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11 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Unprofessional scammers, Glad to Digitalassetclaim

this platform uses encrypted excuses to cheat everywhere, I lost 33000 usd on it. I need to pay taxes for the withdrawal. I think it is an excuse for the black platform to cheat me.

United Kingdom United Kingdom 2023-06-07 07:33
United Kingdom United Kingdom 2023-06-07 07:33
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw money and induced top-up fraud

I started to recharge and trade on this platform. After making a profit, I always wanted to withdraw some funds. The system began to display maintenance. Later, the platform said that my account was abnormal and needed to be reviewed, and kept refusing to withdraw funds. After the review, the account was frozen.

France France 2023-06-06 21:17
France France 2023-06-06 21:17
Unable to Withdraw

Fraud, maliciously causing abnormal account conditions as an excuse to freeze

I have been conducting normal recharge transactions and wanted to withdraw some funds. Initially, it was system maintenance, which lasted for two weeks. Later, the withdrawal was rejected. The platform now says that my account has been reviewed for anomalies for four weeks, and then notifies me that the account has been frozen, requiring me to verify 40% of the recharge transaction amount. I feel cheated.

France France 2023-06-06 19:53
France France 2023-06-06 19:53
Unable to Withdraw

Fraud platform. Unable to withdraw Fake website

Three weeks ago, a stranger added me on WeChat, chatted for a while and said that he invests in gold, and told me that he can make stable profits, and double it in a month. He introduced me to the Royal Tungsten platform for trading, and I went to The platform transferred 40,000 US dollars, and it was profitable at first, but after two weeks, the platform began to maintain and could not trade, and then I was about to withdraw funds, but the platform refused to withdraw funds, and told me that my account transaction was abnormal. In the protection mode, I can’t withdraw money, and asked to pay 30% as an asset audit. I transferred another 13,000 US dollars in as required. The customer service said that the audit failed and let me transfer another 30%. I went to their company according to the official website address of Royal Tungsten I wanted to transfer money face-to-face with the customer service, but the address provided by the website was fake, there was no such company at all, and the phone number displayed on Google Maps could not be reached, so I realized that this platform is a black platform. Now the account has 55,000 US dollars, and I cannot withdraw money

Australia Australia 2023-04-05 21:50
Australia Australia 2023-04-05 21:50
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw money, the address on the official website is fake, and this company cannot be found at all

I transferred 30,000 US dollars on the platform one after another. When I was about to transfer money out, the customer service informed me that the account was abnormally prohibited from withdrawing money, and 30% of the total assets of the account should be transferred as asset verification. After I transferred 30% of the funds as required , the customer service informed me that the asset verification was unsuccessful, and asked me to transfer another 30% before I could withdraw the money. I realized that this brokerage might be a black platform. I followed the website address to find the business office of this company, but the The address does not have this company at all. I sent an email to the customer service, but the customer service did not tell me the exact address. Expose this platform to avoid more people being scammed

Australia Australia 2023-04-04 01:17
Australia Australia 2023-04-04 01:17
Unable to Withdraw

Royal Tungsten rooted in misdeed

The Royal Tungsten withdrawal difficulties prior to finrecoup has made it that i completely doubted the concept behind investing online and the withdrawal procedure as i was on the verge eof losing $10,000 in deposit and over $120,000 n profits

United States United States 2022-10-01 18:30
United States United States 2022-10-01 18:30
Unable to Withdraw

Broker should be held accountable

I had lost everything i invested in Royal Tungsten who wasted a lot of time processing of my withdrawal request but still rejected it and when i tried to withdraw again, i got no useful answer from them regarding the 57,000 usd deposit i made to their platform

United States United States 2022-10-01 16:14
United States United States 2022-10-01 16:14
Unable to Withdraw

Fraud Alert

I sent them money via my bitcoin exchange, but when they said I had to top up my investment before I could withdraw, I realised I was dealing with a shady company , they did me bad before assetsclaimback ( received my return in full) I've made the decision to stop trading because most of this investment firm are scam)

United Kingdom United Kingdom 2022-09-29 21:56
United Kingdom United Kingdom 2022-09-29 21:56
Unable to Withdraw


This company only takes deposits and ask for more, they don’t allow withdrawals. they did the same with me before foreforensic ( my name here) came through with my refund assistance.

Turkey Turkey 2022-09-29 21:02
Turkey Turkey 2022-09-29 21:02
Unable to Withdraw

I can't withdraw funds of 6.2 Million dollars (unable to withdraw & Scam)

I have deposited $5000 dollars (USD) in to Royal tungsten's wallet. I made lots of profits through scalping trading for few days and reached up to 6.2 Million Dollars (USD) Royal tungsten pointed out my trading is too frequent and violent. so they freeze my account for investigation. I understood they do investigation. However I kept telling them I didn't commit violation. There was some slippage while trading but I did trades myself using mobile phone.After investigation they told me I am abnormal and did illegal transaction. However, they didn't answer me valid reason why my tradings are illegal. They point out too many tradings with good profits. In order to withdraw money, they told me to make another deposit 10% of funds (620K dollar) that sounds like scam. I am really doubtful if Royal Tungsten is legit or not. They do not have company phone line and they do not answer any email. ( you can't basically reach to customer service unless you add them telegram)The email I received today, it is not even official email that requested me to make 5% deposit to unfreeze account. Looks like they keep trying to fishing me.You should not make any deposit to Royal Tungsten. They are not secured. 

Australia Australia 2022-09-28 20:18
Australia Australia 2022-09-28 20:18
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw, scam!

I applied for withdrawal on 7/25 and on 7/26, I got a reply. They started to disappear on July 27th and it has been listed as a scam website by the police on July 31!

 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-07-31 13:32
 Taiwan Taiwan 2022-07-31 13:32
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