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Goldstar Global

United States|5-10 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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+44 020 3286 0034


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Goldstar Global · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name Goldstar Global Ltd, trading as Andrew Maguire Gold Trading
Registered Country/Area UK
Founded Year 2-5 years
Regulation Operates outside traditional regulatory oversight
Market Instruments Gold bars, silver bars, gold coins, silver coins, wholesale bullion services
Account Types Individual, Self Managed Super Funds (SMSFs), Companies
Trading Platforms MetalDesk™
Demo Account Available
Customer Support Phone: +44 020 3286 0034,Email:
Deposit & Withdrawal Bank transfer, credit card, electronic payment methods
Educational Resources MaguireLive, London Calling, The Vault

Overview of Goldstar Global

Goldstar Global Ltd is a UK-based company offering a range of services tailored to the precious metals trading industry. Established in the past 2-5 years, the company operates outside traditional regulatory oversight. They offer a variety of market instruments including gold and silver bars, coins, and wholesale bullion services.

With account types tailored for individual traders, Self Managed Super Funds (SMSFs), and companies, Goldstar Global satisfies diverse investor profiles. Their trading platform, MetalDesk™, complemented by a demo account for practice. Customer support is prioritized with assistance available via phone and email. Deposits and withdrawals are facilitated through various electronic payment methods. Educational resources like MaguireLive, London Calling, and The Vault provide valuable insights to enhance traders' skills and decision-making abilities.

Overview of Goldstar Global

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Wide Range of Precious Metal Products Not regulated
Account Types for Diverse Investors Not Be Suitable for All Risk Tolerances
User-Friendly Trading Platform
Multiple Deposit/Withdrawal Options
Educational Resources


  • Wide Range of Precious Metal Products: Goldstar Global offers a variety of gold and silver products satisfying different investment preferences. This includes bars in various weights and fineness levels, popular gold and silver coins, and even a bespoke service for purchasing larger quantities of bullion.

  • Account Types for Diverse Investors: They satisfy individual investors, Self Managed Super Funds (SMSFs), and companies. Each account type provides tailored benefits, such as access to specialized trading services for SMSFs and custodial services for companies.

  • User-Friendly Trading Platform (MetalDesk™): Goldstar Global boasts a user-friendly platform, MetalDesk™, that simplifies physical bullion trading. It offers features like a central limit order book for efficient order execution, 23-hour trading for flexibility, and comprehensive management tools for monitoring positions and executing trades. Additionally, MetalDesk™ connects users to a global network of trading hubs and provides personalized support.

  • Multiple Deposit/Withdrawal Options: Clients can leverage various convenient payment methods like bank transfers, credit cards, and potentially other electronic options depending on their needs. This ensures a smooth and flexible experience when making deposits or withdrawals.

  • Educational Resources: Goldstar Global provides educational resources like “MaguireLive,” “London Calling,” and “The Vault.” These resources offer real-time market commentary, in-depth analysis, trading strategies, and educational materials, empowering traders of various experience levels to make informed decisions.


  • Operates Outside Traditional Regulatory Oversight: A significant concern is that Goldstar Global operates outside the purview of conventional financial regulatory bodies. This lack of oversight might expose investors to potential risks and limited recourse in case of disputes.

  • Not Be Suitable for All Risk Tolerances: Investing in precious metals comes with inherent risks associated with market fluctuations. Goldstar Global's educational resources, while valuable, might not be sufficient to mitigate risk for all investors, especially those with lower risk tolerances.

Regulatory Status

Goldstar Global operates outside of traditional regulatory oversight. As a provider of services in the precious metals trading industry, the company not fall under the purview of conventional financial regulatory bodies. As a result, traders should carefully consider the associated risks and limitations before engaging in trading activities with OrbiCapital.

Market Instruments

Goldstar Global offers a range of products tailored to the markets of gold and silver, as well as wholesale bullion services.

In the realm of gold, they offer gold bars of different weights and fineness (purity), including 1 kg cast bars, 10 oz and 100 g minted bars, and ½ oz pool. They also offer various gold coins, including Australian Kangaroo, Austrian Philharmonic, and Canadian Maple coins.

Similar to gold, Goldstar Global offers silver bars in different weights and fineness, including 1 kg cast bars, 10 oz minted bars, and 100 oz pool. They also provide silver coins like American Eagle, Australian Kookaburra/Koala, and Canadian Maple coins.

In addition to the above products, Goldstar Global provides a bespoke service for purchasing larger quantities of bullion ranging from 25 to 1000 kilograms.

Market Instruments

Account Types

Opening a Trading Account with Goldstar Global offers various options tailored to different entities:

Individuals can open a Trading Account with Goldstar Global, gaining access to the wholesale global bullion markets through MetalDesk 2. Whether you're a seasoned investor or new to trading, our platform provides secure transactions, ownership, and control over your bullion investments.

