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+65 6327 2288
The WikiFX Score of this broker is reduced because of too many complaints!


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+66 2857 7928

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Vickers Securities (Singapore) Pte Ltd

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Previous Detection : 2024-07-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
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  • The number of the complaints received by WikiFX have reached 5 for this broker in the past 3 months. Please be aware of the risk!

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DBS Vickers Securities Basic Information
Company Name DBS Vickers Securities
Founded 2013
Headquarters Hong Kong
Regulations Not regulated
Products and Services Offers trading in Callable Bull Bear Contracts, Structured Warrants, ADR/GDRs, Common Stock, ETFs, REITs, Preference Shares, Fixed Income Securities, Daily Leverage Certificates, and SPACs
Fees Various commission rates for different markets, with special rates for Cash Upfront transactions and a Young Investor Account for those aged 18-25
Trading Platforms Vickers Online, Investment Service Centre, DBS Vickers mTrading App
Customer Support,dbsvonline@th.dbs.comphone: (65) 6327 2288, (66) 2857 7928
Education Resources Investment strategies, sector analyses, economic insights, stocks coverage, and an extensive archive

Overview of DBS Vickers Securities

DBS Vickers Securities, founded in 2013 and headquartered in Hong Kong, positions itself as a prominent brokerage offering a comprehensive range of investment products and services across global markets, including equities, ETFs, REITs, and more. Despite its extensive portfolio and innovative trading platforms designed for both seasoned and novice investors, DBS Vickers Securities operates without formal regulatory oversight, casting a shadow on its operational transparency and security of investor funds. This lack of regulation necessitates that potential clients proceed with caution, thoroughly evaluating the risks involved in trading with an unregulated entity. The firm strives to support its clients through educational resources, customer support channels, and competitive fee structures, aimed at enhancing the trading experience while emphasizing the need for informed decision-making in the absence of regulatory safeguards.

Overview of DBS Vickers Securities

Is DBS Vickers Securities Legit?

DBS Vickers Securities is not regulated, which means it operates without oversight from recognized financial regulatory authorities. Traders should exercise caution and be aware of the associated risks when considering trading with an unregulated broker like DBS Vickers Securities, as there may be limited avenues for dispute resolution, potential safety and security concerns regarding funds, and a lack of transparency in the broker's business practices.

Is DBS Vickers Securities Legit?

Pros and Cons

DBS Vickers Securities offers a wide range of financial services and access to global markets, catering to both seasoned and novice investors. Its trading platforms are designed for efficiency and accessibility, supported by comprehensive customer service. The inclusion of educational resources further enhances the trading experience, providing valuable insights and analysis. However, the most significant drawback is the firm's non-regulated status, which introduces concerns regarding the security of investments, transparency of operations, and potential limitations in dispute resolution. This aspect may deter potential investors who prioritize regulatory safeguards and the assurance of oversight.

Pros Cons
  • Wide range of financial products and services
  • Not regulated, raising concerns about security and oversight
  • Access to global markets
  • Potential limitations in dispute resolution
  • Efficient and accessible trading platforms
  • Comprehensive customer support
  • Inclusive educational resources

Products and Services

Callable Bull Bear Contracts: Allows investors to benefit from the performance of an underlying asset at a fraction of the cost, providing a leveraged investment option.

Structured Warrants: Enables investment in securities issued by third-party financial institutions, offering a different way to participate in the securities market.

American / Global Depository Receipts (ADR/GDR): Offers opportunities to invest in foreign markets through ADRs and GDRs, facilitating access to international stocks.

Common Stock: Provides the ability to trade in seven key markets via the Vickers Online Trading Account, offering traditional equity investments.

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs): Traded like stocks but offer greater diversification, combining the flexibility of stock trading with the diversified exposure of mutual funds.

Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): Allows earnings from real estate assets without the need to directly purchase property, offering income through investments in real estate portfolios.

Preference Shares: Offers an alternative to ordinary shares, with different rights to dividends and capital distribution.

Fixed Income Securities: Provides a steady and regular income stream through retail bonds, appealing to investors seeking predictable returns.

Daily Leverage Certificates (DLCs): Gives exposure to a fixed leverage of 3 to 7 times the daily performance of an underlying index, suitable for short-term, high-leverage strategies.

Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs): Presents an alternative investment vehicle to traditional IPOs, allowing investors to invest in companies looking to acquire or merge with other businesses.

Products and Services

How to Open an Account

To open an account with DBS Vickers Securities, follow these steps.

Visit the DBS Vickers Securities website. Look for the “Apply” button on the homepage and click on it.

How to Open an Account
  1. Online Application: You can open a trading account online at any time that suits you. The process is entirely digital for your convenience.

  1. DBS/POSB iBanking: To apply, simply log in through your DBS/POSB iBanking account. This step integrates your banking and trading accounts, facilitating easier management and transactions.

