Global Broker Regulation & Inquiry App

19 pieces of exposure in total


If you are cheated and want to cheat again, you will not be able to get any money, so your account would be blocked forever as compensation. Ridge Corpoeation is going to die soon.

The customer service of Ridge Corporation said that I exposed them and wanted me to compensate them for the 1.5 million US dollars I applied for, and 10% of the NT$48 million they lost, which is NT$4.8 million. They also wanted to cheat me out of my money. The investing public must remember to call the police, catch them all, let their companies go bankrupt, spit back the money defrauded by investors, catch them one by one, let them sit in the bottom of the prison, and taste the consequences of defrauding people, having no conscience, and being inferior to animals.To trick them back, let them feel cheated! Come on, everybody…

 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-07-21 13:19
 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-07-21 13:19
Unable to Withdraw

When you apply for a withdrawal, you are constantly asked to pay various taxes and fees. After you have paid all of them, you will get played for a sucker at one time, and they won't contact with you after that.

The devil broker, Ridge Corporation is operating fraudulently, and it has no integrity at all. The customer service is full of good words, and the hype is full of hype. I hope that the majority of investors will not be deceived again. All their linked websites are all fake, fake cards, and deposit accounts. , are all warning head accounts, you must not deposit money, increase investment, say one thing, full of lies, advise investors who have participated, quickly withdraw money and leave, and report to the police.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-07-20 13:33
 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-07-20 13:33

This is a fraudulent company that deletes accounts for no reason.

I applied for a withdrawal of 2000$, but after 48 hours I haven’t received any. So I inquired, only to find that my account was deleted and I could not log in.

South Korea South Korea 2023-07-18 10:12
South Korea South Korea 2023-07-18 10:12

Ridge Corporation, a black platform, was formerly Fasonla Tech. After this transformation, it continued to defraud.

Grizzly Taiwan practitioners just Ridge Corporation is a scam company and a black platform. Its predecessor was Fasonla Tech. It was tracked and monitored afterwards and changed to Ridge Corporation. I am a participant who has been using it all the way. You must be careful not to be fooled. The accounts they use to save money are all head accounts. As soon as you make a deposit, the money will be transferred to the agreed account immediately. The speed is very fast. Next, if you want to apply for a withdrawal, There will be even more difficulties. At least you have to pay a large amount of taxes of three to four kinds, for example, profit income tax, US dollar exchange tax, personal income tax and tax bureau material tax. As for what kind of tax you have to pay and how much is it? It's up to they! They are extremely black-hearted. As long as they want your money, they will cheat you as much as they can. It’s not an exaggeration to describe these people as “absolute sons and grandchildren”. People always have to pay back when they come out to mess around, and the retribution will come soon. I am kind and embarrassed to curse them. I hope those who are still operating on their platform will withdraw their capital and leave as soon as possible. Call the police to arrest people, sue them to death, and let them taste the pain of family ruin! Retribution is coming soon! In order to protect the rights and interests of our users to the greatest extent, our company has fully upgraded and updated the website and trading platform. Thank you. Thanks to all users for their support and understanding. Bank: Cathay United Bank Code: 013 Branch: Danfeng Branch Quota: 200 Hello, please follow the account 09:03 1 Keji Sijichang Branch Code: 017 Account Number: Xiang 06610089788 Quota: 100 The remaining 500,000 Bank of Tomorrow: Cathay Pacific United Bank Code: 013 Branch: Danfeng Branch Quota: 200 Hi, 解立照Account 09:03 Account Name: Jiang Minglun Bank: Bank of Taiwan Branch: Taiwan Bank Nangang Park Code: 004 Account Number: 225004052849 Quota: 50 Bank: Taishin International Commercial Bank Branch: North Kaohsiung Branch Code: 812 Account Number: 2046100035224 5 •Okay, please wait a moment 0106 •Account Name: Hong Weilin Bank: Taishin International Commercial Bank Branch: North Kaohsiung Branch Code: 812 Large amount It is necessary to exchange funds from US dollars to Taiwan dollars, and 2,400,000 New Taiwan dollars are required. After the payment is completed, your funds will be remitted to your bank before Friday. Look, today

 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-07-15 17:58
 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-07-15 17:58
Unable to Withdraw

The painful lesson of 50 million loss, Ridge Corporation is a big fraud group company, everyone should divest and leave immediately!

This Ridge Corporation brokerage platform, when you apply for a large amount of withdrawal, you will pay various taxes, profit tax, income tax, etc., and will not notify you all at once, and then keep paying this and that fee. It's difficult for you to not pay, and their words are nice, but after paying, you will be harvested all at once, and you will be ignored, the viciousness is serious, and heaven will not tolerate it!

