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SIG Seeding

Vanuatu|2-5 years|
White label MT4|Regional Brokers|United States Common Financial Service License Unauthorized|Suspicious Overrun|High potential risk|


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MT4/5 Identification

MT4/5 Identification

White Label

Server Name
SeedingIntlGroup-Trading MT4
Server Location United States

iCount Building, Kumul Highway, Port Vila, Vanuatu


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No restriction on the broker account. Support service provided by WikiFX

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Company Name

SIG Solutions Investment Company Limited

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SIG Seeding

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Warning: Low score, please stay away! 8
Previous Detection : 2024-07-06
  • It has been verified that this broker currently has no valid regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • United StatesNFA (license number: 0548411) The regulatory status is abnormal, the official regulatory status is Unauthorized. Please be aware of the risk!
  • This broker exceeds the business scope regulated by United States NFA(license number: 0548411)National Futures Association-UNFX Non-Forex License. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The Cayman IslandsCIMA regulation (license number: 1383491) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The VanuatuVFSC regulation (license number: 700271) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The AustraliaASIC regulation (license number: 428901) claimed by this broker is suspected to be clone. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The Cayman Islands CIMA regulation with license number: 1383491 is an offshore regulation. Please be aware of the risk!
  • The Vanuatu VFSC regulation with license number: 700271 is an offshore regulation. Please be aware of the risk!

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SIG Seeding · WikiFX Survey

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SIG Seeding · Company Summary

Aspect Information
Company Name SIG Solutions Investment Company Limited (SIG Seeding)
Registered Country/Area Vanuatu
Regulation Currently not regulated
Minimum Deposit $50 for the Standard account
Maximum Leverage Up to 1:1000
Spreads Not as competitive, with a spread of approximately 3.1 pips on the EUR/USD pair
Trading Platforms MT4 trading platform and SIG Seeding App
Tradable Assets Over 120 different asset types, including Forex, Cryptocurrencies, and CFDs on commodities and stocks
Account Types Standard account
Customer Support Email support at

Overview of SIG Seeding

SIG Seeding is a company that offers trading services in forex, cryptocurrencies, and CFDs on commodities and stocks. It is currently unregulated and requires a minimum deposit of $50. Traders have the option of using the MT4 platform or the SIG Seeding app for trading. The maximum leverage offered is up to 1:1000, and the spreads on the EUR/USD pair are around 3.1 pips. The company offers a standard account type and provides customer support through email.


Is SIG Seeding legit or a scam?

SIG Seeding, the broker currently does not have valid regulation. The claim of being regulated by various authorities, including the United States NFA (license number: 0548411), Cayman Islands CIMA (license number: 1383491), Vanuatu VFSC (license number: 700271), and Australia ASIC (license number: 428901), is suspected to be either unauthorized or a clone. Therefore, there is a significant risk associated with this broker.

The regulatory status of SIG Seeding is abnormal and does not meet the requirements set by the respective regulatory bodies. The claim of exceeding the business scope regulated by the United States NFA and the suspicion of clone licenses from Cayman Islands CIMA, Vanuatu VFSC, and Australia ASIC further highlight the potential risks involved.

Pros and Cons

SIG Seeding has several advantages for traders. Firstly, it offers a diverse range of tradable assets, including Forex, cryptocurrencies, and CFDs on commodities and stocks. This allows traders to access multiple financial markets and diversify their investment portfolios according to their trading strategies and preferences. Secondly, SIG Seeding has a low minimum deposit requirement of just $50, making it accessible to traders with different levels of capital. Additionally, the broker offers a high maximum leverage of up to 1:1000, which can provide traders with increased trading flexibility and the potential for higher profits. Traders can also benefit from the popular MT4 trading platform, known for its user-friendly interface and powerful charting capabilities. Furthermore, the inclusion of a proprietary trading app enhances the convenience and accessibility of trading on the go.

Despite these advantages, traders should be cautious about the lack of valid regulation and the potential risks associated with SIG Seeding.

Pros Cons
Diverse range of tradable assets Lack of valid regulation
Low minimum deposit requirement Suspicion of unauthorized or clone licenses
High maximum leverage up to 1:1000 Less competitive spreads compared to industry standards
Access to popular MT4 trading platform Lack of transparency on commissions
Proprietary trading app for on-the-go trading Limited information on payment options
Useful trading tools such as calculators and VPS Lack of educational resources specified

Market Instruments

SIG Seeding provides a diverse range of trading opportunities across various financial markets. The broker offers access to over 120 different asset types, ensuring that traders have a wide selection to choose from. These assets include popular options such as Forex, allowing traders to engage in currency exchange and speculation. Additionally, Cryptocurrencies are available, providing opportunities to trade digital currencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum. Furthermore, traders can also participate in CFD trading on commodities and stocks, offering exposure to the price movements of commodities such as gold and oil, as well as stocks of well-known companies. This extensive range of asset classes allows traders to explore different markets and diversify their investment portfolios based on their trading preferences and strategies.

