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United States|1-2 years|
Suspicious Scope of Business|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 3
Previous Detection : 2024-07-03
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The United StatesNFA regulation (license number: 0555641) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The current information shows that this broker does not have a trading software. Please be aware!

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Votej · WikiFX Survey

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Votej · Company Summary

Votej Basic Information
Registered Country/Area United States
Founded Year Within 1 year
Company Name Votej
Regulation Not regulated
Minimum Deposit Not disclosed
Maximum Leverage Not disclosed
Spreads Not disclosed
Trading Platforms Votej PLATFORM APP (iPhone, Android)
Tradable Assets Foreign exchange, stock, spot index, and other investment options
Account Types Not specified
Demo Account Not available
Islamic Account Not available
Customer Support Limited availability, online chat only, 24/7 support in more than 17 languages
Payment Methods Not disclosed
Educational Tools Not provided

Overview of Votej

Votej is a relatively new brokerage firm operating within the United States. Founded within the past year, it is not regulated by any authoritative regulatory body, which may pose potential risks for traders. The minimum deposit requirement and maximum leverage offered by Votej have not been disclosed, suggesting a lack of transparency in these areas.

Regarding trading conditions, specific information about spreads is not available. Votej offers its proprietary trading platform, the Votej PLATFORM APP, which is compatible with both iPhone and Android devices. Votej does not provide detailed information about different account types, leaving potential customers with uncertainties about the available options. Furthermore, the brokerage does not offer a demo account for traders to practice and test their strategies before risking real funds.

Customer support at Votej is limited to online chat, which operates 24/7 and provides assistance in more than 17 languages. However, alternative customer support channels like phone, email, or social media are not available.


Is Votej legit or a scam?

Votej, as a brokerage firm, currently operates without being subjected to any form of valid regulation by an authorized and recognized regulatory authority. This means that the activities and operations of Votej are not overseen or monitored by any independent regulatory body that ensures compliance with industry standards and safeguards the interests of investors and clients.


Pros and Cons

Votej presents a limited number of advantages compared to its disadvantages. On the positive side, clients have access to various financial instruments, including forex, indices, and stocks. The broker also claims to offer 24/7 customer support.

However, the disadvantages outweigh these advantages. One of the major concerns is the lack of regulation. Votej operates without any regulatory oversight, which poses risks to clients. Transparency is another issue, as important trading conditions such as minimum deposits, maximum leverage, and spreads are not disclosed. Furthermore, customer support is limited to online chat, which has been criticized for lacking personalized assistance and often providing robotic responses.

Pros Cons
Online feature supported No regulation
Access to forex, index, stocks and more Lack of transparency in trading conditions
Claims to offer 7/24 customer support Online chat system like a robot
Limited contact channels
Only in-house trading platform supported
pros -cons

Market Instruments

Votej gives clients the access to various financial markets, including forex exchange, spot index, stocks, and other invetsment options.

One of the primary offerings of Votej is the foreign exchange market, allowing clients to engage in currency trading and speculate on the fluctuations of currency pairs from different countries.


In addition to forex trading, Votej also provides access to stock trading, allowing traders to invest in a wide range of publicly listed companies.


Furthermore, Votej facilitates trading in spot indices, which are financial instruments that represent the performance of a specific market or sector.


Votej also offers other investment projects, although specific details are not disclosed.

Account Types

Votej operates with a rather simplified account structure as it does not offer tiered trading accounts. Instead, it provides a single type of trading account to its clients. Unfortunately, the broker does not provide detailed information regarding the features, benefits, or specifications of this account type. Additionally, Votej does not offer a demo trading account, which is commonly used by traders to practice and familiarize themselves with the trading platform and market conditions before risking real funds. Moreover, the minimum deposit requirement for opening an account with Votej is not disclosed on their website.

How to Open an Account ?

Opening an account with Votej involves a simple process:

  1. Visit the Votej website and click on the “Open Account” or “Register” button.


2. Fill out the registration form with the required personal information, such as name, email address, and contact details.


3. Agree to the terms and conditions, and submit the registration form.

Once the registration is complete, traders can proceed to fund their accounts and start trading with Votej. It's important to note that specific details and requirements may vary, and it is advisable to refer to the official Votej website for the most up-to-date information.


Votej offers a maximum trading leverage of up to a certain level. The high leverage provided by this unregulated broker is intended to attract traders who seek the potential for higher profits. However, it's crucial to understand that trading with high leverage carries significant risks. While leverage can amplify gains, it can also magnify losses, potentially leading to substantial financial loss. Traders should exercise caution and carefully assess their risk tolerance before utilizing high leverage.


Spreads & Commissions

Votej does not provide transparent information regarding spreads and commissions. This lack of transparency is unusual compared to regulated brokers who typically provide clear details about their core trading fees. The absence of accessible information about spreads and commissions may make it challenging for traders to accurately evaluate the cost of trading with Votej. Traders are advised to seek clarity on trading fees and costs before engaging in any trading activities.