 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-07-14 14:47
 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-07-14 14:47
Unable to Withdraw

Attention Ridge Corporation, this is a big fraud group company, if you are not a victim, please stay away as soon as possible to avoid being deceived!

Ridge Corporation, the operating platform of this brokerage, absolutely don’t believe the link URLs they provide, they are all behind scenes, and don’t increase value deposit, they provide all head accounts, after you deposit and invest, If you are transferred away immediately, you will suffer heavy losses, so stay away as soon as possible or call the police immediately! Don't hesitate... It is definitely a real scam group company!

 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-07-06 17:29
 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-07-06 17:29
Unable to Withdraw

缴了营利税(20%) 、换汇手续费(5%)、个人所得税后,仍未按时出金!

Ridge Corporation是诈骗交易商,恶意不出金!

 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-07-02 19:14
 Taiwan Taiwan 2023-07-02 19:14
Unable to Withdraw

After making a deposit request, we lost contact.

There was a professor named Hayakawa Masahiro in the investment group, and he provided trading instructions. There was also a person named Kitayama Daisaku in support. We made a deposit request and provided the transfer destination. After that, we lost contact.

Japan Japan 2023-06-08 13:33
Japan Japan 2023-06-08 13:33

I applied for a withdrawal and never received a reply from my account manager.

It is said that it will be transferred to the bank account within 24 hours, it is said that it is said that it is transferred into the bank account, and Tomohisa Shirakawa who is charged for the first time is not fraudulent, and it is not fraudulent, and the money of the money called the guarantee money is not transferred to the bank account, and it doesn't get into the bank account I don't know why I should not use

Japan Japan 2023-05-19 08:58
Japan Japan 2023-05-19 08:58
Unable to Withdraw

Cannot contact them

I applied for a withdrawal, but I haven't heard from the person in charge, Tomohisa Shirakawa, and the money hasn't been transferred to my bank account.

Japan Japan 2023-05-18 10:17
Japan Japan 2023-05-18 10:17
Unable to Withdraw

The withdrawal is done on the MT5 but does not return an answer though it is applying for the payment

Last night, I made an application for payment, but it is pulled out on the MT5 which is not transferred to the silver country and is still not transferred to the bank

Japan Japan 2023-05-18 10:11
Japan Japan 2023-05-18 10:11

About unfreezing

I made a mistake in the registered account, so I contacted the person in charge and heard that it was frozen on the way. I was told that the payment would be made after business hours, so I'm waiting, but even after the 5th business, the payment was not made, and the person in charge was late in replying, and I didn't know the progress, so I wondered what was going on.

Japan Japan 2023-05-17 10:00
Japan Japan 2023-05-17 10:00
Unable to Withdraw

Not registered with the Financial Services Agency

I applied for a withdrawal on May 9th, but it has not been withdrawn. (On the website, it is stated that "Within 3 business days after the request *In principle, payment will be made on the same day if received by 11:00 am on business days excluding weekends and holidays.") Registered with the Financial Services Agency on May 16 I received a report that it is a company that does not.

Japan Japan 2023-05-16 12:11
Japan Japan 2023-05-16 12:11
Unable to Withdraw

I will not be paid for any application. Even if you ask about the payment procedure, there is no reply.

In the past, the reply has come quickly, but it is neglected even if the application of the payment is suddenly urgent, and it is not possible to pay.

Japan Japan 2023-05-09 12:49
Japan Japan 2023-05-09 12:49
Unable to Withdraw


This company was made to make fraud. Please do not open absolutely.

Japan Japan 2023-05-01 20:37
Japan Japan 2023-05-01 20:37
Unable to Withdraw

I cannot withdraw a large amount. An account number has been tampered with.

After an account number registration, I tried to make a small amount of money to try, and I made the payment application of 10000 dollars a week. Because I will not be paid. Please confirm the account number. When I confirmed it, I changed the account number one place.

Japan Japan 2023-04-25 13:36
Japan Japan 2023-04-25 13:36
Unable to Withdraw

I cannot withdraw

I am told that I can only withdraw once and cannot withdraw.

Japan Japan 2023-04-05 13:32
Japan Japan 2023-04-05 13:32

I don't have a license.

They say they have an NFA license, but after some research, they don't currently have one.

Japan Japan 2023-03-14 09:51
Japan Japan 2023-03-14 09:51
Unable to Withdraw

Cannot withdraw

Currently, I cannot withdraw $2000 from my account. Even if I applied for a withdrawal, there was no sign of it being done, and I was told that it was impossible to withdraw even on LINE.

Japan Japan 2023-03-13 23:47
Japan Japan 2023-03-13 23:47
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