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APMEX · WikiFX Survey

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APMEX · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country United States
Company Name APMEX LLC
Regulation Operates with little oversight due to lack of specific regulations governing its activities
Products Wide range including precious metals, rare coins, currencies, and collectibles
Shipping Efficient and secure shipping services with options for free shipping on orders over $199 within the United States
Payment Flexible payment options including credit/debit cards, PayPal, cryptocurrency, bank wire, eCheck, and paper check
Customer Support Comprehensive customer support channels including FAQs, contact form, live chat (Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. EST), and phone support


APMEX LLC, based in the United States, operates with little oversight due to the absence of specific regulations governing its activities. The company offers a wide range of products, including precious metals, rare coins, currencies, and collectibles. Their shipping services are efficient and secure, with options for free shipping on orders over $199 within the United States. APMEX provides flexible payment options, including credit/debit cards, PayPal, cryptocurrency, bank wire, eCheck, and paper check. Additionally, they offer comprehensive customer support through various channels, such as FAQs, contact forms, live chat (Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. EST), and phone support.



APMEX operates with little oversight as there are no specific regulations governing its activities. This lack of regulation can pose risks for consumers, as the company may not adhere to standard practices or provide adequate protections. Investors should exercise caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with APMEX.


Pros and Cons

APMEX offers a wide range of products, including precious metals, rare coins, currencies, and collectibles, catering to the diverse needs of investors and collectors. However, the lack of regulation poses potential risks for consumers, requiring them to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before engaging with the company.

Pros Cons
  • Comprehensive product range
  • Lack of specific regulations governing activities
  • Efficient and secure shipping services
  • Potential risks for consumers due to lack of oversight
  • Flexible payment options
  • International shipping available
  • Insured packages protect against loss/damage

Overall, APMEX provides a wide selection of investment-grade products and ensures efficient shipping and secure payment options. However, consumers should be aware of the potential risks associated with the lack of regulatory oversight.


APMEX's product range spans across various categories:

  1. Gold: Featuring newly listed items like the 2024 Australian Swan, Ducaton Rider Proof, and Lunar Year of the Dragon coins. They offer a variety of gold products including bars, coins, and collectibles from mints such as the United States Mint, Perth Mint, Royal Mint, Austrian Mint, and Mexican Mint.

  1. Silver: APMEX provides a wide selection of silver products including coins, bars, rounds, and collectibles. They offer popular items like American Eagles, Maple Leafs, and Philharmonics, along with unique series such as the Lunar Series and Queen's Beasts from mints like the Royal Canadian Mint and the Royal Mint.

  1. Platinum: Similar to gold and silver, APMEX offers platinum products such as coins, bars, and collectibles. Customers can find items like the 2024 Australian Swan and Lunar Year of the Dragon coins, as well as products from mints like the United States Mint and the Royal Mint.

  1. Rare Coins: APMEX specializes in rare coins, including pre-1933 U.S. gold coins, Morgan Silver Dollars, and U.S. commemorative coins. They also offer a range of world coins, ancient and medieval coins, and historical European coins.

  1. Currency & Other: In addition to precious metals, APMEX deals in various forms of currency, including U.S. currency (both large and small denominations), world currency, and coin sets. They also offer stocks, bonds, tokens, and medals, as well as base metals like copper and palladium products.


Shipping and Insurance

APMEX provides shipping, handling, and insurance services for their orders with specific details as follows:

  1. Shipping Charges: Orders over $199 qualify for free shipping within the United States, while orders under $199 are subject to a shipping fee of $9.95. Citadel orders under $500 are also charged a $9.95 shipping fee.

  2. Processing Time: The processing time for orders varies depending on the payment method and order contents. Credit card, bank wire, PayPal, Bitcoin, or Bitcoin Cash orders typically ship within 1-3 business days, while personal check and eCheck orders are held for 4-6 business days before shipping. Cash-on-delivery (C.O.C.) orders containing pre-33 gold or jewelry ship within 3 business days, while other C.O.C. orders ship within 1 business day.

  3. Tracking Orders: Once an order is shipped, customers receive a confirmation email with a tracking number. Tracking information becomes active within 1-2 business days after the carrier receives the package.

  4. International Shipping: APMEX does ship internationally, with details available in the International FAQ section.

  5. Packaging: All packages are discreetly wrapped in brown or white corrugated boxes to ensure the contents are not easily identifiable.

  6. Insurance: Packages are insured while in transit to protect against loss or damage. Customers should notify APMEX within 48 hours of delivery if any issues arise.

  7. Back Orders: In cases of supply and demand issues, APMEX reserves the right to delay delivery up to 30 days. Customers will be notified if their order is placed on back order.

  8. Delivery to P.O. Boxes: Orders can be shipped to P.O. boxes via registered and insured U.S. mail. Other shipping methods require a street address.

  9. Lost Packages: If tracking does not update for at least seven days, customers can initiate a loss claim investigation. APMEX must be notified of a lost package within thirty days of the shipment date.

  10. Signature Requirement: While packages may not require a signature for delivery by default, customers can opt for signature confirmation during checkout if desired.

Overall, APMEX aims to provide efficient and secure shipping services for their customers' orders, ensuring a smooth and reliable purchasing experience.

