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United Kingdom|5-10 years|
MT4 Full License|Regional Brokers|High potential risk|


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+44 20 335 63720
Trident Chambers, P.O. Box 146 Road Town, Tortola


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Previous Detection : 2024-07-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

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LEX · Company Summary

LEX Basic Information
Company Name LEX
Headquarters United Kingdom
Regulations Not regulated
Tradable Assets Forex
Account Types Demo, fixed, pro, institutional accounts
Spreads Variable
Trading Platforms MetaTrader and Virtual Private Server (VPS) Auto Trading platform
Customer Support Email ( 20 335 63720)
Education Resources 9 courses on forex trading

Overview of LEX

Founded in the United Kingdom, LEX is an online trading platform focusing on forex trading. It provides a diverse selection of account types, including demo, fixed, pro, and institutional accounts, designed to meet the needs of traders at different skill levels. Traders can utilize MetaTrader and Virtual Private Server (VPS) Auto Trading platforms to access the platform. Despite offering flexibility and accessibility, LEX operates without regulatory oversight, necessitating caution due to the potential risks associated with unregulated trading.

Overview of LEX

Is LEX Legit?

LEX is not regulated. It's crucial to highlight that LEX operates without any valid regulation, indicating the absence of oversight from established financial regulatory bodies. Traders must exercise caution and recognize the risks involved when contemplating trading with an unregulated broker. These risks may include limited options for dispute resolution, potential concerns regarding fund safety and security, and a lack of transparency in the broker's operations. To ensure a safer and more secure trading experience, it is recommended that traders thoroughly investigate and evaluate a broker's regulatory status before participating in trading activities.

Is LEX Legit?

Pros and Cons

LEX offers multiple account types, catering to the diverse needs of traders. Additionally, it leverages the widely acclaimed MetaTrader platform, known for its robust features and user-friendly interface. Furthermore, LEX provides nine courses on forex trading, enhancing traders' knowledge and skills in the market. The platform also offers free-to-use trading tools, empowering traders with additional resources for analysis and decision-making. However, LEX operates without regulatory oversight, which poses potential risks for traders. Moreover, the lack of transparency regarding company policies and procedures raises questions about the reliability of the platform. Additionally, there is unclear information provided regarding deposit and withdrawal methods, as well as commissions, which may lead to confusion for traders. Furthermore, LEX has a limited offering of trading products, which may restrict traders' opportunities in the market. Overall, while LEX has its merits, traders should weigh these pros and cons carefully before engaging with the platform to make informed decisions about their trading activities.

Pros Cons
  • Offers multiple account types
  • Operates without regulatory oversight, potentially exposing traders to risks
  • Utilizes the popular MetaTrader platform
  • Lack of transparency regarding company policies and procedures
  • provides nine courses on forex trading
  • Unclear information on deposit and withdrawal methods , commissions
  • Free to use trading tools
  • Limited offering of trading products

Trading Instruments

LEX specializes in forex trading exclusively, catering to traders seeking opportunities in currency markets.

Account Types

LEX offers four types of accounts, including demo, fixed, pro, and institutional accounts. Among these, the fixed, pro, and institutional accounts all come with complimentary trading tools. Additionally, the demo account is available for free use, allowing traders to practice and familiarize themselves with the platform and market conditions without any cost.

Account Types


For fixed, pro, and institutional accounts, leverage is available from the broker.


Different account types offer varying spreads: The fixed account provides spreads of 2.5 pips, while the pro account offers spreads starting from 0.9 pips. For the institutional account, spreads start from 0.6 pips.

Trading Platforms

LEX provides traders with two trading platforms: MetaTrader and Virtual Private Server (VPS) Auto Trading.

MetaTrader, available for desktop use, is a trading platform renowned for its versatility and user-friendly interface. One of its standout features is the proprietary Expert Advisor function, which empowers traders to systematically program their trading strategies. By setting up specific trading parameters, traders can automate their trades, allowing the platform to execute transactions autonomously. Moreover, MetaTrader offers flexibility through its MQL language, a 4th generation computer script, enabling traders to customize technical indicators or even create their own. This capability enhances market prediction accuracy and empowers traders to adapt their strategies effectively.

Virtual Private Server (VPS) Auto Trading is ideal for clients who wish to maximize computer uptime to run their Expert Advisors. With VPS Auto Trading, traders can delegate the management of their EAs to a professional environment, eliminating the need to oversee them on their personal computers. This streamlined approach allows traders to configure their EAs effortlessly on the Virtual Private Server, ensuring smooth execution of their trading strategies regardless of whether they use a PC, Mac, or Linux system.

Trading Platforms

Trading tools

LEX offers a wide range of free trading tools, enriching traders with additional market insights.

