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The Virgin Islands|5-10 years|
Retail Forex License|MT4 Full License|Regional Brokers|Medium potential risk|Offshore Regulated|


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+678 612 8039 9099
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Threetrader Global Limited

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The Virgin Islands

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ThreeTrader · Company Summary

Feature Detail
Regulation Offshore regulated by VFSC
Market Instrument Forex, gold & silver, commodities, stock indices, Bitcoin & cryptocurrencies and CFDs
Account Type Pure spread and Raw zero
Demo Account Available
Maximum Leverage 500:1
Spread Pure spread: from 0.5 pips, Raw zero: from 0.0 pips
Commission Pure spread: no, Raw zero: $2/¥200 per lot per side
Trading Platform Desktop MT4, Mobile MT4, Web Trader MT4
Minimum Deposit $100
Deposit & Withdrawal Method Credit cards, instant payment, bank transfers and crypto payments

What is ThreeTrader?

ThreeTrader, a trading name of Threetrader Global Limited, is allegedly a forex and CFD broker registered in Hong Kong, China that claims to provide its clients with various tradable financial instruments with leverage up to 500:1 and floating spreads from 0.0 pips on the MT4 trading platform via two different live account types. Here is the home page of this broker's official site:

What is ThreeTrader?

Regulatory Status

ThreeTrader is regulated by the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission (VFSC), an offshore regulatory body. The platform holds a Vanuatu Retail Forex License with the license number 40430.

This regulatory status allows ThreeTrader to operate within the guidelines set by the VFSC, providing forex trading services under the oversight of this specific offshore jurisdiction.

Regulatory Status

Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
• Multiple trading instruments and payment options offered • Offshore Regulatory
• Demo accounts available
• MT4 supported

Market Instruments

ThreeTrader provides access to a broad range of global markets, including forex, indices, cryptocurrencies, metals, and commodities. Known for its quick and reliable service, the firm equips traders with advanced trading platforms, deep liquidity from tier-1 providers, and competitive pricing.

  • Forex: Enjoy ultra-low spreads on major pairs like EUR/USD, potentially as low as 0 pips. The platform offers high leverage options up to 500:1 and fractional pip pricing for more precise trading.

  • CFDs: Expand your trading opportunities by accessing international markets. ThreeTrader allows you to go long or short on various assets, helping you capitalize on market movements.

  • Metals: Trade precious metals such as gold with tight spreads starting from just 0.06 pips. Gold trades are typically conducted against the USD.

  • Indices: Benefit from low spreads on major global indices with leverage up to 100:1. Index trading on ThreeTrader is based on CFDs tied to cash markets.

  • Commodities: Engage in commodity trading with tight spreads and the flexibility to take long or short positions. Leverage goes up to 100:1.

  • Cryptocurrencies: Trade popular cryptocurrencies with low spreads and without the need for a digital wallet. Leverage for cryptocurrency trading can reach up to 20:1.

Market Instruments

Account Types

ThreeTrader provides two distinct account types for diverse trader needs: the Raw Zero and Pure Spread accounts. Both accounts allow trading in USD and JPY as base currencies and offer access to a broad spectrum of financial products including FOREX, metals, commodities, stock indices, and cryptocurrencies.

The Raw Zero Account features raw spreads starting from 0 pips and charges a commission of $2 USD per lot per side, or ¥200 Yen. This account is designed for traders who prefer direct access to market prices and are willing to pay commissions for lower spreads. It requires a minimum deposit of $1000 USD or its equivalent and offers leverage options ranging from 1:1 to 1:500. Trading can be conducted on desktop MT4, mobile MT4, or via the Web Trader MT4 platform, with a minimum trade size of 1 micro lot (0.01 lots). The swaps charged are of an institutional grade.

Conversely, the Pure Spread Account offers variable spreads beginning at 0.5 pips and does not charge any commissions, making it suitable for traders who prefer a cost structure without commissions. This account can be opened with a minimum deposit of $100 USD or equivalent and also provides leverage options from 1:1 up to 1:500. Like the Raw Zero account, it supports trading on desktop MT4, mobile MT4, and Web Trader MT4 platforms with the same minimum trade size of 1 micro lot (0.01 lots). However, the swaps applicable in this account are tailored for retail traders.

Account Types

Demo Account

ThreeTrader offers a demo account option, allowing traders to practice and hone their trading skills without any financial risk.

Demo Account


ThreeTrader offers flexible leverage of 100:1, 200:1, 400:1, and 500:1. The use of leverage can both work in your favor and against you.

Spreads & Commissions

All spreads with ThreeTrader are a floating type and scaled with the accounts offered. The spread from 0.5 pips on the Pure spread account, and 0.0 pips on the Raw zero account. As for the commission, there is no commission on the Pure spread, while $2/¥200 per lot per side on the Raw zero account.

Trading Platform Available

ThreeTrader offers MT4 and cTrader, ensuring traders can access the markets efficiently from anywhere.

