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New Zealand|5-10 years|
White label MT4|Regional Brokers|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 2
Previous Detection : 2024-07-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The New ZealandFSPR regulation (license number: 550526) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone. Please be aware of the risk!

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BLACKSTONE · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area New Zeland
Founded Year 2016
Regulation Suspicious
Minimum Deposit $500
Market Instruments Forex,Commodities,Indices
Account Types Individual accounts
Spreads&commissions As low as 0 pip,no commissions
Trading Platforms MT4 platform
Demo Account Available
Customer Support
Deposit & Withdrawal Bank transfer,credit/debit card,third party payment

Overview of BLACKSTONE

BLACKSTONE, established in 2016 and based in New Zealand, presents itself as a financial services provider, but is flagged as having a suspicious regulatory status.

The company offers trading in Forex, commodities, and indices with a minimum deposit requirement of $500, catering primarily to individual account holders.

BLACKSTONE claims to provide competitive trading conditions with spreads as low as 0 pip and no commissions, and offers the MT4 trading platform, a popular choice in the online trading community. A demo account is available for practice trading.

For customer support, clients can contact them via email at Deposit and withdrawal options include bank transfer, credit/debit cards, and third-party payment methods. However, potential clients should exercise caution due to the company's unclear regulatory standing.

Overview of BLACKSTONE

Is BLACKSTONE Limited Legit or a Scam?

BLACKSTONE, operating under license number 550526, is listed as a “Suspicious Clone” on the Financial Service Providers Register in New Zealand. The license, categorized as a Financial Service Corporate, is held by NEWRISE LIMITED and has been effective since June 15, 2017.

However, the designation as a “Suspicious Clone” raises significant concerns regarding its legitimacy and regulatory compliance. This status typically indicates that the entity may be impersonating a legitimate firm or misrepresenting its association with a regulated institution.

The absence of an email address for the licensed institution and the specification of 'No Sharing' as the license type further contribute to the ambiguity surrounding its regulatory standing.

Is BLACKSTONE Limited Legit or a Scam?

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Diverse Market Instruments Suspicious Regulatory Status
Low Minimum Deposit Lack of Transparency
Competitive Trading Conditions Potential Risk of Fraud
MT4 Platform Availability Limited Account Types
Demo Account Option Unclear Customer Support Details


  1. Diverse Market Instruments: Offers trading in Forex, commodities, and indices, providing a range of options for traders.

  2. Low Minimum Deposit: A minimum deposit of $500 makes it accessible for individuals with smaller capital.

  3. Competitive Trading Conditions: Claims to offer spreads as low as 0 pip and no commissions, which can be advantageous for frequent traders.

  4. MT4 Platform Availability: Utilizes the popular MT4 trading platform, known for its user-friendliness and robust features.

  5. Demo Account Option: Provides a demo account for practice trading, which is beneficial for beginners or those looking to test strategies.


  1. Suspicious Regulatory Status: Listed as a “Suspicious Clone” in the Financial Service Providers Register, raising serious concerns about its legitimacy and safety.

  2. Lack of Transparency: Limited information about the company's operations and background, especially regarding regulatory compliance.

  3. Potential Risk of Fraud: The status as a suspicious clone suggests a high risk of fraudulent activities or scams.

  4. Limited Account Types: Only offering individual accounts might limit options for more diverse or advanced trading needs.

  5. Unclear Customer Support Details: While an email is provided, the lack of comprehensive customer support details might hinder effective communication and assistance.

Market Instruments

Blackstone offers a diverse range of market instruments for trading, which include:

  1. Forex: They provide access to the foreign exchange market, allowing traders to engage in currency trading involving major, minor, and exotic currency pairs.

  2. Commodities: This includes trading in various commodities, which could range from energy sources like oil and natural gas to precious metals like gold and silver, as well as agricultural products.

  3. Indices: Traders can also engage in trading indices, which are measures of the performance of groups of stocks representing a segment of the stock market.

These instruments provide traders with a variety of options to diversify their investment portfolio and engage in different types of market strategies.

Market Instruments

Account Types

Individual Accounts::These are standard trading accounts tailored to individual retail traders. Such accounts typically cater to a wide range of traders, from beginners to more experienced ones, and offer access to trade in various market instruments like Forex, commodities, and indices.

Individual accounts usually provide a balance of features suitable for personal investment and trading strategies, including access to trading platforms like MT4, and might offer competitive trading conditions like low spreads and no commissions.

However, given BLACKSTONE's suspicious regulatory status, potential clients should be cautious and thoroughly evaluate the risks involved before opening an individual account with the firm.

Account Types

How to Open an Account?

To open an account with BLACKSTONE, a financial service provider with a suspicious regulatory status, you would typically follow these steps. However, please exercise caution and conduct thorough due diligence before proceeding:

  1. Account Registration: Begin by visiting BLACKSTONE's website and completing the account registration process. This usually involves filling out a form with your personal details such as name, address, contact information, and possibly some financial background.

