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The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


Mauritius|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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C/o SAFYR UTILIS LTD 7th Floor, Tower 1 NeXTeracom Cybercity Ebene MU, 72201, Mauritius
The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


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Previous Detection : 2024-07-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 6 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk and the potential scam!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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Pyramid scheme complaint

HotForex · Company Summary

HotForex Review Summary
Founded 2010
Registered Country/Region Cyprus
Regulation Unregulated
Market Instruments Cryptocurrencies, forex, index, stock, energy, share CFDs and bond
Demo Account N/A
Leverage 1:1000
Spread From 0.8 pips (Standard Account)
Trading Platforms MT4/5
Minimum Deposit $5
Customer Support Phone: 4001-200742

What is HotForex?

HotForex is an award-winning forex and commodities broker, providing trading services and facilities to both retail and institutional clients. It offers a wide variety of account types, trading platforms, and brings a variety of opportunities for trading in forex markets with a focus on providing excellent customer service and attractive trading conditions. However, be cautious about the lack of valid regulation and some customer feedback reporting withdrawal issues.

HotForexs homepage

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
· Wide range of account types · Lack of valid regulatory info
· Low minimum deposit ($5) · User reports claiming difficulties with withdrawals
· Competitive spreads for Professional accounts · Contradicting information about the availability of the MT5 trading platform
· Offering of popular MT4 trading platform
· Variety of deposit and withdrawal options
· Attentive customer service via multiple channels


Wide range of account types - HotForex provides five unique account types to cater to specific trading requirements and preferences.

Low minimum deposit ($5) - HotForex's minimum deposit requirement is just $5, an appealing feature making it an accessible platform for diverse traders.

Competitive spreads for Professional accounts - HotForex presents attractive spreads, especially for Professional Account holders, potentially translating into cost-effectiveness.

Offering of popular MT4 trading platform - HotForex utilizes the widely-accepted MT4 trading platform, along with its advanced version, MT4 Pro, catered to different account types.

Variety of deposit and withdrawal options - HotForex supports a variety of deposit and withdrawal options, including UnionPay transactions free of charge.

Attentive customer service via multiple channels - HotForex's customer service is efficient and reachable along multiple channels: phone, email, traditional mail.


Lack of valid regulatory info - The lack of concrete regulatory information about HotForex is a concern, signaling caution towards its legitimacy.

User reports claiming difficulties with withdrawals - There are several user allegations of difficulties encountered with HotForex while trying to withdraw funds.

Contradicting information about the availability of the MT5 trading platform - There is some inconsistency with HotForex's claims regarding the MT5 trading platform's availability, as it primarily seems to offer the MT4 platform.

Is HotForex Safe or Scam?

HotForex claims to be a regulated platform, which typically serves as a confidence booster for traders. However, it is concerning to note that no valid regulatory information about HotForex has currently been found.

No license

Furthermore, clients are urged to take into account the user exposures on WikiFX. To date, six exposures have surfaced where some users have accused HotForex of fraudulent operations, specifically expressing difficulties in making withdrawals.

User Exposure on WikiFX

Such user experiences suggest skepticism towards HotForex, and you are advised to be cautious when considering whether to trade with this platform. Make sure to fully investigate their credentials, update directly with the platform on any safety concerns, and review feedback from an array of sources.

Market Instruments

According to HotForex's website, traders can engage in trading multiple instruments including, but not limited to, cryptocurrencies for digital currency enthusiasts, indices for those interested in broader financial markets, and even stock, energy, share CFDs, and bonds. This wide array of offerings caters to different trading preferences and risk appetites, making HotForex an appealing platform for multiple trading styles.

Market Instruments

Account Types

HotForex creates a diversified and flexible trading environment through its provision of five distinct account types, each with differing minimum deposit requirements.

Micro Account Standard Account Professional Account Islamic Account Currenex Account
Minimum Deposit $5 $500 $5,000 $25 $500
Trading Instruments 25 currency pairs
Maximum Leverage 1:500 1:300 1:100 1:300 1:100
Spreads From 0.8 pips From 0.3 pips From 0.8 pips From 0.6 pips
Commission None $5/$10,000 for trades
Trading Platform MT4 MT4 Pro MT4
Minimum Order 0.01 lots 0.1 lots 2 lots 0.01 lots/0.1 lots 0.1 lots
Maximum Open Position 2 lots 20 lots 50 lots 2 lots/20 lots 20 lots
Maximum Holding Position Unlimited
Deposit Bonus 30% bonus on every deposit

The Micro Account, with a modest minimum deposit of $5 and minimum order of 0.01 lots, is ideal for beginner traders taking their first steps in the Forex world.

For traders seeking greater market exposure, the Standard Account and Currenex Account demand a higher initial deposit of $500, offering a minimum order of 0.1 lots and a max open position of 20 lots.

The Professional Account, requiring a deposit of $5,000 and sporting a minimum order of 2 lots, is fitting for experienced traders aiming for significant trading volumes.

The Islamic Account, with variable minimum deposits of $25 and $500, and varying lot sizes of 0.01 and 0.1, caters to those adhering to the principles of Islamic finance.

All accounts offer unlimited maximum holding positions, adding to the overall flexibility of trading strategies across all account types at HotForex.

