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19 pieces of exposure in total


Relationship between Dacland Fujite trade

Like the title...Dacland and Fujite trade are the same company, the same online customer service staff, and also a black-hearted fraud platform. Withdrawals will find various reasons and pay a bunch of fees (taxes, platform management fees, risk control risk funds) so that traders can't get the money. Finally, freeze the account...or directly let the trader liquidate their positions. Friends who have seen it remember to share... Don't let this platform continue to be arrogant

Taiwan Taiwan 2022-08-10
Taiwan Taiwan 2022-08-10
Unable to Withdraw

A very greedy broker

They received all my ID papers twice and no reply from them still. A month later and i submitted my documents for withdrawal yet one more time but no reply was heeded I have reported their attempt to do away with my investment and requested a withdrawal that came through under the fintrack/ org recovery authority Don't ever invest with this broker or any trading firm similiar to them as you are guaranteed to lose it with lack of action

United States United States 2022-07-18
United States United States 2022-07-18
Unable to Withdraw

I will not recommend

They can assist you but when the advice they give goes wrong you will still bear the consequences. Worse of all, if you happen to make profits they stop you from withdrawing The only help I had didn't come from the dacland support or account manager

Canada Canada 2022-07-17
Canada Canada 2022-07-17
Unable to Withdraw

Fraud Fraud

Keep clear, It is a fraud. Money was deposited into my account without any problems, however when I asked for a withdrawal, they unilaterally suspended my account. Despite the fact that I had given them all the information they need to activate my account, they were still holding onto my money. I was only able to get my money back after employing Assetsclaimback Legal Expert, even though I now have it. To abruptly decide to block my account without providing any explanation is deceptive.

United Kingdom United Kingdom 2022-07-16
United Kingdom United Kingdom 2022-07-16
Unable to Withdraw

Continuous harassment from Dacland

I have no trust in Dacland and would counsel any prospective investor to think very seriously about giving them any money. Despite my instructions to close my account and refund my money they continued to try to call me to invest more, I would classify it as harassment I raised this issue with the FCA and fintrack/ org stating Dacland as a scam to which effect my portfolio balance was returned to me but they still tried to contact me by phone for further investment.

Canada Canada 2022-07-10
Canada Canada 2022-07-10
Unable to Withdraw

Beware of trading companies like this

I was told that I needed to "top up" my account due to market fluctuation. I did this and when my payout was due, nothing happened

United States United States 2022-07-09
United States United States 2022-07-09
Unable to Withdraw


The theft on my MT5 account with them was noticed late because I’m not an active trader. By initiating and closing positions over the period of an hour, Dacland turned my whole investment in my account into commission and profit on the platform. After that, I attempted to contact customer service, but they declined to compensate me for my loss on the grounds that it could not be handled only Dacland says such things. It took a lawsuit brought by Assetsclaimback Advisory legal department for a swift recovery. Dacland use tactics like tax deductions, money laundering, third party payment excuse to scam us all over again .

United States United States 2022-07-08
United States United States 2022-07-08
Unable to Withdraw


They are scammers, I have deposited $25000 but then i realised something was not right with their constant request to top up my account. I asked for a refund but my request fell on deaf ears and the Bank wont do nothing about it so i filed a report of stolen funds with fintrack/org and yesterday received $25,0000 in capital, what’s remaining is the profit of the trades and I am positive about that as well.

Canada Canada 2022-07-02
Canada Canada 2022-07-02
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw funds

Dacland capital sound super helpful untill its time for withdrawal, as soon as you mention you want to access your money they do a 180 and turn into complete drop kicks. while awaiting a response after several email I sent them I also initiated a reclamation process via Traceasset/ org which resulted to me being refunded my money, it's too dodgy and I won't be using them again. Please take this as a fair warning don't get scammed.

United States United States 2022-07-02
United States United States 2022-07-02
Unable to Withdraw

Withdrawal not approved for weeks.

They are swindlers. I chose one of their investment plans and made a deposit immediately. When it was time to make a withdrawal, I was denied. I contacted their support and they told me to make extra 50% deposit of my investment to move me to another plan which will enable me to withdraw my fund. But this was not the agreement at the beginning. When they insisted on not paying back, I had to employ the service of assetsclaimback advisory.Imagine i didn’t sought the firm they will have defrauded my $55,000 Dacland have defrauded a lot of people they can’t be trusted

Germany Germany 2022-07-01
Germany Germany 2022-07-01
Unable to Withdraw

Avoid this firm, Limit withdrawal

With this company, you start off by making money, you are promised the world and get tangled up in their lies and deception but you don’t realise until it’s too late. The platform is only a smoke screen and during fintrack/ org recovery action i have found out that the members of Dacland capital put investor's money somewhere else and are investing it in cryptocurrency for their personal use.

