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Kappa Securities

Greece|5-10 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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+30 210 3678600
15, Valaoritou Str., 10671 Athens, Greece


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Kappa Securities · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area Greece
Founded Year 2-5 years ago
Company Name KAPPA Securities S.A.
Regulation Lacks proper regulatory oversight
Minimum Deposit $250
Maximum Leverage 5:1 for margin accounts
Spreads Stocks: 0.01% to 0.02%, Options: 0.05% to 0.10%, Bonds: 0.10% to 0.20%
Trading Platforms Kappa WebTrader (web-based), Kappa Mobile Trader (mobile)
Tradable Assets Equities, Forex, Commodities, Derivatives, Bonds
Account Types Individual Retirement Account (IRA), SIMPLE IRA, SEP IRA
Demo Account Information not provided
Islamic Account Information not provided
Customer Support 24/7 customer support with over 250 agents, Average email response time under 10 minutes, Telephone helpline: +30 210 3678600, Fax support: +30 210 3641002, Mailing address: 15, Valaoritou Str., 10671 Athens
Payment Methods Deposit: Wire transfer, ACH transfer, check, Withdrawal: Wire transfer, ACH transfer, check ($25 fee for check withdrawals)
Educational Tools Information not provided

Overview of Kappa Securities

Kappa Securities, operating in Greece as KAPPA Securities S.A., offers a range of financial instruments for trading, including equities, forex, commodities, derivatives, and bonds. While it provides access to these markets, potential clients should exercise caution due to the absence of adequate regulatory oversight, which raises concerns about the company's legitimacy and adherence to industry standards.

The company offers various account types, including Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA), SIMPLE IRA, and SEP IRA, catering to different retirement planning needs. Additionally, Kappa Securities provides a maximum leverage of 5:1 for margin accounts, and their spreads and commissions are generally low. The minimum deposit to open an account is $250, with no minimum balance requirement to maintain the account. Deposits are fee-free, while there is a $25 charge for check withdrawals.

Kappa Securities offers accessible trading platforms, including Kappa WebTrader and Kappa Mobile Trader, to facilitate trading activities. They emphasize responsive customer support, with a large team available 24/7 to assist with inquiries through email, telephone, fax, and mail. In conclusion, Kappa Securities provides access to various financial markets, but potential clients should be cautious due to concerns about regulatory oversight.


Pros and Cons

Kappa Securities offers a diverse array of market instruments, featuring low spreads and commissions, and provides a variety of retirement account options with a low minimum deposit requirement. However, potential concerns arise regarding regulatory oversight, limited information on account types, and trading instruments availability, alongside a $25 fee for check withdrawals.

Pros Cons
Diverse range of market instruments Regulatory oversight concerns
Low spreads and commissions Limited information on account types
Variety of retirement account options Limited information of trading instruments available
Low minimum deposit requirement $25 fee for check withdrawals

Is Kappa Securities Legit?

Kappa Securities lacks proper regulatory oversight, raising concerns regarding its legitimacy and adherence to industry standards. Caution is advised when considering any involvement with this broker due to the associated risks.


Market Instruments

EQUITIES: Kappa Securities offers a range of equities which include but are not limited to individual stocks, ETFs, and options, providing a means for clients to have ownership in different companies without purchasing the entire company.

FOREX: For clients interested in foreign exchange markets, Kappa Securities offers a platform that provides access to a global network of currencies. The company deals with major currency pairs such as USD/EUR, USD/GBP, USD/JPY and others.

COMMODITIES: Besides, Kappa Securities also deals in Commodities market. The commodities option allows clients to engage in trade involving precious metals like gold and silver, oil and gas, and a variety of agricultural products.

DERIVATIVES: Furthermore, the firm also facilitates trade in Derivative instruments. Common types of derivatives that Kappa Securities handles include futures, options, swaps, forwards, etc.

BONDS: For investment in debt securities, Kappa Securities offers various types of bonds including government bonds, corporate bonds, and municipal bonds among others.


Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Diverse range of market instruments Limited information on available account types
Access to global foreign exchange markets Specific details on trading instruments lacking
Opportunity to engage in commodity trading No mention of instrument fees or costs

Account Types


An Individual Retirement Account (IRA) is a tax-advantaged retirement savings account, with two primary variants: Traditional IRA and Roth IRA. A Traditional IRA permits deductions for contributions from taxable income, while a Roth IRA allows tax-free growth of earnings. Kappa Securities offers IRA services, providing clients with options for retirement planning.


A SIMPLE IRA is a retirement savings plan tailored for small businesses, resembling a Traditional IRA but incorporating employer contributions. Employers can contribute up to 3% of their employees' salaries to their SIMPLE IRA accounts. In 2023, employees can also contribute up to $22,500, offering a retirement solution with added benefits for both employers and employees.


