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LEGO MARKET LLC · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area China
Founded Year 2-5years
Regulation Not regulated
Minimum Deposit $10 for Standard account
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:500
Spreads Varies across account types: 3 pips for Mini, 0.8 pips for Standard, 0.1 pips for ECN
Trading Platforms MetaTrader 4
Tradable Assets Forex, indices, futures
Account Types Mini, Standard, ECN
Customer Support Limited support options (email:
Deposit & Withdrawal Visa, Maestro, Mastercard, Coinpayment for deposits.
Educational Resources Limited


LEGO MARKET LLC, a trading platform based in China and established within the past 2-5 years, operates without regulatory oversight. The company offers a range of account types, including Mini, Standard, and ECN, with a notably low minimum deposit requirement of $10 for the Standard account. Traders can access leverage of up to 1:500, varying spreads across account types (3 pips for Mini, 0.8 pips for Standard, and 0.1 pips for ECN), and trade in Forex, indices, and futures. The platform utilizes MetaTrader 4 as its primary trading platform. Despite its diverse asset offerings, LEGO MARKET LLC currently lacks comprehensive educational resources.


Is LEGO MARKET LLC legit or a scam?

LEGO MARKET LLC operates without regulation from any governing authority, raising concerns about transparency and oversight within the exchange. Unregulated platforms lack the oversight and legal safeguards offered by regulatory bodies. Consequently, they pose a higher risk of fraudulent activities, market manipulation, and security breaches. Users might encounter difficulties in seeking resolution for issues or disputes due to the absence of proper regulation. Furthermore, the lack of regulatory oversight contributes to a less transparent trading environment, making it challenging for users to evaluate the exchange's legitimacy and reliability.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Multiple payment methods including credit cards and cryptocurrency Not regulated
Accessible trading platform support for Windows, Android, and iOS devices Lack of comprehensive educational resources
Low minimum deposit requirement for the Standard account Limited customer support options
Variety in account types catering to diverse trading preferences


1.Multiple Payment Methods: LEGO MARKET LLC offers various payment methods, encompassing credit cards (Visa, Maestro, Mastercard) and cryptocurrency (Coinpayment). This diverse range accommodates different user preferences and enhances flexibility in funding trading accounts.

2. Accessible Platform Support: The platform provides accessible trading support across different operating systems, including Windows, Android, and iOS devices. This availability ensures convenience and ease of access for traders utilizing diverse devices.

3. Low Minimum Deposit: The Standard account at LEGO MARKET LLC maintains a notably low minimum deposit requirement, starting at $10. This low entry threshold allows users with limited capital to engage in trading activities, fostering inclusivity.

4. Variety in Account Types: LEGO MARKET LLC offers a range of account types tailored to diverse trading preferences. This variety allows users to choose an account aligning with their specific needs, whether it's related to leverage, spreads, or other account features.


  1. Not Regulated: One notable downside is the lack of regulatory oversight for LEGO MARKET LLC. The absence of regulation might raise concerns regarding transparency, accountability, and user protection, potentially impacting trust and reliability.

2. Lack of Comprehensive Educational Resources: The platform suffers from a deficit in comprehensive educational resources. This absence limits new users' ability to learn about the platform's intricacies and cryptocurrency trading, potentially leading to challenges and mistakes.

3. Limited Customer Support Options: LEGO MARKET LLC offers limited customer support options, which might pose challenges for users in need of immediate or varied assistance. This limited availability might affect the responsiveness and accessibility of support services.

Market Instruments

LEGO MARKET LLC offers a diverse range of trading assets, including Forex (foreign exchange), indices, and futures. The platform allows users to engage in trading various currency pairs through the Forex market, providing opportunities to speculate on the fluctuations in exchange rates. Additionally, it offers access to indices, enabling investors to trade on baskets of stocks representing a particular market or sector. Moreover, LEGO MARKET LLC facilitates trading in futures, allowing individuals to speculate on the future price movements of commodities, currencies, or financial instruments.