Trading tools

Customer Support

LEX offers various customer support services to assist traders with their inquiries and needs. For general inquiries, individuals can reach out via email at Marketing affiliates can contact the company through, while direct support is available at or by calling +44 20 335 63720. Additionally, LEX provides international reach, with offices located in the British Virgin Islands (BVI) and Hong Kong. In the BVI, customers can visit Trident Chambers, P.O. Box 146, Road Town, Tortola, or contact the support team at +44 20 335 63720. In Hong Kong, the office is situated at 702-703, Fourseas Building, 208-212 Nathan Rd, Jordan Kowloon, and customers can reach them at +852 3051 8166.

Customer Support

Educational Resources

LEX provides a set of nine courses to enhance traders' knowledge and skills in forex trading. The courses cover various aspects of forex trading, starting from fundamental concepts to advanced technical analysis techniques. Course topics include FX Background, P/L Calculation, Forex Risks, Currencies, Fundamentals, Basic Technicals, Advanced Techniques, Chart Types, and Installation of Custom Files.

In course 1, “FX Background,” provides an introductory overview of the forex market, covering topics such as the definition of forex, its trading advantages, the concept of the Euromarket, and the historical growth of the forex market.

In course 2, “P/L Calculation,” traders delve into practical aspects of trading, learning about essential concepts like pips, inter-bank pricing protocols, forex quotes, contracts, margin-based trading, and required margin calculation through examples and explanations.

In course 3, “Forex Risks,” focuses on understanding and managing risks in forex trading, exploring topics such as leverage, risk management strategies, and how to apply stop loss.

In course 4, “Currencies,” offers insights into the diverse landscape of currencies in the forex market, covering aspects like currency turnover, the most traded currencies, less traded currencies, and exotic currencies.

In course 5, “Fundamentals,” traders learn about fundamental analysis, including key factors such as interest rates, international trade, GDP, jobless claims, and the Consumer Price Index (CPI), providing a solid foundation for market analysis.

In course 6, “Basic Technicals,” introduces traders to essential technical analysis tools such as identifying trends, support and resistance levels, trend lines and channels, and the use of moving averages in trading strategies.

In course 7, “Advanced,” traders explore advanced technical analysis techniques like Fibonacci retracement, stochastic oscillator, and moving average convergence divergence (MACD), along with practical guidance on interpreting these indicators effectively.

In course 8, “Chart Types,” traders learn about different types of charts used in forex trading, including bar charts and candlestick charts, understanding their significance in analyzing market trends and patterns.

Finally, in Course 9, “Install Custom Files,” provides practical instructions on installing custom indicators, expert advisors (EAs), or regular script files, empowering traders to customize their trading platforms according to their preferences and strategies.

Educational Resources


In conclusion, LEX presents traders with a diverse range of account types, catering to their individual needs, and leverages the widely acclaimed MetaTrader platform, facilitating flexible and accessible trading opportunities. Furthermore, LEX enhances traders' knowledge and skills in the market by offering nine courses on forex trading and providing free-to-use trading tools for analysis and decision-making. However, it is essential to note that LEX operates without regulatory oversight, which may pose potential risks for traders. Additionally, the platform's lack of transparency regarding company policies and procedures raises concerns about its reliability. Unclear information regarding deposit and withdrawal methods, as well as commissions, may also lead to confusion for traders. Moreover, LEX's limited offering of trading products may restrict traders' opportunities in the market. Therefore, traders should exercise caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with LEX to mitigate potential risks and ensure a safer trading experience.


Q: Is LEX regulated?

A: No, LEX operates without regulation, which means it lacks oversight from recognized financial regulatory authorities.

Q: What trading instruments are available on LEX?

A: LEX specializes in Forex trading exclusively.

Q: What account types does LEX offer?

A: LEX provides various account types, including demo, fixed, pro, and institutional accounts, catering to different trading preferences and experience levels. The fixed, pro, and institutional accounts come with complimentary trading tools, enhancing traders' capabilities.

Q: How can I contact LEX's customer support?

A: You can reach LEX's customer support primarily through email at or by calling +44 20 335 63720.

Q: What educational resources does LEX offer?

A: LEX offers a set of nine courses aimed at enhancing traders' knowledge and skills in forex trading.

Risk Warning

Trading online carries inherent risks, and there's a possibility of losing your entire investment. It's important to recognize that online trading may not be suitable for all traders or investors. Before proceeding, it's crucial to thoroughly understand the associated risks. Additionally, please be aware that the information provided in this review may be subject to change due to updates in the company's services and policies. The date of this review's generation is also noteworthy, as information may have evolved since then. Therefore, it's advisable to verify the latest information directly with the company before making any decisions or taking any actions. Ultimately, readers are solely responsible for the use of the information provided in this review.

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