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27 pieces of exposure in total



Misleading and fraudulent, the $70,000 was for nothing.

Australia Australia 2022-12-12
Australia Australia 2022-12-12
Unable to Withdraw

austrac. org

unable to withdraw to withdraw for weeks till recently when i actually confirmed they are a scam what a pathetic investment over 34,000$ close to going to drainage

United States United States 2022-11-29
United States United States 2022-11-29
Unable to Withdraw

Liars has no humanity

Scammers are ruthless and put people to death. Who can save us? They find all kinds of reasons to let you deposit money, and the ultimate goal is to collect money. They will never withdraw! Those who bring you money and the platform group are all liars, everyone pay attention⚠️

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-11-26
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-11-26
Unable to Withdraw

Tax and fees made me unable to withdraw

After paying the 3.8% net income tax to withdraw my funds they hit me with a 2% exclusive channel fee to properly transfer my withdraw request to my designated account, I refused to pay the channel fee not knowing what other fees they might charge me, I was lured to this broker by someone I met on Facebook and told me to wire money to Victoria capital every week to increase my capital to trade. This broker is incorporated in Hong Kong, US, and Australia? who knows?, no contact number, no real address and no direct person to person contact with the broker all red flags. I believed that mt5 is manipulated.

United States United States 2022-11-24
United States United States 2022-11-24

victoria capital is the scammer

I checked with the CIMA license SIBL they provided and I found vantage. they told me victoria capital has nothing to do with them. victoria capital is proved to be a scammer and using some other company’s license cheating Forex traders right now one of the customer service empty the chat and ran away. you can’t even find it through their website-Line customer service.

Australia Australia 2022-11-23
Australia Australia 2022-11-23
Unable to Withdraw

Withdrawal proceeding against scam broker

I never really got an actual reason to why i couldn't withdraw but they did ask me to pay tax prior to finrecoup on my investment which i did with the brokers at Victoria capital doing everything in their power to hold back my investment and deprive me of the benefits in my account that has been earned as a result of my principal investment. Victoria capital should be completely avoided

Canada Canada 2022-11-19
Canada Canada 2022-11-19

After inducing the deposit, the customer service disappears.

This company used to be called rui win, and it was changed to Victoria capital in August. In July and August, you can receive transaction compensation on the grounds of becoming a member. Later, if you asked me to withdraw the money, I had to pay 10% tax. If the person did not finish the payment, he bound the account and did not give out the money. In the end, it was found that the guarantor and the dealer had disappeared as a group, and they strongly demanded that I return the principal. Arrest this scammer.

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-11-13
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-11-13
Unable to Withdraw

Withdrawal enabled

Assetsclaimback withdrawal option of Over $79,000 of this scam made me lose interest in investing forever no one to trust all scam. They are not regulated but disguising like they are.

United States United States 2022-11-13
United States United States 2022-11-13
Unable to Withdraw

So many scams

There are various reasons to deny withdrawal like paying taxes. Scam! And the so-called guarantor introducers are all liars! Attention ⚠️

United States United States 2022-11-12
United States United States 2022-11-12
Unable to Withdraw


Since September 18, I have to withdraw the money, but it has not yet been received, and they still find some reasons for taxes. There are also deductions in re-transactions, and the handling fee is 15USD per hand! Account still has 24213USD

Taiwan Taiwan 2022-11-11
Taiwan Taiwan 2022-11-11
Unable to Withdraw

Romance scam group

Investing 1.5 million US dollars,in total. I have to pay tax when I want to withdraw. After paying the tax, still not withdrawal. It turns out that the guarantor and the platform are the same group. Note that as long as there is a guarantor and require to paysthe tax, it is all a liar, don't believe anyone is a nonsense .

United States United States 2022-11-11
United States United States 2022-11-11
Unable to Withdraw


ABN ACN keeping asking us to deposit security bond, account unlocking fee and tax. is that normal? asked the company to provide company address in australia and their ABN, ACN. they ingnored it.

Australia Australia 2022-11-08
Australia Australia 2022-11-08

Do not withdraw

Withdraw money after making profits, let you pay taxes, and say you can withdraw cash after paying taxes, but don’t withdraw cash after paying taxes. Now customer service is lost. Customer service contacts are constantly changing, and they don’t reply to any sentence, which is fatal! Be sure to pay attention!

United States United States 2022-11-04
United States United States 2022-11-04
Unable to Withdraw

unsuccessful scam

The fact that VICTORIA CAPITAL is a fraud organisation and that deposits made to them may be traced using the correct algorithm is not breaking news. Everything began when I requested a withdrawal from my MT5 and repeatedly rejected. All attempts to contact the support team were unsuccessful, which is exactly what prompted me to take action that proved effective for withdrawal. I have show and expose VICTORIA CAPITAL and further steps taken in my attachments proofs of my deposits, it’s more like a romance scam please be warned and stay away from them.

United Kingdom United Kingdom 2022-11-04
United Kingdom United Kingdom 2022-11-04
Unable to Withdraw

unable to withdraw

I opened an account with a manager of an Victoria capital account who pushed me to keep adding money to my account. I made money on several trades, but I was told I couldn't withdraw my investment until I made new deposits which i did and still didn’t get my money back from them. Very bad recommendations from a competitive trading platform.

United Kingdom United Kingdom 2022-11-04
United Kingdom United Kingdom 2022-11-04
Unable to Withdraw

Account is transferred

It has not been transferred before. The account is transferred to Vitoria capital on October 6th, and the account will be frozen as soon as the withdrawal is made! What's going on?

Taiwan Taiwan 2022-11-03
Taiwan Taiwan 2022-11-03
Unable to Withdraw

Do not withdraw after inducing deposit

I transferred the money to the Victoria capital company through FTX with a total of 1.5 million US dollars. After the profit, they will not withdraw the money, and ask me to pay the tax. After the tax is paid, the money is still not withdrawn, everyone pay attention to these fraud platforms

United States United States 2022-11-03
United States United States 2022-11-03

It is liar

Online customers notify me that they can't withdraw if I don't pay taxes. Originally, I was registered as SOPHIE CAPITAL FINANCIAL TRADING PTY LTD, but the company name was changed without permission. It is a fraudulent company that specifies a personal account when depositing money. Never use it.

Japan Japan 2022-10-31
Japan Japan 2022-10-31

The account is frozen for no reason.

After the account was transferred to Vitoriacaptain from Sophie Capital on October 6, it was rejected as soon as the withdrawal was made, and the fund was frozen: 24213.15USD. He also said that he had to pay a margin of 7312.5USD, which is not a formal book dealer at all, it should be done.

Taiwan Taiwan 2022-10-30
Taiwan Taiwan 2022-10-30

Customer service changes the layout! Be careful

The customer service stole XM's header, the following is the picture. Just replaced it today, please be careful! Do not enter! !

Taiwan Taiwan 2022-10-28
Taiwan Taiwan 2022-10-28
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