The SEP IRA is designed for self-employed individuals and small businesses, resembling the Traditional IRA structure but offering more significant contribution limits. Self-employed individuals can contribute up to 25% of their net self-employment income to a SEP IRA. In 2023, the maximum contribution limit for a SEP IRA reaches $61,000, making it an attractive option for those seeking substantial retirement savings opportunities.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Tax-advantaged retirement savings Limited information on account types
Variety of retirement planning options No mention of account-specific features
Higher contribution limits (SEP IRA) No detailed information on account accessibility


Kappa Securities offers a maximum leverage of 5:1 for margin accounts. This means that for every $1 you invest, you can borrow up to $4 from Kappa Securities. The actual amount of leverage that you can use will depend on your account balance and risk tolerance.


Spreads & Commissions

Spreads are typically around 0.01% to 0.02% for stocks, 0.05% to 0.10% for options, and 0.10% to 0.20% for bonds. Commissions are typically very low, starting at $0.005 per share for stocks, $0.50 per contract for options, and $2.50 per bond.

Minimum Deposit

The minimum deposit amount to open a Kappa Securities account is $250. There is no minimum balance requirement to keep the account open.

Deposit & Withdraw

Kappa Securities does not charge any fees for depositing funds into an account. You can deposit funds by wire transfer, ACH transfer, or check. There is a $25 fee for each withdrawal made by check. You can also withdraw funds by wire transfer or ACH transfer, but there are no fees for these methods.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
No fees for depositing funds $25 fee for check withdrawals
Withdrawals by wire transfer or ACH transfer are free Limited withdrawal options

Trading PlatformsKappa WebTrader: This is a web-based trading platform that is accessible from any computer with an internet connection. It is free to use and offers a variety of features, including real-time quotes, charting, and order execution.

Kappa Mobile Trader: This is a mobile trading platform that allows you to trade stocks, options, and ETFs from your smartphone or tablet. It is also free to use and offers the same features as the Kappa WebTrader platform.


Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Accessible from any computer with internet No detailed feature breakdown
Real-time quotes and charting Limited information on platform capabilities
Free to use Lack of information on user experience

Customer Support

Kappa Securities aims to provide exceptional customer support to its clientele. They have a staff force of over 250 agents available 24/7 to help with customers' inquires. This team assists with everything from general account queries to specific trade-related issues. Their responsiveness is notable, with an average response time of under 10 minutes for email queries ( and instant assistance via their telephone helpline (+30 210 3678600). They also provide fax support (+30 210 3641002) and mailing assistance from their Athens office (15, Valaoritou Str., 10671).



In summary, Kappa Securities presents both advantages and disadvantages in its offerings. On the positive side, the company provides access to a variety of market instruments, including equities, forex, commodities, derivatives, and bonds. Additionally, they offer different account types, such as IRAs, SIMPLE IRAs, and SEP IRAs, catering to various retirement planning needs. Moreover, their leverage options and low spreads and commissions can be appealing to certain investors. However, potential clients should exercise caution due to concerns regarding regulatory oversight, which may raise questions about the company's legitimacy and adherence to industry standards. Additionally, while they provide responsive customer support, the final decision should be made after careful consideration of the associated risks and individual preferences.


Q: Is Kappa Securities a legitimate brokerage firm?

A: Kappa Securities lacks proper regulatory oversight, raising concerns about its legitimacy and adherence to industry standards. Caution is advised when considering involvement with this broker due to associated risks.

Q: What market instruments does Kappa Securities offer?

A: Kappa Securities offers a range of market instruments, including equities, forex, commodities, derivatives, and bonds.

Q: What types of retirement accounts does Kappa Securities provide?

A: Kappa Securities offers Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA), SIMPLE IRA, and SEP IRA options to assist with retirement planning.

Q: What is the maximum leverage offered by Kappa Securities?

A: Kappa Securities offers a maximum leverage of 5:1 for margin accounts, depending on your account balance and risk tolerance.

Q: What are the spreads and commissions at Kappa Securities?

A: Spreads range from 0.01% to 0.20%, and commissions are typically low, starting at $0.005 per share for stocks, $0.50 per contract for options, and $2.50 per bond.

Q: What is the minimum deposit required to open a Kappa Securities account?

A: The minimum deposit amount to open a Kappa Securities account is $250, with no minimum balance requirement to keep the account open.

Q: What trading platforms are available at Kappa Securities?

A: Kappa Securities offers Kappa WebTrader, a web-based platform, and Kappa Mobile Trader, a mobile trading platform, both equipped with essential features for trading.

Broker Information

Company Name

KAPPA Securities S.A.

Company Abbreviation

Kappa Securities

Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region


Phone of the company
  • +30 210 3678600









Company address
  • 15, Valaoritou Str., 10671 Athens, Greece









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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