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16 pieces of exposure in total

Unable to Withdraw

Scam platform

EXTREND CAP: Dear user, your withdrawal has been submitted for filing. The system prompts that your account has reached the personal income tax threshold. The tax rate is 5% (1832USD). Please complete the tax payment within 7 working days. After the tax payment, the financial department will Immediately through your withdrawal, your withdrawal request will be transferred to your wallet account. Me: I want to pay taxes EXTREND CAP: Dear user, taxes and fees have been checked Your relevant information has been submitted, please wait patiently for 24 hours for review! Me: It has been audited for 8 days, why haven’t you passed the audit yet? Are you a fraudulent group? Have you achieved your goal and resorted to any means to get us to pay taxes?

Taiwan Taiwan 2022-11-22
Taiwan Taiwan 2022-11-22
Unable to Withdraw

**Scam**Extrend Cap Ltd is Old Shenghui Group LTD!

They won’t allow me to withdraw. They want me to add 2X my account balance in order to withdraw but I know better. Aileen Sum in Toronto will try to recruit you! Be careful! She is a scam artist working for them and needs to be stopped and brought to justice!!

United States United States 2022-11-12
United States United States 2022-11-12
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

Require to pay 20% personal income tax to withdraw.

Vietnam Vietnam 2022-11-07
Vietnam Vietnam 2022-11-07

Can't withdraw money

I made a withdrawal from Thursday and my account has been deducted but no money has been sent to my bank account yet

Vietnam Vietnam 2022-11-06
Vietnam Vietnam 2022-11-06
Unable to Withdraw

Won’t Release My Funds!

This is the old Shenghui group that was shut down! They will not release my funds to me saying that I must send double the amount I am wanting to withdraw in order to “unlock” my account and get my money! This is not a legitimate way to do business. If I send them double the money it will all be kept and I will receive none! please help!

United States United States 2022-11-04
United States United States 2022-11-04
Unable to Withdraw

Scam broker

The trading platform holds the trader's money, and does not allow withdrawals for unreasonable reasons. The exchange does not solve the problem, on the contrary, it also threatens the trader

Vietnam Vietnam 2022-10-28
Vietnam Vietnam 2022-10-28

Scam broker

The exchange keeps my 110,000 usd and won't let me withdraw since September 20th. When I write a lot of complaints, they continue to scam, convince me to remove the post to pay???

Vietnam Vietnam 2022-10-26
Vietnam Vietnam 2022-10-26

Scam broker

The platform holds the player's money, does not allow withdrawals. Then keep silence and don't reply to the player's messages

Vietnam Vietnam 2022-10-24
Vietnam Vietnam 2022-10-24
Unable to Withdraw

I can't withdraw.

Even if you request a withdrawal or inquire when the money will be deposited, the answer is only "yes", it's a scam.

Japan Japan 2022-10-13
Japan Japan 2022-10-13
Unable to Withdraw

The exchange appropriates the trader's money, does not allow withdrawals

The exchange appropriates traders' money, does not allow withdrawals and does not respond to traders' complaints.

Vietnam Vietnam 2022-10-09
Vietnam Vietnam 2022-10-09

Scam broker

This is scam broker. I reported this broker to Vietnam high-tech crime prevention Police department and they said I faced with a scam broker. I opened account, deposited money and trade but I can’t withdraw money with unreasonable reason. This broker was still holding my money and threatened me

Vietnam Vietnam 2022-09-30
Vietnam Vietnam 2022-09-30
Unable to Withdraw

Can't withdraw

The exchange used scammers to induce deposits, but did not allow withdrawals.

Vietnam Vietnam 2022-09-24
Vietnam Vietnam 2022-09-24
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw funds and asking for more amt

before 1st withdrawal, i asked about the entire charges and all, but was informed no charges, at 1st withdrawal request, ask me deposit what i have inside to verify my capital. after doing so, i deposit more and after earning requested to with all USDT44138. but was told due to 3rd party credited to my account, they suspect AML and request me to pay back USDT20000 via deposit. i did so and request to withdraw my fund of USDT44138. but now they say that i need to pay bank charge of 25% due to exchange rate charge by bank. Till date, I was requested to pay more and more but still unable to withdraw my funds.

Singapore Singapore 2022-09-13
Singapore Singapore 2022-09-13

Emotional fraud, unable to withdraw

I met a guy online who claimed to be living in Hong Kong and currently runs a company. After chatting for a few days, he knew that I wanted to get more money, and gradually mentioned that he had virtual currency investments in the foreign exchange market. And he is willing to teach me to invest together. During this period, he also began to pursue me, weaving together to make money, working hard for the future, and creating a better life. He will also send work photos, report whereabouts, and make him real during the call. in life. The chat started with gossip and sharing his photos. to lower my guard. soon. He told me to trade in a small amount of money together. Teach me to install MT5. Teach me to open an account and choose an ExtendCap broker in Nepal. Soon I can make money from the transaction and I can successfully withdraw. There will be a deal later. Ask me how much money I have. I didn't believe it at first. Follow him to break my guard. Offered a first-in 200,000 to me. Plus all my own money was deposited into this brokerage. The deal was very profitable at the time. Then he told me that I asked customer service if there is any bonus for new customer deposits. The customer service gave me the details of the event. I thought the amount deposited on the day would be counted. But it turned out not to be. The pre-deposited amount for participating in the event must be additionally deposited before the withdrawal can be made. I still trust him with this guidance. Keep raising money. But so far I have not been able to borrow so much money. The amount is too large. There is a lot of money in the current account. I must deposit enough money before I can withdraw. The way of depositing money is very different. Didn't wake up at first. Deposits are made to different private bank accounts. He also taught how to trade step by step. At first, there was only a small investment, and then there was income, which made me feel incredible and doubtful. In order to gain my trust and determination, he expressed his willingness to donate 24,000 USDT. With each income gradually increased, He asked me to invest more and more funds, so I invested a total of 37,400USDT one after another, until I had no more funds to invest, he again proposed to fund 20,000USDT, and I also had to raise more funds. At this time, I suddenly I felt bad, so I started talking to my friends. My friends said it was similar to a pig slaughtering dish. I was really worried. I had all the money I had borrowed, and I had loans. It was so sad... I really remind you to pay attention and be careful!

Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-05
Hong Kong Hong Kong 2022-09-05
Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw balance

I opened an ExtrendCap account under the guidance of a group called LINE's beginner investment learning group, and after several transactions, I was refused a withdrawal request. Even if you ask for a small amount, it will be refused. I don't understand.

Japan Japan 2022-08-30
Japan Japan 2022-08-30

This platform is the former shenghui platform

This platform is the former shenghui platform. I told the platform that shenghui did not withdraw the money from me, and extrendcap told me that there was a 30% service fee. If I wanted to withdraw money, because extrendcap told me that their company had acquired shenghui!

Taiwan Taiwan 2022-08-23
Taiwan Taiwan 2022-08-23
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