Market Instruments

Account Types

LEGO MARKET LLC stands out with its tailored approach, offering three distinct account types that cater to diverse trading preferences:

The Mini Account provides leverage of up to 1:500, a 3-pip spread, and requires a minimum deposit of $100. With no commission fees and free withdrawals, traders can access a demo account and utilize the powerful MetaTrader 5 platform.

For those seeking a Standard Account, leverage of up to 1:200, a tighter 2-pip spread, and a minimum deposit of $500 are available.

The ECN Account suits traders preferring leverage of up to 1:100, a competitive 1.5-pip spread, and a minimum deposit of $1,000. Here, a commission of $7 per $100,000 traded applies, but withdrawals remain free.

How to Open an Account?

Here's a step-by-step guide to opening an account with LEGO MARKET LLC:

1.Visit the Website: Access LEGO MARKET LLC's official website and locate the “Sign-Up” or “Open an Account” section. Usually, this is prominently displayed on the homepage.

2. Account Selection: Choose the type of account you prefer from the options available—Mini, Standard, or ECN—based on your trading needs and preferences.

3. Application Form: Fill out the online application form accurately. Provide personal details, including your name, contact information, and relevant identification documents, as per the platform's requirements. Ensure the information is correct to facilitate the verification process.

4. Verification Process: Upload the necessary verification documents, such as identification (ID, passport), proof of address (utility bill, bank statement), and any other documents requested by LEGO MARKET LLC. The platform typically verifies these documents to comply with regulatory standards.

5. Deposit Funds: Once your account is verified, proceed to fund your account. Follow the instructions provided by LEGO MARKET LLC to deposit the minimum required amount or more, depending on the chosen account type and your trading goals. Payment methods may include bank transfers, credit/debit cards, or online payment systems.

6. Start Trading: After your account is funded, access the trading platform provided by LEGO MARKET LLC (such as MetaTrader 5). Familiarize yourself with the interface, tools, and available assets. Begin trading and managing your investments according to your strategy and risk preferences.

By following these steps, you can efficiently open an account with LEGO MARKET LLC, ensuring compliance with their requirements while gaining access to their trading platform and services.

How to Open an Account?


LEGO MARKET LLC offers varying maximum leverage depending on the chosen account type:

  • The Mini Account provides a maximum leverage of up to 1:500.

  • The Standard Account offers a maximum leverage of up to 1:200.

  • The ECN Account comes with a maximum leverage of up to 1:100.

These leverage ratios determine the amount of capital a trader can control in relation to their invested amount, allowing for amplified trading positions. It's essential to consider and manage leverage carefully as it magnifies both potential profits and losses in trading. LEGO MARKET LLC sets different leverage limits across its account types, enabling traders to choose the level of risk that aligns with their trading strategies and risk tolerance.

Spreads & Commissions

Here are the detailed spreads and commissions offered by LEGO MARKET LLC across its account types:

Account Type Spread Commission
Mini 3 pips $0 per trade
Standard 0.8 pips $0 per trade
ECN 0.1 pips $3 per $100,000 traded

These numbers represent the typical spreads and commissions associated with each account type. The Mini and Standard accounts operate on a no-commission model, with the cost of trading primarily encompassed within the spreads. Conversely, the ECN account offers a tighter spread but applies a commission based on the volume of the trade. Traders might find variations in spreads and commissions depending on market conditions, asset types, and account activity, but these figures represent the standard pricing structure for LEGO MARKET LLC.

Trading Platform

LEGO MARKET LLC provides trading platform support across Windows, Android, and iOS devices. However, the primary platform utilized is MetaTrader 4 (MT4). While there have been indications of the potential use of MetaTrader 5 (MT5) by some brokers, it appears that MT5 is not currently available on the LEGO MARKET LLC platform. Traders can access the market and execute trades using the widely recognized MetaTrader 4 platform, offering functionalities tailored for various devices, yet the absence of MetaTrader 5 might limit access to some advanced features available on that specific platform.

