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Australia|5-10 years|
MT4 Full License|Regional Brokers|Australia Investment Advisory License Unsubscribed|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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TBC-Demo MT4
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Vistra Corporate Services Centre, Second Floor, The Quadrant, Manglier Street, Victoria, Mahe, Republic of Seychelles


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Previous Detection : 2024-07-09
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The number of this brokers's negative field survey reviews has reached 1. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!
  • AustraliaASIC (license number: 434616) The regulatory status is abnormal, the official regulatory status is Unsubscribed. Please be aware of the risk!
  • This broker exceeds the business scope regulated by Australia ASIC(license number: 434616)Investment Advisory Licence Non-Forex License. Please be aware of the risk!

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TBC · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name TBC limited
Registered Country/Area Australia
Founded Year 2015
Regulation Unsubscribed(ASIC)
Products & Services Forex,CFD
Trading Platform MT4
Demo Account Available
Customer Support Phone:00357 25323118,

Overview of TBC

TBC Limited, established in 2015 and based in Australia, is a financial services provider specializing in Forex and CFD trading. The company operates without subscription to ASIC, offering a demo account for prospective clients to trial their platform before committing.

TBC Limited ensures customer support is readily accessible, with assistance available via phone at 00357 25323118 or through email at

This setup aims to attract both new and experienced traders looking to navigate the complex world of currency and contract for difference markets.

Overview of TBC

Regulatory Status

TBC Limited holds an Investment Advisory License, regulated by the Australia Securities & Investment Commission (ASIC) with the license number 434616.

Despite this licensing, the firm is currently marked as “Unsubscribed,” indicating that while it may have been initially recognized and authorized by ASIC, it is not currently subscribed under the regulatory framework possibly due to non-renewal or suspension of active regulatory oversight.

Regulatory Status

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Bespoke MT4 Solutions Regulatory Limitations
Technology Partnerships Geographical Restrictions
Growth Support for Brokerages High Risk of Financial Products
Global Reach with Local Restrictions Compliance Risks
Secure Hosting Solutions Limited Service Offering to Individuals

Pros of TBC Limited:

  1. Bespoke MT4 Solutions: TBC Limited provides customized MT4 platform services tailored to the specific needs of brokerages, enhancing their ability to operate efficiently and effectively in the FX and CFD markets.

  2. Technology Partnerships: The company has partnered with leading technology providers like NaxBridge and Beeks, ensuring low latency execution and robust trading environments with servers in major financial hubs like London and New York.

  3. Growth Support for Brokerages: TBC Limited assists brokerages in transitioning from White Label solutions to becoming stand-alone brokerages, supporting business expansion and operational independence.

  4. Global Reach with Local Restrictions: While TBC Limited does not service certain jurisdictions due to compliance reasons, it still maintains a broad international presence, offering its products and services to a diverse global clientele outside restricted areas.

  5. Secure Hosting Solutions: With hosting solutions provided in secure facilities, TBC Limited ensures that the trading operations of its clients are stable and secure, minimizing downtime and potential security risks.

Cons of TBC Limited:

  1. Regulatory Limitations: TBC Limited is incorporated in Seychelles and operates as an unregulated entity, which will concern potential clients looking for more regulatory oversight and protection.

  2. Geographical Restrictions: The firm explicitly does not offer services to individuals or companies in several countries, including Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela, limiting its market reach.

  3. High Risk of Financial Products: TBC Limited deals in securities, futures, and CFDs, which involve high risks due to market fluctuations, potentially leading to losses that exceed initial investments.

  4. Compliance Risks: The compliance disclosure indicates that while TBC Limited strives to comply with applicable laws, the dynamic nature of international regulations could pose challenges in maintaining compliance across jurisdictions.

  5. Limited Service Offering to Individuals: The company's focus on brokerages means individual traders looking for direct trading services will not find TBC Limited suitable for their trading needs.

Products & Services

TBC Limited offers a specialized suite of products tailored primarily for brokerages, focusing on enhancing their operational capabilities and market presence in the competitive FX and CFD markets:

  1. Forex and CFD Trading Platforms: TBC Limited offers platforms tailored for trading in Forex and various CFDs, enhancing trading opportunities in currencies, commodities, indices, and more. These platforms are equipped with tools for technical analysis, automated trading, and risk management, attracting both novice and seasoned traders.

Products & Services
  1. CRM Solutions: To help brokerages manage their client relationships effectively, TBC Limited provides Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems tailored for the unique needs of the financial trading industry. These systems help brokerages streamline client management processes, from onboarding to ongoing account maintenance.

