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United Kingdom|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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Previous Detection : 2024-07-06
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The United StatesNFA regulation (license number: 0554772) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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SSJTCF · WikiFX Survey

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SSJTCF · Company Summary

SSJTCF Basic Information
Registered Country/Area United Kingdom
Founded year Within 1 year
Company Name SSJTCF
Regulation Not regulated
Minimum Deposit Not disclosed
Maximum Leverage Not disclosed
Spreads Starting from 0.0 pips
Trading Platforms SSJTCF ( proprietary trading platform)
Tradable assets stocks, gold, crude oil, Bitcoin, currency pairs
Account Types A live account, a demo account
Demo Account Yes
Islamic Account No
Customer Support Email:
Payment Methods Not specified
Educational Tools News, Calendar

Overview of SSJTCF

SSJTCF is a brokerage firm based in the United Kingdom that offers trading services to investors. Established within the past year, the company operates under the name SSJTCF and operates its proprietary trading platform. It is important to note that SSJTCF is not regulated by any recognized financial authority.

When it comes to account options, SSJTCF provides investors with a live trading account, allowing them to trade various financial instruments such as stocks, gold, crude oil, Bitcoin, and currency pairs. Additionally, the company offers a demo account, which can be beneficial for traders who want to practice and familiarize themselves with the trading platform before engaging in live trading.

SSJTCF claims to offer competitive spreads, starting from 0.0 pips. However, specific details regarding the minimum deposit requirement and maximum leverage are not disclosed, which may make it difficult for potential clients to assess the suitability of the broker.

In terms of customer support, SSJTCF provides an email address,, for clients to reach out with inquiries or concerns. However, the availability of other support channels, such as live chat or phone support, is not specified.

SSJTCF's payment methods are not explicitly outlined, which may pose a challenge for clients who prefer specific payment options or need more flexibility in depositing and withdrawing funds.


Pros and Cons

SSJTCF offers a diverse range of tradable assets and a demo account for potential clients to explore the platform. However, it is important to note that the lack of regulation raises concerns about investor protection. Additionally, the undisclosed minimum deposit and maximum leverage make it difficult for clients to evaluate the suitability of the broker. The limited customer support options and vague information about payment methods may hinder the overall trading experience.

Pros Cons
Various markets to explore Not regulated
Availability of a demo account Minimum deposit and maximum leverage not disclosed
Limited customer support options
Lack of transparency regarding payment methods
Insufficient details on educational resources

Is SSJTCF legit or a scam?

SSJTCF operates without regulation from any significant financial authority. It is important to note that the company is not authorized or regulated by recognized regulatory bodies, including the United States National Futures Association (NFA).


Without proper regulation, there is an increased risk for traders and investors. The absence of oversight means that there is no independent authority monitoring the broker's activities, verifying its financial stability, or resolving potential disputes. Traders may face challenges in seeking recourse or assistance in the event of any issues or conflicts with the broker.

Market Instruments

When it comes to this aspect, it appears that this broker demonstrates a certain level of competence. SSJTCF provides a diverse range of market instruments for traders to choose from. Clients can engage in trading various assets, including stocks, gold, crude oil, Bitcoin, and currency pairs. This wide selection allows traders to explore different markets and diversify their investment portfolios. Whether traders are interested in traditional assets like stocks or seeking opportunities in the cryptocurrency market, SSJTCF offers options to suit their preferences.


Account Types

SSJTCF offers two types of trading accounts to cater to the needs of different traders. The first is a live account, which enables clients to trade with real funds. The minimum deposit requirement for this account type is not disclosed, indicating that traders should inquire directly with the company for further details. The second account type is a demo account, which provides users with up to $1,000,000 in virtual capital. This account allows traders to practice their strategies, test the platform's features, and familiarize themselves with the trading environment before committing real funds.


However, put it simply, the absence of tiered trading accounts in SSJTCF may limit traders in choosing accounts that align with their specific trading preferences and habits. Tiered account structures often provide different features, benefits, and trading conditions tailored to various levels of trading experience or account sizes.

How to Open an Account?

To open an account with SSJTCF, you can follow these steps:

  1. Visit the official website of SSJTCF at and click on the “Start trading” button.


2. Fill in the required personal information accurately, such as your full name, email address, phone number, date of birth, and residential address.


3. Choose the type of account you want to open: a live trading account for real-time trading or a demo account for practice.

4. Submit your registration and review the terms and conditions provided by SSJTCF.

5. Wait for the approval of your account, which may involve a verification process and document submission.

6. Once approved, you will receive an email with your account details and login credentials. Access your account and explore the trading platform.

If you have any specific questions or need assistance during the account opening process, you can contact SSJTCF's customer support via the provided email (


Leverage is a feature offered by SSJTCF that allows traders to amplify their trading positions, but the specific details regarding leverage are not disclosed. It is important to note that leverage can magnify both potential profits and losses. Traders should exercise caution when utilizing leverage and ensure they have a solid understanding of the associated risks. It is advisable to carefully consider one's risk tolerance and financial capabilities before engaging in leveraged trading. Implementing risk management strategies and setting appropriate stop-loss orders can help mitigate potential losses.

Spreads & Commissions

SSJTCF advertises spreads starting from 0.0 pips on their platform. However, it is essential to approach such claims with caution, as the absence of specific details or evidence supporting these claims raises concerns about the transparency and accuracy of their pricing structure. Traders should thoroughly review the terms and conditions related to spreads and commissions, including any potential fees or charges that may apply.

Other Fees Applied

In terms of other fees, SSJTCF may impose additional charges such as overnight interest fees, deposit and withdrawal fees, or inactivity fees. It is crucial for traders to be aware of these fees and understand their impact on their trading activities. Reviewing the broker's fee schedule and terms and conditions will provide more insight into the specific fees that may be applicable.

