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Myaccount Upgrade Announcement

Myaccount Upgrade Announcement

We are pleased to announce that STARTRADER MyAccount is scheduled for system upgrade starting at 00:00 platform time (GMT+3) on July 6, 2024, and will be completed within the same day.

News 2024-07-05 16:05
Trading Hours Adjustment of Cryptocurrency Products

Trading Hours Adjustment of Cryptocurrency Products

Trading Hours Adjustment of Cryptocurrency Products

News 2024-07-05 16:04
Special Article: Analysis of FOMC Minutes

Special Article: Analysis of FOMC Minutes

The FOMC minutes highlighted financial strains on low-to-moderate-income households, the Fed's data-dependent approach, and the impact of geopolitical risks. Discussions included immigration's positive impact on the labor force and modest progress toward disinflation. Potential rate cuts were mentioned if the job market deteriorates significantly. This cautious outlook emphasizes balancing inflation control and economic support.

News 2024-07-05 15:57
Key Global Events Shaping Financial Markets Part 2

Key Global Events Shaping Financial Markets Part 2

Recent developments include Labour's landslide UK election victory, geopolitical tensions from Eurasian security discussions, Trump's election impact on Japanese stocks, EU's tech regulatory actions, tentative Hamas-Israel ceasefire, continuity in Mexican policies, Toronto's housing market rise, Boeing's Starliner issues, SpaceX's ISS deorbit contract, Indian IT companies' earnings, Malaysian tech stocks upgrade, Philippine inflation easing, Eli Lilly's Alzheimer's drug approval, US housing mark

News 2024-07-05 15:51
Key Global Events Shaping Financial Markets Part 1

Key Global Events Shaping Financial Markets Part 1

Recent developments include Labour's landslide UK election victory, geopolitical tensions from Eurasian security discussions, Trump's election impact on Japanese stocks, EU's tech regulatory actions, tentative Hamas-Israel ceasefire, continuity in Mexican policies, Toronto's housing market rise, Boeing's Starliner issues, SpaceX's ISS deorbit contract, Indian IT companies' earnings, Malaysian tech stocks upgrade, Philippine inflation easing, Eli Lilly's Alzheimer's drug approval, US housing mark

News 2024-07-05 15:48
【MACRO Alert】The possibility of Trump winning the election is closely linked to market conditions! Could Japan become a big winner from this?

【MACRO Alert】The possibility of Trump winning the election is closely linked to market conditions! Could Japan become a big winner from this?

Although the market has responded positively to the prospect of Trump's possible re-election, and the Japanese stock market has shown an upward trend as a result, investors should also remain cautious and pay attention to the long-term impact of the election results on global economic policies and market sentiment. As strategist Tomo Kinoshita pointed out, while short-term market dynamics may be closely related to the election results, ultimately, the fundamentals of companies, economic data, an

News 2024-07-05 15:35
US holidays limit market volatility  Pay attention to the performance of non farm payroll data in the United States for June tonight

US holidays limit market volatility Pay attention to the performance of non farm payroll data in the United States for June tonight

​On Thursday (July 4th), the US dollar index continued to fall towards the 105 level, ultimately closing 0.179% lower at 105.06, a new low since mid June.

Review 2024-07-05 15:30
Uncertainty Looms? Data To Illuminate US Inflation Path

Uncertainty Looms? Data To Illuminate US Inflation Path

In May, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) decided to maintain the Official Cash Rate (OCR) at 5.50%. This decision reflects a commitment to keeping monetary policy restrictive to manage inflationary pressures and ensure that inflation returns to the target range of 1-3% by the end of 2024. The latest UK GDP data (MoM) for April 2024 showed that the economy remained flat at 0.0%, following a 0.4% increase in March 2024. This stagnation is attributed to declines in industrial output and...

