WikiFX, as an independent third-party information service platform, is dedicated to providing users with comprehensive and objective broker regulatory information services. WikiFX does not directly engage in any forex trading activities, nor does it offer any form of trading channel recommendations or investment advice. The ratings and evaluations of brokers by WikiFX are based on publicly available objective information and take into account the regulatory policy differences of various countries and regions. Broker ratings and evaluations are the core products of WikiFX, and we firmly oppose any commercial practices that may compromise their objectivity and fairness. We welcome supervision and suggestions from users worldwide. To report any concerns, please contact us:
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5 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Induce me to join the bonus campaign

After getting acquainted with the trading app, I kept chatting with me about investment and financial management, and later said that they wanted to teach me how to do foreign exchange and earn pocket money. In the beginning, I did have one or two withdrawals. Later, when I was asked to join the stored value bonus, it was endless. I said that I didn't have that much money to store value, and the other party said they would help me with some. It is said that there were several abnormal stored value violations, and the withdrawal was temporarily detained. After five minutes of depositing 5,000U, it was possible to withdraw cash but still could not withdraw it. Only then did they realize that they had been defrauded, and a total loss of more than 2 million TWN was lost in total.

Taiwan Taiwan 2022-07-08
Taiwan Taiwan 2022-07-08
Unable to Withdraw


I have been participating in CFD trading for over 2 months on this platform i made 126,683$ with my 49k investment capital. One time early when I first started I withdrew $1000 usdt to my Coinbase wallet without any problems. The site told me operation was successful.Then approximately 3 days later they inform me that due to the rules of their platform and the IRS I'd have to pay 20% on my earnings before I could withdraw my money.

United Kingdom United Kingdom 2022-06-25
United Kingdom United Kingdom 2022-06-25
Unable to Withdraw

Transparancy is not the case with this firm

I made a huge amount of profit here but when i wanted to end the work with them and get back my money they told me i have to pay a 26% fee for not completing their financial plan but the class action fintrack. org aided gave in to the return of funds. Please don't be one of those people who have not only wasted their time trading on Aly Financial but also deposited only to realise later that they could not make any withdrawals.

United States United States 2022-06-24
United States United States 2022-06-24
Unable to Withdraw

I cannot withdraw any money from my account

He sent me an email to win a prize and after approval he told me to complete the deposit for the amount of 50000$ so that I can withdraw my money and if I do not deposit my account will be frozen

Egypt Egypt 2022-06-22
Egypt Egypt 2022-06-22

Be careful that Acdx and Aly financial have been defrauded by international fraud groups to deposit money but do not allow money to be withdrawn.

Be careful of these two transaction pages: ( and ( People who met from dating software, within two months, slowly dig out personal investment, money and financial information from their conversations with each other, Then abducted into Acdx and Aly financial limited to do foreign exchange transactions. The lies prepared by the other party and every conversation will make you feel like a normal conversation, but once you encounter a transaction problem or an overweight problem, the other party will actively ask you what to do. Stop being deceived by fake friendships or fake love. Because the fraud group really acted very can get the rank of Oscar winner and actress. When you are sick, it will give you cold and warmth, and you will not feel well when you eat, so you will find information on the Internet specially, and then warn you about how it is not good for your health. Because I believe in netizens, I have gradually increased from 100,000 to 500,000, and then I have been deceived by abnormal deposits and other expenses. I have been deceived up to 1 million. During these processes, every time I thought I could withdraw money, but every time I just asked you to pay for another item... As a result, this scam, while the netizen comforted me and brainwashed me, was in front of the computer in front of the cold-blooded customer service. Finally, they are an international fraud group. Don't trust photos or videos. Videos can use high technology to deceive your eyes, so the personal photos you get are fake. People in Asia, such as China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, please don't invest any more money in these two places. They will continue to create new web pages in the future, but please trust the online rating, supervision, and your own intuition.

Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-26
Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-26
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