Trading Platform

Deposit & Withdrawal

Payment Methods:

LEGO MARKET LLC offers multiple payment methods for user convenience. Traders can utilize Visa, Maestro, or Mastercard credit cards for their transactions. Additionally, the platform supports Coinpayment, enabling cryptocurrency payments, providing users with flexible options to fund their accounts.

Minimum Deposit:

For the Standard account, LEGO MARKET LLC sets a remarkably low initial deposit requirement of only $10. This minimum deposit threshold allows traders to start engaging in the market with a relatively small amount, making it accessible for those who might prefer to begin with a limited investment.

Payment Processing Time:

The processing times for deposits made via Visa, Maestro, or Mastercard credit cards are typically swift, allowing for near-instantaneous funding of trading accounts. However, the processing time for Coinpayment transactions might fluctuate, subject to the speed and congestion of the respective cryptocurrency network being used. Users should consider potential network confirmations required for cryptocurrency transactions, which can influence the overall processing time.

Customer Support

LEGO MARKET LLC offers customer support through email communication at This email channel serves as a direct means for users to reach out to the platform's support team regarding various inquiries, including account-related questions, technical assistance, or general inquiries about their services.

Email support allows users to articulate their concerns or queries in detail, providing a written record of communication that can be referenced for follow-ups or resolutions. The support team at LEGO MARKET LLC typically responds to emails sent to within a reasonable timeframe, aiming to address user concerns promptly and efficiently.

Customer Support

Educational Resources

LEGO MARKET LLC faces a deficit in educational resources, posing challenges for new users aiming to navigate the platform and delve into cryptocurrency trading. Among the absent resources are a comprehensive user guide, instructional video tutorials, live webinars, and informative blogs, creating a void in fundamental learning tools for users.

This scarcity of educational materials on LEGO MARKET LLC can significantly hinder the onboarding process for newcomers, hampering their ability to grasp the platform's functionalities and grasp the nuances of cryptocurrency trading. Consequently, this dearth of guidance may result in missteps and financial losses, potentially deterring novice traders from further engagement in the trading arena.


LEGO MARKET LLC offers a range of advantages, including multiple payment methods, accessible platform support across various devices, a low minimum deposit for the Standard account, and diverse account types catering to varied trading preferences.

However, notable disadvantages, such as the lack of regulatory oversight, insufficient educational resources hindering user learning, and limited customer support options, present potential challenges for users. While the platform provides flexibility and accessibility in trading, the absence of regulation, educational materials, and comprehensive support may impact user confidence and experience, warranting careful consideration for those engaging in trading activities.


Q: Is LEGO MARKET LLC regulated?

A: No, LEGO MARKET LLC operates without regulatory oversight.

Q: What payment methods are available?

A: LEGO MARKET LLC accepts Visa, Maestro, Mastercard, and cryptocurrency payments through Coinpayment.

Q: Can I access the platform on mobile devices?

A: Yes, the platform supports trading on Windows, Android, and iOS devices.

Q: What is the minimum deposit for the Standard account?

A: The minimum initial deposit required for the Standard account is $10.

Q: Are there educational resources available?

A: Unfortunately, LEGO MARKET LLC lacks comprehensive educational materials at present.

Q: How diverse are the account types offered?

A: LEGO MARKET LLC provides various account types to suit different trading preferences and needs.

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more than one year
When I called to inquire whether Americans living abroad could open estate accounts, I received inaccurate information from two different estate account customer service representatives. Both times I was told yes! After my first application was rejected, I even found a co-executor in the US, but my second application was also rejected - because I live abroad! Very unprofessional. Clearly, their own staff haven't received adequate training to answer a very simple question about their own rules.
2024-03-25 00:56
No deifiques una basura
more than one year
Let me share my experience with LEGO MARKET LLC. Believe me, you don't want to invest your hard-earned money with them. They are a complete fraud company, and you will definitely regret investing with them. They promised me high returns on my investment, but I never received any returns. Please stay away from LEGO MARKET LLC if you don't want to lose your money.
2023-04-03 18:04


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