News 2024-07-05 15:12
Size Matters: Pros and Cons of Large-Cap, Mid-Cap, and Small-Cap Stocks

Size Matters: Pros and Cons of Large-Cap, Mid-Cap, and Small-Cap Stocks

Investing in stocks is quite similar to placing bets on fighters in different weight classes. Just as boxers compete in divisions based on their weight, companies are categorized by their market capitalization—small-cap, mid-cap, and large-cap ('cap' is the shortened form of 'capitalization').

News 2024-07-05 14:11
All Eye on Today’s NFP

All Eye on Today’s NFP

The UK general election 2024 was held on Thursday, and while the results are yet to be finalized, the Labour Party is poised to win a majority, ending the Conservatives' 14-year rule. The UK's equity market index, FTSE 100, edged higher in the last session, while the Pound Sterling remained steady. The Labour Party is expected to focus more on fiscal policy and economic development through expanding the country's sovereign debt, which may strengthen the Pound Sterling.

News 2024-07-05 13:46
Today's Investment News

Today's Investment News

Market Review | July 5, 2024

Review 2024-07-05 10:16
Key Market Data for Today

Key Market Data for Today

Market Review | July 5, 2024

Review 2024-07-05 10:08
Just2Trade was awarded Best Mobile Trading Platform 2024

Just2Trade was awarded Best Mobile Trading Platform 2024

Just2Trade was awarded Best Mobile Trading Platform 2024

News 2024-07-05 03:26
Market Watch Today

Market Watch Today

Market Review | July 4, 2024

Review 2024-07-04 19:27
【MACRO Insight】Signs of a Slowing U.S. Economy—Double Test from the Neutral Interest Rate and Employment

【MACRO Insight】Signs of a Slowing U.S. Economy—Double Test from the Neutral Interest Rate and Employment

William Dudley, the President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, stated at the European Central Bank Forum that the neutral interest rate in the United States and the Eurozone has not changed significantly due to the COVID-19 pandemic, while warning that monetary policy should not overly rely on the uncertain estimates of the neutral interest rate. At the same time, recent employment growth in the United States has slowed down, the service industry has contracted, inflation has cooled, and

Review 2024-07-04 15:53
Europe Analysis: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, EUR/GBP

Europe Analysis: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, EUR/GBP

European trading is subdued due to the U.S. holiday, with the euro benefiting from weak U.S. data. The pound rises ahead of the UK election, supported by market sentiment. ECB President Christine Lagarde's comments on interest rates support the euro. Overall, mixed sentiment prevails with cautious trading expected. Key economic events include Eurozone retail sales, Germany's industrial production, and UK services PMI.

News 2024-07-04 14:09
Wall Street Rally Ahead of NFP

Wall Street Rally Ahead of NFP

Wall Street saw a notable rally with the Nasdaq and S&P 500 reaching all-time highs, while the Dow Jones lagged.

News 2024-07-04 13:40
Economic and Political Shifts Impact Global Markets Part 2

Economic and Political Shifts Impact Global Markets Part 2

Recent developments include President Biden's potential re-election reconsideration, Asia-Pacific market highs, PwC's auditing issues in China, potential acquisitions in the energy and retail sectors, geopolitical tensions, and regulatory actions impacting markets. Key impacts include fluctuations in USD, CNY, CAD, TWD, EUR, GBP, and AUD, with significant effects on stock markets across the US, Asia, and Europe.

News 2024-07-04 13:34
Economic and Political Shifts Impact Global Markets Part 1

Economic and Political Shifts Impact Global Markets Part 1

Recent developments include President Biden's potential re-election reconsideration, Asia-Pacific market highs, PwC's auditing issues in China, potential acquisitions in the energy and retail sectors, geopolitical tensions, and regulatory actions impacting markets. Key impacts include fluctuations in USD, CNY, CAD, TWD, EUR, GBP, and AUD, with significant effects on stock markets across the US, Asia, and Europe.

News 2024-07-04 13:32
Market Commentary for Today

Market Commentary for Today

Market Review | July 4, 2024

Review 2024-07-04 11:28
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