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Global Coin Trade

United States|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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995 Sierra Vista Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89169, USA


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

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Previous Detection : 2024-07-01
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Global Coin Trade · Company Summary

Company Name Global Coin Trade
Headquarters Las Vegas, US
Regulations No license
Market Instruments Binary Options, Forex, Crude Oil WTI, ETF-Stocks
Account Types Starter, Basic, Pro, Executive
Leverage N/A
Minimum Deposit $500 (Starter), $5000 (Basic), $10,000 (Pro), $50,000 (Executive)
Trading Platforms Proprietary trading software
Customer Support 24/7 support via email at
Educational Resources Instructional videos, Basic explanations of financial instruments

Overview of Global Coin Trade

Global Coin Trade, headquartered in Las Vegas, US, is a brokerage platform catering to traders worldwide. It offers a variety of account types to accommodate different trading preferences and investment levels. Traders can access a diverse selection of market instruments, including Binary Options, Forex, Crude Oil WTI, and ETF-Stocks, providing a wide range of investment opportunities. The platform boasts a proprietary trading interface renowned for its user-friendly design, ensuring an intuitive trading experience. With Global Coin Trade's flexible account types and comprehensive financial offerings, traders can explore various markets with ease.

Is Global Coin Trade regulated?

Global Coin Trade claims to be regulated by CySEC despite being headquartered in Las Vegas, US, raising transparency and credibility concerns. Furthermore, despite asserting CySEC regulation, Global Coin Trade fails to provide any license or validation from a recognized financial authority, further undermining its credibility. The association of CySEC regulation with tax havens and fraud activities adds to the skepticism surrounding the platform's operations.

Traders often expect brokers to be registered with reputable financial authorities that provide robust oversight and protection for investors. The absence of a valid license from such authorities raises red flags and makes potential clients cautious about investing their funds on the platform. Traders should exercise caution and thoroughly research before considering Global Coin Trade as their brokerage platform to ensure the safety of their investments.

Pros and Cons

Global Coin Trade offers a diverse range of financial instruments, including Binary Options, Forex, Crude Oil WTI, and ETF-Stocks, providing traders with various investment opportunities. The platform's user-friendly proprietary trading interface is designed to support smooth trading experiences for both beginners and experienced traders. Additionally, the 24/7 customer support via email ensures prompt assistance whenever needed. The availability of educational resources, such as instructional videos and basic explanations of financial instruments, can be valuable for traders seeking to expand their knowledge. Moreover, the tiered account system caters to traders with different levels of experience and investment capital, offering them options suitable to their needs.

While Global Coin Trade claims CySEC regulation, the discrepancy between its headquarters in Las Vegas, US, and the lack of transparent regulatory documentation raises concerns about its credibility. Furthermore, specific information regarding leverage, spread, fees, and payment methods is absent, which may deter some traders from seeking transparency. Additionally, the absence of a valid license from a recognized financial authority, along with a proprietary trading platform and high minimum deposit requirement, can contribute to the skepticism surrounding the broker's legitimacy.

Pros Cons
Diverse range of financial instruments Discrepancy in regulatory status
User-friendly proprietary trading platform interface Lack of information on leverage, spread, and fees
24/7 customer support No valid license from a recognized financial authority
Educational resources available Non-industrial standard trading platform
Tiered account system High minimum deposit requirement

Market Instruments

Global Coin Trade is a comprehensive brokerage platform offering a range of diverse financial instruments to its clients. One of the main offerings on the platform is Binary Options. This instrument allows traders to speculate on the price movements of various assets, such as currencies, commodities, stocks, and indices, by predicting whether the price will rise or fall within a specific time frame. While Binary Options can be simple to understand, they also carry high risks, and traders should exercise caution when engaging in such trades.

Another prominent feature of Global Coin Trade is Forex trading. As the largest financial market globally, Forex involves the buying and selling of currencies. Traders on this platform can participate in currency pairs' price movements, taking advantage of the market's liquidity and 24/5 availability. Crude Oil WTI is also among the offerings, enabling traders to speculate on the price fluctuations of this benchmark crude oil. Additionally, the platform provides access to ETF-Stocks. As with any financial trading, it is essential for users of Global Coin Trade to thoroughly understand the risks involved and make informed decisions while engaging with these instruments.


Account Types

Global Coin Trade offers four account types to cater to traders with varying levels of experience and investment capital.

The Starter account requires a $500 deposit and offers a 30% investment ratio with the guidance of senior brokers and 24/7 support.

The Basic account, with a $5000 deposit, provides a 45% investment ratio and access to basic brokers along with continuous support.

