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+92 21 111 111 097
c3c, 12th Lane, lttehad Commercial, Phase II Ext, DHA, Karachi


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ICML · Company Summary

Key Information Details
Company Name Invest Capital Markets Limited (InvestCap)
Years of Establishment 2-5 years
Headquarters Pakistan
Office Locations c3c, 12th Lane, lttehad Commercial, Phase II Ext, DHA, Karachi
Regulation Unregulated
Tradable Assets Forex, Stocks, Cryptocurrencies, Commodities, Indices
Account Types Standard Account, VIP Account, Islamic Account, Demo Account
Minimum Deposit N/A
Deposit/Withdrawal Methods Bank wire transfer, Bank Transfer, E-wallets
Trading Platforms Available MetaTrader 4 (MT4)
Customer Support Options Email, Phone

Overview of Invest Capital Markets Limited

Invest Capital Markets Limited (InvestCap) is a Pakistan-based financial services company established within the last 2-5 years. They offer investment and trading services both in Pakistan and globally. Their headquarters are located in Karachi, with an office at c3c, 12th Lane, lttehad Commercial, Phase II Ext, DHA. The company operates without regulation and provides a variety of tradable assets, including Forex, Stocks, Cryptocurrencies, Commodities, and Indices. They offer different account types, such as Standard, VIP, Islamic, and Demo accounts.

InvestCap facilitates trading through the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform, a popular choice among traders worldwide. Customers can access customer support through email and phone. The company offers deposit and withdrawal options that include Bank wire transfers, Bank Transfers, and E-wallets.



Invest Capital Markets Limited (InvestCap) operates without regulation and is labeled as unauthorized by regulatory authorities.

The unauthorized status refers to the company's lack of approval or registration from any recognized regulatory authority. In this context, it means that InvestCap operates without oversight and scrutiny that regulatory bodies typically provide. Consequently, this poses potential risks to investors and clients. The absence of regulatory oversight may lead to increased vulnerability to fraud, mismanagement of funds, and lack of transparency in business operations.

Pros and Cons

Invest Capital Markets Limited (InvestCap) offers a range of investment and trading services in Pakistan and internationally, including Forex, Stocks, Cryptocurrencies, Commodities, and Indices. They provide different account types, such as Standard, VIP, Islamic, and Demo accounts, allowing clients to choose according to their preferences. The availability of customer support through email and phone facilitates communication with clients, offering a channel for inquiries and assistance. Moreover, InvestCap's physical presence in Pakistan, with an office located in Karachi, may provide convenience for local investors seeking financial services within the country.

One significant drawback of Invest Capital Markets Limited (InvestCap) is its unregulated status, which means the company lacks oversight from recognized regulatory authorities. This raises concerns about the legitimacy and safety of its operations, potentially increasing risks for clients. The absence of a specified minimum deposit amount in the available information may also cause uncertainty for potential investors who consider this factor important when choosing a financial service provider. Additionally, the inaccessible website further restricts the ability to conduct due diligence on the company, making it challenging to verify its credentials or access detailed information about its services, account features, and other important aspects. The lack of transparency associated with the unavailability of a website may raise skepticism and doubts among individuals seeking to engage with InvestCap.

Pros Cons
Offers investment and trading services Unregulated
Provides different account types Uncertainty about minimum deposit amount
Customer support through email and phone Inaccessible website
Presence in Pakistan with a Karachi office

Inaccessible Website

Invest Capital Markets Limited (InvestCap) does not have an accessible website. The absence of a website can significantly impact the company's credibility and transparency. Without a website, potential investors and clients may find it challenging to obtain detailed information about InvestCap's offerings, account features, and other essential aspects of their services. This lack of transparency may raise skepticism and doubts among individuals seeking to engage with the company, as they may question the legitimacy and reliability of an entity that does not have an online presence.


Market Instruments

InvestCap offers a comprehensive range of market instruments, including Forex, Stocks, Cryptocurrencies, Commodities, and Indices.

Forex: InvestCap offers Forex trading services, allowing clients to trade various currency pairs in the foreign exchange market.

Stocks: InvestCap provides trading opportunities in the stock market, enabling clients to invest in shares of publicly-listed companies.

Cryptocurrencies: The company facilitates cryptocurrency trading, allowing clients to trade popular digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and others.

Commodities: InvestCap offers trading in commodities, providing access to commodities like gold, silver, oil, and other natural resources.

Indices: The company provides clients with the option to trade indices, which represent the performance of a group of stocks from a specific market.