  2. Submit KYC Documents: You will likely be required to provide Know Your Customer (KYC) documents for identity verification. This step is standard in financial services and usually requires submitting copies of a government-issued ID, proof of residence (like a utility bill), and possibly additional financial documents.

  3. Fund Your Account: Once your account is set up and verified, proceed to fund it with the minimum required deposit, which is $500 in this case. Funding methods typically include bank transfers, credit/debit cards, and third-party payment options. Ensure you understand any fees or terms associated with these transactions.

  4. Access Trading Platform: After funding, you should be able to access the trading platform, which is MT4 in the case of BLACKSTONE. You can then familiarize yourself with the platform's features, conduct practice trades if a demo account is available, and start your trading activities.

Spreads & Commissions

  • Spreads: BLACKSTONE claims to offer spreads “as low as 0 pip.” Such a low spread indicates that the difference between the bid and ask price for a trading instrument can be extremely narrow, potentially reducing the cost of trading. However, it's important to note that 0 pip spreads are usually offered under specific conditions and may not be available for all trades or at all times.

  • Commissions: The firm states that it charges “no commissions” on trades. This means that traders are not required to pay a separate fee for each trade they execute. This can be particularly appealing to active traders, as it reduces the overall cost of trading.

While these conditions appear attractive, it's crucial to consider the overall reliability and regulatory standing of BLACKSTONE, which is flagged as having a suspicious status.

Trading Platform

BLACKSTONE offers the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform for trading, a popular choice among online traders due to its user-friendly interface, advanced charting tools, and support for automated trading via Expert Advisors (EAs).

MT4 is renowned for its customization options, allowing traders to tailor their trading experience with various technical indicators and graphical tools. Additionally, it provides robust security features, including encrypted data transmission, and offers mobile trading capabilities for on-the-go access.

While MT4's versatility and global accessibility make it a preferred choice for trading Forex, commodities, and indices, potential clients should be cautious due to BLACKSTONE's suspicious regulatory status.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

BLACKSTONE offers several methods for deposit and withdrawal, including a specified minimum deposit amount:

  1. Minimum Deposit: The minimum amount required to open an account with BLACKSTONE is $500. This sets an entry-level for traders to start trading with the firm.

  2. Deposit Methods:

    1. Bank Transfer: Allows for the direct transfer of funds from a trader's bank account to their trading account.

    2. Credit/Debit Card: Provides the convenience of using major credit or debit cards for depositing funds.

    3. Third-Party Payment: Accepts deposits through various third-party payment systems, which might include online wallets or other digital payment services.

  3. Withdrawal Methods: While specific details are not provided, withdrawals are typically processed using the same methods as deposits. This means traders can likely withdraw funds via bank transfer, credit/debit cards, and possibly through third-party payment systems.

It's important for traders to check any associated fees, processing times, and limitations for both deposits and withdrawals.

Customer Support

BLACKSTONE provides customer support primarily through email, with their contact address being This channel offers clients and potential traders a way to reach out for assistance, inquiries, or support related to their trading accounts or the services offered by the firm.


In conclusion, BLACKSTONE, a New Zealand-based financial service provider established in 2016, offers Forex, commodities, and indices trading on the MT4 platform, targeting individual traders with a minimum deposit of $500.

However, its status as a 'Suspicious Clone' in regulatory listings raises significant concerns about its legitimacy and safety.


Q:What is the minimum deposit required to open an account?

A:The minimum deposit required to open an account with BLACKSTONE is $500.

Q:What trading platform does BLACKSTONE offer?

A:BLACKSTONE offers the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform for trading.

Q:Is there a demo account available?

A:Yes, BLACKSTONE provides a demo account for practice trading.

Q:How can I deposit funds into my BLACKSTONE account?

A:Deposits can be made via bank transfer, credit/debit card, or third-party payment systems.

Q:How can I withdraw funds from my BLACKSTONE account?

A:Withdrawals are typically processed using the same methods as deposits: bank transfer, credit/debit cards, and third-party payment systems.

Q:How can I contact BLACKSTONE's customer support?

A:Customer support can be reached via email at

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more than one year
Caution! BLACKSTONE is a scam. Users were deceived into investing through a chat led by Xinfeng Zhou, resulting in significant losses. Another user highlights BLACKSTONE's fraudulent tactics, manipulating traders into deposits, fabricating excuses when it comes to withdrawals, and ultimately leaving them bankrupt. Stay away from BLACKSTONE to protect yourself from their deceptive schemes.
2023-12-15 19:19
more than one year
I don't know why, BLACKSTONE's website shows 403 Forbidden. To make matters worse, it looks like someone has already been scammed... anyway, let's hope the victims recover their losses. Foreign exchange trading is already very risky, and being cheated is really worse. Hope the scammers are punished.
2023-03-15 15:53
more than one year
The staff of the Blackstone Group took the initiative to contact me and let me make a deposit. After I made a good deposit, they froze my account and disappeared, and I couldn't contact them at all. After being reminded by a friend later, I realized that I was deceived. But they're not regulated by any regulator, and I can't complain about them, I'm just out of luck.
2022-12-13 17:46


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