Account Types
Account Types


HotForex provides varying degrees of leverage across its different account types, despite the general assertion on their homepage of offering leverage up to 1:1000. As shown within their account comparison table, the leverage options range from a modest 1:100 to a generous 1:500, depending on the chosen account.

More specifically, the Micro account boasts a competitive leverage of up to 1:500, enabling traders to potentially amplify their profit margins. The Standard and Islamic accounts provide a reasonable leverage ratio of up to 1:300, balancing trading opportunities with risk management.

However, the Professional and Currenex accounts come with a more conservative leverage of up to 1:100, typically suitable for traders who prefer a lower risk strategy. This range of leverage options caters to various trader preferences on risk tolerance and trading style.

Spreads & Commissions

HotForex has a differentiated structure for spreads and commissions depending on the chosen account type, providing traders with a range of options to align with their trading strategy.

For the Micro, Standard and Islamic accounts, traders can benefit from spreads starting from as low as 0.8 pips, while Currenex account holders will see their spreads start from 0.6 pips. For those trading on Professional accounts, they can enjoy the most competitive spreads starting from just 0.3 pips, offering potential cost savings.

Commission plays an integral part in selecting an account type, as it directly impacts your trading costs. While the Currenex account attracts a commission of $5/$10,000 per trade, the rest of the account types, Micro, Standard, Islamic, and Professional, offer commission-free trading. This varied model of spreads and commissions allows for maximum financial flexibility, suiting traders with different investment capacities and trading scopes.

Trading Platforms

HotForex prominently states on their homepage that they offer both MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5) trading platforms to their traders.

However, upon examining the information on the account comparison page, it appears that the broker mainly offers MT4 and a professional edition of it, referred to as MT4 Pro. These platforms correspond to different account types. The MT4 platform is provided to traders using the Micro, Standard, Islamic, and Currenex account types. On the other hand, the MT4 Pro platform, likely tailored with advanced features for seasoned traders, is exclusively available to holders of the Professional account. This differentiation highlights the broker's intent to accommodate different trading styles and sophistication levels among their clientele.

Deposits & Withdrawals

HotForex provides flexibility when it comes to managing your trading funds, accepting both deposits and withdrawals through several different channels. These include Wire Transfer, Credit Card, and a wide spectrum of e-wallets like Skrill, Webmoney, Payoneer, and Neteller.

The company has set a very accessible minimum deposit threshold of just $5, making it easy for traders with varying financial capacities to begin their trading journey. Additionally, HotForex emphasizes affordability by offering free transactions via UnionPay, a popular financial service provider. Every effort is made to ensure that transactions are smooth and efficient, with funds typically appearing in the wallet account within 24 hours after a successful transfer.


HotForex showcases a generous approach towards rewarding its clientele by offering a bonus scheme. They claim to provide an enticing 30% bonus on every deposit, applicable to all account types. This means that regardless of whether you have a Micro Account or a Professional Account, you're eligible to receive a bonus, thus enhancing your trading capital. This additional 30% may substantially bolster the trading volumes for clients and potentially offer increased exposure in the financial markets.

Customer Service

HotForex comprises an efficient and responsive customer service infrastructure, making it readily accessible to clients in need of support. Clients can quickly reach out to the support team by phone at 4001-200742 for immediate assistance, demonstrating a commitment to provide real-time solutions. For non-urgent and more detailed queries, clients can also use the e-mail address, This channel might be particularly useful for complex issues requiring comprehensive clarification.

HotForex also provides its office address, C/o SAFYR UTILIS LTD 7th Floor, Tower 1 NeXTeracom Cybercity Ebene MU, 72201, Mauritius, for clients who want to reach out through traditional mail.

contact details


In conclusion, while HotForex offers a wide range of account types, novel trading platforms, flexible deposit and withdrawal systems, and generous bonuses, there are certain elements to be cautious of. These primarily include the company's lack of valid of regulation and reports of withdrawal difficulties faced by users. Hence, as always, we advise conducting further detailed research and consultation with a financial advisor if required.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q 1: Is HotForex regulated?
A 1: No. The broker is currently under no valid regulation.
Q 2: Is HotForex a good broker for beginners?
A 2: No. It is not a good choice for beginners. Not only because of its unregulated condition, but also because of its negative user feedback.
Q 3: Does HotForex offer industry leading MT4 & MT5?
A 3: Yes, HotForex claims to offer MT4 and MT5.
Q 4: Whats the minimum deposit does HotForex require?
A 4: HotForex requests a minimum deposit of $5.

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information provided in this review may be subject to change due to the constant updating of the company's services and policies.

In addition, the date on which this review was generated may also be an important factor to consider, as information may have changed since then. Therefore, readers are advised to always verify updated information directly with the company before making any decision or taking any action. Responsibility for the use of the information provided in this review rests solely with the reader.


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more than one year
HotForex is an out and out liar. Yes, its official website looks very professional and trustworthy. But if you search other users' reviews and investigate its regulatory license, you will find the horrible truth.
2023-02-24 11:07
more than one year
The hotforex website is all in Chinese, and I have seen some complaints against this company. I will of course not invest here, and I hope that the victims can recover their losses as soon as possible.
2023-02-14 18:03
more than one year
The company HotForex's website is all in Chinese. After the translation, I found an official website address on it. Does wikifx need to update the website?
2022-12-12 12:14
more than one year
I don't know how to use this app
2022-09-25 20:56


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