CRM Solutions
  1. Hosting Solutions: TBC offers hosting services in top-tier data centers located in strategic financial hubs such as London (LD4) and New York (NY4). These hosting solutions are designed to maximize trading speed and efficiency, providing clients with secure and resilient infrastructure to support high-frequency trading and other intensive trading activities.

  2. Brokerage Start-up Assistance: For new brokerages, TBC Limited offers end-to-end support in setting up operations. This includes assistance with regulatory navigation, technology deployment, and strategic planning to ensure that new brokerages can enter the market confidently and with a competitive edge.

  3. Customizable Trading Tools: TBC Limited also provides a range of trading tools that can be customized according to the brokerages needs. These tools include risk management features, analytical tools, and integrated trading solutions that help enhance the trading experience for end-users.

How to Open an Account?

Opening an account with TBC Limited is a straightforward process designed to quickly integrate clients into the Forex and CFD trading environment. Here are three easy steps to get started:

  1. Registration: Visit the TBC Limited website and navigate to the registration page. Fill out the registration form with your personal information, such as your name, email address, contact details, and any other required information to create your account.

  2. Verification: After submitting your registration form, you will need to verify your identity and residency. This typically involves uploading government-issued identification documents and a recent utility bill or bank statement to comply with Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations.

  3. Fund Your Account: Once your account has been verified, you can proceed to fund it using one of the several deposit methods offered by TBC Limited. Ensure that you meet the minimum deposit requirement to start trading. After funding, you can begin trading Forex and CFDs on their platform.

Trading Platform

TBC Limited offers a robust and versatile MT4 White Label solution, tailored to meet the needs of brokerages seeking to establish or enhance their trading platform offerings. Heres a detailed look at the features of their trading platform:

  1. Fully Customizable MT4 Platform: TBC Limited provides a bespoke, fully branded MT4 trading platform. Brokerages can customize the platform with their own logos and color schemes, aligning it with their brand identity and enhancing their market presence.

  2. Low-Cost Entry to the MT4 Marketplace: Recognizing the financial burden of purchasing and maintaining servers, TBC Limited offers a cost-effective entry point into the MT4 marketplace. This allows brokerages to acquire a branded MT4 solution at a fraction of the cost and effort required to operate their own servers.

  3. Choose Your Own Liquidity Provider: Unlike some platform providers that will restrict choices, TBC Limited allows brokerages to select their preferred liquidity providers. This independence ensures that brokerages can maintain established relationships or choose providers that best meet their specific trading needs and preferences.

  4. Industry-Leading Technology and Infrastructure: The platform is supported by TBC Limiteds own MT4 servers located in key financial centers—London (LD4) and New York (NY4). This setup ensures low latency trading and robust reliability. TBC Limited also collaborates with top technology providers like NaxBridge and Beeks to guarantee that brokerages and their clients trade in a secure and technologically advanced environment.

Trading Platform

Customer Support

TBC Limited provides dedicated customer support to assist with inquiries and issues related to their trading services.

Customers can contact the support team via email at for both general and specific support queries.

Additionally, TBC Limited can be reached by phone at 00357 25323118 for direct communication. The company is located at Spyrou Kyprianou 41 Avenue, Steratzias Court 2, 1st Floor, Office 101, in Mesa Geitonia, Limassol, Cyprus, allowing for local clients to visit their offices for in-person assistance if needed.

This setup ensures that TBC Limited maintains accessible and responsive customer service channels to meet the needs of its clients effectively.

Customer Support


TBC Limited offers a comprehensive MT4 White Label solution tailored to meet the specific needs of brokerages.

With customizable features, cost-effective entry into the MT4 marketplace, independent choice of liquidity providers, and strong technological infrastructure, TBC Limited provides a robust platform that supports the growth and operational excellence of brokerages in the competitive Forex and CFD trading markets.


Question: What is the MT4 White Label solution offered by TBC Limited?

Answer: TBC Limited provides a fully customizable and branded MT4 platform, allowing brokerages to enter the MT4 marketplace with reduced costs and efforts.

Question: Can I choose my own liquidity provider with TBC Limited's MT4 platform?

Answer: Yes, TBC Limited allows brokerages to select their own liquidity providers, offering flexibility to maintain existing partnerships or choose new ones that best suit their trading needs.

Question: Where are TBC Limited's MT4 servers located?

Answer: TBC Limited operates MT4 servers in London (LD4) and New York (NY4), ensuring low latency and reliable execution for global clients.

Question: What support does TBC Limited offer for brokerages looking to grow?

Answer: TBC Limited assists brokerages in transitioning from using their White Label platform to owning and operating their own MT4 licenses, providing guidance and support throughout the process.

Question: How can I contact TBC Limited for support?

Answer: You can contact TBC Limited for support via email at or by phone at 00357 25323118. They also have an office in Limassol, Cyprus, for in-person assistance.

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