The Pro account demands a $10,000 deposit, granting a 60% investment ratio and the expertise of pro brokers with 24/7 support.

The highest tier, the Executive account, entails a $50,000 deposit, a 60% investment ratio, and executive brokers, along with round-the-clock support.

Overall, Global Coin Trade's tiered account types accommodate traders of all levels and empower them to pursue their financial goals with confidence.

How to open an account in Global Coin Trade?

To open an account with Global Coin Trade, follow these simple steps:

  1. To get started, visit Global Coin Trade's website and click on the “Create an Account” button.

  2. Provide your personal information, such as name, email address, and contact details.

  3. Upload the necessary documents to verify your identity, such as a valid ID and proof of address.

  4. Select the account type that best suits your trading preferences and deposit the required amount.

  5. Fund your trading account using one of the available payment methods, such as credit/debit cards or cryptocurrencies.

  6. Once your account is funded, you can access the trading platform and begin exploring the various financial instruments offered by Global Coin Trade.

Trading Platform

Global Coin Trade offers a proprietary trading platform renowned for its user-friendly interface and comprehen sive features that support seamless trading experiences. The platform is thoughtfully designed to cater to traders of all levels, from beginners to seasoned professionals, providing intuitive navigation and access to a wide range of financial instruments. With its user-friendly layout and robust functionalities, traders can efficiently execute trades, monitor market movements, and access essential trading tools, making it conducive to a smoother trading process.

However, it is essential to acknowledge that the proprietary nature of the platform raises some concerns regarding its transparency and independence. Unlike industry-standard platforms like MetaTrader 5 (MT5), which are widely used and subject to scrutiny by regulators and the trading community, a proprietary platform's inner workings may not be as transparent. The lack of external oversight and independent audits may create potential opportunities for rigging and manipulation. Traders using proprietary platforms like Global Coin Trade should exercise caution and ensure that the broker is reputable and trustworthy.


Customer Support

Global Coin Trade offers traders a dedicated team that is readily available to assist with inquiries and concerns. Traders can reach out to customer support representatives via email at The platform's 24/7 support ensures that traders from different time zones can receive timely assistance whenever they need it.


Educational Resources

Global Coin Trade offers educational resources to empower traders with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions. Through instructional videos, the platform provides in-depth explanations about cryptocurrencies, enabling traders to understand the complexities of this rapidly evolving market. Additionally, Global Coin Trade offers basic explanations of each financial instrument available on the platform, including Binary Options, Forex, Crude Oil WTI, and ETF-Stocks.


Global Coin Trade is a brokerage platform that offers a wide range of financial instruments, including Binary Options, Forex, Crude Oil WTI, and ETF-Stocks. The platform offers a user-friendly proprietary trading interface that caters to traders of all levels. It provides 24/7 customer support and offers educational resources to assist traders in making informed decisions.


Q: Is Global Coin Trade a regulated broker?

A: Global Coin Trade does not have any valid license to prove regulatory oversight status from a credible financial authority.

Q: What financial instruments are available on Global Coin Trade?

A: Global Coin Trade offers Binary Options, Forex, Crude Oil WTI, and ETF-Stocks.

Q: How is the customer support at Global Coin Trade?

A: Global Coin Trade provides 24/7 customer support via email at

Q: What type of trading platform does Global Coin Trade provide?

A: Global Coin Trade offers a user-friendly proprietary trading platform.

Q: What is the minimum deposit required to open an account with Global Coin Trade?

A: Minimum deposits range from $500 (Starter account) to $50,000 (Executive account).

Broker Information

Company Name

Global Coin Trade

Company Abbreviation

Global Coin Trade

Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region

United States

Phone of the company










Company address
  • 995 Sierra Vista Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89169, USA









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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more than one year
The website of Global Coin Trade can no longer be opened, and there is no regulatory license! I haven't seen anyone being scammed so far. But I hope everyone can stay vigilant and don't let scammers succeed.
2023-02-22 11:11
Bendict Vinsmoke
more than one year
I invested a small amount of money into Global Coin Trade (250). Due to circumstances, however, I did not have time to keep an eye on this so I decided to withdraw my 250. I was still waiting four weeks later, but no reply to my emails. DON'T TOUCH THEM.
2023-02-14 11:48
more than one year
Oh my God. I saw this company Global Coin Trade a few months ago and wanted to give it a try, but found out that they don't offer demo account and left...unexpectedly, their website is no longer available. Did he run off with the money? Or did it break?
2022-12-02 17:53


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