Deposit & Withdrawal

When it comes to deposit and withdrawal methods, SSJTCF keeps it a secret. SSJTCF does not provide specific information regarding the available options. Traders are advised to directly contact the broker or refer to their official website for detailed information on accepted payment methods, minimum deposit requirements, and the withdrawal process. It is crucial for traders to be mindful of any potential fees or processing times associated with depositing and withdrawing funds from their trading account. Assessing the suitability of SSJTCF in terms of deposit and withdrawal options requires careful consideration of individual preferences and requirements.

Trading Platforms

SSJTCF offers its traders a proprietary trading platform called SSJTCF, which is compatible with Windows, iPhone, and Android devices. It is important to note that this platform may not offer the same extensive range of features and functionalities as popular platforms like MT4 or MT5. Traders should thoroughly evaluate the platform's capabilities, user interface, charting tools, order execution speed, and other relevant features to determine if it meets their specific trading needs and preferences. Comparing it to other widely used platforms can provide valuable insights when making an informed decision.


Customer Support

In terms of customer support, SSJTCF solely offers contact through email at The absence of direct phone support and online chat options may be considered a drawback for traders seeking immediate assistance or prefer real-time communication. Communication through email might result in longer response times and may be less effective in addressing urgent inquiries or concerns.


Is SSJTCF suitable for beginners?

SSJTCF may not be the most suitable choice for beginner traders. The lack of comprehensive educational resources, demo accounts, and specific account types tailored for novice traders can make it challenging for beginners to gain the necessary knowledge and experience in the forex market. Additionally, the absence of regulated status may raise concerns regarding investor protection and the overall reliability of the broker. Beginner traders often require a supportive and well-regulated trading environment with access to educational materials, user-friendly platforms, and dedicated customer support to enhance their learning and trading journey.

Is SSJTCF suitable for experienced traders?

SSJTCF may not be the most suitable choice for experienced traders. Experienced traders often seek brokers that offer advanced trading platforms, a wide range of tradable assets, competitive trading conditions, and a strong regulatory framework. SSJTCF's proprietary trading platform, while available for Windows, iPhone, and Android devices, may not offer the same level of features and functionalities as popular platforms like MT4 or MT5, which are commonly preferred by experienced traders. Moreover, the lack of specific information about leverage, spreads, and commissions can be a concern for experienced traders who value transparency and want to make informed trading decisions.


In summary, SSJTCF operates as an unregulated brokerage firm in the financial markets. While it provides a range of tradable assets and offers both live and demo accounts, there are certain aspects that raise concerns. The absence of regulation by major financial authorities is a significant drawback, as it implies a lack of external oversight and investor protection. Moreover, the limited information provided regarding minimum deposits, leverage, spreads, and commissions makes it challenging for potential clients to evaluate the trading conditions and associated costs accurately.

Additionally, SSJTCF's proprietary trading platform, though accessible on various devices, may not offer the same comprehensive set of features and functionalities as widely recognized platforms like MT4 or MT5. This limitation can restrict the options and tools available to traders, particularly those employing more advanced trading strategies.

Customer support is another area of concern, primarily relying on email communication. The absence of direct phone support or online chat can be a disadvantage for clients seeking timely assistance or with urgent inquiries.

Frequently Asked Questions about SSJTCF

Q: What is the regulatory status of SSJTCF?

A: SSJTCF is not regulated by any financial authority.

Q: What types of trading accounts does SSJTCF offer?

A: SSJTCF offers two types of trading accounts: a live account and a demo account. The live account allows clients to trade with real funds, while the demo account provides a simulated trading environment with virtual capital.

Q: What trading platforms are available at SSJTCF?

A: SSJTCF provides a proprietary trading platform called SSJTCF, which is accessible on Windows, iPhone, and Android devices.

Q: How can I contact customer support at SSJTCF?

A: You can contact SSJTCF's customer support through email at However, it is important to be aware that the lack of direct phone support or online chat options may result in slower response times.

Q: What payment methods are accepted by SSJTCF?

A: SSJTCF does not specify the accepted payment methods on its website.

Broker Information

Company Name


Company Abbreviation


Regulatory Status

Suspicious Clone

Platform registered country and region

United Kingdom

Phone of the company










Company address










Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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Harrison Montgomery
more than one year
SSJTCF got me worried. No regulations, they're hiding stuff like minimum deposit and leverage, and customer support is just through email. It's like they're keeping secrets, and I ain't about that when it comes to my money. I'd say, watch out before jumping into SSJTCF – too many unknowns and not enough trust vibes.
2023-12-07 14:23
more than one year
SSJTCF is this new broker from the UK, right? They got some assets to trade, and a demo account for practice, which is cool. But here's the thing – no regulation, no info on deposits, and max leverage, and customer support is just an email? Not feeling too secure about my money with all these unknowns, you know?
2023-12-06 16:17
more than one year
My friend recommended it to me, saying that it offers an exceptional trading environment with top-notch trading conditions. According to my friend, they have made significant profits trading with this broker, and it got me really excited to give it a try. However, I was disappointed to discover that there is no demo account available. It's a bit of a challenge for me because I would have liked to practice and test my strategies before investing real money. What should I do?
2023-07-04 10:04
more than one year
AVOID this broker, like a plague, especially if you hate slippage. This broker got one of the craziest slippage on the market. They said it was normal due to lack of liquidity. Basically they were saying I should just suck it up. Not sure what will they say to me for the excuse this moment this time around. I am so furious at this broker now.
2023-03-20 18:24


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