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AxisAir Forces

Belize|2-5 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|High potential risk|


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Ukraine 2.51

Surpassed 100.00% brokers

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Barrier Reef Drive, San Pedro Town, Ambergris Cays, Belize Central Ameica


No valid regulatory information, please be aware of the risk!

VPS Standard
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Previous Detection : 2024-07-09
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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AxisAir Forces · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area Belize
Founded Year 2-5 years (exact year not provided)
Company Name Axis Air Limited
Regulation Unregulated, potential risks to investors
Minimum Deposit $100
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:100 on forex and CFDs
Spreads Vary based on account type and asset class
Trading Platforms WebTrader, DesktopTrader, MobileTrader
Tradable Assets Forex, Commodities, Indices, Shares, ETFs, Bonds
Account Types Demo Account, Live Account (various options)
Customer Support Discord, Email (, Local offices, HQ
Payment Methods Credit/Debit Cards, Wire Transfers, E-wallets

Overview of AxisAir Forces

AxisAir Forces, operated by Axis Air Limited, is a broker offering trading services with a focus on forex, commodities, indices, and shares. However, it is important to note that AxisAir Forces operates without proper regulatory oversight, which could pose potential risks to investors. Traders are advised to exercise caution when considering this broker due to its unregulated status.

AxisAir Forces provides a range of market instruments, including various foreign exchange pairs, commodities like energy, metals, and agricultural products, stock indices, and individual shares. Traders can open either a Demo Account for risk-free practice or a Live Account, which involves real money trading. The Live Account offers various options to accommodate different trading needs. Leverage of up to 1:100 is available, potentially amplifying both profits and losses. The broker offers a variety of spreads and commissions depending on the account type and asset class, and it has a relatively low minimum deposit requirement of $100. Deposits and withdrawals can be made using various methods, with different processing times and fees. AxisAir Forces provides accessible trading platforms, including a web-based platform, desktop trading platform, and mobile trading platform for traders on the go. Customer support is available through Discord, email, and local offices in Belize.


Pros and Cons

AxisAir Forces offers a wide array of trading instruments and boasts a low minimum deposit requirement. Additionally, the platform provides multiple deposit and withdrawal options, along with high leverage up to 1:1000. However, it's essential to be cautious due to the unregulated status, and users should be aware of varying spreads and commissions. Additionally, withdrawal fees are associated with credit/debit card and wire transfers. While AxisAir Forces offers accessible trading platforms, potential users should note the limited information available on the website and the restricted customer support options.

Pros Cons
  • Range of trading instruments available
  • Unregulated status may pose risks to investors.
  • Low minimum deposit
  • Varying spreads and commissions.
  • Multiple deposit and withdrawal options
  • Withdrawal fees for credit/debit cards and wires.
  • High leverage up to 1:1000
  • Limited information on the website.
  • Accessible trading platforms
  • Limited customer support options.

Is AxisAir Forces Legit?

AxisAir Forces lacks proper regulation, posing potential risks to investors. It is essential to exercise caution when dealing with this broker due to its unregulated status.


Market Instruments

Foreign exchange: AxisAir Forces provides a range of foreign exchange pairs, encompassing major pairs like EUR/USD and GBP/USD, as well as minor and exotic pairs.

Commodities: AxisAir Forces facilitates trading in commodities such as energy commodities (e.g., crude oil), metals (e.g., gold and silver), and agricultural products (e.g., wheat and soybeans).

Indices: AxisAir Forces supports trading in stock indices, including well-known ones like the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average, and Nasdaq 100.

Shares: AxisAir Forces allows trading in various shares, including individual stocks (e.g., Apple and Microsoft), exchange-traded funds (ETFs), and bonds.

Pros Cons
Diverse range of foreign exchange pairs Unregulated status may pose risks to investors.
Access to trading in a variety of commodities Varying spreads and commissions.
Supports trading in popular stock indices Limited information on the website.
Offers options for trading in various shares

Account Types

Demo Account: This account type is a risk-free option for practicing trading on AxisAir Forces' platform in a virtual environment, with no real money involved.

Live Account: To trade with real money, users can open a Live Account, which requires a minimum deposit. AxisAir Forces provides various Live Account options to cater to different trading needs.

Standard Account: Designed for novice and intermediate traders, the Standard Account offers low spreads and high leverage rates, making it suitable for those looking to start trading.

Pros Cons
Risk-free Demo Account for practicing trading in a virtual environment. Requirement of a minimum deposit for Live Account.
Various Live Account options to cater to different trading needs.


AxisAir Forces offers leverage of up to 1:100 on forex and CFDs. This means that for every $1 you have in your account, you can control a position worth up to $100. This can amplify your profits, but it can also amplify your losses.