3. Central Depository (CDP) Account: For trading in the Singapore securities market, you'll need a CDP account to hold your Singapore stocks and securities. If you dont already have a CDP account, you must open one prior to or during your DBS Vickers Online Trading Account application process.

How to Open an Account


Multi-Currency Account (MCA): Provides competitive commission rates for trading in major markets such as Singapore, Hong Kong, United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, and Japan. MCA offers lower commission rates for Cash Upfront transactions and new Online Cash Rates, with varying minimum commission fees and percentage rates depending on the market and transaction size.

Non-Multi-Currency Account (Non-MCA): Similar to MCA, Non-MCA accounts offer a range of commission rates for different markets, tailored to investors who do not require multi-currency transaction capabilities. The fee structure includes minimum commission charges and percentage rates that adjust based on the value of transactions, with specific rates for phone and online trades.

Young Investor (YI) Account: Tailored for young investors aged 18 to 25, this account type promotes investment among youth by offering flat commission rates across all markets (excluding market charges). This initiative provides an accessible entry point for young individuals looking to start their investment journey.


Trading Platforms

Vickers Online: This platform provides instant direct market access, allowing users to trade in seven global markets.

Investment Service Centre: For traders who prefer personal assistance or need help with trade or technical issues, the Investment Service Centre offers support just a phone call away, blending traditional customer service with modern trading needs.

DBS Vickers mTrading App: A mobile trading application that combines powerful features for experienced investors with simplicity for those new to trading.

Trading Platforms

Customer Support

Email Support: Customers can reach out via email for assistance, with specific addresses provided for Singapore ( and Thailand (, ensuring localized support.

Phone Support: Investment Service Centre Hotlines are available for immediate assistance. In Singapore, the hotline is (65) 6327 2288, operating from Monday, 6.30 a.m. to Saturday, 6.30 a.m., with account-related and general inquiries handled from Monday to Friday, 8.30 a.m. to 6.00 p.m., excluding public holidays. In Thailand, the number is (66) 2857 7928, available Monday to Friday, 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. (Thailand Time).

Mail: For those who prefer traditional mail, correspondence can be sent to DBS Vickers Securities (Singapore) Pte Ltd at 12 Marina Boulevard, Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 3, Singapore 018982.

Educational Resources

Investment Strategy: Guidance on asset allocation and strategic investment approaches to navigate market conditions.

Sector & Thematics: In-depth analyses of specific sectors and thematic opportunities within the global markets.

Economics: Insights into economic trends, forecasts, and their implications for investors.

Stocks Coverage: Detailed coverage and analysis of individual stocks, providing investors with critical information for making informed decisions.

Our Approach: An overview of DBS Vickers Securities' investment philosophy and methodology, offering transparency into their analytical process.

Archive: A repository of past reports and analyses, allowing investors to review historical data and insights.

Educational Resources


DBS Vickers Securities stands out as a versatile trading platform offering a broad spectrum of financial products and services across global markets, complemented by user-friendly trading platforms and extensive educational resources. It is designed to cater to the needs of a diverse investor base, from beginners to experienced traders, by providing comprehensive customer support and innovative trading tools. However, the lack of regulatory oversight poses a significant concern, as it may impact the security of investments and the platform's overall transparency. This factor is crucial for investors to consider, as it bears implications for the protection of their assets and the reliability of trading operations.


Q: What kind of investments can I access with DBS Vickers Securities?

A: You have the opportunity to invest in a wide range of products including equities, ETFs, REITs, and more, across several major global markets.

Q: Is DBS Vickers Securities a regulated entity?

A: It's important to note that DBS Vickers Securities currently operates without formal regulation, highlighting the need for caution and due diligence from potential investors.

Q: Can I get educational support to enhance my trading knowledge?

A: Yes, DBS Vickers Securities offers a wealth of educational resources, covering investment strategies, market analysis, and more to help you navigate the trading landscape.

Q: What fees are associated with trading on DBS Vickers Securities?

A: The platform provides detailed information on fees, which vary depending on the market and the type of transaction. It includes competitive commission rates, especially for Cash Upfront and online trades.

Q: How can I contact DBS Vickers Securities for support?

A: They offer multiple channels for support, including email, telephone, and postal mail, to address any account-related or technical queries you may have.

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information provided in this review may be subject to change due to the constant updating of the company's services and policies. In addition, the date on which this review was generated may also be an important factor to consider, as information may have changed since then. Therefore, readers are advised to always verify updated information directly with the company before making any decision or taking any action. Responsibility for the use of the information provided in this review rests solely with the reader.


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more than one year
I have already requested several times to close my account. I can close my account at any bank at any time without making a deposit. Why not with DBS VICKERS SECURITIES??? Bloody scammers.
2023-02-15 11:20
more than one year
DBS VICKERS SECURITIES is a scam. I have difficulty withdrawing money. They’ll stop responding as soon as you gain big profits. Stay away from these scammers!!
2022-12-09 12:12


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