The following is a table that compares Invest Capital Markets Limited (InvestCap) to competing brokerages:

Broker Market Instruments
InvestCap Forex, Stocks, Cryptocurrencies, Commodities, Indices
Alpari Forex, Stocks, Cryptocurrencies, Commodities, Indices, Bonds
HotForex Forex, Stocks, Cryptocurrencies, Commodities, Indices
IC Markets Forex, Stocks, Cryptocurrencies, Commodities, Indices
RoboForex Forex, Stocks, Cryptocurrencies, Commodities, Indices, ETFs

Account Types

Invest Capital Markets Limited (InvestCap) offers four account types, including Standard, VIP, Islamic, and Demo accounts, each with specific features and terms not fully disclosed as there is no accessible website.

Standard Account: Invest Capital Markets Limited (InvestCap) offers a Standard Account to clients, providing a basic trading option with standard features.

VIP Account: InvestCap offers a VIP Account, which likely caters to high-volume or high-net-worth clients. However, detailed information about the features of this account, such as minimum deposit, leverage, and spread, is not available.

Islamic Account: The company provides an Islamic Account, which is likely designed for clients who follow Islamic principles and require swap-free trading. However, the exact features and terms of this account are not specified in the available information.

Demo Account: InvestCap offers a Demo Account, allowing clients to practice trading with virtual funds without risking real money. While the specifics of this account, such as available features and duration, are not mentioned, it serves as a useful tool for clients to familiarize themselves with the trading platform and strategies.

Deposit & WithdrawalInvest Capital Markets Limited (InvestCap) offers several deposit and withdrawal methods to facilitate transactions for its clients with the options of Bank wire transfer, Bank Transfer, and E-wallets. However, specific details regarding processing times, fees, and additional payment options are not provided with the available information.

Trading Platforms

Invest Capital Markets Limited (InvestCap) offers the popular MetaTrader 4 (MT4) trading platform, a widely recognized and widely used platform in the financial industry. However, additional information about specific features, tools, and functionalities of the platform is not provided in the available data.


The following table compares the trading platforms offered by Invest Capital Markets Limited (InvestCap) to those of competing brokerages:

Broker Trading Platforms
InvestCap MetaTrader 4 (MT4)
Alpari MetaTrader 4 (MT4), MetaTrader 5 (MT5), Alpari WebTrader, Alpari Mobile
HotForex MetaTrader 4 (MT4), MetaTrader 5 (MT5), HotForex WebTrader, HotForex Mobile
IC Markets MetaTrader 4 (MT4), MetaTrader 5 (MT5), cTrader, IC Markets WebTrader, IC Markets Mobile
RoboForex MetaTrader 4 (MT4), MetaTrader 5 (MT5), cTrader, R Trader, RoboForex Mobile

Customer Support

Invest Capital Markets Limited (InvestCap) offers customer support through email and phone channels, providing clients with options to reach out and seek assistance or information. Specifics are as follows:

Email Support: Invest Capital Markets Limited (InvestCap) offers customer support through email. Clients can reach customer support by sending their inquiries and concerns to the email address provided ( However, further details about response times and availability are not specified in the available information.

Phone Support: InvestCap provides customer support through phone channels. Clients can contact the company using the following phone numbers: +92 21 111 111 097 and +92 21 3520 5520-22. However, additional information about the availability of phone support, operating hours, and language options for customer service representatives is not mentioned in the provided data.


Invest Capital Markets Limited (InvestCap) is an unregulated financial services company, that provides access to various tradable assets, including Forex, Stocks, Cryptocurrencies, Commodities, and Indices. Clients can engage in trading through the widely recognized MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform. InvestCap caters to different trading preferences by offering a range of account types, such as Standard, VIP, Islamic, and Demo accounts. However, specific details regarding features, minimum deposits, and leverage for these accounts are not available in the provided information.

The company operates without regulation, which may raise concerns about the legitimacy and safety of its services. Additionally, the lack of an accessible website limits transparency and hinders clients' ability to gather detailed information about the company. While InvestCap provides customer support through email and phone channels, further information regarding response times and language options is not disclosed.


Q: What types of services does Invest Capital Markets Limited (InvestCap) provide?

A: InvestCap offers investment and trading services in various financial markets.

Q: Where is the headquarters of Invest Capital Markets Limited (InvestCap) located?

A: The company's headquarters are situated in Pakistan.

Q: What are the available deposit and withdrawal methods?

A: Clients can fund and withdraw from their accounts using bank wire transfers, bank transfers, and e-wallets.

Q: Does Invest Capital Markets Limited (InvestCap) have a regulated status?

A: No, the company operates without regulation, lacking oversight from recognized authorities.

Q: What trading platform does Invest Capital Markets Limited (InvestCap) offer?

A: InvestCap provides the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform for trading activities.

Q: How can clients contact customer support at Invest Capital Markets Limited (InvestCap)?

A: Customers can reach out to the company through email or phone channels.

Broker Information

Company Name

Invest Capital Markets Limited

Company Abbreviation


Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region


Phone of the company
  • +92 21 111 111 097

  • +92 21 3520 5520-22









Company address
  • c3c, 12th Lane, lttehad Commercial, Phase II Ext, DHA, Karachi









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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