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TradeMaster · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name TradeMaster
Registered Country/Area Turkey
Founded Year 2015
Regulation Unregulated
Products & Services Foreign Stocks,Futures,Forex,CFDs(Like:S&P 500,EUR/USD,WTI Oil,Gold)
Spread & Commissions FX and CFDs:from 2.1 to 450 pipsMinimum Commissions:$1
Trading Platform MetaTrader 5
Customer Support Online Messaging System
Educational Resources Campus(e.g:TradeMaster Campus,Organizations,TradeMaster Investment,League,Competition Rules.etc)

Overview of TradeMaster

TradeMaster, established in 2015 and based in Turkey, is an unregulated trading platform that offers a diverse range of products including foreign stocks, futures, Forex, and CFDs on various assets like the S&P 500, EUR/USD, WTI Oil, and Gold.

The platform features a variable spread and commission structure, with spreads ranging from 2.1 to 450 pips and minimum commissions starting at $1. Also,TraderMaster provides MT5 as its trading platform for users.

TradeMaster supports its clients through an online messaging system and provides educational resources via the TradeMaster Campus, which encompasses training on investment strategies, league competitions, and more, designed to enhance the trading skills of its users.

Overview of TradeMaster

Regulation Status

TradeMaster operates as an unregulated trading platform based in Turkey.

This status means that it does not fall under the jurisdiction or oversight of any financial regulatory authority, which can affect the level of protection and recourse available to traders.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Various Services on Trading Very Limited CUstomer Support(Only Messaging)
Long History Company(2015) Unregulated
Diverse Educational Courses High Spreads(Up to 450 pips)
Famous Trading Platform(MT5) Uncertain Leverage
Requires Commissions(Minimum as $1)


The company offers diverse trading services on the MT5 platform, has a history since 2015, and provides varied educational courses, supporting trader development.


Customer support is limited to messaging, the company is unregulated, and trading costs are high with spreads up to 450 pips and commissions starting at $1. Leverage options remain uncertain, complicating risk management.

Products & Services

TradeMaster offers a variety of trading products designed to meet the needs of diverse investors and traders. These include:

  1. Foreign Stocks: TradeMaster provides access to international stock markets, allowing traders to invest in companies from different countries.

Products & Services
  1. Futures: The platform offers futures trading, which involves contracts for the future delivery of assets like commodities or financial instruments.

    1. Products & Services
  2. Forex (Foreign Exchange): TradeMaster enables trading in the foreign exchange market, giving traders the opportunity to engage in currency trading across major and minor currency pairs.

Products & Services
  1. CFDs (Contracts for Difference): Traders can engage in CFD trading on several assets, including major indices like the S&P 500, commodities such as WTI Oil, and precious metals like Gold. CFDs allow traders to speculate on price movements without owning the underlying asset.

Products & Services

How To Open An Account?

To open an account with TradeMaster, you can follow these four steps:

  1. Contact TradeMaster: Initiate the account opening process by contacting TradeMaster via phone at (212) 350 24 24, or by visiting an IS Investment Branch. You can also explore remote account opening options on their website.

  2. Submit Required Documents: Provide the necessary documentation for account verification. This includes a photocopy of your identity card, driving license, or passport, and a document confirming your address, such as a utility bill issued in your name within the last three months or a residence certificate obtained in the last month.

  3. Sign Contracts: Coordinate with the nearest IS Investment or İş Bank Branch to sign the necessary contracts and other required documents. The team at TradeMaster will ensure that all paperwork is completed in front of the relevant officials.

  4. Trial and Deposit for Forex Accounts: If opening a Forex account, it is mandatory to first operate a trial account for a minimum of six business days and complete at least fifty transactions.

How To Open An Account?

Spreads & Commissions

TradeMaster applies a commission structure for trading international stocks that includes both minimum and proportional commissions. The minimum commission on US stocks is $1. For transactions in foreign shares, a commission of 2.5 per thousand is charged with a minimum of $1.

For example, a transaction amount of $100 results in a commission of $0.95, while a transaction amount of $1000 incurs a commission of $2.5. This structure allows for cost-effective trading, especially for smaller transactions, while maintaining competitive rates for larger volumes.