Canada Canada 2022-06-16
Canada Canada 2022-06-16
Unable to Withdraw

Their plan was ruined this time

Dacland is still going strong, doing what they do best. This has to be the worst corporation in history. They are crooks who will take all of your money and refuse to answer to your emails or phone calls. Only if he is a real person, my account manager is a bad guy. This company refuses to give me my full payment of 3600000 USD and no longer returns my calls. I was locked out of my account shortly after depositing and had to use the AssetsClaimBack recovery service to get a chargeback. I'll keep posting about Dacland so that people are aware of how angry they are.

United States United States 2022-06-16
United States United States 2022-06-16
Unable to Withdraw

Another unsuccessful scam of Dacland

I was able to withdraw the small profit at first, then I invested and traded with additional money. After a period, I wanted to withdraw all of my cash, totaling 300,000,000USDT, but the broker charged me a different fee each time, the first of which was a 10% leverage fee, totaling 250,000USDT. They then informed me that I owed a 12 percent personal income tax of 95kUSDT. Later, they requested that I pay a 10% transfer charge of 150,0000USDT. Even after paying all of these additional costs, they still had an excuse for not allowing me to withdraw my funds and had my account suspended.

Germany Germany 2022-06-15
Germany Germany 2022-06-15
Unable to Withdraw

I wonder how many innocent victims Dacland have scammed

Dacland has been confirmed as a scam company by a number of reputable research groups., I was completely let down when i couldn't withdraw and transfer out my deposit. The mismanagement of my trading account by the designated account manager opened my eyes, and he also promised to assist me in regaining control of my account which is another way to extort me, glad all this didn't end bad for me.

Germany Germany 2022-06-15
Germany Germany 2022-06-15
Unable to Withdraw

I couldn't withdraw from Dacland Broker

I couldn't withdraw from Dacland Broker

Bangladesh Bangladesh 2022-06-09
Bangladesh Bangladesh 2022-06-09
Unable to Withdraw

It is said that withdrawal will delivered on next day after making all the payment, but it still not arrived.

Cannot withdraw after making all the payment. Account 27071581. After making all payments on May 22. It is said that withdrawal will be delivered on next day. I asked at about three o'clock in the afternoon when I could arrive at the account, and it was said that it was scheduled. Asked more than 4 o'clock and read it but didn't respond. After 5 o'clock, I asked again and they read it, but not reply. At 6 o'clock, They didn't even look at it....

Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-23
Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-23

Unable to withdraw

Like the title...I have been asking to pay the money, but it nevers ends. 5% personal tax, they will donate your profit if you do not pay. After the payment, you have to pay the platform management fee. After the payment is completed, because the financial card number is different from the uploaded account in the deposit, the modification is not mentioned. After asking me to verify the information, I was asked to pay again to prove that the account is my own. I have no money to pay for a period of time, and they freeze my account and I can't even log in to the background... I feel that my account will be frozen even if it waw paid.

Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-04
Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-04

Supplementary of unable to withdraw

Supplementary pictures to the former post. Withdrawal Amount, Account Freeze, Precautions for Background Withdrawal, Background Upload Passbook Photos

Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-03
Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-03

Unable to withdraw. Keep asking me to pay personal income tax, platform managing fees and risk fees

A friend brought me here to make orders, and my friend helped me to deposit some cash. On 2/15, I have to pay my friends back so I made some withdrawals. On 2/17, the customer service staff said that the $160,000 deposit needs to pay 5% personal tax of $9,000. On 2/18, the customer service limited me to pay the tax on the 22nd, and threatened me to donate it all in my name. On 2/22, due to not being able to raise so much money, please allow a few days for the customer service to pay in full on 2/25, and check the information and say that the account will be received within 1-3 days. 3/2 ask the customer when the account will arrive, and give the official statement that it will arrive in 1-3 days. On 3/4, I asked again when the account will be received. Please help me to ask. It turned out that I still have a platform management fee to pay 100,000 Taiwan dollars. Please customer service give me a few days to raise money. The platform management fee of 100,000 yuan was paid on 3/11. On 3/12, because my financial card number is different from the account in the deposit book, I went to the withdrawal background at 10:00 p.m. on 3/12 to modify the information. During this period, there were customer service calls, and the messages were returned without a response. On 3/13, the customer service said that I need to check the identity information after modifying the information. Check to say that I did not ask the customer service staff to modify the information, delay the withdrawal, or be afraid of remitting the wrong account, and asked me to pay the risk control risk fee of 100,000 Taiwan dollars. I told the customer service that the gold background must upload the documents and photos of the archive, and the background also said that the gold withdrawal will be delayed during the holiday. How about holiday finance work? I just changed the bank code to the deposit book account and also paid. If I freeze my account on 4/6 and withdraw funds from the backend, I can't connect to the backend. Is my platform management fee paid off?

Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-03
Taiwan Taiwan 2022-05-03
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