Account Types

SIG Seeding provides a Standard account option for all traders, offering a low minimum deposit requirement of just $50. This makes it accessible for traders with varying levels of capital. The Standard account comes with competitive spreads, ensuring that traders can execute their trades at competitive pricing. Additionally, the account also offers premium features, enhancing the trading experience for clients. While specific details about the premium features are not provided, it can be inferred that the account provides additional benefits and advantages to traders who choose this option. Overall, SIG Seeding aims to cater to traders of all levels by offering a Standard account with attractive features and a low minimum deposit requirement.

How to open an account?

Opening an account with SIG Seeding is a hassle-free process. There are three steps to follow:

1.Register: select your preferable account types and submit application;

2.Fund: Fund your account;

3.Trade: start to trade with more than 300 CFD instruments;



SIG Seeding offers a remarkably high maximum trading leverage of up to 1:1000. It is worth noting that offshore brokerages often have more lenient regulations and, as a result, tend to offer higher leverage options to attract traders. High leverage can be particularly appealing to professional traders and scalpers, as it provides them with increased trading flexibility and the potential for higher profits. However, it is important to recognize that high leverage also carries higher risk. Traders should exercise caution and carefully manage their risk exposure when utilizing such high leverage ratios to ensure the preservation of capital and long-term trading success.

Spreads & Commissions

The spreads offered by SIG Seeding are not as competitive compared to industry standards. Specifically, the spread on the EUR/USD pair is approximately 3.1 pips, which is considerably higher than the average spreads offered by other brokers. This wider spread can have an impact on trading costs, potentially reducing the profitability of trades. Furthermore, the brokerage website does not disclose any information about commissions, making it unclear whether additional charges apply to trading activities. It is important for traders to consider these factors and evaluate the overall trading conditions and costs before deciding to trade with SIG Seeding.


Trading Platforms Available

SIG Seeding offers its clients access to the popular MT4 trading platform, known for its user-friendly interface and powerful charting capabilities. Traders can access MT4 on any device, allowing for flexibility and convenience in trading. Additionally, SIG Seeding provides a proprietary trading app, the SIG Seeding App, designed to enhance the trading experience for clients on the go.


Trading Tools

In addition to the MT4 trading platform, SIG Seeding provides traders with useful trading tools to facilitate their forex trading experience. These tools include calculators and VPS hosting. The calculators assist traders in performing various calculations related to their trades, such as position sizing, pip value, and profit/loss calculations. This helps traders make informed decisions and manage their risk effectively.

Furthermore, SIG Seeding offers VPS hosting, which is a virtual private server that ensures a stable and uninterrupted connection to the trading server. By utilizing VPS hosting, traders can enjoy enhanced efficiency and improved connection quality, resulting in timely and reliable trade execution. This feature provides peace of mind to traders, knowing that their transactions will be executed smoothly and without any interruptions.

Deposit & Withdrawal

It is worth noting that SIG Seeding does not provide specific information about the payment options available for funding trading accounts. Typically, reputable forex brokers offer a range of payment methods to cater to the diverse needs of their clients. These options often include credit/debit cards, eWallets, and online/local bank transfers. These payment methods offer convenience and flexibility for clients to deposit funds into their trading accounts and facilitate withdrawals. However, without explicit information from SIG Seeding, it is recommended to reach out to their customer support or consult their official website to obtain accurate and up-to-date information regarding the available payment options.

Customer Support

SIG Seeding allows its clients who have any trading related issues come to its customer care through email:

Company address: iCount Building, Kumul Highway, Port Vila, Vanuatu.


Q: What is the regulatory status of SIG Seeding?

A: SIG Seeding currently does not have valid regulation.

Q: What tradable assets are available through SIG Seeding?

A: SIG Seeding offers a wide range of tradable assets, including Forex, cryptocurrencies, and CFDs on commodities and stocks.

Q: What is the minimum deposit requirement to open an account with SIG Seeding?

A: The minimum deposit requirement to open an account with SIG Seeding is $50.

Q: What is the maximum leverage offered by SIG Seeding?

A: SIG Seeding offers a high maximum leverage of up to 1:1000.

Q: What trading platforms are available with SIG Seeding?

A: SIG Seeding provides access to the popular MT4 trading platform and a proprietary trading app called the SIG Seeding App.

Q: What customer support options are available at SIG Seeding?

A: SIG Seeding offers customer support through email, and traders can reach out to them at

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more than one year
All regulatory licenses of Sig Seeding are fake! The website can no longer be opened. Fortunately, I didn't see someone saying that I was deceived.
2023-02-28 14:33


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