Spreads & Commissions

AxisAir Forces offers a variety of spreads and commissions, depending on the account type and asset class. For example, the spreads on the EUR/USD currency pair start from 0.0 pips on the ECN account type. The commissions on the ECN account type are $0.07 per lot per side.


Minimum Deposit

AxisAir Forces has a minimum deposit requirement of $100. This is a relatively low minimum deposit, which makes it accessible to new traders and traders with limited capital.

Deposit & Withdrawal

AxisAir Forces offers several deposit and withdrawal options, including credit/debit cards, wire transfers, and e-wallets like Skrill, Neteller, and PayPal. The minimum deposit amount is $100, and the minimum withdrawal amount is $50. Deposit times vary, with credit/debit cards and e-wallets providing instant deposits, while wire transfers take 1-3 business days. Withdrawal times also vary, with credit/debit cards and wire transfers taking 3-5 business days, and e-wallet withdrawals being instant. Notably, there is a $5 fee for withdrawals to credit/debit cards and wire transfers, but no fees for withdrawals to e-wallets.

Pros Cons
Variety of options Minimum deposit amount ($100)
Instant deposits available Wire transfers take 1-3 business days
No fees for e-wallet withdrawals $5 fee for credit/debit card and wire transfers
E-wallet withdrawals are instant Longer withdrawal times for cards and wires
Minimum withdrawal amount is $50

Trading Platforms

WebTrader: AxisAir Forces' web-based trading platform is accessible from any web browser and does not require any downloads. It offers a variety of features, including a real-time charting interface, technical indicators, and order management tools.

DesktopTrader: AxisAir Forces' desktop trading platform is available for download on Windows and Mac computers. It offers more features than the web-based platform, including a wider range of charting tools and technical indicators.

MobileTrader: AxisAir Forces' mobile trading platform is available for download on iOS and Android devices. It allows traders to trade on the go from anywhere in the world.

Pros Cons
Accessible from various devices Limited advanced features
Offers real-time charting Requires installation for Desktop
On-the-go trading Limited screen space on Mobile

Customer Support

AxisAir Forces provides customer support through Discord or email at They also offer assistance through local offices and their headquarters at Barrier Reef Drive, San Pedro Town, Ambergris Cayes, Belize, Central America. Their 24/7 customer care team is available to address inquiries and provide support as needed.



In conclusion, AxisAir Forces presents a mixed profile, with both advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, the broker offers a range of market instruments, account types, and leverage options that cater to different trading needs. Additionally, the relatively low minimum deposit requirement can be appealing to new and capital-limited traders. However, the absence of proper regulation raises concerns regarding the safety of investments. Traders should exercise caution when dealing with AxisAir Forces due to its unregulated status, and carefully consider the associated risks.


Q: Is AxisAir Forces a legitimate company?

A: AxisAir Forces lacks proper regulation, which poses potential risks to investors. Caution is advised when dealing with this unregulated broker.

Q: What are the market instruments offered by AxisAir Forces?

A: AxisAir Forces provides trading options in foreign exchange pairs, commodities, stock indices, and various shares, including individual stocks, ETFs, and bonds.

Q: What account types are available with AxisAir Forces?

A: AxisAir Forces offers Demo Accounts for practice and Live Accounts for real trading. The Standard Account is suitable for novice and intermediate traders.

Q: What is the leverage offered by AxisAir Forces?

A: AxisAir Forces offers leverage of up to 1:100 on forex and CFDs, which can amplify both profits and losses.

Q: What is the minimum deposit requirement at AxisAir Forces?

A: The minimum deposit at AxisAir Forces is $100, making it accessible to new traders and those with limited capital.

Q: What are the deposit and withdrawal options with AxisAir Forces?

A: AxisAir Forces offers various deposit and withdrawal methods, including credit/debit cards, wire transfers, and e-wallets. Deposit times vary, and there are withdrawal fees for credit/debit cards and wire transfers.

Q: What trading platforms are available with AxisAir Forces?

A: AxisAir Forces provides WebTrader, DesktopTrader, and MobileTrader platforms for trading, each with unique features and accessibility options.

Q: How can I contact AxisAir Forces customer support?

A: You can reach AxisAir Forces' customer support through Discord, email at, or at their local offices and headquarters in Belize. Their 24/7 support team is available to assist with inquiries and support.

Broker Information

Company Name

Axis Air Limited


AxisAir Forces

Regulatory Status

No Regulation

Platform registered country and region


Phone of the company










Company address
  • Barrier Reef Drive, San Pedro Town, Ambergris Cays, Belize Central Ameica









Customer Service Email Address

Company Summary

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