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TReal Capital

China|5-10 years|
MT5 Full License|Regional Brokers|High potential risk|


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TReal Capital · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country/Area China
Founded Year Main website is unavailable
Company Name TReal Capital
Regulation Operating without proper regulation
Minimum Deposit $100
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:500
Spreads Starting from 0.1 pips
Trading Platforms MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5)
Tradable Assets Equities (stocks, shares, ETFs), Bonds, Currencies, Derivatives
Account Types Individual Account, Joint Account
Demo Account Not mentioned
Islamic Account Not mentioned
Customer Support Email:
Payment Methods Bank wire transfer, credit/debit card, electronic wallet
Educational Tools Not mentioned

Overview of TReal Capital

TReal Capital is a broker operating without proper regulation, which poses significant risks to investors. The lack of valid oversight and protection should raise caution when dealing with this company. TReal Capital offers a range of market instruments, including equities, bonds, currencies, and derivatives. These instruments provide exposure to various industries and sectors, but it is essential to note the potential risks associated with trading through this platform.

The broker offers individual and joint account types with minimum deposit requirements of $100 and $200, respectively. There are no monthly fees for these accounts, and leverage of up to 1:500 is available. TReal Capital provides trading on MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platforms, which are known for their user-friendly interfaces and extensive functionality.

It is crucial to note that TReal Capital lacks transparency regarding regulatory licenses, making it challenging to assess the platform's reliability. Reviews on WikiFX indicate that the broker is inaccessible, further adding to concerns about its trustworthiness. Potential investors are advised to exercise caution and thoroughly research before considering any investment with this broker.


Pros and Cons

TReal Capital offers a range of pros and cons that investors should consider. On the positive side, the broker provides a diverse selection of market instruments, including equities, bonds, currencies, and derivatives, allowing for a variety of investment opportunities. They offer individual and joint account options with leverage of up to 1:500, enabling traders to control larger positions. Additionally, TReal Capital offers spreads starting from 0.1 pips and supports trading on popular platforms like MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5. However, it is important to note the cons associated with TReal Capital, including the lack of proper regulation, an inaccessible main website, limited available information, and potential risks of unregulated operations. Furthermore, the broker has limited customer support options, unclear commission fees, and unreliable and limited customer reviews.

Pros Cons
Offers a range of equities Lack of proper regulation
Provides diverse selection of bonds Inaccessible main website
Enables currency trading Lack of available information in general
Offers various derivatives Risk of unregulated operations
Individual and joint account options Limited customer support options
Leverage of up to 1:500 Unclear commission fees
Spreads starting from 0.1 pips Unreliable and limited customer reviews
Trading on popular platforms (MT4 and MT5)

Is TReal Capital Legit?

TReal Capital is found to be operating without proper regulation, which poses significant risks to investors. It is crucial to exercise caution when dealing with this broker due to the lack of valid oversight and protection.


Market Instruments

EQUITIES: TReal Capital provides a range of equities, including stocks, shares, and ETFs. These instruments offer exposure to various industries and sectors, allowing investors to potentially benefit from long-term growth. Examples of equities available through TReal Capital include Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, Tesla, and Berkshire Hathaway.

BONDS: TReal Capital offers a diverse selection of bonds, such as government bonds, corporate bonds, and municipal bonds. These instruments can generate a steady income stream and offer the potential for capital appreciation. Examples of bonds available through TReal Capital include US Treasury bonds, corporate bonds, municipal bonds, and junk bonds.

CURRENCIES: TReal Capital enables currency trading, allowing investors to engage in transactions involving currencies like the US dollar, euro, and yen. This provides exposure to different economies and the opportunity to profit from currency fluctuations. Examples of currencies available for trading through TReal Capital include the US dollar, euro, yen, British pound, and Swiss franc.

DERIVATIVES: TReal Capital offers various derivatives, such as options, futures, and swaps. These instruments serve multiple purposes, including risk hedging, speculation on price movements, and income generation. Examples of derivatives available through TReal Capital include options, futures contracts, swaps, forwards, and warrants.

Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Range of equities allows exposure to various industries Lack of detailed information on available equities
Diverse selection of bonds provides income stream and growth Limited transparency on bond offerings and performance
Currency trading enables exposure to different economies Potential risk associated with currency fluctuations
Offers various derivatives for risk management and speculation Limited information on derivative products and their effectiveness

Account Types

INDIVIDUAL ACCOUNT: TReal Capital offers an individual account option with a minimum deposit requirement of $100. There are no monthly fees associated with this account type. Spreads start from 0.1 pips, and leverage of up to 1:500 is available.