Non-trading fees

Votej may impose additional fees beyond trading costs, including overnight interest fees, deposit and withdrawal fees, and inactivity fees. However, specific details about these fees are not disclosed on their platform or website. It is important for traders to carefully review the terms and conditions and seek clarification from Votej regarding any potential additional fees that may apply to their trading activities.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Votej does not provide explicit information about the payment methods it supports for deposits and withdrawals. The lack of disclosure regarding available payment options may raise concerns among potential traders. After all, having access to a diverse range of secure and convenient payment methods is essential for facilitating seamless financial transactions with the broker.

Trading Platforms

Votej provides traders with its own proprietary trading platform called Votej PLATFORM APP, which is accessible on both iPhone and Android devices. This user-friendly platform allows traders to conveniently access the financial markets and engage in trading activities. With the Votej PLATFORM APP, traders can execute trades, monitor their positions, and analyze market data. While the platform offers basic functionality for trading, it may not be as robust or feature-rich as industry-leading platforms like MT4 or MT5. Traders who are accustomed to the advanced tools and functionalities offered by these popular platforms may find the Votej PLATFORM APP to be comparatively less powerful.


Customer Support

Votej provides customer support primarily through online chat, allegedly offering a 24/7 service to assist traders with their inquiries. It seems that online chat feature operates using an automated system. Responses from the online chat feature can be somewhat rigid and lack the personalized touch of human interaction.


However, it is important to highlight that Votej does not provide customer support through traditional methods such as phone or email. The absence of these contact options may limit the accessibility for traders who prefer alternative communication channels or who encounter issues that require more detailed or lengthy discussions.

Educational Resources

Votej, unfortunately, does not offer any educational resources to its clients. This means that traders who choose Votej as their broker will not have access to educational materials such as tutorials, webinars, educational videos, or trading guides.


In conclusion, Votej presents a range of limitations and concerns that make it a less favorable choice for traders. The absence of regulation raises significant risks, as the broker operates without oversight and lacks the safeguards typically associated with regulated entities. Transparency issues further complicate the trading experience, with important trading conditions undisclosed, leaving traders in the dark about crucial aspects of their transactions. The customer support, although available 24/7, is restricted to online chat and lacks the personalized assistance often desired by traders. Additionally, the reliance on an in-house trading platform may limit the advanced features and compatibility provided by industry-leading platforms.


Q: Is Votej a regulated broker?

A: No, Votej is currently not regulated, which raises concerns about the safety and security of funds and trading activities.

Q: What trading instruments are available on Votej?

A: Votej offers access to a variety of trading instruments, including foreign exchange (forex), stock, spot index, and other investment options.

Q: Does Votej provide a demo account for practicing trading?

A: No, Votej does not offer a demo account, which can be disadvantageous for traders who wish to test their strategies or familiarize themselves with the trading platform before investing real money.

Q: What are the available customer support options on Votej?

A: Votej offers customer support primarily through online chat, which operates 24/7 and provides assistance in more than 17 languages. However, other contact channels such as phone, email, or social media are not available.

Q: Can I trust Votej with my investments?

A: Due to the lack of regulation and transparency, it is important to exercise caution and carefully consider the risks associated with trading on an unregulated platform like Votej. It is advisable to explore regulated alternatives that prioritize client protection and adhere to industry standards.

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more than one year
My initial excitement about Votej's variety of financial instruments soon fizzled out when I realized their lack of regulation and transparency. Not knowing specifics such as minimum deposits, maximum leverage, and spreads makes it very difficult for me to make an informed decision about engaging with them. Furthermore, the absence of personalized assistance in their customer support is off-putting. As much as I would love to explore their variety, I can't shake off the feeling of potential risk due to the missing information.
2023-12-07 14:13
more than one year
My initial excitement about Votej's variety of financial instruments soon fizzled out when I realized their lack of regulation and transparency. Not knowing specifics such as minimum deposits, maximum leverage, and spreads makes it very difficult for me to make an informed decision about engaging with them. Furthermore, the absence of personalized assistance in their customer support is off-putting. As much as I would love to explore their variety, I can't shake off the feeling of potential risk due to the missing information.
2023-12-06 16:02
more than one year
Man! Votej really did me dirty. As a new investment platform, they really pushed hard for me to deposit money with them, promising big returns and all that. And unfortunately, I fell for it hook, line, and sinker. They claimed to offer real-time quotes, but in reality, there was a huge delay which resulted in massive spreads. When I tried to stop trading, they straight up refused my request. So yeah, I can confidently say that Votej is an absolute garbage trading platform. Stay far away, folks.
2023-06-26 14:24
more than one year
I have to say, Votej is a really disappointing trading platform. They don't offer any demo accounts, which is a red flag right off the bat. Instead, they try to get you to register and start trading right away. I almost fell for it, but decided to do some research before handing over any money. And boy, am I glad I did. After some investigation, I found out that Votej doesn't have any licenses or regulation to back them up. That's a huge warning sign for any trader. Basically, this means that they aren't being held accountable for fair practices, and could potentially be engaging in fraudulent behavior. But that's not all. On top of the lack of regulation, their platform is just outright frustrating to use. The quotes aren't in real-time, resulting in massive spreads that don't reflect the actual market conditions. And when I tried to stop trading and withdraw my funds, they refused my request without any explanation.
2023-06-26 14:01


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