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6 pieces of exposure in total


Please return the fund

Romance scam! I exchanged LINE with a woman named Osaka Nana and there was an investment fraud, so I made a profit and paid. She said that I could trust her and trade and no tax would be charged, but I made a profit and requested withdrawal. Then the analyst told me that I had to pay taxes, there was a fraud,

Japan Japan 2022-05-06 21:23
Japan Japan 2022-05-06 21:23
Unable to Withdraw

Cannot withdraw

There are two MEDE Global Ltd. companies, which is confusing, but I wrote it here. I'm sorry if it's a mistake. In early March of this year, a Taiwanese person named Janvin Mahiwo (Japanese name: Keiko Nozawa (Sawa?)) Guided a friend of FaceBook to LINE and offered to invest in the gold market. At the beginning of the investment, Janvin Mahiwo withdrew $ 100 worth of money as a "reward for me". There was no problem at that time, but I tried to withdraw $ 5,800 from MEDE Global's account by the procedure taught on 3/31, but the support of this company requested the following additional funds. .. (1) There is a request from the support side to pay the tax of 143,000 yen based on the National Tax Agency 1521 within 3 business days. (2) After paying (1), there is a request from the support side to confirm the remittance certificate within 2 hours. ⇒I had a meeting at my work during this time, and I couldn't confirm it. (3) When the support side tells us that it could not be confirmed, we request confirmation in the receiving account and when we tell that there was no deposit, we brought out the NTA 1527 this time and said, "There is no record of paying the deposit to the system." For some reason, he demands a deposit of 247,000 yen. (4) After payment of (3), the support side contacted me with "It will be completed by 4/10" and "I will let you know at the first time when it is over". However, there was no contact from the support side on 4/10. (5) Since it was Sunday on 4/10, I waited for about 2 days after that, and when I contacted myself, the support side said, "Please contact me positively (from this side)". The content of (4) can be interpreted as a contact from the support side, but since the reason is not clear, the support requested a second deposit of 254,000 yen. * When I asked this question, he said "out of business" at first, but then he was silent. (6) At this point, it was judged that the support side's response was quite suspicious, but in the unlikely event that it happened, the payment was made again. (7) After paying for (6), the support side contacted me with "It will be completed by 4/23 or 4/24 this weekend" and "I will inform you specially at the first time when it is over". However, there was no contact here either. (6) For these reasons, the company's support does not seem to pay at all. I think that it is an extremely malicious response, such as setting payment completion as a holiday and requesting an ID card (driver's license) to be attached each time. In addition, I received opinions from my friends, Japanese and foreign investors, including scolding that "I may pay fees, but I do not charge taxes or deposits, and the response is quicker." rice field. I can never forgive the response to the criminal misrepresentation that I took advantage of my ignorance. I would like to warn those who are currently investing in Forex, including the case of Janvin, and those who will invest in Forex in the future.

Japan Japan 2022-04-30 02:04
Japan Japan 2022-04-30 02:04
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

The main reason is that I cannot withdraw funds is said that it is a joint account. I cannot apply for the withdrawal of funds without confirmation from other party. I need to pay a deposit of 50% to withdraw the funds.Now, the other party is just disappeared and cannot reach. I had already invested almost 600000 NT. Also, Miss Chen Yuxi who living in Singapore caused me a loss of NT$430,000, and she suddenly disappeared since the middle of March this year. Please help me to solve this problem as much as possible, thank you.

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-04-14 05:36
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-04-14 05:36
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw for nearly a month. The customer service cannot be contacted!

Unable to withdraw for nearly a month. The customer service cannot be contacted! eightt-five thousands dollars cannot be arrived till now. Fraud platform. Is there any supervision able to regulate them?

United States United States 2022-02-26 05:29
United States United States 2022-02-26 05:29
Unable to Withdraw

Cannot withdraw 85000 dollars.

Waiting for over ten days and the fund was frozen and cannot withdraw. It also requires to pay 25% margin.

United States United States 2022-02-12 12:24
United States United States 2022-02-12 12:24

Romance scam

A woman I met at Pears instructed me to open an FX solicitation exchange. I deposited 460,000 yen in 3 installments to the account specified by the line account. Even if I request withdrawal, I will be required to pay $1000.

Japan Japan 2022-01-21 14:02
Japan Japan 2022-01-21 14:02
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