JOINT ACCOUNT: TReal Capital also provides a joint account option for investors. The minimum deposit required for a joint account is $200, and there are no monthly fees. Similar to the individual account, spreads start from 0.1 pips, and leverage of up to 1:500 is available.

Pros Cons
Minimum deposit requirement of $100 for individual account Lack of detailed information on account features
No monthly fees for both individual and joint accounts Limited transparency on additional account benefits
Leverage of up to 1:500 available for both account types Demo account not mentioned


TReal Capital provides leverage of up to 1:500 for both individual and joint accounts, allowing traders to control larger positions with a smaller capital investment.

Spreads & Commissions

TReal Capital offers spreads starting from 0.1 pips, allowing investors to potentially execute trades at favorable prices. Commission fees are not explicitly specified, and investors are advised to refer to the latest information provided by TReal Capital for accurate details on commission rates.

Deposit & Withdrawal

TReal Capital allows deposits and withdrawals in a variety of forms, including bank wire transfer, credit/debit card, and electronic wallet. There are no fees for depositing or withdrawing funds, but withdrawals may be subject to currency conversion fees. The minimum deposit is $100, and the minimum withdrawal is $200.

Pros Cons
No fees for depositing or withdrawing funds Minimum withdrawal of $200
Wide range of deposit and withdrawal methods available Withdrawals may be subject to currency conversion fees

Trading Platforms

TReal Capital offers trading on MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platforms. These widely used trading platforms provide users with a comprehensive set of tools and features for executing trades and analyzing market trends. MT4 and MT5 are popular choices among traders, known for their user-friendly interfaces and extensive functionality.

Pros Cons
Popular Mt4/5 available Not as many charting tools as some other platforms
User-friendly interfaces Can be complex for beginners
Widely used and popular platforms No mobile app

Customer Support

TReal Capital offers customer support through email, and inquiries can be directed to This allows investors to contact the support team and seek assistance or address any concerns they may have regarding their trading activities or account management.


According to the reviews on WikiFX, the brokerage firm TReal Capital appears to be inaccessible and lacks transparency regarding regulatory licenses. Due to the absence of reliable and transparent information, it becomes challenging to assess the platform's reliability. It is strongly advised to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before considering any investment with this broker.



In conclusion, TReal Capital operates without proper regulation, which poses significant risks to investors. While they offer a range of market instruments such as equities, bonds, currencies, and derivatives, the lack of valid oversight and protection should be a concern. The availability of individual and joint accounts with low minimum deposits and leverage of up to 1:500 may attract some traders. However, the absence of clear information on spreads and commission fees raises doubts about the overall cost-effectiveness. TReal Capital supports deposits and withdrawals through various methods, but potential currency conversion fees should be considered. The trading platforms offered, MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5, are popular and provide extensive functionality. However, customer support is limited to email, and the platform's overall reliability is uncertain due to inaccessible reviews and a lack of transparency regarding regulatory licenses. It is advisable to exercise caution and conduct thorough research before considering any investment with TReal Capital.


Q: Is TReal Capital a legitimate broker?

A: TReal Capital operates without proper regulation, posing risks to investors. Caution is advised when dealing with this broker.

Q: What market instruments does TReal Capital offer?

A: TReal Capital offers equities (stocks, shares, ETFs), bonds (government, corporate, municipal), currencies (USD, euro, yen), and derivatives (options, futures, swaps).

Q: What are the account types available at TReal Capital?

A: TReal Capital offers individual and joint accounts with minimum deposits of $100 and $200, respectively.

Q: What leverage does TReal Capital provide?

A: TReal Capital offers leverage of up to 1:500 for both individual and joint accounts.

Q: What are the deposit and withdrawal options at TReal Capital?

A: TReal Capital allows deposits and withdrawals via bank wire transfer, credit/debit card, and electronic wallet, with no fees for deposits or withdrawals.

Q: What trading platforms does TReal Capital offer?

A: TReal Capital offers trading on MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platforms.

Q: How can I contact TReal Capital's customer support?

A: Customer support can be reached through email at

Q: What are the reviews of TReal Capital?

A: Reviews indicate that TReal Capital lacks transparency and regulatory licenses, making it challenging to assess reliability. Caution and thorough research are advised.

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more than one year
based on the information provided, it seems this brokerage firm is currently inaccessible and lacks transparency regarding regulatory licenses. Without access to reliable and transparent information, it is difficult to determine the reliability of this trading platform. It is important to exercise caution and do thorough research before investing with any broker.
2023-03-29 11:15


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