  1. MT4 for Desktop:

    1. Compatibility: Available for both Windows and Mac systems.

    2. Features: This platform is known for its user-friendly interface, advanced charting tools, and a wide range of customizable indicators that enhance trading efficiency. It's ideal for traders who prefer a robust and comprehensive trading environment on their desktop or laptop.

  2. MT4 for Mobile:

    1. Compatibility: Supports iOS and Android devices.

    2. Features: Offers a seamless mobile trading experience with real-time market access, extensive charting capabilities, and instant order execution. This platform is perfect for traders who need to stay connected and make informed decisions on-the-go.

Trading Platform Available

ThreeTrader's WebTrader is a browser-based trading platform that allows users to access and trade in international markets directly from any web browser. It offers a secure, modern HTML5 interface without the need for any additional downloads or plug-ins. WebTrader is designed for both demo and live trading, providing an intuitive environment for analyzing market trends and managing investments.

Trading Platform Available

Deposit & Withdrawal

ThreeTrader offers a range of deposit methods with instant and near-instant options available 24/7. For traditional and crypto payments, the platform supports currencies like USD, JPY, VND, PHP, KRW, and USDT with zero fees. Minimum deposits vary by method, starting at $100 USD or its equivalent in other currencies for bitwallet and Tether, and going up to 10,000 KRW for KRW Direct Pay. Bank Wire Global requires a minimum of $100 USD with an estimated clearance time of 1-3 business days.

All other methods generally clear within 20 minutes, ensuring quick access to funds for trading.

Deposit & Withdrawal

ThreeTrader offers a variety of withdrawal methods across multiple currencies with no fees attached. Withdrawals can be made using bitwallet, VND Instant Pay, Philippines Instant Pay, JPY Direct Pay, Bank Wire Global, KRW Direct Pay, and Tether. The minimum withdrawal amount for most methods is $100 USD or its equivalent in other currencies, except for JPY Direct Pay and KRW Direct Pay, which require a minimum of 10,000 JPY and the equivalent of $50 USD respectively.

Withdrawal processing times range from 1 business day for methods like bitwallet and Tether to 1-3 business days for others, ensuring efficient access to funds across different platforms and currencies.

Deposit & Withdrawal

Rewards Program

The ThreeTrader rewards program is a loyalty initiative designed to incentivize traders by rewarding them based on their trading volume. Participation in the program is completely free, with no associated costs or fees to join.

Earning Rewards Points:Traders accumulate points by conducting trades on the ThreeTrader platform. The accumulation of points is based on the type of assets traded:

  • Forex and Bullion: 10 points per lot

  • Oil, CFDs, and Crypto: 1 point per lot

The more trades a trader executes, the more points they earn, enhancing their ability to redeem a variety of rewards.

Rewards and Redemption:Points earned through trading can be redeemed for an array of attractive rewards ranging from cashback options to popular gadgets like iPhones and the latest PlayStation 5. The rewards catalog is updated monthly, ensuring that the options remain appealing and trendy. Additionally, there is no cap on the number of points traders can accumulate, allowing dedicated traders to collect extensively based on their trading activity.

Exclusive Promotions:Members of the ThreeTrader rewards program also enjoy exclusive promotions such as special offers and lucky draws, adding an extra layer of value to their trading experience.

Rewards Program

Customer Support

ThreeTraders customer support can be reached by telephone: Local: 02 8039 9099, Intl: + 612 8039 9099, email:, or live chat. Company address: 1276, Govant Building, Kumul Highway, Port Vila, Republic of Vanuatu.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q 1: Is ThreeTrader regulated?
A 1: No. It has been verified that ThreeTrader has an offshore regulation.
Q 2: At ThreeTrader, are there any regional restrictions for traders?
A 2: Yes. Residents of the United States, Iran, and North Korea are restricted.
Q 3: Does ThreeTrader offer demo accounts?
A 3: Yes. ThreeTrader offers 30-day demo accounts.
Q 4: Does ThreeTrader offer the industry-standard MT4 & MT5?
A 4: No. Instead, ThreeTrader offers Desktop MT4, Mobile MT4, and Web Trader MT4.
Q 5: What is the minimum depositfor ThreeTrader?
A 5: The minimum initial deposit at ThreeTrader to open an account is $100.
Q 6: Is ThreeTrader a good broker for beginners?
A 6: No. ThreeTrader is not a good choice for beginners. Although it offers demo accounts on the MT4, it lacks legitimate regulation.

Risk Warning

Online trading involves significant risk, and you may lose all of your invested capital. It is not suitable for all traders or investors. Please ensure that you understand the risks involved and note that the information contained in this article is for general information purposes only.

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more than one year
Personally, I find ThreeTrader to be a straightforward and direct platform for financial services. Offering opportunities in CFDs and Margin FX Contracts, they don't mince words about the significant risks involved.
2024-05-16 11:55
I recently started using MT5, but the execution speed is fast and it's easy to use.The commission is also low.The problem is that I still can't use MT5.
2023-11-04 12:56
more than one year
A friend of mine recommended this company to me and I think it really deserves it. Its transaction costs are within reasonable limits. The amount of spreads and commissions are not very high, which I like very much.
2022-12-07 10:45


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