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Maxus Global Market

United Kingdom|1-2 years|
Crypto-Licence|Suspicious Scope of Business|Medium potential risk|


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Maxus Global Market

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Maxus Global Market · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Registered Country United Kingdom
Founded Year Within 1 year
Company Name Maxus Global Market
Regulation Regulated in United States (FinCEN)
Tradable Assets Forex CFDs, Stocks, Indices, Commodities, Bitcoin, Metals, Energy
Account Types Demo Account, Real Account
Demo Account Available
Islamic Account Not mentioned
Minimum Deposit $10
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:500
Spreads From 0 pips
Trading Platforms MT5 (MetaTrader 5)
Payment Methods Bank Wire, Credit Card, Debit Card, E-wallets
Educational Tools Not mentioned
Customer Support Email: support@

Overview of Maxus Global Market

Maxus Global Market is a regulated institution based in London, operating within the cryptocurrency market. It is under the oversight of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) in the United States and holds a Crypto-Licence with license number 31000249324636. The institution offers trading opportunities across various financial instruments, including forex, stocks, indices, commodities, Bitcoin, metals, and energy products.

Traders can engage in Contracts for Difference (CFD) trading, allowing speculation on price movements without physical ownership of assets. The trading platform provided is MT5, known for its chart analysis tools. Despite certain user complaints regarding withdrawal issues, Maxus Global Market facilitates trading with a minimum deposit of $10, varied deposit and withdrawal methods, and leverage up to 1:500 on forex pairs.

Maxus Global Market's homepage

Pros & Cons

Maxus Global Market offers several noteworthy advantages and considerations. It is regulated by FinCEN in the US and holds a Crypto-Licence in the UK, reflecting a commitment to regulatory compliance.

The platform provides a diverse array of CFDs spanning forex, stocks, indices, commodities, Bitcoin, metals, and energy, catering to various trading preferences. Users can benefit from demo and real accounts for practice and live trading, supported by a clear step-by-step registration process. Additionally, the platform features low starting spreads, favorable for traders.

On the flip side, the platform does incur fees associated with certain transactions, such as bank wires and credit/debit cards.

Pros Cons
Regulated by FinCEN Fees associated with bank wires, credit/debit cards, and e-wallets.
Offers diverse CFDs
Provides demo accounts for practice
Clear step-by-step guide for account registration
Low starting spreads from 0
Multiple deposit and withdrawal methods available
MT5 platform with a wide range of technical indicators and analysis tools.

Is Maxus Global Market Legit?

Maxus Global Market Limited is regulated by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) in the United States. It holds a Crypto-Licence with license number 31000249324636, becoming regulated as of July 24, 2023. The institution is licensed to operate under this regulatory framework and is based at 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London. While further details like the institution's website, expiry date, and contact information are not provided, its regulatory status and certification demonstrate its adherence to regulatory standards in the cryptocurrency market.

Regulated by FinCEN

Market Instruments

FOREX: Maxus Global Market offers the opportunity to trade Contracts for Difference (CFDs) on various currency pairs in the foreign exchange (forex) market. Forex CFDs allow investors to speculate on the price movements of one currency against another. Examples of currency pairs available include EUR/USD, GBP/USD, and USD/JPY.

STOCKS: Traders can also engage in CFD trading on stocks from various companies. This allows investors to speculate on the price movements of individual stocks without owning the actual shares. Stocks from well-known companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon may be available for CFD trading.

INDICES: Maxus Global Market provides CFDs on indices, representing the performance of a group of stocks from a specific market. Traders can speculate on the overall movement of these indices. Examples of indices include the S&P 500, FTSE 100, and NASDAQ.

COMMODITIES: CFDs on commodities enable investors to speculate on the price fluctuations of raw materials and resources. This includes commodities like crude oil, gold, and silver. Trading commodity CFDs allows exposure to various commodity markets without physical ownership.

BITCOIN: Maxus Global Market includes CFD trading on Bitcoin, a popular cryptocurrency. Bitcoin CFDs allow traders to speculate on the price movement of Bitcoin without owning the actual cryptocurrency. This offers a way to engage with the cryptocurrency market without dealing with digital wallets.

METALS: CFDs on metals like gold and silver provide investors the opportunity to speculate on the price changes of these precious metals. Metal CFDs can be traded without the need for physical ownership, allowing for potential profit from price fluctuations.

ENERGY: Maxus Global Market also offers CFDs on energy products such as crude oil and other energy commodities. This enables traders to speculate on the price movements of these essential resources, responding to changes in global energy markets.

Market Instruments

Account Types

Maxus Global Market offers two distinct account types: a demo account and a real account. The demo account allows users to practice trading with virtual funds, honing their skills and strategies in a risk-free environment.

On the other hand, the real account provides the opportunity for live trading using actual funds, enabling clients to engage in the financial markets with real-world market conditions and potential profits or losses.

