

Vinder Rigdom's customer support is strikingly limited, as it can only be reached through a single channel: email at, with no available phone or live chat support. However, the absence of alternative support channels, such as phone or live chat, suggests a lack of commitment on the part of Vinder Rigdom to promptly address their clients' concerns and provide real-time assistance.

Educational Resources

Vinder Rigdom's lack of educational resources leaves traders at a significant disadvantage in their quest for knowledge and market expertise. Unlike reputable brokers who recognize the value of client education, Vinder Rigdom fails to offer any form of educational material or resources to support their clients' understanding of financial markets.

Is Vinder Rigdom suitable for beginners?

It can be concluded that Vinder Rigdom is not suitable for beginners considering the three aspects of Vinder Rigdom - high minimum deposit for the standard account, absence of demo accounts, and no educational resources -

Firstly, the high minimum deposit required for the standard account creates a significant barrier for entry for novice traders. This elevated financial requirement may deter beginners from joining Vinder Rigdom, as they may not have sufficient funds to meet the demanding deposit threshold.

Secondly, the absence of demo accounts deprives beginners of the opportunity to gain practical experience and confidence before venturing into live trading.

Lastly, the absence of educational resources presents a significant drawback for beginners, as novice traders heavily rely on educational materials, such as tutorials, webinars, or guides, to acquire foundational knowledge and understanding of the financial markets.

Is Vinder Rigdom suitable for experienced traders?

it can be deduced that Vinder Rigdom may not be suitable for experienced traders by analyzing Vinder Rigdom based on three aspects - limited trading platform lacking advanced trading tools, uncompetitive spreads, and unresponsive customer support.

First and foremost, the limited trading platform offered by Vinder Rigdom is a significant drawback for experienced traders. By offering a subpar trading platform with insufficient advanced trading tools, Vinder Rigdom hampers experienced traders' ability to fully utilize their expertise and implement sophisticated trading techniques.

Moreover, Vinder Rigdom's uncompetitive spreads may eat into the profits of experienced traders, making it less attractive to those who seek cost-effective trading conditions.

Furthermore, the unresponsive customer support provided by Vinder Rigdom is a significant drawback. The absence of responsive customer support makes it difficult for experienced traders to promptly resolve their concerns and may hinder their trading activities, leading to frustration and potential losses.


In conclusion, Vinder Rigdom falls short in several crucial areas, thereby rendering it a less than ideal choice for both beginners and experienced traders alike. In light of these shortcomings, prudent consideration should be given to alternative brokers that offer comprehensive solutions, competitive terms, and unwavering support for traders seeking to optimize their trading endeavors.


Q: When was Vinder Rigdom founded?

A: Vinder Rigdom was founded in 2023.

Q: What is the regulation status of Vinder Rigdom?

A: Vinder Rigdom holds a suspicious regulatory license.

Q: What is the minimum deposit required by Vinder Rigdom?

A: The minimum deposit required by Vinder Rigdom is $1,000.

Q: What is the maximum leverage offered by Vinder Rigdom?

A: Vinder Rigdom offers a maximum leverage of 500:1.

Q: What trading platform does Vinder Rigdom use?

A: Vinder Rigdom uses the MetaTrader 4 trading platform.

Q: What assets can be traded with Vinder Rigdom?

A: Vinder Rigdom allows trading of Forex pairs, commodities, and indices.

Q: What types of accounts are available with Vinder Rigdom?

A: Vinder Rigdom offers Standard Accounts and VIP Accounts.

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more than one year
Hey folks, Vinder Rigdom seems to boast MetaTrader 5 and offers a range of assets, including forex, commodities, and indices. The MT5 platform is a plus for some advanced charting, but hold up – their regulatory license is raising eyebrows. With a minimum deposit of $1,000, it's a bit steep, and the lack of a demo account is a bummer. Also, customer support is just email – not the fastest ride in town. Before jumping in, check if their claims match the real deal.
2023-12-11 18:49
more than one year
Vinder Rigdom, are you for real? A sketchy regulatory license, a hefty minimum deposit, and no demo account for practice? That's a red flag parade. And only email support? What if I need help ASAP? Plus, they're vague on fees – not cool. With other legit brokers in the game, why take the risk? Steer clear unless you're into financial mystery novels.
2023-12-08 18:22


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