Self Managed Super Funds (SMSFs) can also benefit from opening a Trading Account with Goldstar Global. With the expertise of our CEO, Andrew Maguire, and our membership in the Allocated Bullion Exchange (ABX) Advisory Board, SMSFs can access specialized trading, consultancy, and advisory services. Our MetalDesk 2 platform ensures secure transactions access to the ABX global vaulting network, empowering SMSFs to manage their precious metals portfolio efficiently.

Companies looking to invest in precious metals can leverage Goldstar Global's Trading Account services. As a UK-based company, we satisfy the needs of both large global institutions and individual retail investors. Through MetalDesk 2, companies gain direct access to the wholesale bullion markets, facilitated by our custodial and executing counterparty services. With Goldstar Global, companies can confidently navigate the bullion markets and make informed investment decisions.

Account Types

How to Open an Account?

Open an Account with Goldstar Global in 4 easy steps:

  1. Supply your contact information and verify your email address by filling out the required fields on the Goldstar Global website.

  2. Choose your account type based on your individual status, entity type, or company status.

  3. Provide necessary details for identity verification, such as a government-issued ID and proof of address.

  4. Goldstar Global will process your account application, and upon successful verification, you'll receive your login information via email or through the platform.

How to Open an Account?

Trading Platform

Goldstar Global's trading platform, MetalDesk™, revolutionizes the landscape of physical bullion trading by offering a secure and efficient experience.

With MetalDesk™, traders can access the global wholesale bullion market, interfacing with 13 major trading centers worldwide, facilitating price discovery, storage, and clearing within a single online environment. The platform boasts a central limit order book ensuring low latency order execution, while providing traders with full legal title and ownership of their bullion, safeguarding against counterparty risk.

MetalDesk™ offers 23-hour trading, five days a week, ensuring flexibility and accessibility. With features like comprehensive trade management tools, customizable watchlists, and holdings management, MetalDesk™ empowers traders to monitor live market prices, execute orders instantly, and manage their bullion inventory efficiently. Additionally, the platform provides access to a global network of trading hubs and delivery locations, offering fungible liquidity and personalized support for traders' inquiries, making MetalDesk™ the ultimate solution for physical bullion trading.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

Goldstar Global offers a variety of convenient payment methods to facilitate the purchase of precious metals for its clients. Clients can make payments via bank transfer, credit card, or other electronic payment methods, ensuring flexibility and ease of transactions. Additionally, Goldstar Global accommodates other payment methods based on client preferences and requirements, providing an efficient payment process.

Customer Support

Goldstar Global prioritizes exceptional customer support to ensure that clients receive prompt assistance and guidance throughout their investment journey. Clients can easily reach out to Goldstar Global's customer support team via phone at +44 020 3286 0034 or through email at Whether clients have inquiries about account setup, trading processes, or require assistance with any aspect of their investment portfolio, Goldstar Global's customer support professionals are readily available to provide personalized assistance and address any concerns promptly and effectively.

Customer Support

Educational Resources

Goldstar Global Ltd, trading as Andrew Maguire Gold Trading, offers comprehensive educational resources aimed at empowering precious metals traders. With two levels of service, the company assists institutional money managers, investors, and traders in making informed decisions across various timeframes.

The first resource, “MaguireLive,” provides real-time market commentary, expert analysis, and actionable trading strategies directly from Andrew Maguire. This platform enhances traders' understanding of the precious metals market and improves their trading outcomes.

“London Calling” offers in-depth market intelligence and trade setups focused on the London trading session, equipping traders with the knowledge and tools needed to capitalize on opportunities in this unique market environment.

Additionally, “The Vault” serves as a repository of educational content and resources, including articles, tutorials, webinars, and training materials. This comprehensive resource center supports traders in deepening their knowledge and refining their trading skills in precious metals markets.

Educational Resources


Goldstar Global offers a variety of precious metal products, account types for diverse investors, and a user-friendly trading platform. They also provide educational resources. However, a major drawback is that they operate outside traditional regulatory oversight, which could expose investors to risk. Considering both pros and cons, carefully evaluate your risk tolerance and research the company thoroughly before making an investment decision.


Q: What investment options does Goldstar Global offer?

A: Goldstar Global offers a variety of gold and silver bars in different weights and purities, popular gold and silver coins, and even a service for purchasing larger quantities of bullion.

Q: Does Goldstar Global have different account types?

A: They understand that investors have different needs. Whether you're an individual starting out or a company looking to diversify your portfolio, Goldstar Global offers account options tailored to your situation.

Q: I'm new to precious metals trading. Does Goldstar Global offer any support?

A: Goldstar Global provides a user-friendly trading platform, MetalDesk™. Additionally, they offer educational resources like “MaguireLive” and “The Vault” to help you gain knowledge and make informed decisions.

Q: How can I fund my Goldstar Global account?

A: Goldstar Global offers a variety of convenient payment methods to fit your needs. You can use traditional methods like bank transfers and credit cards.

Q: Is there a downside to consider with Goldstar Global?

A: An important factor to weigh is that Goldstar Global operates outside of traditional regulatory oversight.

Broker Information

Company Name

Goldstar Global

Company Abbreviation

Goldstar Global

Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United States

Phone of the company
  • +44 020 3286 0034







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Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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