Spreads & Commissions


In forex trading, TradeMaster offers target spreads for various currency pairs and metals that vary based on the asset. For example, the spread for EURUSD is 2.1 pips, while for exotic pairs like USDTRY, it is significantly higher at 150 pips. Precious metals like silver (XAGUSD) have a spread as high as 450 pips, and gold (XAUUSD) has a spread of 60 pips.

Spreads & Commissions

Trading Platform

TradeMaster offers trading on the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platform, a powerful and widely respected trading system known for its advanced technical and fundamental analysis capabilities.

MT5 provides traders with access to a broad range of financial markets, including Forex, CFDs, futures, and equities. The platform supports automated trading through expert advisors (EAs) and comes with an extensive array of analytical tools, including more than 80 built-in indicators and graphical objects.

Trading Platform

Customer Support

TradeMaster provides customer support primarily through an online messaging system, allowing clients to receive assistance directly through their trading platform.

While the focus on an online messaging system ensures timely responses, it limits the range of support options available to users who prefer more traditional methods such as phone or face-to-face interactions.

Customer Support

Educational Resources

TradeMaster Campus is a comprehensive educational initiative by IS Investment designed to bridge the gap between theoretical finance education and practical market application. Here are the key components of the educational resources offered through the TradeMaster Campus:

  1. TradeCenters: These are specialized facilities established within university campuses that include computer labs equipped with TradeMaster products. These centers allow students to not only execute transactions but also conduct in-depth analysis and research with real-time market data. The centers are also equipped with features like television broadcasting and reading areas for following financial programs on national news channels.

    1. Educational Resources
  2. Integration with Academic Courses: The TradeMaster applications are integrated into the university curriculum, particularly within capital markets, investment, and finance courses. This integration includes the creation of new courses or the enhancement of existing ones with practical trading and financial market analysis components.

  3. Expert Collaboration: Experts from IS Investment frequently visit these TradeCenters to share their real-world experiences and knowledge with students. This includes discussions on portfolio creation, interpretation of economic data, and investment decision-making processes. These experts also serve as guest speakers in related courses, further enhancing the practical learning experience for students.

  4. Competitions and Practical Applications: To stimulate interest and application of theoretical knowledge, TradeMaster organizes competitions among universities. These competitions are designed to test students' understanding and application of finance principles in realistic scenarios, with successful participants receiving awards.

Educational Resources
  1. Research and Conferences: TradeCenters are also used for academic research and as venues for conferences and meetings where IS Investment experts and faculty members collaborate to discuss current financial markets and trends. These events are aimed at increasing financial literacy and providing students with a practical understanding of market dynamics.

  2. Finance Laboratory: Each TradeCenter acts as a finance laboratory, where students can engage in virtual transactions using real data. This hands-on experience is crucial for understanding the dynamics of financial markets and for personal development in the field of finance.

Educational Resources


TradeMaster offers a dynamic and integrated educational approach through its TradeMaster Campus, effectively combining academic learning with real-world financial market experience.

By establishing TradeCenters equipped with advanced trading tools on university campuses, TradeMaster enables students to engage directly with market data and expert insights.

The inclusion of expert talks, practical courses, and competitive events further enriches the learning environment, preparing students for successful careers in finance and investment.

This initiative not only enhances financial literacy among students but also bridges the gap between theoretical studies and practical application in finance.


Question: What are TradeCenters?

Answer: TradeCenters are specialized facilities located within university campuses, equipped with TradeMaster products and tools for trading and financial analysis, helping students apply their theoretical knowledge in a practical setting.

Question: How does TradeMaster integrate with university courses?

Answer: TradeMaster applications are incorporated into capital markets, investment, and finance courses, either by enhancing existing courses or creating new ones that include practical trading and market analysis components.

Question: What opportunities do experts from IS Investment provide at TradeMaster Campus?

Answer: Experts from IS Investment frequently visit TradeCenters to share their market experiences and knowledge, and also participate as guest speakers in courses, enriching the students' learning with real-world insights and experiences.

Question: How does TradeMaster promote practical learning in finance?

Answer: TradeMaster organizes competitions among universities where students apply their theoretical knowledge in practical scenarios. It also hosts conferences and research activities in TradeCenters, providing a platform for practical engagement with current financial market trends.

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more than one year
This company's website seems to be in Turkish, so I can't understand it. It seems that this is a company that focuses on the local market.
2022-12-12 10:41


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