Shipping and Insurance


APMEX offers a variety of payment options for their customers, ensuring flexibility and convenience. Here's a breakdown of their payment methods and related processes:

  1. Credit/Debit Cards: APMEX accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express credit/debit cards for payment. These are suitable for smaller orders and offer convenience.

  2. PayPal: Customers can use PayPal for payment, but it's available only for orders shipped to a valid U.S. address and for U.S. dollar (USD) transactions.

  3. Cryptocurrency: APMEX accepts payments in various cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ethereum (ETH), and others. Cryptocurrency payments are processed through BitPay.

  4. Bank Wire: Customers can choose to pay via bank wire, which is accepted for any order amount. Same-day bank wire payments are eligible for APMEX's QuickShip® Program for domestic orders.

  5. eCheck: APMEX accepts eCheck payments, providing a quick way to place orders. Orders paid with eCheck are held for 4-5 business days after payment processing before shipping.

  6. Paper Check: Customers can pay with paper checks, which are mailed to APMEX's payment processing address. Checks are held for 4-5 business days after receipt before shipping.

  7. Online Bill Payments: APMEX accepts online bill payments in check form, subject to the same holding period as other checks. Orders are shipped five business days after receipt of the bill payment check.

Good Funds Policy: Funds from check payments are considered “good” after 4-5 business days from receipt. Additional holding days may apply if the bank delays confirmation of the check payment.

Payment Timeline: Payments must be received by APMEX within 3 business days (or 5 business days for paper checks) to guarantee the confirmed price. Orders may be canceled if payment is not received within this period.

Changing Payment Method: Customers may change their payment method in some cases while maintaining a 4% discount. Options to keep the discount include switching from bank wire to check or vice versa, or from credit card to eCheck if eligible.

Cancellation Policy: Once an order is issued an order number, prices are locked-in. However, rare situations may necessitate cancellation, subject to APMEX's Market Loss Policy and cancellation fees.

Overall, APMEX's payment options cater to various preferences and needs, ensuring a smooth and secure transaction process for their customers.


Customer Support

APMEX provides comprehensive customer support to address any inquiries or concerns. Here's an overview of their customer support channels and processes:

  1. FAQs: APMEX offers a repository of frequently asked questions (FAQs) covering various topics, including payment methods, shipping, order tracking, and more. Customers can explore these FAQs to find answers to common queries.

  2. Contact Form: Customers can reach out to APMEX using the contact form available on their website. They need to provide their full name, email address, phone number (optional), select the relevant category, enter their order number if applicable, and describe their query in detail. There's also a human verification step to ensure authenticity.

  3. Live Chat: A live chat feature enables customers to chat directly with a customer service representative during business hours (Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST). This real-time communication channel allows for immediate assistance and resolution of queries.

  4. Phone Support: Customers can contact APMEX via phone for assistance. The phone number is provided on their website, and customers can inquire about their orders, payments, or any other issues directly with a representative.

  5. Mail Check Payments: For customers paying by check, APMEX provides instructions on where to mail their payments. This ensures clarity and ease of payment processing for customers opting for this payment method.

Overall, APMEX's customer support is designed to be accessible, responsive, and helpful, catering to the needs of their customers throughout the purchasing process.

Customer Support
Customer Support


In conclusion, APMEX offers a wide range of investment-grade precious metals, rare coins, currencies, and related products to cater to the diverse needs of collectors, investors, and enthusiasts. While their product offerings are extensive and their payment options provide flexibility, it's important to note that APMEX operates with little oversight, which may pose risks for consumers. Therefore, investors should exercise caution, conduct thorough research, and carefully consider their options before engaging with APMEX. Additionally, APMEX provides comprehensive customer support through various channels to assist customers with inquiries or concerns, enhancing the overall purchasing experience.


Q1: What payment methods does APMEX accept?

A1: APMEX accepts credit/debit cards, PayPal, cryptocurrency, bank wire, eCheck, and paper check payments.

Q2: How long does it take for APMEX to ship an order?

A2: Shipping times vary depending on payment method and order contents, typically ranging from 1-3 business days for credit card orders and 4-6 business days for personal check and eCheck orders.

Q3: Does APMEX offer international shipping?

A3: Yes, APMEX does offer international shipping, with specific details available in the International FAQ section.

Q4: Are packages insured while in transit?

A4: Yes, packages shipped by APMEX are insured to protect against loss or damage during transit.

Q5: Can I cancel my order with APMEX?

A5: Once an order is issued an order number, prices are locked-in, but rare situations may necessitate cancellation, subject to APMEX's Market Loss Policy and cancellation fees.

Risk Warning

Online trading carries substantial risk, potentially leading to the total loss of invested funds. It may not be appropriate for all traders or investors. It's crucial to fully comprehend the associated risks before engaging in trading activities. Additionally, the content of this review is subject to change, reflecting updates in the company's services and policies. The review's creation date is also relevant, as information could have become outdated. Readers should confirm the latest information with the company prior to making any investment decisions. The responsibility for utilizing the information provided herein lies exclusively with the reader.

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more than one year
It's my first time using APMEX for trading. Well, my experience was so good. This website was easy to use. Their customer service team was so helpful in guiding me on how to trade.
2023-03-13 13:42


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