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RForex · Company Summary

Company name RForex
Registered in United Kingdom
Regulated No
Years of establishment 2010
Trading instruments Forex, CFDs on stocks, indices, and commodities
Account Types Standard ECN, Professional ECN
Minimum Initial Deposit $500 for Standard ECN, $20,000 for Professional ECN
Maximum Leverage 1:100
Minimum Spread From 1.6 pips
Trading platform MetaTrader 4 (MT4)
Deposit and withdrawal method Bank transfer, credit/debit cards, several online payment platforms
Customer service Email, live chat
Complaint Exposure A number of complaints about RForex

Overview of RForex

RForex is an offshore forex broker that was founded in 2010. It is not regulated by any major financial authority and does not offer a demo account. The company offers two account types, Standard ECN and Professional ECN, with minimum deposits of $500 and $20,000, respectively.

The spreads on RForex are from 1.6 pips and the maximum leverage is 1:100. The trading platform is MetaTrader 4 (MT4). There have been a number of complaints about RForex, including slow customer support and high spreads.

Is RForex Legit or a Scam?

RForex's legitimacy is questionable due to its offshore registration and lack of proper regulation from renowned financial authorities. While the brokerage claims to be regulated by the VFSC, it is crucial to note that the VFSC has publicly stated that it does not oversee forex trading. This raises doubts about the accuracy of RForex's claims and calls into question the authenticity of its regulation.

Furthermore, user reviews and feedback from traders who have experienced RForex firsthand express dissatisfaction with the broker's services, including issues related to spreads, execution, and withdrawals. The negative sentiment surrounding RForex, combined with its lack of credible regulation, raises concerns about the possibility of it being a potential scam.

Pros and Cons

RForex offers the widely popular MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform, known for its advanced charting and analysis tools, making it a favored choice among traders.Additionally, the availability of MT4 in various versions, including desktop, web, and mobile applications, ensures traders can access the platform from anywhere, providing flexibility and convenience. Furthermore, RForex accepts various payment methods, including bank transfers, credit/debit cards, and popular e-wallets like Skrill and Neteller, facilitating seamless funding and withdrawals for clients.

RForex operates as an unregulated offshore broker, raising concerns about its credibility and security. The lack of robust regulation leaves traders potentially exposed to higher levels of risk, as the broker may not adhere to the same stringent standards and safeguards imposed by reputable financial authorities.

User feedback suggests that the actual spreads offered by RForex are wider than those advertised, impacting trading costs for clients. This discrepancy in spread information creates uncertainty and diminishes the transparency of the broker's trading conditions. Additionally, the inconsistent and unclear information about the broker's location and regulation further erodes trust and raises red flags about the legitimacy of the brokerage.

Pros Cons
MT4 platform with advanced tools Unregulated offshore broker
Leverage up to 1:100 Widened spreads impacting trading costs
Variety of payment methods accepted Lack of transparency and inconsistent information

Market Instruments

The information provided does not specify the full range of market instruments offered by RForex. However, it is mentioned that the broker focuses on providing forex trading services, indicating that it primarily deals with currency pairs. The lack of clarity regarding the available assets and trading options limits traders' ability to assess the broker's suitability for their specific trading preferences.

Account Types

RForex offers two live trading account types the Standard ECN account and the Professional ECN account. The Standard ECN account requires a minimum deposit of $500, making it accessible to retail traders. The account offers a maximum leverage of 1100, enabling traders to control positions that are 100 times larger than their deposit. The minimum trade size is set at 0.01 lots, providing flexibility in position sizing.

On the other hand, the Professional ECN account is designed for more experienced and well-funded traders, as it requires a significantly higher minimum deposit of $20,000. Like the Standard ECN account, it also offers a maximum leverage of 1100 and allows a minimum trade size of 0.1 lots. This account type may appeal to professional traders seeking access to larger position sizes and potentially tighter spreads.

How to Open an Account?

The process of opening an account with RForex is not detailed in the provided information. Generally, the account opening process with most brokers involves several steps, including providing personal information, verifying identity, agreeing to the broker's terms and conditions, and making the minimum required deposit. However, traders must exercise caution and perform due diligence before proceeding with any online trading platform, especially one with questionable regulation and user feedback.


RForex offers leverage of up to 1:100 for both its Standard ECN and Professional ECN accounts. Leverage is a crucial feature in forex trading, as it allows traders to control larger positions with a relatively smaller amount of capital. While leverage can amplify potential profits, it also increases the risk of significant losses if trades move against the trader.

For retail traders with the Standard ECN account, a 1:100 leverage allows them to engage in larger trades and potentially take advantage of market opportunities with a smaller initial investment. However, it is essential to manage risk effectively, as higher leverage also magnifies potential losses.

