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IG Dating Scams
Chatting with you under the pretense of making friends who like what you like. During the chat, you will reveal that you also invest in international gold (futures) in addition to normal work. The frightening thing is that they will make up all kinds of stories, and keep chatting like normal according to your weaknesses, making you feel like you have met a soulmate, so that you don't doubt that you have him. At first I thought it was a scam, so I blocked the other party’s IG, but the other party actively used other accounts➕line, this time to show that he didn’t force you, it’s just for your own good, can’t lose your concept, he’s very good at manipulating people's hearts. Then I will teach you to download Binance and MT5 APP (these two are legal trading platforms), and then give you a dealer link (fake) to induce deposits, and then upgrade and maintain the platform. After it can no longer be operated, I will link you to download their own The MT5 APP link set up, if you suspend all actions at this time, you will not be scammed. When you want to make a deposit, the customer service responds quickly. Asking questions and withdrawing money are always delayed. After confirming that you have been scammed, continue to deal with fraudulent groups. They will also help you increase funds and cheat your trust again, in order to cheat again. You have more money, all along the way it will require you to change your mind, try something bold to change your life, require you to take out a loan or exchange other investments for this gold investment. When you want to withdraw money, there will be various obstructions, and in the end, the so-called warehouse building activities will be used to tie up your funds, and then induce, threaten and lure you to invest more funds. In the end, the total amount defrauded was 30,000 USDT. I came up and saw that a few people were scammed by this method like me, and I hope that no one will be cheated of their hard-earned money. These fraudulent groups will eventually suffer their own consequences and never end well.
Fake dating to induce gold transaction and deposit fraud
They met through IG chat during the Spring Festival in February. After chatting for two days, he asked to add LINE friends and said that he rarely used IG. After pulling into the LINE chat room, he began to coax and chat with all kinds of sweet words. In the process, in addition to revealing I am an executive of a certain bank. I like to study financial information after work and I am also operating gold trading. Occasionally, I will liquidate that I made $25,000 in gold trading today. I will tell you that this is what he has spent years of hard research on. It’s not easy to get results. At first, I didn’t have much interest in gold trading. Later, I encouraged more investors to invest and then there will be more chat topics. In the beginning, I used 600 US dollars as a trial investment, and the profit was about 12%. I don’t think it’s very exaggerated. I don’t think it’s a lie. Later, the other party encouraged me to add 1,500 US dollars. I didn’t take the operation immediately after depositing on the same day, so I tried to withdraw the gold but found that I couldn’t withdraw the gold at all. The next day, the other party said Because I don’t trust him, I took a photo saying that he attempted to self-mutilate to threaten me to continue to let him lead the investment operation. I invested about 30,000 U.S. dollars in succession and said on the evening of March 3 that I would teach myself how to withdraw money. As a result, the platform asked me to pay 10% of the transaction spread fee. I temporarily stopped withdrawing money because I have no cash at present. Later, I asked A friend who understands trading operations, and told me that I have encountered a dating scam. Even if I pay another 10% of the fee, I will not be able to get back the 30,000 US dollars that were cheated. In the process, the MT5pro Group that the other party linked to is already a fake official website, because I downloaded the MT5 app, I didn’t suspect him at first but later found that the URL of the link to the official website was different every time, and the broker Wintersnow Limited could only be found in the app given by the other party. I reported the case to the police station, and the official reply only said It is difficult to trace the receiving address overseas. I came up today and saw that the victim had almost the same experience as me. This dealer is engaged in gold trading, so I muster up my courage to post a post and hope that no one will be deceived.
Fake Dating Induces Deposit Scams
They came to chat with me from IG. At first, I ignored it, but he didn’t give up in the process. Later, he talked about his feelings. The other party said that there was a chance to make money and invest in international gold. I didn’t believe it, so I kept pushing it because I was convinced later that I made a small profit at the beginning, but suddenly at the end of February he asked me to ask the customer service of the platform if there was any opening activity. I didn’t want to join because I didn’t have the funds. He asked me to get a loan to find a way to raise funds. The other party also helped me with the funds, and I took out the deposit, but the funds were still insufficient in the process. I didn't want to continue. I asked customer service because the number of places is limited. Cancellation or overdue will have 5 days a day. % Liquidated damages and account freezing, and criminal responsibility, I was too scared, so I worked hard to raise money, but in the end, the funds were still not enough, I began to doubt the other party because they kept asking me to find a way to raise money, so I searched online For information, I also asked friends who understand the investment, and my friend told me that this is a fund plate (the so-called killing pig plate), saying that I was cheated, and I couldn’t get any money if I continued to deposit, so I didn’t continue to deposit and told the other party that I had no money Now, the other party also began to shirk their responsibilities, and found that the company was extremely risky, and some people were deceived. They asked about the withdrawal of funds on the platform, but it was said that the opening of the position was not completed, and the withdrawal could not be made. I was cheated of about 70,000 US dollars, which really scammed people.
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