How to Open an Account?

To open an account with Maxus Global Market, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the 'Register' button.

    Click on the 'Register' button
  2. Enter your Name.

  3. Provide your Name and Email Address.

    fill in required info
  4. Create a Password.

  5. Enter your Mobile number and select the Country Code.

  6. Confirm your Password.

  7. Select your Country.

  8. Choose your State.

  9. Specify your City.

  10. Select your Gender.

  11. Enter your detailed Address.

  12. Input the verification code from the Captcha.

  13. Click on the “Sign Up” button to complete the registration process.


Maxus Global Market offers leverage up to 1:500 on forex pairs. This means that for every $1 you deposit, you can trade up to $500 worth of currency. The maximum leverage available will be different according to your account type and trading experience.


Maxus Global Market offers spreads starting from 0 pips, indicating the minimal difference between the bid and ask prices for various financial instruments.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Maxus Global Market offers a variety of deposit and withdrawal methods, including bank wire, credit card, debit card, and e-wallets. The minimum deposit amount is $10, and the minimum withdrawal amount is $20. Bank wires incur a $10 fee, credit and debit cards incur a 3.5% fee, and e-wallets incur a 1% fee.

Trading Platforms

Maxus Global Market offers the MT5 trading platform, renowned worldwide for its functionality. With over 50 technical indicators and intraday analysis tools, MT5 ensures a robust chart analysis experience. Recognized as a standard for online trading, the platform is trusted by high-level traders for its reliability and user-friendly interface.


Customer Support

For customer support, Maxus Global Market can be reached via email at support@ For further assistance or inquiries, clients can use the “Contact Us” option on the platform.

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A WikiFX exposure highlights a resolved pyramid scheme complaint regarding Maxus Global Market. A user named Ahmetx reported not receiving a refund after participating through an education consultancy. Withdrawal issues and perceived pressure to meet trading conditions were mentioned. The user labeled Maxus Global Market and associated individuals as scammers, cautioning against participation. The post dates to August 10, 2023.

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Q: Is Maxus Global Market a legitimate platform?

A: Yes, Maxus Global Market is regulated by FinCEN in the United States and holds a Crypto-Licence, indicating adherence to regulatory standards.

Q: What trading instruments does Maxus Global Market offer?

A: Maxus Global Market offers CFD trading on forex pairs, stocks, indices, commodities, Bitcoin, metals, and energy products.

Q: What are the account types available?

A: Maxus Global Market provides a demo account for practice and a real account for live trading with actual funds.

Q: What is the leverage offered by Maxus Global Market?

A: Maxus Global Market offers leverage up to 1:500 on forex pairs, subject to account type and trading experience.

Q: What deposit and withdrawal methods are accepted?

A: Maxus Global Market accepts bank wire, credit/debit cards, and e-wallets for deposits and withdrawals, with varying fees.

Q: What trading platform does Maxus Global Market use?

A: Maxus Global Market uses the MT5 trading platform, known for its robust analysis tools and user-friendly interface.

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hold on to
more than one year
Easy to make deposits and withdrawals. Excellent support staff who are responsive, professional and helpful. My suggestions for improvements are: - Crypto spreads are too high & trading not available over weekends. Cryptos are gaining more and more popularity in the trading community but the high spreads offered by brokers make it much better to trade directly on exchanges. - To make ASX and international stocks available on the Maxus Global Market platform.
2024-05-29 11:28
more than one year
The company live support is very Hard to reach. Please upgrade the service.
2024-04-26 18:15
more than one year
I've got to say, my experience with Maxus Global Market has been top-notch, largely thanks to my account manager, Alex. The guy is seriously professional and incredibly knowledgeable across all the areas I've asked about. But what really stands out is his willingness to help. From our very first interaction, I noticed the lightning-fast responses, and it's been smooth sailing ever since.
2024-03-11 12:18
more than one year
Maxus Global Market has, overall, been a positive trading environment for me. The trading platform is robust with a plethora of features- it’s easy to navigate and more importantly, reliable. Talking about order execution, Maxus Global Market is a superstar. It's got that quick and smooth execution, which as a trader, gives you the confidence that you're getting the best possible pricing. If spreads and commissions are your concern, then Maxus offers a fair trade. They are competitive, not perhaps the lowest, but the quality of services provided adequately compensates for it. Sure, there have been minor hitches along the way, but nothing major that hasn't been quickly resolved. All in all, trading with Maxus Global Market has been a significantly positive experience.
2023-12-01 18:19
more than one year
Bringing numbers into the fray, trading some basic currency pairs on Maxus Global Market saw competitive spreads that ranged from 1.2 pips to 1.8 pips during active hours. Top this off with their no-commission mantra, the profitable trade islands seemed well within reach!
2023-11-30 18:15
This is a great trader I've used so far, it's very smooth and withdrawals are very fast!
2023-07-31 23:35


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