Professional traders with the Professional ECN account may utilize the same 1:100 leverage to access even larger trading volumes, taking advantage of market movements and employing sophisticated trading strategies. Nevertheless, they should be cautious and have a well-defined risk management plan to protect their capital.


Spreads & Commissions

RForex advertises average spreads starting from 1.6 pips for the Standard ECN account and 1.2 pips for the Professional ECN account. The spread is the difference between the bid and ask price of a currency pair and represents the cost of trading for the trader. Lower spreads are generally more favorable for traders, as they reduce trading costs and potentially improve overall profitability.

However, user feedback and reviews indicate that the actual spreads offered by RForex are wider than those advertised. Traders have reported spreads starting from 3 pips and even higher, raising concerns about the broker's transparency and the accuracy of its trading conditions. This discrepancy may be a significant drawback for traders seeking competitive trading costs.

Trading Platform

RForex provides the popular MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform in its desktop, web, and mobile versions. MT4 is one of the most widely used trading platforms in the industry, known for its user-friendly interface, advanced charting tools, technical analysis indicators, and support for automated trading strategies through Expert Advisors (EAs).

The availability of MT4 is a positive aspect for traders, as it allows them to access a powerful and familiar platform that caters to both novice and experienced traders. The platform's versatility and ease of use make it a preferred choice for many traders worldwide.


Deposit & Withdrawal

RForex accepts various payment methods for deposits and withdrawals, including bank transfers, credit/debit cards, and popular e-wallets such as Skrill and Neteller. The provision of multiple payment options offers convenience to clients, allowing them to choose the most suitable method for their needs.

However, the information provided does not include details about deposit and withdrawal fees, processing times, or minimum/maximum deposit and withdrawal amounts. This lack of transparency may be a concern for potential clients, as unexpected fees or delays can impact the overall trading experience.

Traders are advised to inquire directly with RForex or carefully review the broker's terms and conditions to understand the specifics of deposit and withdrawal processes fully.

Customer Support

RForex offers customer support through phone and email. While phone support provides a direct means of communication, the availability and responsiveness of customer support agents are not specified. Email support may lead to longer response times, depending on the broker's efficiency in handling client inquiries.

Customer support is a critical aspect of any brokerage, as traders often require assistance with various matters, including account-related issues, technical difficulties, and general inquiries. Prompt and efficient customer support can significantly enhance the overall trading experience and is an essential consideration for traders when choosing a broker.

Educational Resources

The information provided does not mention any specific educational resources or trading tools offered by RForex. Educational resources can play a crucial role in enhancing traders' knowledge and understanding of the financial markets and trading strategies. Some brokers provide educational materials such as video tutorials, webinars, trading guides, and market analysis, which can be valuable for both novice and experienced traders.

The lack of educational resources from RForex may be a drawback for traders seeking to improve their trading skills and knowledge.


RForex presents itself as an offshore forex broker with questionable legitimacy due to its lack of proper regulation and transparency. While it offers the popular MetaTrader 4 platform and accepts various payment methods, concerns about widened spreads, slow customer support, and the absence of educational resources raise doubts about its overall reliability.

Traders should exercise extreme caution and thoroughly research other regulated and reputable brokers that provide a safer and more trustworthy trading environment. Choosing a broker with strong regulatory backing and transparent trading conditions is crucial for a secure and successful trading experience.


Q: Is RForex a regulated broker?

A: No, RForex is not regulated by any major authority.

Q: What is the minimum deposit for a Standard ECN account?

A: The minimum deposit for a Standard ECN account is $500.

Q: Does RForex offer a demo account?

A: No, RForex does not offer a demo account.

Q: What is the maximum leverage offered by RForex?

A: RForex offers a maximum leverage of 1:100.

Q: What trading platform does RForex provide?

A: RForex provides the MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform.

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more than one year
Originally, I intended to do business with this RForex company, but I saw incorrect information on the wikifx website and got a little scared. I decided to be responsible with my money.
2022-12-06 10:27
more than one year
A fraud company that is not worth investing in, professionals who are there to make you lose, I lost $1,300 because of the account manager who knew what he was doing and purposely made me lose to win. I want my money back, only they promise and don't deliver, they made me several times increase my capital and I didn't make a profit. The worst part is that now their website is no longer open, and customer service can't be contacted. Now, I can't even get my principal back. DON'T FALL INTO THIS, I
2022-11-29 18:01
more than one year
Trust me, this Rforex platform should not be your choice of forex trading… it is not unregulated at all. I strongly recommend you to choose those strictly regulated, as they would arbitrarily appropriate your money under no oversight. When I was an inexperienced trader, I was cheated by illegal platforms many times.
2022-11-29 15:43


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